~e•::3•~e::::::3~EE::::::31E1::31BE1::311E1:::::::3E:::::::3jiE::31~ 1929 I Mar. I SALESMAN 1 1 OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO EVERY MERCHANT WHO WANTS TO ENLARGE m HIS BUSINESS AND INCREASE HIS PROFITS G_.. CANADA '-II POSTAGE PAID Messrs. H. Kavelman & Co., 2c. Permit Ne.81G TORONTO Ne·n Dundee. Ont. POSTMASTER-If thia Book is not delivered in ten daya, Please Return, statin1 reuon of non-delivery-We Guaran- tee Postage. SPRING GOODS at Rock Bottom Prices that the Live Dealer Cannot Afford to Miss if I he wants to get his Sh~re of of Spring Business We Sell Only By Mail FOR PRICE GUARANTEE SEE TERMS ON BACK COVER Stedman Bros., Limited (Formerly of Brantford) WHOLESALERS OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE Favorably Known Since 1907 PHONE ELGIN 3178 48 Y.ork Street -:- Toronto - 2, Canada ~E15:31E1:5:=:::M•::::::~IIC::31HE1::311EI:::::::HII::::::~··e::3tidn We Sell Only By Mail. STEDMAN'S BUYING OR SELLING? Chain Store Success is largely a matter of selling. True, they get price concessions which the smaller merchant can't get or ex­ pect, but the difference is largely taken up in overhead and head office expenses, so that after all ia said and done the main advan­ tage of the chain store over the independent store is in selling. The chain store manager doesn't have to worry about fin­ ances, expenses, bookkeeping, advertising, buying, and ,many other details which the independent merchant must look after. His sole duty is keeping his stock up and selling the goods. Naturally it is impossible -for the independent merchant to escape the responsibility for the details of his own business, but many merchants can substantially reduce the time required for looking after the above mentioned duties. Probably the greatest portion of the average retail mer­ chant's time is taken up by salesmen. Why? In most cases just because that's the way it has always been done, or because it is easier to let a salesman make up or suggest an. order. But with the facilities for doing business to-day, there is no good reason why orders must be placed in this time-taking and expensive way. Hundreds of merchants have found and are find­ ing that, by PLACING THEIR ORDERS BY MAIL, in their own convenient hours, they can save valuable time to devote to selling, and at the same time save money because they've a-ot the time to compare prices before buying. This is just one feature of to.. day'1 difficult problema of the independent merchant. Think it over ! SALESMAN These Prices Good Only Until Mal'ch 31st Page .~ TRADE BOOSTERS These are lines on which our Profits are Sacrificed in order to give you Real Specials that wiil Boost Sales. Use them at a low mark-up and your profits will eventually be larger, due to the rest of your business being increased by the use of these leaders. These Prices Good for March only. 32 ln. English Gingham Glo-Silk Gingham C155-Gio-Silk Ging­ ham, 32 inches wide, dot, check and plaid patterns, a high grade material for dresses suitable for street wear, 10 yards to piece, SO or C67-English Gingham, 32 inches wide, a high grade ma­ terial of medium weight, the assortment of patterns include the 100 yards assorted to latest in small check,s and plaids, 10 yards to piece, SO or 100 bundle. yards to bundle. Yard 12~c. Yard 22~c. I Colored Turkish T O"Wels I Linen Special Offer in Bundle Lots Glass Towels C147 - Colored Striped Turkish CZ28-Linen Glass Towels, size Towels, good quality, assorted sizes of 17 x 28 inches, a heavy quality approximately 24 in. x 38 inches, put pure linen with red or blue square check, dozen towels in up about 8 pounds to bundle contain­ package. ing 2 dozen towels. ~ .... 7.................... \ I!I:.LJ 'ill 1J Dozen $1.70 Pound 65c. f White Bleached Pure White Cotton Sheeting C42-White Bleached Cotton, extra CSI - Pure White Sheeting, good quality, 34-3S inches wide, "Prue" bleached, extra good quality "Prue'' brand, about SO yards to piece. brand, 68/69 or RN width, put up in pieces of about SO yarcls. Yd.l2c. Yd. 36c. Unbleached Inch Canadian Gingham Factory Cotton .C2-Canadian Gingham, 25 inches w1de, new patterns of small plaids C142 - Unbleached Factory Cotton, and checks, specially for Aprons 36 inches wide, extra good weight, the a!"lcl Children's Dresses, 10 yards to well-known ''Prue" brand on which p1ece, 50 or 100 yards assorted to the quality is guaranteed, about 40 bundle. yards to bundle. Yard IS!c. Yard lOc. Page 4 These Prices Good Only Until March 31st STEDMAN'S Covers Marquisette Curt~ins CZ24 - Oilcloth or With Ruffled Edge Brocade Table Covers, size 54 x 54 inches, as­ in Rose, Blue or sorted bright and dull Gold Colors finish, good patterns, eight covers of one pat­ Al89-White Marquisette tern to roll, slightly im­ Curtains, 27 inches wide, perfect and discontinued patterns, sold only in 2% yards long, single roll lots. check material with 2 inch tub-fast ruffled edge in rose, blue or gold colors, Roll tie-backs to match. $4.15 Pair 65c White Marquisette See CI84-Checked Marquisette, 36 inches Ladies' wi(lc, 1 inch square checks, C\'Cn wea\'e \vith taped edge, put up in bundles of Pages about 30 yards. Yard 9!c. 47-50 Dozen Dozen 38c. 38c. Gingham Al63-Ladies' White Lawn . Handkerchiefs, made from good quality lawn, size 11 inches square, % inch hemmed House Dresses edge, dozen in package. ASS-Women's House Dresses, made Jersey Cloth Bloome-rs from good quality Gingham, in newest patterns, trimmed fronts, long tie strings, For Women and Children medium and large sizes with two over Fine Knit Jersey Cloth, me­ size, assorted to dozen. clium weight, set in gussett elastic waist and knees, pink color only, dozen of size in package. Bll91-Children's Sizes. 20-26 ........................ Dozen $2.20 28-32 ........................ Dozen $2.30 Dz. $6.00 B 1192-Women's Sizes. 38-42 ........................ Dozen · $2.90 Special Value. Bll93-Women's Over Sizes ~ . ::::~=.:.: g::: :.~ Women's Women's Rayon Rayon Silk Underwear Silk Slips A beautiful line of fine qua­ Bl62 - Women's Rayon Silk Slips, lity Rayon Silk Underwear, made from a good weight Rayon Silk medium weight, colors are peach, pink, mau\'e, nile green, trimmed shoulder straps, lace bottom: maize, sky blue, medium or pleated to give fullness, medium sizes, large size, put up solid or as­ assorted ·colors· of white, peach, coral, sorted colors to box of 0 doz. nile, maize and orchid, ~ dozen as­ 8478---Vest, opera style. sorted to package. Doz. $4.00 B479 - Bloomers, clastic waist and knees, large gns­ Doz. sett. Doz. $6.00 $8.30 SALESMAN We Sell Only By Mail. Pare S For Women and Children UNDERWEAR These Numbers have been Carefully Selected with the sole aim to Give the Best Value for the Least Money • CHILDREN'S WHITE COTTON VESTS CHILDREN'S COTTON KNIT WAISTS Short Sleeves CHILDREN'S COTTON B1039 - Chil­ VESTS B1041-Chil­ dren's White Cot­ B1040-Chil. dren's Cotton ton Vests, made dren's White Waist, fine of very best yarn, Cotton Vests, knit, pull-over trimmed with nice 2 in 1 heavy' s h e I I stitching, r i b, 1 on g style, lace cotton draw tape, sleeves, pearl trimmed 0 sleeves, dozen button front, sleeves and of size in box. taped neck, neck, tape re­ Size 2 Doz. $1.45 sizes 1, 2 and Size 4-6 Doz. $1.70 3, dozen of size inforced, "Hy­ Size 8 Doz. $1.95 in box. geian" brand, 6 Size 10-12 Dozen $2.60 pearl buttons, Doz. $2.20 sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, INFANTS' LONG SLEEVE ALL WOOL 10, 12, dozen of Children's Cotton Vests VESTS size in pack­ age. Rayon Silk Trimmed Dozen $2.45 ;~~--- B1182-Chil­ dren's White Cotton Vests, Children's made from fine quality cotton yarn, flat knit, Cotton Waists tubular straps, Spring and Summer Weight with rayon silk trim, mercer­ ).Jade from heavy weight white cot­ ized draw ton, reinforced strips, taped tube for string, V neck, hose supporters, buttoned back, -bound no s I e eves edges, double buttoned, solid or assort­ size 20 to 34 B2972-lnfants' All Wool Cream Vests, ed sizes to dozen. or 2 to 12 yrs., dozen of size buttoned front, long sleeves, "Hygiean" Al006-Sizes 2 to 6 years. A1007-Sizes 8 to 12 years. in box. brand, fine rib, good weight, merecerized trimming at neck and front, sizes 1, 2 and 3, Dozen $3.10 0 dozen of size in box. .................. Dozen $6.10 WOMEN'S COTTON VESTS B 1184-Women's WOMEN'S WHITE COTTON VESTS Women's Cotton Vests White Cotton V e s t s, medium Bll8S- Wo­ weight fine cotton men's White B1104- W~'­ yarn, fine knit, V Cotton Vests, men's White neck, no sleeves, made from Cotton Vests, I i g h t weight made from lace trimmed, tape g o o d quality draw-string, sizes cotton yarn, yarn, rib knit, 36-38, dozen of ribbed k n i t, V neck, lace size in package. round n e c k, Dozen $1.75 trimmed, short tr~med, no sleeves, tape BliSS - Wo­ sleeves, tape d r a w string, men's White Cot­ d r a \V string, size 38 only, ton V es.ts, over dozen of size dozen in box.
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