-~ .._, ___ _,... ' ' l• -*· - - ' P u~ L\ GA--tt C)M NO. LateefO. Amusa., AbelL. Toriola & Ignatius U. Onyewadume Phys ical Education and Sport in Africa I Bi bli og raphy PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1. Physical Education - His to ry i 2. Physical Education- Teaching 3. Physical Education- Issues and ! ' 4. Adapted Ph ysi cal Education 5. Games and Sports SPORT in AFRICA I 6. Anth ropometry/Kinanthropometry I 7. Biokinetics and Motor Learning Edited by I ISBN 978-3 2467-5-5 Loteef 0. Amuso, D.P.E. Development Edi tor: March L. Krotee University of Botswana Production Editor: Martin M. Mokgwathi Gaborone, Botswana Text Layout: I.U . Onyewadume Co ver Design: lise Roelofse Abell. Toriolo, Ph.D. University of the North ISBN 978-32467-5-5 Sovenga, South Africa Copyright © 1999 by Late ef 0 . Am usa , Abel L. Toriola & Ignatius U. Onyewadume Ignatius U. Onyewodume, Ph.D. Al l rights reserved . Except for use in a rev iew, the reproduction or University of Botswana util isation of this work in any form or by any ele ctronic , mechanical, or Gaborone, Botswana other mean s, now known or thereafter in vented , including xerography. photo-copying, and recording, and in any information storage and ret rieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher. Printed by the Uni,•ersity of Stel lenbosch Printers, Stcllenbosch. South Africa. Di st ributor: Soccer ReOecti on Company. P. 0 . Box 277 , Lobatse , Botswana Tel: (267) 330485; Fax : (267) 332793 LAP Publicat ions Ltd lbadan, Nigeria LAP Pub lications Limited U.l. P. 0 Box 19426 lbadan. Nigeria ,. CONTENTS I CONTENTS I 61 5.4 Ivlkpok Eta 63 5.5 Nsa lkpe or !sip !song 66 5.6 "Oyo" 68 5.7 Ekak 70 Contents 5.8 lkara 70 Uduho- Traditional Wrestling 71 5.9 74 Contribu tors ix 5.10 Nyot 5.11 Isip 75 Summary 75 Forew ord xiii References 77 Preface X\' Traditional Games in Africa: East and Central Africa 6. Mmmgi P. Jl'cmdai Acknowledgemen ts xvii 77 Introduction 77 6.1 Play. Games and Dances in Traditional Culture 78 1. Hi storical l'erspcc tii'CS of Physical Education and Sports in Southern i 6.2 Warfare Skills Rdatcd Games 79 Africa I 6.3 Non· Warfa re Skills Related Games 81 Floris .J.0. 1·un der Me 1we 6.4 Traditional Dances 82 Sumn1al)' 82 Introduction References I . I Physical Educati on in South~rn Africa I 85 1. 2 Traditional Games F.ducational Dance in a Physical Education Curriculum 1.3 School Curriculum 5 7. 1.4 Sport in Southern Africa 9 Edith II. J.:at:ene llenhogcn i 85 I Summary 14 87 15 Introduction I Ref~r~nce s 89 I 7. I Physical Educati on I 7.2 Educational Dance 89 2. Physical Education in Egypt from Past to Present to Future 21 7.3 Creat ive Dance 105 112 Nuhiluh ..Jh111ed ..Jhclelmhlllil/1 7.4 Social Dance I 7.5 Rhythmic Movement with/without Hand-Apparatus 113 lntrodu dion 21 Summa!)' II 5 21 2. I Anci~n t Eg~ pt Re ferences 2.2 Islamic l'~riod 17 \ 28 \21 2.3 Ad1 · anc~me111s in the Faculty of Phys ical EJucatiun 8. Sport Pedagogy in Botsw ana I 2.4 OhjL-ctii'CS ll t' Ph ysi cal Education at the time or the establishment of the Institute of Physical Education in Egypt 29 Martin M. Mokgwuthi I 2.5 Regulatitlns ,,f the Physical Educa ti on Facu lties 31 121 2.6 Br ie r Desc ription of Physical Education in Primary Schools 32 In troduction 121 8. I Economic Development in Bo tswana 122 Summary 33 8.2 The Education System in Botswana 124 References 33 8.3 Sport Pedagogy: Mea ni ng and Scope iii ___.... __J L._. __ -.--.-.-.: ···--...,.--; ....__.-.-.A ·L ___ _ L_. "----;:.. ... - L-~- L .. -- CONTEi'\TS CONTENTS 172 8.4 The Status of Physical Education in Botswana 125 11.3 The South African Association for Biokinetics 173 8.5 Research in Physical Education and Sport 133 11.4 The Scope of Biokinetics 178 8.6 Sport at the Tertiary Institutions 13-l 11.5 Training in Biokinetics 178 8.7 The Status of Sport and Community Recreation 134 11.6 Some Future Perspectil'eS 179 Summary 136 Summary 179 References 137 References 141 12. The Use and Interpretation of Anthropometry in Physica l Education 9. Perspect ives of Adapted Physical Educa tion in Africa and Sports Science 183 I. U. Onye11·adume K. D. .\fonyeki Introduction 141 9.1 Adapted Phys ical Education :Variations in Nomenclatures 142 Introduction 183 183 9.2 Historical Perspective of Adapt~d Physical Educa ti on 143 12 .1 Anth ropometric M~asuremcnt Error 9.3 The Impac t of Lit igation and Legislation 14 5 12 .2 Use of An thropometry in Nu tritio n 18 5 14 6 187 9.4 An Emerging Terminology 12.3 Use of Anth r opom~ tr y in Hea lth Evaluation 9.5 The Scope of Adapted Physical Education 14 7 12.4 Use of Anthropomet ry in Sports Science 188 9.6 World-wide Trends in Adapted Physical Education 14 8 Sumnwry 189 9. 7 Problems Facing Adapted Physical Education in Africa !51 !52 190 9.& Future Directions of Adapted Physical Lducation R~fercnccs. 9.9 Adapted Physical Education Program m~s in African Schools !54 13. Motor Learning in Human Monment Science and Sport- Challenges Summary 155 from a Practical :111d Resea rch point of \"i cw 195 References 155 Anita PieJww· 1.0. Adapted Physical Education and Sports in West Africa 157 In troduction 195 197 M.A. SIIU/"(/1/ 13. 1 Ph ases of Motor Dewl opm ~nt :203 13 .2 Sport Relat~d ~ 1<1\"emcnt Pha se Introduction !57 13 .3 Classi licati on of Phys ical and Motor ,\bilitics 206 !57 20'l I 0.1 Brie f Hi story of Adapted Physical Lducation in West Africa 13.4 Growth and Ph, s ic~! t\ctivity 159 21-l I 0.~ Values of Adapted Physical ~:Jucation 13.5 The Use of Apparatus 216 I 0.3 Adapt~d !'hysical Acti,·ity in West Africa 161 13.6 Jndividu~l Differences in Motor Proficiency 10.4 Values of Competitive Sport to Disabled Athletes 163 Summary 227 163 Summary References 2:28 References 164 J.t. Kinanthropomctry in Exercise and Sport 235 I. t\ I Biokinetics- l'r o fc s .~ional Health Discipline from Physical J. Han.1· de Ridder ~pcctive 167 Education: A Broad Pcr . Gat Strydum Int roduction 235 14.1 Kinanthropometry "An Emerging Scientific Specialisation" 235 167 lntl\'duction 14 .2 Anthropometry Equipment 237 11 .1 Ph ysical l:ducation in South Africa 170 14.3 The Anthropometric Profile 239 11.2 Negotiations wi th the South African Med ical and Dc·ntal Council 17 1 14.4 Anatomical Landmarks 2.. 4 II" v CONTENTS CONTENTS 297 Summa!)· Skin folds 248 14.5 298 14 .6 Girths 252 References 14 .7 Bre adths 254 14 .8 Data Management 257 Caree r Guidance in Phys ical Educa tio n and Spo rt in Africa: / 18. 14 .9 Somatotyping 258 The Path way to the New Mill enni um 301 14 .10 Sad and Sam's 261 A111os A. A lao and March L. Krotee References 262 Introduction 30 I 15. ' h:eep Poli ti cs and Wome n ou t of Sport ': A Sociologica l Enquiry into 18 .1 The Na tu re of Guidance 30 I South African Sport 265 18 .2 The Natu re and Meaning of Career and Career Gui dance 302 18 .3 The Nature and Scope of Phys ical Education and Sport in Africa in Cora Burnell general and Botswana in particular 303 18.4 Career Guidance in Physical Educ ation and Sport 305 265 Int roduct ion 18 .5 Career Opportunities in Physical Education and Sport 311 .1 Socio logical Enquiry into Sport and Society 265 15 18.6 Job Search Strategies 314 15.2 Sociological Enquiry 266 15 .3 Politics and Sport 267 Summary 315 15.4 Gender and Sport 271 References 316 Summary 274 19. Gender Dis parit ies in Part ici pation in Spo rts in Afri ca: Case of t:..: enya 319 References 275 Paul P. IV. A chula and W II'.S. Njorvwi 16. Fac tors Mi litating against the Effective Pa rtici patio n of Girls and Women in Sports in Bo tswa na 279 Introduction 319 \ 19.1 The Fem ale Problem in Sport 320 :\fie/we/ Bomidele Adeyemi 19.2 The Theoretical Framework 321 19.3 The Status of Women in Sports in Keny3 3~4 Introduction 279 16.1 Brief Literature Re view 279 Summary 330 16 .2 Method 28 1 References 330 16 .3 Res ul ts 281 16.4 Implications of th e Findings on Girls and Women Sports 285 20. Pros pec ts and Chall enges in Physical Education in Sport in Afri ca I 333 Summary 286 during th e 21st Ce ntury References 286 Lutee(O. Anwsa 333 17. Leis ure St udies, Physica l Educa ti on, and Rec rea tion : Prop ri ety and Introduction 3JJ" place in Africa 2000 and Beyond 289 20.1 Histori cal Deve lopment of Physical Education and Sport in Africa 335 20.2 Curre nt Prac tices in Ph ysical Education and Sport Donlon 337 Jon C. 20.3 Problem s Facing Physical Education in Africa 339 20.4 Way Forward Introd uction 289 20.5 Challenges in the Manage ment of Afri ca Spon in the 21st Century 341 17.1 Terminologies 289 346 20.6 Role of Governme nts in Sport 17.2 Hi storic al Co ntext 292 I 17 .-, Integra ti ng Lei sure.
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