. B . financial; xtmtk HUNT'S MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE. RKPRE3ENTIN0 THE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL INTERESTS OF THE UNITED STATES VOL. 52. SATURDAY. JANUARY 81, 1891. NO. 1,386. exhibit an important decrease from the previous week, and in 3i*hc OTItrauide. consequence exchanges are appreciably less. Altogether the loss from the preceudtng week reaches $183,663,501. Instituting comparison with the corresponding period of Terms of Subscription—Payable in Adrance: last year, we iind that there is a decline of 5-8 per cent in the For One Year (inoludlne postage) $10 20 aggregate, the total outside of New York recording a gain of For Six Montha do. 6 10 07 per cent. The decrease at New York, however, is due to .Siilisrription (iiiclmUnc postaKe) 11 50 Elirot>i'an the lesser transactions this year at the Stock Exchange, for Eiiropian Siili-icnptlon Six ^Iolltll^' (iiidiuUnK postage). 6 75 after making due allowance therefor in Annual Suli.scripliou lu Lomloii (includiiiR postage) £'.! 8s. each year a slight Six Mos. do. do. do. £1 9s. gain this year is disclosed. Most prominent in percentage of increase this week are Portland, Ore., 65-8 These prices Include the Investors' Supplk.ment, of 150 paires. percent; Sioux luued once In two iuontb.s, and furnished without extra charge to City. 51-3; Los Angeles, 50-4: New Bedford, 49-9; Tacoma, 48-8; •Dbgcrllicrs of the (Jhuonicle. Peoria. 43-3; Chattanooga, 42-0, and Minneapolis, 40'9 percentt A tile cover is furnished nt 50 cents; postage on the same Is 18 MntS. Volumes bound for 8u;.scril)ers at $1 00. / We«* Bndint January 24, WuH JBnd'g Jan. Bubacriptions will be continued uatildctlnitoly ordered stopped. The 17. responsible for remittances unless by drafts pnbUshers cannot be made 1891. / IStiO. P. Cent. P. Cent. or Post Office money orders. 621.779,419 689,551,612 New York 782,468,902 -i-7-4 Terms of Adrertiginsr. Sal«» 0/— lautcla thara.) (894.5391 (1,838,531) (-33 Advertlsemeiuts ordered for less than one month, In the Cojimercial 2) (1,924,676) (-I-61SV (Cotton ijolej.) (501,400) (1,163,200) (-58-5i (479,200) (-310) _* FiSAKCiAL CiiRosicLE, are published at 25 cents per line each Inser- (Grain Jmihels.) (16,EH«,325) (27.157,925) (-39-9) (20,738,9871 (-13-8) 'tlon. When orders are deflnitel.v given for one month or longer, a lib- (P»tn)l«um bbii.'' (1,376,000) (5,536,000) (-751) (596,000) (-82^) eral discount is allowed, and the <«( pricen may l>e obtained on applica- the oHice. lowest rates cards definitely or- llOStOD 88.317,316 93.419,236 -5-6 103.371,018 +2'9 tion at The on permanent -6-5 dered for one year are 8 cents per line each insertion, making $58 for Providence.... 6.450,600 6.830,600 6.479,400 -1-14-7 llnrtford 1.8t>8.0e2 2.037,670 -6-8 8,590,452 one Inch space one year, Space is measured In agate type—14 lines to -f8-4 New Uaven... 1,436.000 1,385.228 -f7-5 1.482.529 -t-8-rt tbe Inch. Springfield.... 1,193,509 1,293,692 -7-7 1.420.156 -2-8 Worcester 1, 189.823 1.14^,659 -I-3-6 1.237,5l-9 -t-10^ London Asents i Portland l,133,Hlli 1,087,674 -)-4-2 1,224.476 -)-2-8 Lowell 877,838 702.709 -t-24-9 837,301 -f-28-8 Messrs. Edwards & Smith, 1 Drapers' Gardens, E. C, will take sub New Bedford., 532,477 355,728 -(-49-9 656,410 -I-S7-8 eriptions and advertisements and supply single copies of the paper at Is. each. Total New England.., 102,«29,232 107,211,094 -4-8 119306331 TPII.I.IAHI WTTtiAM H n.vA < B. BAN A & Co., PublUhers, Philadelphia 6«.B17,078 76.075.566 —12-0 73,043.1,2 -O-Ol William Street, -13-6 tornmm. a.o FLOYD.FTovn i 10* NEW YOKK. Pittsburg 13,902.812 16.067,900 12,8«8,.'i32 -15-9 ^ p^g.j Office Box 958 Baltimore 13,719.175 14.110.110 -30 16,46;i.787 -0-8 Baffslo 7,47»,718 6.289.627 -1-20-1 7,673.'; 00 +28-4 Washington 1.677,235 1,325,318 -fib 8 2.li22,4,'*4 4-44-8 Wilmington, Del.. 923,782 901,142 4-2-6 8i8,u7ll -e-8 Syraonse 857,068 762,963 -I-18-4 838,485 -l-U'8 CLEARING HOUSE RETURNS. Rochester* 1,3^7,203 1.349,812 The following table, made up by telegraph, etc., indicates Total Middle.. 105,377,288 115,502,51't -88 112.781,7111 -0-1 that the total bank clearings of all the clearing hotises of the Chicago , 78,131,693 62.685,792 -I-21-6 79,657,908' -H7-5 Cincinnati 12,790,650 12,355,900 -es-5 14,192,6501 -t-ia-7 United States for the week ending to-day, January 31, have Milwaukee.... 6.141.4<)6 5,820,412 -Ht-S 6.115,2tHl -)-ll-9 Detroit 5,0b0,00« 4.740.988 -I-6-7 6,»45.5m4 -1-111 been $1,018,.5 10,893, against $1,051,598,419 last week and Clereland 5,458.590 4,956,880 +10-C 5.:«4.«10 -i-5-4 2,919,500 2,5b9,100 -(-12-3 3.205.300 Columbus , -e-» $1,176,381,247 the corresponding week last year. Indianapolis... 1,833,02« 2,09^1,853 —124 2,1S2,6;5 -14-0 Peoria 1,906,838 l,.il40,2»o -1-42-2 1,966,278 -HW7 Grand Raplda. -i05,87B 672,318 -1-4-9 1,204.799 -1-ee-s CUtARIHGB. Wetlt Ending January 31. Total Middle Western 112.941,449 9T,045,518 -fl6-4 119,155,874 -fie-o 1891. 1890. aan Francisco..., 13,679.907 10,392,964 -I-S1-* 17,095.687 -I-17-1 1-66-8 K«w York «486,1 39,383 $604,101,103 -19.5 Portland 1,938,M^1 1,169,482 2,003,463 -I-44-1 1.1)51,771 ?62,551 1,024,083 Seattle , -l-:)7-9 +IT» B«Mon 89,049,198 79,320,229 -128 948,150 638,416 -1-48-3 827,9«» Tacoma , t88^» PhUadelphla 49,654,635 56,942,937 -128 Los Angeles 698,652 461,3U3 -h50-4 671.348 1,940,788 2,012,987 Baltimore 11.636,355 12.097,411 -38 Salt Lake City*., OUokiro 60.778,000 52,17<),309 -(-16-6 Total PaclHc, 18,315,801 18,427,798 -t-88-S 21.682.410 H-90-t Bt.Loms 16,264.464 It!, 794,704 -82 Kansas City... 7,581354 8,576,878 -13-8 •wOrleana 12,868,993 10,483,276 -f-22-8 Minneapolis... 5,445,529 3,>!66,813 -(•40-9 8,900.338 3,855,735 St. Paiil. , a«Ten oltlee, 5 days $706,3dl,228 -151 3,819,926 4,|>.>Q,714 -6 8 $831,916,988 Omaha : -18 OtlMr olUes, Bdays 130,818,919 116,116,397 +13 6 Denver 4,047,871 4,776,283 2 Dalnth 1,791,087 1,816,735 -1-4 1,567315 1,330.649 Total all ctues, 6 daya.. «837, 198,177 $947,032,365 -11. St. Joseph.... -t-171 SlooxClty 1,117,695 739,014 -H61-2 AUoltle^ 1 day 181,312,716 229,348,882 -20-D Des Moines... 646,770 688.S&8 -6-2 Wichita 686,110 727,547 -19-5 Total all cities tor week. tl,018,&10,&93 $1,176,381,247 Lincoln 487J296 545,181 -21-6 Topeka. 889.984 806,678 -I-87-1 The full details of clearings for the week covered by the Total Other Western. 31,859,778 31,283,585 -0-1 above statement will be given next Saturday. We cannot, of 81.417.932 2 1, 456.626 -0-01 8t. Loals [ oouise, furnish them to-day, bank clearings being made up by New Orleans... ie,l68,<i7« 17,64S,U38' -8-4 —17-2 the various clearing houses LouisTlUe 6,l»>.55" 8.409,993, at noon on Saturday, and hence in Memphis..., ... 3.608. IS I 3,632.233: »81l the above Richmond 2,038,781: 1,911.4« -1-6-6 the last twenty-four hours' of the week have to be (lalTeston 2,942,-14 1.P48.182 -|-69'2 in all cases estimated, Nashville 2,071,632 2.082.H9S -fO-4 as we go to press Friday night. Below Oullas 1,01-8.? 44 1.122.021 -2-6 Fort Worth.... 908.407 1.528,687 -40-7 are our usual detailed figures for is the previous week, that Norfolk 1,0114,713 984,799 -1-9 6 584,000 S76.00U +*SfO covering the returns for the period Chattanooga. ending with Saturday Birmingham... 862,177 9513B7 —81-4 noon January 34, with the comparative totals in 1890. Lexington 443,0-18 478,886 —T» Houston* 9,000,4 Ik Concurrent with a considerable reduction in the volume of Total 69.MS.0e2 «a,2S9,871 -3-8 speculative transactions on the New York Stock Exchange Bonthara... 1,061,596,419 -6-8 there has i)een a heavy falling off in the bank clearings, the Total all , U18,27?392 decline during the week under review exceeding one hundred ontsitie New Fork.
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