18738 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 154, Pt. 14 September 15, 2008 with counterterrorism in a way that no Whereas Isaac Hayes greatly influenced Foundation, to schools in Memphis, Nash- other agency can. Working hand-in- contemporary music, and his style still re- ville, and Washington, DC for the purpose of hand with overseas entities who have sounds in the music of today; improving the musical education programs the charge for that, they make it their Whereas Isaac Hayes was born on August of those schools and for the purchase of mu- 20, 1942, in Covington, Tennessee, and, or- sical instruments; business to ensure that that foreign phaned in infancy, was raised by his mater- Whereas the State of Tennessee issued a terrorism doesn’t become an American nal grandparents; proclamation on August 18, 2008, honoring tragedy. Whereas Isaac Hayes spent his childhood Isaac Hayes and his contribution to the No other group is so prepared to rec- and formative years in Memphis, Tennessee, State of Tennessee and the entire Nation; ognize the needs of America and the years that shaped his future success as a Whereas Isaac Hayes was a loving father of civil rights of America. The FBI has songwriter, singer, and actor, working in 12 children, 14 grandchildren, and 3 great been a critical tool for President after cotton fields while going to school, and even grandchildren; and shining shoes on the famous Beale Street; President to enforce our civil rights Whereas, with the passing of Isaac Hayes Whereas Isaac Hayes graduated from Ma- on August 10, 2008, at his Memphis, Ten- laws often against the powerful, even nassas High School in Memphis in 1962 at the nessee home, the Nation has lost a talented against governors and other elected of- age of 21, having returned to school after and influential humanitarian, actor, artist, ficials who chose not to recognize the dropping out; radio show host, and singer-songwriter: Now, importance of the U.S. Constitution. Whereas Isaac Hayes began singing at the therefore, be it The FBI has never been a partisan or- age of 5 at his local church and soon after Resolved, That the House of Representa- ganization and has, in fact, served each taught himself to play the piano, electronic tives— organ, flute, and saxophone; (1) honors the life of Isaac Hayes; and every administration in a way that Whereas Isaac Hayes began playing in local we today commemorate and appreciate (2) recognizes Isaac Hayes for his invalu- bands, and at age 21 worked as a backup mu- able contributions to American culture; so much. sician for Stax Records, for which he eventu- (3) recommits itself to ensuring that art- Once again, Mr. Speaker, for the first ally became a noted music producer and in- ists such as Isaac Hayes receive fair protec- 90-plus years, the FBI was important. house songwriter; tion under the copyright laws for their cre- After September 11, 2001, the FBI’s ex- Whereas Isaac Hayes became a prolific ative endeavors; and panded role is vital. songwriter who, in partnership with his Stax (4) extends condolences to his family on With that, I urge the passage of this Records songwriting and production partner, the death of this talented and beloved man. David Porter, wrote many classic hits for bill. other artists, including ‘‘Hold On, I’m The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- I yield back the balance of my time. Comin’ ’’, ‘‘B-A-B-Y’’, and ‘‘Soul Man’’; ant to the rule, the gentleman from Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, Whereas the partnership of Isaac Hayes Virginia (Mr. SCOTT) and the gen- I yield back the balance of my time. and David Porter composed some 200 songs; tleman from California (Mr. ISSA) each The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Whereas Isaac Hayes created the will control 20 minutes. question is on the motion offered by groundbreaking musical score and theme The Chair recognizes the gentleman the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. song for the movie ‘‘Shaft’’; from Virginia. Whereas Isaac Hayes was the recipient of SCOTT) that the House suspend the an Academy Award, a Golden Globe, the Edi- GENERAL LEAVE rules and agree to the concurrent reso- son Award, the NAACP Image Award, and Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, lution, H. Con. Res. 410. two Grammy Awards; I ask unanimous consent that all Mem- The question was taken. Whereas Isaac Hayes was inducted into the bers have 5 legislative days to revise The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2002; and extend their remarks and include opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being Whereas Isaac Hayes, a BMI songwriter, re- extraneous material on the resolution in the affirmative, the ayes have it. ceived 5 BMI R&B Awards, 2 BMI Pop under consideration. Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I object to Awards, and 2 BMI Urban Awards, and was honored as a BMI Icon in 2003; The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there the vote on the ground that a quorum Whereas Isaac Hayes was inducted into the objection to the request of the gen- is not present and make the point of Songwriters Hall of Fame on June 9, 2005; tleman from Virginia? order that a quorum is not present. Whereas Isaac Hayes generated more than There was no objection. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- 12 million performances from his songs Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the throughout his life; I yield myself such time as I may con- Chair’s prior announcement, further Whereas Isaac Hayes was instrumental in sume. proceedings on this motion will be staging the 1972 Wattstax concert performed Mr. Speaker, today we honor the life at the Los Angeles Coliseum in the summer postponed. of 1972, an event that was a great source of and musical legacy of Isaac Hayes, a The point of no quorum is considered pride for the African-American Los Angeles passionate humanitarian, whose pro- withdrawn. community of Watts and that focused world- lific songwriting and distinctive bari- f wide attention on issues of social and eco- tone were loved across generations and nomic justice for that beleaguered commu- around the world. b 1730 nity, while also highlighting the great Mem- He overcame humble beginnings and HONORING THE LIFE AND MUSIC phis Stax sound; personal obstacles to make excellent OF THE LATE ISAAC HAYES Whereas Isaac Hayes was a television and contributions in many endeavors. He film actor, appearing in countless television Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, shows and three dozen movies, including was a true Renaissance man, an ex- I move to suspend the rules and agree roles in ‘‘The A-Team’’, ‘‘The Fresh Prince of traordinary singer, songwriter and to the resolution (H. Res. 1425) hon- Bel Air’’, ‘‘Girlfriends’’, and ‘‘Miami Vice’’; music producer who also achieved suc- oring the life and music of the late Whereas Isaac Hayes started the Isaac cess as a pianist, saxophone player, Isaac Hayes, a passionate humani- Hayes Foundation, whose mission is to glob- cookbook author, radio show host, and ally promote literacy, music education, nu- tarian, whose music laid the founda- television and motion picture actor. tritional education, and innovative programs Born in Covington, Tennessee, trag- tion for many musical styles, including to raise self-esteem among the underprivi- R&B, disco, and rap. leged; ically orphaned as an infant, and raised The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Whereas Isaac Hayes was strongly devoted by his maternal grandparents, Isaac tion. to promoting literacy through the world and Hayes came to know the pleasures of The text of the resolution is as fol- was named the international spokesman for country life but also the hardships of lows: the Applied Scholastics’ World Literacy Cru- rural poverty. sade; Shortly after his family moved to H. RES. 1425 Whereas Isaac Hayes, through his Isaac Memphis for the greater opportunities Whereas Isaac Hayes was a true renais- Hayes Foundation, built an 8,000 square foot in the ‘‘big city,’’ his grandfather sance man who achieved success in vocal per- educational facility in Ghana, West Africa, formances, songwriting, humanitarian work, and was a strong advocate for the education passed away. To help his family sur- and television and motion picture endeavors, and well-being of the children of Ghana; vive, Isaac Hayes worked in cotton and as a radio show host, pianist, saxophone Whereas Isaac Hayes donated thousands of fields, cut lawns, and cleaned bricks at player, restaurateur, and cookbook author; dollars, through grants from his Isaac Hayes two cents apiece, all while going to VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:59 Apr 06, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0687 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\H15SE8.001 H15SE8 WReier-Aviles on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with BOUND RECORD September 15, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 154, Pt. 14 18739 school. He even shined shoes on Mem- He was an excellent advocate for his the Memphis sound that he had helped phis’ famous Beale Street. fellow songwriters and vocal artists. He to give birth to and the different Despite experiencing rural, and then was humble, well-spoken, and pas- genres that had been spawned by that, urban, poverty, he found ways to bring sionate about protecting creative and I know that all of Tennessee today music into a central role in his life. At works, not just for the benefit of art- is fiercely proud of Isaac and his work. the age of five, he began singing in his ists, but also for the benefit of our na- Isaac was more than a great musi- local church and before long had also tional economy.
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