Searches for Supersymmetry PoS(EPS-HEP 2013)161 Oliver Buchmueller∗ Imperial College London E-mail: [email protected] on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations Since its first physics operation in 2010, the Large Hadron Collider at CERN has set a precedent in searches for supersymmetry. This proceeding report provides a brief overview on the current status of searches for supersymmetry at the LHC. The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics -EPS-HEP2013 18-24 July 2013 Stockholm, Sweden ∗Speaker. c Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Licence. http://pos.sissa.it/ Searches for Supersymmetry Oliver Buchmueller MSUGRA/CMSSM: tan() = 30, A = -2m0, µ > 0 Status: SUSY 2013 1000 0 SUSY 95% CL limits. theory not included. LSP [GeV] ATLAS Preliminary Expected 0-lepton, 2-6 jets h (122 GeV) 1/2 900 -1 Observed ATLAS-CONF-2013-047 L dt = 20.1 - 20.7 fb , s = 8 TeV m Expected 0-lepton, 7-10 jets Observed arXiv: 1308.1841 Expected 0-1 lepton, 3 b-jets 800 Observed ATLAS-CONF-2013-061 Expected 1-lepton + jets + MET Observed ATLAS-CONF-2013-062 h (124 GeV) Expected 1-2 taus + jets + MET 700 Observed ATLAS-CONF-2013-026 h (126 GeV) Expected 2-SS-leptons, 0 - 3 b-jets PoS(EPS-HEP 2013)161 Observed ATLAS-CONF-2013-007 600 ~g (1400 GeV) 500 ~g (1000 GeV) ~ 400 q ~ q (2000 GeV) (1600 GeV) 300 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 m0 [GeV] Figure 1: 95% C.L. limits for different ATLAS searches defined in the CMSSM 1. Introduction The landscape of searches for Supersymmetry (SUSY) has changed dramatically since the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN began physics operation in 2010. By the end of 2011 the 1 experiments CMS [1] and ATLAS [2] had collected about 5 fb− of integrated luminosity each at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV. In 2012 the LHC operated at a center-of-mass energy of 8 TeV 1 and each experiment collected approximately 20 fb− of data at this energy. In this proceeding report I will focus on the status of searches for SUSY at the LHC. A more detailed and comprehensive overview is provided in the September 2013 update of the experimental review for SUSY searches in the PDG [3]. For more details on LEP and Tevatron results see also earlier PDG reviews [4]. 2. Summary of R-parity conserving searches If the multiplicative quantum number of R-parity, R = ( 1)3(B L)+2S, where B and L are − − baryon and lepton numbers and S is the spin, is conserved the lightest SUSY particle (LSP) is stable and often assumed to be a weakly interacting massive particle. The LSP escapes undetected through the experiment, leading to final states with several hadronic jets, large missing transverse energy, and possible leptons and photons in the final state. 2 Searches for Supersymmetry Oliver Buchmueller m LSP! Direct squark! Gluino mediated ! [GeV]! m = m SUSY q˜ mSUSY = mg˜ 0 CMS-PAS-SUS-12-028! 0 q˜ qχ 1000! 1 g˜! qq¯χ1 ! 0 ! u˜ uχ CMS-PAS-SUS-12-028! t ATLAS-CONF-2013-047 ! L ! 1 ˜ 0 <m ¯ 0 Buchmüller b bχ1 ATLAS-CONF-2013-053 ! !g˜ bbχ1 ! 0 CMS-PAS-SUS-12-024! ! ˜ ATLAS-CONF-2013-037 ! LSP t tχ1 m ! g˜ tt¯χ0 750! Direct stop in “gap”! − ! 1 ! ATLAS-CONF-2013-061! ! mSUSY = mt˜ ! SUSY ˜ 0 ATLAS-CONF-2013-068! m t cχ1 ! PoS(EPS-HEP 2013)161 mt ! 0 CMS-PAS-SUS! < 2! t˜ Wbχ mLSP ! 1 -13-011! Direct slepton! m!SUSY − 500! W ! EPS 2013 Direct SUSY Searches, O. O. SUSY Searches, EPS 2013 Direct ˜ 0 l l±χ <m L ! 1 0 t ± LSP Direct χ ! 1 /χ2 BR=100%! ATLAS-CONF-! m <m 0 mSUSY = mχ± = mχ 2013-049! 1 2 all limits are ! b − 0 m LSP 0 observed nominal ! ˜l l±χ χ±χ (light ˜l) R 1 m 1 2 95% CLs limits! ! ˜t− 0 m ˜t− χ±χ (heavy ˜l) RP conserved ! 250! m 1 2 CMS-PAS-SUS-13-006! mSUSY! [GeV]! 0! 0! 250! 500! 750! 1000! 1250! 1500! 37 Figure 2: Illustrative summary plot for the most important simplified model limits. ATLAS and CMS have performed many searches looking for R-parity conserving SUSY sig- natures. Figure 1 shows limits in the framework of the CMSSM, assuming tanb = 30, A0 = 2m0, − and m > 0, for several ATLAS searches. In this constrained SUSY model gluino masses below 1.3 TeV are excluded for all squark masses, while for equal gluino and squark masses, the limit is ≈ around 1.7 TeV. Furthermore, squark masses below 1.6 TeV are excluded for all gluino masses. The CMS collaboration has not yet provided an interpretation of their 8 TeV searches in the CMSSM but the performance is expected to be very similar. Another important interpretation approach, even less dependent on fundamental assumptions, is the characterisation of the searches in terms of simplified models. Such models assume a limited set of SUSY particle production and decay modes and leave open the possibility to vary masses and other parameters freely. Today, ATLAS and CMS have adopted simplified models as the primary framework to provide interpretations of their searches. Figure 2 shows an illustrative overview of limits for the most important simplified models that are considered. For gluino masses rather similar limits, ranging from 1.2 TeV to 1.4 TeV, are obtained from different model assumptions. This shows that the LHC is probing a large region in SUSY parameter space for direct gluino production at the 1 TeV scale and beyond. Limits defined in simplified models on squark mass are not only much weaker but also vary strongly depending on the assumed properties of the decay chain. As shown in Figure 2, lim- its on direct squark production only go up 800 GeV under the assumption of an eightfold mass- 3 Searches for Supersymmetry Oliver Buchmueller Summary of CMS RPV SUSY Results* EPSHEP 2013 ~ g → qllν λ 122 SUS-12-027 L=9.2 /fb ~ g → qllν λ SUS-12-027 L=9.2 /fb ~ 123 g → qllν λ 233 SUS-12-027 L=9.2 /fb g~ → qbtµ λ' 231 SUS-12-027 L=9.2 /fb Prompt LSP decays g~ → qbtµ λ' 233 SUS-12-027 L=9.2 /fb ~ → λ g qqb '' EXO-12-049 L=19.5 /fb ~ 113/223 g → qqq λ'' EXO-12-049 L=19.5 /fb ~ 112 g → tbs λ'' SUS-13-013 L=19.5 /fb ~ 323 g → qqqq λ'' 112 SUS-12-027 L=9.2 /fb ~ PoS(EPS-HEP 2013)161 q → qllν λ 122 SUS-12-027 L=9.2 /fb ~ q → qllν λ SUS-12-027 L=9.2 /fb ~ 123 q → qllν λ 233 SUS-12-027 L=9.2 /fb q~ → qbtµ λ' 231 SUS-12-027 L=9.2 /fb ~ → µ λ q qbt ' SUS-12-027 L=9.2 /fb ~ 233 q → qqqq λ'' R 112 SUS-12-027 L=9.2 /fb ~ → µ ν λ tR e t SUS-13-003 L=19.5 9.2 /fb ~ 122 t → µτνt λ SUS-12-027 L=9.2 /fb s = 7 TeV ~R 123 t → µτνt λ SUS-13-003 L=19.5 9.2 /fb s = 8 TeV ~R 233 t → tbtµ λ' SUS-13-003 L=19.5 /fb R ~ 233 CMS Preliminary t → bτ λ' 333 EXO-12-002 L=4.8 /fb 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 *Observed limits, theory uncertainties not included Only a selection of available mass limits Mass scales [GeV] Probe *up to* the quoted mass limit Figure 3: Summary plot for R-parity violating CMS searches. The corresponding ATLAS results are similar. degeneracy for first and second generation squarks. If, however, only a single squark is assumed to be light, this limit weakens to only 450 GeV for the best possible scenario of very light neutrali- ≈ nos. For the production of single bottom squarks the best limit improves to around 650 GeV due to better control of the SM background via the identification of b quarks in the final state. For top squarks the situation is even more complex because of the many different decay chains that must be considered. While in the best case limits of up to 700 GeV are possible, there are also regions in SUSY parameter space where even for light neutralinos top squarks above a few hundred GeV cannot be ruled out by the LHC searches. Pair production of chargino, neutralinos, and sleptons at the LHC, for masses of several hun- dreds of GeV, is at least two orders of magnitude smaller than for coluored SUSY particles (e.g. top squark pair production). Therefore, high statistics data samples are required to constrain these SUSY particles. Today, depending on the assumed scenario limits on these particles vary from around 700 GeV in the most optimistic case to only a few hundred GeV for more pessimistic decay topologies. Much more data will be needed to push these limits above the 1 TeV scale. Further results of SUSY searches can be obtained from the public result pages of ATLAS [5] and CMS [6]. 3. Summary of R-parity violating searches If R-parity is violated, new terms li jk, li0 jk and li00 jk appear in the super potential, where i jk are 4 Searches for Supersymmetry Oliver Buchmueller ATLAS SUSY Searches* - 95% CL Lower Limits ATLAS Preliminary Status: SUSY 2013 1 dt = (4.6 - 22.9) fb− √s = 7, 8 TeV miss 1 L e, µ, τ, γ E dt[fb− ] Model Jets T L Mass limit R Reference R MSUGRA/CMSSM 0 2-6 jets Yes 20.3 ˜q, ˜g 1.7 TeV m(q˜)=m(g˜) ATLAS-CONF-2013-047 MSUGRA/CMSSM 1 e, µ 3-6 jets Yes 20.3 ˜g 1.2 TeV any m(q˜) ATLAS-CONF-2013-062 MSUGRA/CMSSM 0 7-10 jets Yes 20.3 ˜g 1.1 TeV any m(q˜) 1308.1841 0 χ˜0 q˜q˜, q˜ qχ˜1 0 2-6 jets Yes 20.3 ˜q 740 GeV m( 1)=0 GeV ATLAS-CONF-2013-047 → 0 χ˜0 g˜g˜, g˜ qq¯χ˜1 0 2-6 jets Yes 20.3 ˜g 1.3 TeV m( 1)=0 GeV ATLAS-CONF-2013-047 → 0 χ0 χ χ0 g˜g˜, g˜ qqχ˜1± qqW ±χ˜1 1 e, µ 3-6 jets Yes 20.3 ˜g 1.18 TeV m(˜1)<200GeV, m(˜±)=0.5(m(˜1 )+m(g˜)) ATLAS-CONF-2013-062 → → 0 - 0 g˜g˜, g˜ qq(ℓℓ/ℓν/νν)χ˜1 2 e, µ 0-3 jets 20.3 ˜g 1.12 TeV m(χ˜1)=0 GeV ATLAS-CONF-2013-089 GMSB→ (ℓ˜ NLSP) 2 e, µ 2-4 jets Yes 4.7 ˜g 1.24 TeV tanβ<15 1208.4688 GMSB (ℓ˜ NLSP) 1-2 τ 0-2 jets Yes 20.7 ˜g 1.4 TeV tanβ>18 ATLAS-CONF-2013-026 0 GGM (bino NLSP) 2 γ - Yes 4.8 ˜g 1.07 TeV m(χ˜1)>50GeV 1209.0753 0 GGM (wino NLSP) 1 e, µ + γ - Yes 4.8 ˜g 619 GeV m(χ˜ )>50GeV ATLAS-CONF-2012-144 Inclusive Searches 1 0 GGM (higgsino-bino NLSP) γ 1 b Yes 4.8 ˜g 900 GeV m(χ˜1)>220 GeV 1211.1167 GGM (higgsino NLSP) 2 e, µ (Z) 0-3 jets Yes 5.8 ˜g 690 GeV m(H˜ )>200 GeV ATLAS-CONF-2012-152 1/2 4 Gravitino LSP 0 mono-jet Yes 10.5 F scale 645 GeV m(g˜)>10− eV ATLAS-CONF-2012-147 0 χ˜0 g˜ bb¯χ˜1 0 3 b Yes 20.1 ˜g 1.2 TeV m( 1)<600 GeV ATLAS-CONF-2013-061 0 0 → ¯χ˜ 0 7-10 jets Yes 20.3 ˜g 1.1 TeV m(χ˜ ) <350GeV 1308.1841 gen.
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