University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Clovis News, 1911-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 2-11-1916 Clovis News, 02-11-1916 The ewN s Print. Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/clovis_news Recommended Citation The eN ws Print. Co.. "Clovis News, 02-11-1916." (1916). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/clovis_news/158 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Clovis News, 1911-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. FARM, GRAIN and HAIL FIRE and AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE INSURANCE Baker Brothers Baker Brothers AGENCY Agency Official xNow spaper of the United Ststcii Land Office and of the People of Curry County VOL. 9. NO. 34 CLOVIS. CURRY COUNTY, NEW MEXICO. FEBRUARY. 11. 1916. $1.00 PER YEAR NEW CHRISTIAN CHURCH HAS CLOVIS SALOONS TO CLOSE ...Our Man About Town... GREAT DEDICATORY SERVICE DOORS ON MARCH TENTH I, II. Brasher, of Lincoln, was Mrs. Idonia Franklin spent in city Tuesday. Last Sunday was the Greatest Day in the History of the Sunday in Texico. At a Meeting of the City Council This Week it Was All-da- Dr. McClellen, of Texico, was Local Church. y Service with Luncheon Messrs. Boone and Grady, of Ordered Clovis seen on our streets Tuesday. that Thirst Parlors Go Out of Draws Immense Throng. Nearly $1800 raised. Farwells were in town Sunday. Business March R. Kyker and family, of Far 10th in Compliance With the Mrs. How Shepard, of Ros-wel- l, Thirteen Additions to the Church during day. of Majority of well, Texas, were In the city was registered at the Wishes the Our Citizens. Thursday. A 'i tiers, Tuesday. Sunday, February 6. 1916 will hood, the higher and better Judge C. M. Compton Jr., of Dr. Jenkins, of Roswell, was At a meeting of the City by things Portales, was Wed A Flourishing be remembered the members of life. in the city in Clovis on business connected Council this week it was ordered Clovis or- nesday of the Christian church of The Christian church was on business. with the Baptist church. Home Institution that the saloons should close so long as memory sets on her ganized in 1908 by Frederick F. Born to Mr. and Mrs. D. M We learn this week that the their doors here March 10 in throne. was really, truely a Grimm. T. Webb was the Miss Ida Booker, of Muleshoe, It J. Simmons Monday, an eight New Mexico Mutual Life and compliance with the recent pro- high day, a red pastor, by was in town Monday, shopping. great day, a first followed J. New pound boy. Aid Association is making good hibition election, which pat day, only the ton Cole, W. R. Quiggin, H. Earl Bayless, of Muleshoe, letter not for J. New line or stylish, new and solid strides forward. The Clovi9 in the dry ranks by a for Shepard C. VV. spent Sunday with his parents, members of that church but and Lambert, spring hats just arrived at Miss membership is now about 500, majority of 64. the whole of Clovis. The day the present minister, who de Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bayless. Turner's Millinery. more than 100 being added since While we do not know, but we was ideal as to weather con serves the greatest credit pos Buy Money by you a misfit suit and save the first of the year. As evi- believe the present saloon men tlitions. Just warm enough to sible for bringing to a glorious you will save hav ing your watch repaued by J. M several dollars. dence that care is taken in the will, at least, show their good he comfortable and cool enough consumation this magnificent H. Bell. Hook, Why pay more? selection of the members, it is sense and best judgement by to be invigorating. enterprise. The new church tf Garret Blair, of the Fairfield stated that not a death has oc- complying with the wishes of The services of the day began building has cost between $0000 C. C. Baker returned Monday was a visi- community, business curred among the members the majority of Clovis citizen promptly 9:45 a. m. with a $7000, is in to points at and modern all its from a business trip in tor in Clovis Tuesday. since the organization of the ship. rousing good Sunday-schoo- l. appointments and would be a Oklahoma. Miss Mary Knight will soon Association some ten months When Clovis This waa 3 fitting prelude to the credit to a town several times the saloons close Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. P. begin the erection of one of the ago. their doors great services that were to fol- the size of Clovis here we naturally Hobgood, three miles north of prettiest and most modern homes This is a home institution, expact, low, and did follow, joyously, for a very short period town, a fine girl baby. in Clovis. backed by home people, and for harmoniously, without a hitch. of time, a little ruffle cn thm See spring home people. The purpose of At 11 a. m. Evangelist Arthur Miss Turner for Misfit suits, pants, odd coats surface of the business here, milliuery before making your the organization is to furnish but will be only W. Jcnes preached a soul-grip-;ii- and vests. Bargains at it momentary, H. Bell's. protection, in the way of insur soul-stirrin- sermon on spring selection. after which we confidently ex- and ance at actual cost to mem Messrs E. C. Pease and W. F. the pect all legitimate lines of busi- "Why be a Christian." At the Judge R H. Dawning of Mel bers. conclusion of sermon f. l to' ' rose made a flying visit to Clovis Newbill, of Melrose, were trans ness to become stronger. the Reven Mr. C. C. Baker is the secre Evan Ben Crawford, Grady, acting business in Clovis We feel that it is the united with the church. of wat tary and general manager and bounden called in Tuesday. duty of every person who gelist Jones then for town Mr. H. E. Baker the general loves money to finish paying for the Clovis, to not only see to it that The Jackman D.y Goods Co., Miss Helen Woodward return- organizer, is believed that church edifice, and in a it the prohibitory law is enforced short is a new busine-t- s cmcern that ed Monday from San Francisco, this institution will prove a W(J to the letter, but to lend his help time about $t. was subscrib will open its doors to the Clovis Cal., after a short visit with great boon to many hundreds of in making Clovis bigger trade February 18. friends at that point. our people, because the protec- and A lunch was served in the oetttr than ever before, and to Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Campbell Packet kmres and razors. tion it affords is within the larc'e baipment of the building this end each one should vie witli Sunday Louis Barry Co. reach of everyone, regardless of will return from St Hardware everyother one in at the noon hour to a host of his trying to have V with an experienced millner and W, president or her financial condition. in and out w C. Harrison, of every building made vacant on members and friends trimmer. of the city. the Texas State Bank, of Far-w- e March 10 by the going from us The above is a tairly good like- W. P. McDowell, traveling I to Clovis in his big John Boppenmeytr Dead At 3 p. m. the communion and came forever of the open saloon, filled ness of Clark W. Lambert, min- agent for the Wheeler-Mo- t ier a great social service was held. Buick Wednesday. Mr. John Boppenmeyer, a at once with some line of legiti- ister of the Christian church of Grocery Co., was in town this This proved to be one of the For Sale Span of good young workman in the car repairing mate business, or if the present this city. We use the word week on his regular rounds. happy events of the day. Those horses, also good young mare, department of the Santa Fe occupants of these several build- "fairly" advisedly, for present were given an oppor the Mrs. B. J. Norbj, of Melrose, C. T. Kirby, 721 E. Grand, shops, died suddenly at his home ings desire to remain with us above picture does not d this tunity to express their senti- and daughter Mrs. Hendrix, of tf Clovis. N. M. in the west part of town last and go into some other line of man of God justice. It makes ments with regard to the big Elida, were visitors in Clovis Saturday night, February 5th. business, every citizen in our him appear a bit too boyish. W. T. Clark, who is just mov- new church building and the the first of the week. Heart failure was the supposed fair city should give him, or whereas he is every Inch a man, ing to good old Curry county, is work in general. Many and cause of his death. He was them, his hearty encouragement. in brain, brawn, muscle, heart, The mother of Mrs. Leo Park starting out right by getting heartening were the addresses nearly fifty nine years old but That we will have an occasion- soul and avoirdupois.
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