MAP #1: KaVORQUiaN'S BaS€M€Nt ONe SQuaue = TO feet Sample file MAP #3: DUNQ€ONS Of 28 tl?€ QueeN's Keep I I I LLI djej ON€ SQuane = T O feet 31 29 27 33 Coveneb Pit — Secnet DOOR 34 [T] "Cnap Doon 32 i^ Spinal Stains — Secuet SliDiNQ Wall 35 Oil Hol&ens Basic Game Adventure QUEEN'S HARVEST by Carl Sargent Table of Contents Introduction 2 Adventure 1: The Wizard's Dungeon 4 SPECIAL PULL-OUT REFERENCE SECTION Area Map 15 Credits: Ready-to-Play Characters 16 Design: Carl Sargent Editing: Jim Lowder NPC Profiles/Diary Page 18 Cover Artist: John and Laura Lakey Interior Artist: Karl Waller Cartographer: Diesel Typographers: Angelika Lokotz Adventure 2: Harvest of Death 19 Kathleen C. MacDonald Sample file Keyliner: Stephanie Tabat New Monsters/Letter 32 '1989 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Primed in U.S.A. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS and D&D arc registered trademarks MAPS owned by TSR, Im. The TSR logo is a trademark owned by TSR. Inc. Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random Area Map 15 House. Inc., and in Canada by Random House ol Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. Dis- Map 1: The Wizard's Dungeon left inside cover tributed in the United Kingdom by TSR Ltd. Map 2: The Queen's Keep right inside cover This module is protected under the copyright laws of the United States ol'America Any reproduction or other unauthorized use ol' tile material or artwork herein is prohibited without the express Map 3: Dungeons of the Queen's Keep left inside cover written permission ot TSR. Inc. TSR, Inc. TSR Lid. POB 756 120 Church End, Cherry Hinton Lake Geneva, Cambridge CB1 3LB VVI 53147 U.S.A. United Kingdom TSR, Inc. PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION" ISBN 0-88038-768-8 9261 introduction Welcome to the adventure! This module contains two adventures, one for 5-7 travel the twelve miles or so down the If the PCs accept, Aralic hands them a player characters (PCs) of first or second Duke's SampleRoad to his home file. Aralic sug- bone tube sealed with wax that bears the level, and a follow-up adventure for PCs gests that the PCs take the note to Kavor- imprint of a signet ring. He asks them of second or third level. If you are going quian at once, since the matters referred not to open the tube. You should discour- to be a player in these adventures, please to seem very important! age the PCs—especially Lawful characters—from going against the cler- do not read any further! The material If you have not played King's Festival, then you should begin the adventure by ic's wishes. What is in the note is shown presented here is for the Dungeon Mas- having the PCs arrive in Stallanford. If on page 32 of this module. ter (DM) to read and use in setting up you do not have suitable PCs (no char- Whether the PCs have played through the game for you. acters of 2nd level), you can use the pre- King's Festival or not, you should give the Queen's Harvest is best enjoyed after generated characters listed on page 16 players a copy of the map found on page playing the adventure module Bll, and 17. 15 to show them where Stallanford and King's Festival. However, they can easily PCs can be lured to Stallanford by Penhaligon are. be played as a pair of stand-alone adven- vague rumors of ore raids, treasure, and In fact, the whole middle section of tures. plunder. When they get to Stallanford this product is a special pull-out section they will discover that the ores have been of helpful material for the players and the Preparing for Adventure slain, but the town cleric, Aralic, is inter- DM. Detach pages 15-18 by lifting the ested in meeting them. A full profile for staples, taking out the middle leaves, and If you have played King's Festival, the Aralic is given on page 18. pressing the staples flat again. You can PCs will have a note addressed to Aralic asks the PCs to act as couriers. photocopy any or all of these pages for "Kavorquian." They will also have met They are to take a private letter to the personal use if you prefer not to cut up Aralic, a cleric, who will have told them home of Kavorquian the wizard, who the central pages. that he has heard of Kavorquian the wiz- lives in a hillside mansion about a mile ard. This adventure begins with Aralic The first adventure begins on page 4, northeast of Penhaligon. He offers the telling the PCs that Kavorquian lives in a as the PCs approach the town of Penhali- PCs 5gp each for this service. This isn't hillside mansion about a mile northeast gon, carrying the letter for the wizard. much, but then it's only half a day's of Penhaligon, and the PCs can easily The adventure's background is fully de- walk! tailed, but you should read through the mtRO&uction entire module and be familiar with its play through the module. Note what XPs Abbreviations contents before running any part of it. the characters earned, along with where The following abbreviations are used in in the dungeon they earned them. This this module: If You're a Novice Dungeon Master will also allow you to see at a glance which locations the PCs have visited. #AT Number of Attacks If you haven't played King's Festival prior AC Armor Class to this adventure, you really should! AL Alignment That module is packed with many useful Monsters C Chaotic hints for the novice DM, covering all as- When a monster is described in an indi- Cha Charisma pects of D&D® game adventuring, to- vidual location, its abilities are given in CL Cleric gether with helpful play-aids which may abbreviated form. The following infor- Con Constitution be photocopied for personal use. mation is covered: cp Copper Piece However, Queen's Harvest has been Name (number); Armor Class; Hit Dice D Dwarf written with the inexperienced DM in (or Class and Level for an NPC); hit d Type of Die mind, too. One thing that should be points; Movement per turn (and per Dex Dexterity noted is that, because there is a lot of ad- combat round in brackets); Number of Drag Damage venture crammed into this package, attacks per round; THACO (special—see E boxed text (for the DM to read to play- Elf material later in the Introduction); Dam- ep Electrum Piece ers) is not always used, and when it is age per attack; Special attacks (poison, given, only the main details of locations F Fighter etc.); Save as (Class and Level); Morale; are described. gP Gold Piece Alignment; XP value for overcoming H Halfling You can and should embellish this monster (if there are several of the same HD Hit Dice boxed text slightly, adding dusty floors, creatures, the number shown is per indi- hp Hit Points cobwebs, distant hoots or moans, and vidual monster); and Other abilities (if Int Intelligence similar appropriate details. Customizing any). rooms to frighten or alarm certain PCs L Lawful N Neutral helps to make modules like this one more Ability Checks NM Normal Man personal. ML Morale An extra rule is used in these adventures, MV Movement Rate per Turn Locations and Mapping the Ability Check. When the text calls for such a check to be made, it will specify (and per round in brackets) For both adventures, the map on page 15 the AbilitSampley (e.g., Charism filea Check, Dex- PP Platinum Piece shows the general area of Penhaligon and terity Check, and so on). The player SA Special Attacks Stallanford. The location of Kavor- must roll the specified Ability score or (poison, paralysis, etc.) quian's mansion is marked on it for the lower for his character (on a d20) to suc- Save Save As (Class and Level) players. ceed in the check. The text explains what sp Silver Piece Other parts of the module are keyed to will happen if the PC succeeds or fails Str Strength specific maps. For example, the mod- each Ability Check. T Thief ule's first adventure takes place in the W Wisdom basement of the house the PCs will XP Experience Points Earned THACO visit—shown in Map 1, which can be for Overcoming Monster found on the left hand side of the mod- THACO is an acronym for "To Hit Ar- ule's inner cover. mor Class 0 (zero)." It is the minimum Individual areas on the maps are number needed on a d20 roll to hit an en- called locations, and when PCs enter emy of AC 0. To find if the creature has them you should provide basic details of hit its opponent in combat, simply sub- what the characters see, hear, smell, and tract the opponent's AC from the so on. Some of this information can be THACO given, and if the d20 roll is found in the text of the adventure by equal to or greater than that modified matching the number on the map to the number the creature has struck its en- number in the text. Remember, you can emy. For example, a monster with a always add material of your own to the THACO of 17 hits AC1 on 16 or better, boxed text, too.
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