Holy Spirit Catholic Church 318 NEWARK-POMPTON TURNPIKE, PEQUANNOCK, NJ 07440 Rev. David Monteleone Pastor [email protected] Rev. Edward Lambro Weekend Assistant Sr. Marie Antonelli, M.P.F. Principal Mrs. Suzanne Unger Religious Formation Mr. Michael Scruggs Deacon Mr. Gary Zack Deacon Parish Trustees Mrs. Kathleen Bekker Mr. Louis Piccoli PARISH OFFICE RELIGIOUS FORMATION Mrs. Kathy Washington - Ext. 102 Mrs. Joanne Richardson Business Manager Administrative Assistant Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. Office Hours: Mon. - Wed. - 10:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. Phone: 973-696-1234 Fax: 973-305-9390 Fax: 973-305-9390 email: info@holyspiritchurchnj. org Email: [email protected] Mrs. Kimberly Rizzo Phone: 973-696-1234 Ext. 8 Pastoral Assistant for Communications email: [email protected] HOLY SPIRIT SCHOOL Website: www.holyspiritparishnj.org Mrs. Kathleen Vander Valk Mr. Peter Lasenick Administrative Assistant Pastoral Assistant for Maintenance Phone: 973-835-5680 • Fax: 973-835-1757 CONVENT Website: www.holyspiritschoolpequannock.org Religious Teachers Filippini Phone: 973-694-2111 Email: [email protected] SACRAMENTAL LIFE EUCHARIST: CONFIRMATION, FIRST RECONCILIATION AND Saturday 5:00 P.M, Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 & 7:00 P.M. FIRST COMMUNION are celebrated in conjunction with The morning mass on Weekdays, Holy Days of Obligation and our Religious Formation Programs. Please contact the Religious Monday Holidays will be at 8:30AM throughout the year. Formation Office to register. (BAPTISM: Please contact the Parish Office to schedule a RITE of CHRISTIAN INITIATION of ADULTS (R.C.I.A.) Baptism. Baptisms will take place on the third Sunday of the the normative process by which adults become fully initiated month. members of the Roman Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Please contact the Par- RECONCILIATION: Individual Confessions will be celebrat- ish Office for further information. ed on Saturday afternoons from 4:00 to 4:30 P.M. Parish Penance Services will be announced inside the bulletin ORDINATION and RELIGIOUS LIFE Discerning what God is asking of you for your life? Is God calling you to a life service MARRIAGE :The Common Policy on Marriage set by the as a Priest, Deacon or Religious? Please contact the Vocation Bishops of the Province of New Jersey require that arrangements Office of our Diocese of Paterson: 973-777-2955. begin to be made with the parish one year in advance so that a program of information, instruction and preparation for the en- PARISH REGISTRATION is necessary for all individuals & gaged couples can be completed Please contact the Parish Office. households who worship here regularly and who intend to partici- ANOINTING OF THE SICK: This Sacrament of healing is pate in the life of the parish with their time, talents and treasure. available anytime to all who are seriously ill, of advanced age or Please contact the Parish Office to register. All are welcome! undergoing surgery. It will also be offered after the 11AM Mass on the third Sunday of every month. May 27, 2018 The Most Holy Trinity The Sanctuary Candle (May 26-June 2) is for a Special Intention. LITURGY FOR THE WEEK Saturday, May 26 5:00PM Rita Dolan SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINITING OF THE SICK James McGurran Make your needs known Sunday, May 27 If you are going into the hospital, contact the Parish Office - - 7:30AM Elizabeth Baliman at 973 696 1234, to arrange to receive the Sacrament of the 10:300AM Maria Biziak Anointing of the Sick BEFORE going to the hospital. Hospi- tals are no longer permitted to inform us of parishioners who Clara Donatiello are patients (Privacy Laws). If you’re admitted to the hospital 7:00PM Joan McCauley in an emergency situation, the hospital chaplain is available Elizabeth Bette Baliman or if you want a priest to visit you, please have a relative call Monday, May 28 the parish office. Also, if you or a loved one is homebound 8:30AM Carmen Guarino and would like a visit or Communion, please notify us as Tuesday, May 29 well. The sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be giv- 8:30AM Tom Keating en after the 11AM Mass on the third Sunday of the month. Wednesday, May 30 8:30AM Sr. Veneranda Miluso MPF Pease Pray for the Sick of the Parish: Thursday, May 31 Diane May, Bob Van Wyck, Jr., Traci Fox, Ann Wazaney, 8:30AM Tom Keating Delaney Kurdyla, Steven Bulger, John Daigneault, Debra Friday, June 1 Morshauser, Joyce Evelyn, Joan Wittek, Loretta Lichon, Car- men Fondacaro, Sue Giuliano, Kimberly Lowrence, Laura 8:30AM People of the Parish Cavadini, Sera Mayor, Ann Marie Donahue, Baby Emma Corpus Christi Simons, John O’Kane, Marianna Buchalski, Chuck Haw- Saturday, June 2 thorne, Brittany & Sarah, Cheryl, Tom DeLorenzo, Susan 5:00PM George & Kathryn Kane Wolff, Agnes Rudolph, Anna Van Wyck, John Anderson, Patrick Sheeran Tom Healy, Yvonne Pak, Donna Pawlowski and Gavin Sunday, June 3 Brady. 7:30AM James Bulger Jr.-15th Anniversary Intentions of Chuck Hawthorne Lift Update 10:30AM Charles Caines We have had several Lift/Elevator com- Kenneth Rodriguez 7:00PM Clara Donatiello panies here to look at replacing the cur- rent lift. The cost is in the $30,000 range. Sharing Our Treasure To date, including the $3,024.00 raised 05-20-2018 05-21-2017 at the Church Garage Sale we have a Sunday Collection $4,814.00 $6,365.00 total of $12,364.05. No contract can be Other $300.00 $750.00 signed until the necessary funds are YTD Total $353,061.00 $337,872.00 raised. In the meantime we will continue The Second Collection next weekend is for the to look into the options. Religious Teachers Filippini who have served Ho- ly Spirit School since it’s opening over 60 years ago. St. Paul reminds us that all our gifts have their source in the Holy Spirit and that those gifts are giv- en “for the common good.” What gifts are mine to share? Please Register as a Parishioner If you are attending mass here, attended here as a child or This is a need for those families who went to Holy Spirit School it is time to consider registering have a family member who is unable to yourself and your family. Very often we receive requests in attend Mass, First Communion, Confir- the Parish Office asking for sponsorship forms to be a God- parent or Confirmation Sponsor. The priest can only sign mation, a Wedding, Funeral and/or the forms for ACTIVE, REGISTERED parishioners. You Graduation due to all the steps involved. can download the registration form from our website. UNICO Trips th Religious Formation Come join Pequannock UNICO on Tuesday, June 19 as - they travel to Hunterdon Hills Playhouse to enjoy the pro- Religious Formation is a life long duction of “My Gal Patsy”, a tribute to the great Patsy Cline. process beginning in the home. Enjoy listening to some of Patsy’s early hit songs, as well as When children reach first grade, if the popular Tim Gillis Band performing classic hits from oth- er Country legends of the “Cline” era. This dynamic event they do not attend Catholic school, is priced at $93.00 per person, which includes transporta- they should be enrolled in our pro- tion, the show, and a plated luncheon. Please call Joan De- odato (973) 696-3799 or Ann Carabello (973)835-0208 to gram and continue through the reserve your seat. eighth grade. After the completion Pequannock UNICO is featuring a trip October 2 to October of the eighth grade, the young peo- 10, 2018 to Umbria, Italy. Sightseeing tours include Assisi, Spello, Spoleto, Perugia and other areas, as well as the ple are invited to join the Confirma- region’s finest wineries and food producers. The price is tion preparation process. $2799.00 per person. Reservations must be made no later th than July 4 , 2018. Please call Joan Deodato (973-696- Registration for Religious For- 3799) or Ann Carabello (973-835-0208) for further info. mation: If you have a child entering first BILLY JOEL TRIBUTE Featuring: The Cold Spring Harbor Band grade or you are new to the parish, As seen at the 2014 Super Bowl & 2015 World Series registration forms are available Saturday, June 2nd from the parish office or on-line at Doors Open at 7:00 pm Show at 8:00 pm — Tickets $35 holyspiritparishnj.org. PVCC Hall (Knights of Columbus) 65 Hamburg Turnpike, Butler, NJ For Tickets Call: Mike at 908-803-3961 Corpus Christi Food Drive Bernie at 973-525-2151 The Annual Paterson Diocese Corpus Christi Food Drive Tickets $35 Tap Beer Included will take place next weekend, June 2-3, 2018, which is Outside Food Welcome the Feast of Corpus Christi. This is the major food collec- Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council #943 to tion for the poor in the Diocese of Paterson. Our parish benefit the various charities and activities supported by has once again been asked to donate: the Knights of Columbus Oatmeal SONS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION POST 242 3rd ANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC - JUNE 30, 2018 Farina Meadows Golf Club, Lincoln Park NJ Registration Begins at 7:30 AM-Start Time at 8:30 AM Toothpaste Cost $110.00 per Player *** Sponsor a Hole for $100 *** Includes: Greens Fees & Cart Holy Spirit School Carnival Donuts, Bagels, Coffee & Juice Tuesday - Saturday Hamburgers & Hot Dogs at the turn June 12th-16th Beer, water, & beverages on the course Longest Drive Contest 50/50 raffle tickets will be sold after Closest to the Pin contest each mass during the weekend of Limited Number Can Play June 9th/June 10th at the wing First Come-First Served Basis - Not confirmed till fee is and the front doors of the church received Contact - Ron Denequolo, 973-417-1519, or email: rden- [email protected] .
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