WAIROA MĀORI FILM FESTIVAL +2014 KAHUNGUNU MARAE, NUHAKA, WAIROA, AOTEAROA QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY /MATARIKI THURSDAY 29 MAY – MONDAY 2 JUNE 2014 ANCIENT SPIRITS BECKON / THEME INDIGENOUS FREQUENCIES / WWW.KIAORA.TV WWW.KIAORA.TV Above: RangImoekaus Left: Rob Makaraka in Inc’d Below: Home (Australia) Pumanawa The GIft THE SIGNAL & THE NOISE: MESSAGE FROM THE FESTIVAL DIRECTOR It is a great privilege to welcome you to Wairoa. Welcome to our hau kainga, to Nuhaka anD Morere, to be among the people DescenDeD of Kahungunu anD Rakaipaaka to rest anD finD sanctuary in film. Photo: MoniqueDelatour We gather in the sacreD space of the Māori Marae with clarity in soul anD purpose, with Dignity we adhere to tikanga anD cultural practice that is ancient. Aniwaniwa,Waikaremoana, Wairoa Ancient spirits have beckoneD us here to Wairoa anD from this we converse, create, anD collectively explore future worlDs yet to be known anD ancient stories yet to be tolD - On Screen. We at the Wairoa Māori Film Festival recognise Māori, Pasifika anD international inDigenous film makers as global leaders in the expansion of 4th Cinema Paradigms as first espouseD by our great leaders, Rangatira of Aotearoa anD worlD cinema. Aue! We look back with Dewy eyes as we commence the journey forwarD. As Festival Director, I am privilegeD to travel the worlD on an inDigenous film kaupapa. In Canada last year I attenDeD imagineNATIVE Toronto. I was fascinateD how the native peoples of Toronto have a cultural presence in a vast metropolis that is the film festival capital of the worlD. However, in such a crowDeD meDia market, a “Native Voice” is just one fractal among many in a vast manDala of multiculturalism anD urban tribalism. In Canada, the natives of Toronto struggle to preserve their Reo, which in some cases is only Down to a hanDful of speakers. What a comparison is Aotearoa: here at home, Māori are uniteD with one Reo anD a subset spectrum of living Dialects; on the telly you are now more likely than not to see a brown face when you switch on (Master Chef!); anD in little olD NZ our Māori films are recogniseD as not only among the best critically, but also as the leaders in our national box office roll call. The theme of the Wairoa Māori Film Festival this year is InDigenous Frequencies. Along this theme, there is a set of inDigenous meDia art works, anD a Native Signal Symposium throughout the festival that will occur both after every screening anD online at our new weblog, www.kiaora.tv. There is something magical about Wairoa anD Nuhaka. Away from the hustle anD bustle of cities anD airports anD flight paths anD motorways you can suDDenly hear anD see things you woulDn’t otherwise. The pulse anD heartbeat of Papatuanuku. The vastness anD infinity of the stars anD sky of Ranginui. The glow worms in Morere forest, the native birDs of the Nuhaka village, the roaring sea of Ureti beach. Our hope for this year’s festival is to cut through the Noise to finD a Native Signal. In an increasingly mechaniseD anD alienating worlD, we as ChilDren of Papatuanuku anD Ranginui gather each year in Wairoa to attune to inDigenous frequencies, to Discover a Native Signal amongst the noise of global film paradigms. We are seekers of an attunement to Indigenous Frequencies. A mechaniseD anD technological worlD can be alienating, but the tools of Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr etal enable us as native peoples to instantly connect anD responD, like birDs in one vast forest. For five magical Days, these pulses anD beats, these inDigenous frequencies anD native signals will emanate from Kahungunu Marae, Nuhaka, Wairoa, Aotearoa. Join us at the Wairoa Māori Film Festival 2014! Nau Mai! Nau Mai! Haere Mai ki te Taurima Whakaata Māori I Te Wairoa 2014! Ngā mihi, Leo Koziol, Festival Director Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Rakaipaaka, Ngāti Whakatōhea OFFICIAL FESTIVAL PROGRAMME 2014 ThursDay May 29 to MonDay June 2 - Queen's BirthDay * Matariki 2014 All screenings at Kahungunu Marae, Nuhaka, except "Bush Cinema" at Morere School Hall, Morere THURSDAY MAY 29 6 pm to 9 pm "Welcome Kai” at Morere School Hall & Hot Pools FrIdaY MaY 30 SaturdaY MaY 31 Sunday June 1 7 am Bus Leaves AucklanD 9 am to 10 am Breakfast (Marae) 9 am to 10 Breakfast (Marae) 12 pm BBQ Lunch "Meet anD 9.30 am SOUL IN THE SEA 10 am WHANAU SHORTS Greet" at Morere Hot Springs Moko the Dolphin Story 10.30 am HE TOKI HUNA 3 pm Official Festival Powhiri 10.30 am KUMU HINA 77 min Directors Present for Q&A Directors Present for Q&A 3.30 pm Kapu Ti 12 pm Lunch 12 pm Lunch 5 pm Dinner 12.30 pm FANTAIL 83 min 12.30 pm THE HAUMANA PreceDeD by FriDay Tigers 16 min 5.30 Welcome & IntroDuction Directors Present for Q&A 5.35 pm KOTIRO MĀORI E 2.30 pm IMAGINENATIVE 2.30 pm Kapu Ti REEL KANATA II 77 min Director Present for Q&A 2.45 pm THE PA BOYS 3.45 pm Kapu Ti 6 pm MĀORI SHORTS I 86 min Director Present for Q&A FolloweD by Directors Panel 4 pm WHITE LIES 4.30 pm Break PreceDeD by Alma & Esperanza 7.45 pm Kapu Ti 4.45 pm MĀORI SHORTS II 63 min 6 pm Dinner (Boil Up) 8 pm THE DARKSIDE FolloweD by Directors Panel DirecteD by Warwick Thornton 7.30 pm BUSH CINEMA PreceDeD by Footsteps 6 pm TE NATI TAHITI 2014 (Morere School Hall, Morere) With Presentation from Te Nati 9.45 pm ConcluDes A selection of unDergrounD 6.30 pm IndIgenous FrequencIes shorts, Dramatic, horror anD Art film multimeDia works comeDy themes Followed by Directors Panel FolloweD by Music anD Light 7 pm Mana WaIroa Gala Awards Supper at the Morere Hot Pools Dinner &WIFT Mana WahIne With Kapa Haka Evening Wairoa College Kapa Haka MondaY June 2 8 am Bus for AucklanD leaves from Morere / Poroporoaki at Kahungunu Marae TICKET PRICES AND BOOKINGS Festival Pass: $100 incluDes All Screenings, AwarDs Dinner, Daily Meals, Marae AccommoDation Day Pass/Night Pass: $10 ADults, $5 Kaumatua/ChilDren/UnemployeD/UnDeremployeD Meal Ticket (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner) $10 per meal Gala AwarDs Dinner $45 per person, $450 Table of 10 Bus Available from AucklanD/Hamilton/Taupo $60 return/$30 one way BOOKINGS: 0211434113 or 06 837 8854 email: [email protected] www.kiaora.tv KOTIRO MĀORI E KAHUNGUNU MARAE, 5.35 PM FRIDAY New ZealanD 2014 21 min Director Ryan Baigent ProDucer/Presenter/Researcher Sophronia Smith KotIro Māori E: Māori Love Song Of Rongomaiwahine & Kahungunu. The story behind the waIata. This film celebrates the waiata Kotiro Māori E, which is oft times recognized as an anthem for descendants of Rongomaiwahine and Kahungunu. It also acknowledges the origins of the rangi (tune) of Kotiro Māori e. The mele (song from Hawai’i) Kaulana Nā Pua was written by Eleanor Kekoaohiwaikalani Wright PrenDergast in 1893. She wrote it for members of the Royal Hawaiian Band who protested the overthrow of Queen Lili’uokalani and the Kingdom of Hawai’i. Kaulana Nā Pua is a Hawaiian patriotic song. The use of the tune from Kaulana Nā Pua for the waiata Kotiro Māori e has been a point of contention for some Kānaka ‘ōiwi (Native Hawaiians) Due to the context of which Kaulana Nā Pua song was written. It was a time when American business men and their allies attempted to annihilate the people from Hawai’i. Uncle Tommie Taurima, as he is fonDly known sheds light on his intention for using the tune of Kaulana Nā Pua when writing the waiata Kotiro Māori e. This film is about increasing understanding between Kānaka ōiwi and Tangata Whenua. It is also about acknowledging the significance of indigenous female political leaders, Queen Lili’uokalani and Rongomaiwahine. MĀORI SHORTS I KAHUNGUNU MARAE, 6 PM FRIDAY These seven films will screen "In-Competition" at the Wairoa Māori Film Festival, incluDing Acting Categories (Actor anD Actress AuDience AwarDs) anD Best Overall Short (AuDience AwarD). You DeciDe! THE RANGIMOEKAUS 2013 New ZealanD 5 min Director Helena Bethune Animation Three mischievous mokopuna concoct a Devious plan to help their nan quit smoking in this harD-case animateD comeDy. CreateD in collaboration with Yoobee School of Design. 19 stuDent animators animateD five seconDs each as part of their project towarDs the ADvanceD Diploma in Animation 2013. HOME (AustralIa) 2013 Australia 15 min Director/Writer Apirana Ipo Te Maipi ProDucer Jesse Phomsouvanh FinD your place. Follow your heart. The relationship of a Māori couple is on the rocks; an academic stuDent feels the neglect in his family; anD an InDigenous teen struggles to finD his place. A chain of events unravels During an eight hour perioD, creating new opportunities anD restoration. A proDuction with Griffith Film School for the 2013 Graduate Slate. ROSS & BETH Director Hamish Bennett 2014 New ZealanD 14 min Cast: Annie Whittle, John Clarke, Raki Ruawai The story of a humble farming couple, a suDDen upheaval anD an unlikely saviour. TOHUNGA 2014 New ZealanD 8 min Director Rebecca Collins When a young boy falls ill, a family turns to a tohunga for help. Unknowingly, a young girl bears witness to a worlD never meant for her. PŪMANAWA THE GIFT 2013 New ZealanD 13 min Director Poata Eruera Producer Tui Ruwhiu Learning that her Daughter is serious about a Christian boyfrienD, a mother fears it will threaten a spiritual gift both women have inheriteD. She takes her Daughter back to her own tragic past to show how loneliness, hope anD faith can turn love into turmoil.
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