" FEDEF( L BUREAU OF !New ESTRiATION mirownposommotmwoormisommot OATS DALLAS / 1,171/1704r4,r 12/6/63 .1/15/64 -—.1/15/64 ' rd - TYPIE0TYPCO aI 'FLY°1114/3c CASECASE SA MAN CLEpENTS LAC dr: CHARACTER OFIOFICASE CASE JACK L. RUBY, RUBY, aka;. aka;. LEE HARVEY OSWALD, aka LEE HARVEY OSWALD, aka - VICTIM CR f '9 IA; (Deceased) IA; 10'4 • • REFERENCES: Reports of ofSA MANNISA MANNI G C. G CLEMENTS C. CLEMENTS dated dated 11/30/63; 11/30/63; 12/6/63; 12/11/43 12/6/63; 12/11/43;; 12/14/63; 12/18/63; 12/18/63; 12/19/63; 12/19/63; 12/21/63; 12/31/6312/21/63; and 1/8/6412/31/63 at Dallas. and 1/8/64 at Dallas. A Report of ofSA SASTUART STUART J. CAMERON J. CAMERON dated dated 12/3/63 12/3/63 at Albuquerque.' at Albuquerque.' ve't • LEADS:. All leads leads are beingare beingset out byset telephone out by and telephone teletype and and teletype and not repeated repeated herein herein! ADMINISTRATIVE: 'r / • 'PO'Ps, dKpseminationdiOsemination willwill be be made made outside the the Bureau Bureau except except on on ureau instrucV?.ons.inatrucV?.ons. • ' g•Diferlapg Overlap in period with with periods periods of prior ofreports prior is occasion reports is occasion - by eflort4to'cbrrelateeflortijto'cbrrelate information information properly and completely.properly and completely. iAIA • tJ J r • IAfIAII. AGENT • AGENT • ON CHANOICCHAPIOIC 00 NOT WNnTtWNITe IN SPACES INIELOW • • .004.001010111101 NAOSINAOSt t •■ 111.••• I" • .•• • • P •' Bureau (44124616)(44A-241516) r 3 ..1.%:6- r.'A Dallas (44'ra6381. (44.ra6381,t_ • I. • • ,1533 FEBFEB 2.41964241p4. of i osmrtierb-a elf OHMI4 {NATION{NATION 0 OrOr ATTACHED ATTACHE'?" IltILPOPIT IMPOPIT NOTAT gI 4oft. .r-.421.40...1 4.401.44..d.eA r g.. 11.4N111.*460, •. 41•AQUA=70LICIIIT alICIL , ................•••••••*•••■■•■• MR MO. ✔✔✒✎✎✎✰•••••••••••eamoaa......•n••• n■•••••••••••••••••••••••••. •••••••■■n••••••■•••••••••••••n ••••••••• •••••••••■■•••n ••••••■•■•■n•••••••••••1•00■•••••••■••• ' NONNON ANLMIL •••••••••••••••■•••■ ••••••, i • 6.-.2.- •••••I.,n r 'N., - ' '71 Cikkiftlial-)6% JP' t4. 4s,'191 - 46 AZV 1141:VP-At-41-)71.4 =•= rG 44-645 liGS:sbwKGS:sbw A checkcheck of ofthe theChicago Chicago Office indicesOffice failed indices failed to reflect reflect any information any information identifiable identifiablewith the Independent with the Independent Voters Organization, Organization, 6649 South 6649 Lowe, South Chicago, Lowe, Illinois; Chicago, Illinois; JEAN W,W. CARPENTER,CARPENTER, JEANjEAN W. JONES, S. W. JONESJONES or ARNOLD ARNOLD. •KRAUSE, 3 COVER PAGE :Tm.12eig6T.%5.0(4M1 0 46;re'ei:A3i' !.• ttel 44.4%. LA 41144-895 -895 is DL 44-1639 GAP:JM 1 ' Nr ADMINISTRATIVE FYr ,4 The following investigation was conducted by SA GEORGE A. PAINE, JR.: A review of the Los Angeles indices on January 10,_ 1964, reflected reference to the name of M X U ERBERG. The reference reflected that on May 11, 1961, identified a photographphotograph ofof [JO [JOSEPHSEPH STACHER, STACHEH, Aka Aka DeGle DgFe al,al, whowho waswas personallypersonally . not known to the nformantsnformant, asas aa persafrobservedpers observed in in the the company company - of MAX UNTERBERG, co-owner of the Tropic Palms Motel, 10590 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills, California. Los Angeles indices underunder Los Angeles reflects information concerning JOSEPH STA it, rue namename 'ALE'ALE OISTACZER,OISTACZER, Aka,Aka, bornborn MarchMarch 12, 00 (not verified), in Russia. STACHER, commonly known as "DOC" STACHER is a described "hoodlum" and associate of "top oodlums in the Los Angeles area plus other locations. UTIAC is last known as residing at the Beverly-Wilshire Hotel, Suite 5, Beverly Hills, California, d his occupation is "investments andand realreal estate."estate."(gTAC (gTAC is listed as a former lieutenant of deceased ABNER "LO GIE" ZWILLMAN. He reportedly knows most of the important individuals who are leaders in the criminal world in both the United States and Europe. He • is believed to have somesome undisclosedundisclosed financialfinancial interestinterest inin ' Las Vegas, Nevada, hotels and is alleged to have inherited ZWILLMAN's "empire" alon with GERARDO CATENA, Newark, New Jersey, from which area STACHagoriginally came. He reportedly has a financial interesri n the new Golden Hotel, Reno, Nevada, and owns the property on which the Moulin Rouge is located at Hollywood, California. His listed present and former associates are FRANK COSTELLO, FRANK ERICKSON, MEYER LANSKY, ZWILLMAN (deceased), . WILLIE MORETTIE (deceased), BUGSY SIEGEL (deceased), FRANK SENNES, MOE MORTON, BRYANT R. BURTON, HARRY RITZ, and NAT HARTMAN. He has no listed major arrests and is presently under indictment„::indictment„T: concerning income tax matters by Internal Revenue Service, L0sLos.. ' Angeles, California. - COVER PAGE • 41,44416 DR. M. S. GUTTMACHER-PSYCHIATRISTGUTTMACHER-PSYCHIATRIST The filesfiles of the of NYO the contain NYO containthe following the following information regarding regarding M. GUTTMACHER, M. GUTTMACHER, who may who possibly may possibly be identicalidentical withwith M.S.M.S. GUTTMACHER.GUTTMACHER. There There isis nono identifying informationinformation availableavailable concerningconcerning -- M. GUTTMACHER.GUTTMACHER. Confidential Informant on 44 2121 49 49 made availableavailable evidence evidence concernin This nformation nformation was was furnished to SAto H.P. SA H.P. ON and SESE A.B. A.E. FALLER. FALLER. Strie; care care must mustbe exercised be exercised so that the so that the existence of thisof importantthis important source of evidencesource of evidence willwill, not becomenot become known known to any outsideto any agency. outside agency. The informationinformation furnished furn 4 of a' a' application of of of THUR THUR SCHW SCHWTZ TZ ofof 581 581 East East 9 93r Stree' tree Brooklyn 12, 12, NY. TheNY. birthdateThe birthdate of SCHWARTZ of SCHWARTZ is given as 11 . /28,EapdT4 /28,[7 610it was it i icated was thati icated that the application application was received was received 4/4/49. 4/4/49. M.M. GUTTMACHERGUTTMACHER was listedlisted as theas the serssers SCHWARTZ There is is no identifiableno identifiable information information in in the files files of the of NY0 the concerning NYO concerning Dr. B.W. B.W. BROMBERG,BROMBERG, Psychiatrist of Katonah, Katonah, 0111•111M COVER PAGE SI 14-383 . ‘-. VTH:SJS 1 The followingfollowing information information was obtained was onobtained January 7 on January 7 .1964.1984 by by SA SA VINCENT VINCENT T. RTNETTT. RTNETT through through the cooperation the cooperation of of igaiorLatior PHILLIP PHILLIP DUCKWOR DUCKWOR H, IllinoisH, Illinois State Selective State Service Selective Service Headquarters, Springfie Springfie d, Illinois: d, Illinois: _ DUCKWORTH advised advised thatthat his his files containfiles thecontain the following information information concerning concerning JACK RUBENSTEIN: JACK RUBENSTEIN: 4 fr =.• Date of of birth: birth: March March25, 1911 25, 1911 Address at registration: 624 8. Independence Blvd, Chicago, Ill. :- • Address at registration: 624 S. Independence Blvd, Chicago, Ill. •- • Ht 5'5' 9i", 9i", •t 170 Wt 170 Employed: Universal Universal Sales Sales Company Company • ••-• Date of of registration: registration: October 16,October 1940 16, 1940 Place of of registration: registration: Chicago CityChicago Local BoardCity No. Local 124 Board No. 124 Serial No. No. 3573, 3573, Order OrderNo. 1912 No. 1912 Questionnaire mailed mailed June 5,June 1941 5, 1941 Questionnaire returned returned June 16, June 1941 16, 1941 Notice of ofclassification classification mailed (apparently mailed 1A)(apparently September 9, 1A) 1941 September 9, 1941 Notice to toappear appear for physical for physical examination examination mailed January mailed 28, 1942 January 28, 1942 Appeared for for physical physical examination examination February 9,February 1942 9, 1942 Request for for appearance appearance before before Local Board Local received Board from received registrant from registrant February 23, 23, 1942 1942 - - Time fixedfixed for appearance;for appearance; March 2, March1942 2, 1942 Apparently appeared appeared before before the Local the Board Local and wasBoard reclassified and was - reclassified - 1A (H)(H) or or3A 3A Reclassified 1A, date1A, notdate available not available Notice to toappear appear for physical for physical examination examination mailed January mailed 23, 1943 January 23, 1943 No recordrecord of physicalof physical examination examination COVER PAGE t • " SI 44-38344-383 2 Request for for appearance appearance before before Local Board Local received Board from received registrant from registrant , - a • . FebruaryFebruary 11, 194311, 1943 . 1;414.0 .• Time Time /ixed fixed for appearance: for appearance: February 15, February 1943, and 15, appeared 1943, and appeared Jt that date date - Submitted appeal appeal to Appeal to Appeal Board February Board 25,February 1943 25, 1943 1..4 4 Records of of registrant registrant sent to Appealsent toBoard Appeal March Board3, 1943 March 3, 1943 -- A Notice of ofcontinuance continuance of classification of classification (1A) mailed March (1A) 20, mailed1943 March 20, 1943 ". • Time fixedfixed for appearancefor appearance for induction: for Aprilinduction: 12, 1943 April 12, 1943 • Induction postponed postponed thirty daysthirty days Time fixedfixed for appearancefor appearance for induction: for Mayinduction: 21, 1943 May 21, 1943 :- Accepted and and inducted inducted Discharged, date date not available not available Form 57,57, notice notice of classification,
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