Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89867-6 — A History of the Ottoman Empire Douglas A. Howard Index More Information Index “Bold text denotes reference to figure” Abbas (Shah), 121, 140, 148 Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, tomb of, 70, 90–91 Abbas Hilmi (Khedive), 311 Abu Hanifa, 114 Abbasids, 3, 27, 45, 92, 124, 149 tomb restored, 92 scholars, on end of the world, 53 Abu Taqiyya family, of Cairo, 155 Abd al-Kader al-Gilani, 92, 316 Abu’l-Ghazi Bahadur Khan, of Khiva, 265 Abdülaziz (Sultan), 227, 245, 247, 257–58, Abyssinia, 94 289 Aceh (Sumatra), 203 deposed, 270 Acre, 214, 233, 247 suicide of, 270, 280 Adana, 141, 287, 307 tour of Europe, 264, 266 and rail lines, 287, 307 Abdülhamid I (Sultan), 181, 222, 230–31 French occupation of, 309 Abdülhamid II (Sultan), 227, 270, 278–80, headquarters of Ibrahim at, 247 283–84, 296 in census, 282 and Armenian question, 292 massacre of Armenians in, 296–97 and census, 280 on hajj route, 201, 203 and Macedonian question, 294 Adana, 297 and public ritual, 287 Adana, province of concessions to revolutionaries, 295 cotton boom in, 286–87 deposed, 296 Aden educational reforms of, 287–88 Ottoman conquest of, 105 memoirs about, 280 Admiral of the Fleet, See Kapudan Pasha opposition to, 292–93 Adnan Abdülhak, 319 repression by, 292 Adrianople. See Edirne security apparatus of, 280 Adriatic Sea, 19, 74–76, 111, 155, 174, 186, 234 Abdullah Frères (photographers), 200, 288, 290 and Afro-Eurasian commerce, 74 Abdullah Frères (photographers), 10, 56, 200, Advice for kings genre, 71, 124–25, 150, 262 244 Aegean archipelago Abdülmecid I (Sultan), 227, 247, 249, 254, creation of sancak of, 105 256–59, 265–66 Aegean Islands, 222, 241, 258, 318 Abdülmecid II (Caliph), 279, 311, 319, 320 in census, 281 exiled, 319 Aegean Rim, map of, 13 Abkhazia, 79, 258 Aegean Sea, 3, 11, 14–15, 18, 21, 25, 31, 33, 40, 103, Abkhazians, 79, 163, 168, 189, 287 123, 211, 221, 241, 271, 308, 314 in Ottoman government, 147, 168–69 and Afro-Eurasian trade, 73, 75, 111 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89867-6 — A History of the Ottoman Empire Douglas A. Howard Index More Information 358 index Aegean Sea (cont.) Albanians, 64, 93, 189–90, 211, 234, 262, 298–303 Ottoman control of, 172 as mercenaries in Egypt, 233–34, 239–40 piracy in, 167 in Ottoman government, 119, 147, 168–69, 246 Afghan victory over the Safavids, 187, 191, racial caricatures of, 258 209 Alcohol, 117–18, 170, 233, 272, See also Africa, 218, 280 Drunkenness; Wine Africa, Horn of, 204 condemned by preachers, 151 Africa, northern, 300 in salons, 158 and hajj routes, 203 Alemdar Mustafa, 236–37 Africa, sub-Saharan, 121 Aleppo, 41, 75, 78–79, 103, 136, 140, 155, 169, commercial contact with, 155 208–11, 247, 289, 306, 318 African slave trade, 204, 218, 259 and Celalis, 138–40 Africans and silk routes, 55 and race, 258 Armenian refugee camps at, 304 Afro-Eurasia, 22, 75, 87, 287 book market in, 160 Islamic culture of, 48, 52 disease in, 193 land empires of, 93 Muslim-Christian violence in, 256 Ağaoğlu, Ahmet, 298 on hajj route, 201, 203–4 Agriculture, 209, 232 Ottoman conquest of, 90, 92 commercialization of, 211, 284 population of, 106, 282 Ahmed (son of Bayezid II), 88–89 religious diversity in, 210–11 Ahmed Cezzar Pasha, 214, 233 revenue contracting in, 186–87 Ahmed I (Sultan), 136, 143–45, 149 slave market in, 204 accession of, 143 Aleppo, province of, 103, 286 and Celalis, 141 Alexander I (Tsar), 233, 241 death of, 144 Alexander II (Tsar), 280 philanthropy in Mecca, 202 Alexander of Macedon, 39, 71, 291 Ahmed II (Sultan), 181 Alexander Sarcophagus, 291 Ahmed III (Sultan), 181, 189–90 Alexander Sarcophagus, 291 abdication of, 187 Alexandria, 93, 104, 207, 233, 246, 288, 292 Ahmed Pasha, Hersekzade, 72 Jewish entrepreneurs in, 111 Ahmed Resmi, 217 Alexandria, Patriarch of, 108 Ahmedi (poet), 9, 39 Algiers, 105, 283 Ajlun and Lajjun, 214 French occupation of, 283 Akçura, Yusuf, 295, 298 Ali Bey, of Egypt, 207, 220 Akkerman, 230 Ali ibn Abi Taleb, 78 Akkoyunlu Sultanate, 75 shrine of, 92 and Afro-Eurasian commerce, 74 Âli Pasha, 255 dynastic rivalry, 46 Ali Pasha, of Canik, 219–20, 231 Akkoyunlu Turkmen, 191 Ali Pasha, of Janina, 234, 236, 241–42 Alaeddin (son of Murad II), 61–62 fall of, 240 Alaşehir (Philadelphia), 40, 267 Âlî, Mustafa al-Azhar medrese, 105 Counsel for Sultans, 125 al-Azm household, of Damascus, al-Kurdi, Mahmud, 160 204–5 Allenby, Edmund (General), 303, 306 Albania, 59, 235, 242, 271 Alliance Israélite Universelle, 289 revolution in, 299 Almsgiving, 28, 90, 114 secession of, 302 Almsgiving, Christian, 28–29 sultan’s tour of, 298 al-Nabulusi, Abd al-Ghani, 160, 196 Albanian language, 165, 281 makes pilgrimage, 204 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89867-6 — A History of the Ottoman Empire Douglas A. Howard Index More Information index 359 al-Tabari (historian), 154 Antiquities trade, 102, 161 al-Tarikatu’l-Muhammadiya (Birgivi), 112 antiquities law, 264, 289 al-Zigetvari, Ibrahim (translator of Nouvelle Anti-Semitism, 115–16 théorie des planetes), 161 Anti-Taurus Mountains, 209 Amasya, 72, 88–89, 110, 220, 315 Anti-Trinitarians (Unitarians), 110 and silk routes, 55 Aphrodisias, 1–3 Jewish quarter looted, 115 Aphrodisias, 2 Amasya, treaty of, 88, 118 Apocalypticism, 92–93, 135, 138 America, United States of, 1, 266–67, 285–86, at Islamic millennium, 125, 128, 135 308–11, 318 Arab provinces, 103, 256, 309 Americans, 1, 113, 242, 269–70, 288–89, 296, 317 Arabia, 12, 87, 168, 203, 233, 240 and relief aid, 313, 318 Arabian horses, 208 Americas coffeehouses closed in, 152 discovery of, 93–94 Arabian Peninsula, 105, 204 in maps of Piri Reis, 93 Arabic language, 9, 11, 23, 27, 29, 48, 51, 78, 104, North America, 216 111, 112, 126, 151, 159, 161–62, 210, 246, Anatolia, 6, 54, 61, 302, 313, 315 262–63, 281, 299 Anatolia, definition of, 6, 103 classical scientific texts in, 160 Anatolia, province of, 58–59, 62, 63, 72, 88–89, in Christian churches, 108 99, 103, 105, 111–12, 123, 203, 206, 217, 221, in composition style, 71 280, 303, 308 in manuscripts, 198 American missionaries in, 288 literary classics in, 160, 198, 298 commercial growth in, 266 Printing press for, 210, 260 conscription in, 242, 247, 303 Yusuf al-Maghribi’s dictionary of, 158 deportations of Greeks from, 303, 312, 318 Arabic script, 65, 197 ethnic diversity of, 267–68 Arabs, 70, 108, 184, 207, 209–10, 212, 295, 301 Holy Cities trusts in, 204 in Great War, 303, 307–8 population of non-Muslims in, 106 racial caricatures of, 258 refugees settled in, 258, 283 under European occupation, 307 second in ranking of provinces, 103 Arakel of Tabriz, 141–42 timars reorganized in, 148–49 Aramaic language, 109 Anatolian plateau, 308–9 Aras River, 55, 230 Anatomy of Parts of the Body (Itaki), 160 Archaeological Institute of America, 33 Andrássy, Gyula, 270 Archaeology, archaeologists, 11, 31, 33, 113, 233, Andronicus II Palaeologus, 13–14 264, 289, 291 Ankara, 103, 136, 140–41, 148, 210, 309 Architecture, architects, 66, 102, 104, 212, 244 and silk routes, 55 and visual definition of Ottoman towns, 74 as headquarters of nationalists, 315, 317, 318 modernist, 287 battle of, 39, 41 religious, 27, 31, 33–34, 56, 201 population of, 107 trust complexes, 57–58 rail line to, 284 Archives, 105, 115, 263–64 survey register of, 59 Ardabil, 45, 55, 77–79, 86, 87, 88, 141, 191 Ankaravi, Ismail, commentary on Rumi’s besieged by Sheikh Cüneyd, 79 Mesnevi, 196 Ardahan, 306 Antalya, 88, 308–9 Ardashir, 71 Anthology of the Sultans’ Correspondence, 20 Ardabil Sufis, See Kızılbaş Antioch, Patriarch of, 108, 211 Aristotle, 3 Antiquities, 233, 264, 281, 319 Armenia, 245 in Ottoman architectural culture, 102 independent state of, 308, 315 See also Ruins proposed American Mandate of, 308 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89867-6 — A History of the Ottoman Empire Douglas A. Howard Index More Information 360 index Armenia, Republic of, 312 Asafname (Lutfi Pasha), 124 Armenian Church, 108, 126, 166, 210, 213, 256 Ashura, 86, 126, 128 Armenian genocide, 303–6, 313 and Shah Kulı rebellion, 88 in Trabzon, 305–6 Asia, Ottoman, 280–81 Kemakh gorge massacre, 305 AşıkPaşazade, 44–45, 53, 56, 191 Maden gorge massacre, 305 attitude towards Kızılbaş, 87 Reşid, Mehmed in, 305 and dervish revolt, 44–45 Tigris River massacres, 305 Deeds and Dates 51, 53, 72 Armenian language, 1, 16, 106, 156, 260, 262 dedication, 73 printing press, 197 on conquest of Istanbul, 57, 68–70, 73 Armenian patriarchate, 233, 281 on destiny, 53–54 Armenian patriarchate (Istanbul), 108, 244, on last days of Murad II, 64 292 on Ottoman genealogy, 45, 47 Armenian Provinces, 306 on Ottoman spirituality, 47–48 Armenian resistance, 292–93, 304 on Safavid conflict, 77, 79 Armenian revolutionaries, 293 on the origins of the Kızılbaş, 79 Dashnaktsutiun, 292 Assos Armenians, 12, 70, 148, 173, 189, 210, 250, 295, mosque, 33–34 302, 314 Astrakhan, 203 and American missionaries, 289 Astrology, 52, 99, 125–26, 238 and anti-Semitism, 115 and Ottoman campaigns, 63 and Galata bankers, 251 Astronomy, 48, 52, 126, 161, See also Astrology armed by French, 309, 315 Ataman, See Osman (Sultan) as sarrafs, 185–86 Athens, 66, 242 communities of, 156 fall of, to Venice, 175 conscripted in Great War, 303 population of, 107 control customs houses, 186 Atlantic Ocean, 159, 203, 285 cotton boom and, 286–87 commercial system of, 248, 255, 266 departure from Constantinople, 318 in map of Piri Reis,
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