M. C . Wo, 4S* ESTIMATES COMMITTEE NINETY-FIRST REPORT. (THIRD LOK SABHA) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS SOUTH-EASTERN RAILWAY f t m S LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI F e b r u a r y , 1 9 6 6lPhalguna> 1 8 8 7 (Saha) Prtcf : R*. 2 .op LIST OF AUTHORISED AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF LOlt SABHA SECRETARIAT PUBLICATIONS SL Name of Agent Agency SI. Name of Agant N o. No. No. ANDHRA PRADESH 13. Deccan Book Stall, Fer­ guson College Road, 1. Andhra University General Poona-4. Cooperative Stores Ltd., Waltair (Visakhapatnam). RAJASTHAN 2. G. R. Lakshmipathy Che tty 94 and Sons, Qeneral Mer­ 14. Information Centre, 3« chants and News Agents, Government of Rajasthan, Newpet, Chandragiri, Tripoli*, Jaipur City. Chittoor District. ASSAM UTTAR PRADESH 3. Western Book Depot, Pan 15. Swastik Industrial Works, 2 Bazar, Gauhati- 59, Holi Street, Meerut City. BIHAR 16. Law Book Company, 48 Sardar Patel Marg, Amar Kitab Ghar, Post 37 Allahabad-1. Box 78, Diagonal Road, Jamahadpur. WEST BENGAL GUJARAT 17. 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The English Book Stoaa, m Clock Tower, Fort. 7-L, Connaught Ovens, New Delhi. is . Tha Q srrant Book Home, 26. Lakshmi Book Store, 4a, a§ Marati Raghunath Municipal Market, Jaopath, 1 oathey-i. New Delhi. CONTENTS Pag * C o m p o s it io n of tmk C o m m it t e e ..... (v ii) I ntroduction ........ (ix ) C h a pte r T— I n tr o ih t t o r y Brief history of South Eastern Railway .... I South Eastern Railway System .... 4 General features and area served .... 5 Operating Efficiency after bifurcation .... 7 Operating-a/w-Efficiency Indices . 10 Financial results of working ..... 10 Losses in working of Narrow Gauge Sections . 14 Other Narrow Gauge Railways . 16 Conversion into Broad Gauge . 16 Bankura-Damodar River Light Railway .... 19 Working of B. D. R. Railway .... 19 Taking over of B. D. R. Railway .... 20 C h a p t e r II— D e velo pm en t P lans Traffic and Development Workb .... 23 Rail facilities for Pradeep and Haldia . 2 5 Santragachi Yard ...... 27 Inadequate facilities at Santragachi Yard. k . 27 Remodelling of Santragachi ..... 29 Andul-Dankuni Link , 29 Plan Works ........ 33 Track Renewals ...... 33 Progress in Execution ..... 33 Reasons for shortfalls ..... 33 Bridge Works ....... 35 Progress in Execution .... 35 Reasons for shortfalls . 35 Stiuctural and Engineering Works .... 38 Progress in Execution ..... 3® Reasons for shortfalls ..... 40 Opening of New Railway Lines ..... 41 Policy of Government ..... 41 Plan Expenditure on new Lines . 42 *lfe(Aii)LS—1. P aob C h apte r III—T e r m in a l F a c il it ie s i n t h e C a l c u t t a A ri a Absence of a terminal Station ..... 45 Trains hadled at Howrah ...... 46 Dispersal of Traffic ...... 46 Extent of Traffic crossing over to Calcutta .... 47 Congestion at Howrah ...... 47 Approaches to Howrah Station ..... 48 Provision of a new Terminal Station .... 49 Long-term plans to deal with future Traffic . 53 C h apte r IV— T ransportation Trends in Traffic. ......... 58 Development of Traffic ...... 58 Operating Efficiency ......... 59 Low Utilisation of Steam Engines ...... 59 Engine failures 61 Incidence of Engine failures ..... 6x Diesel Locomotives 6 r Electric Locomotives ....... 62 Indigenous substitute parts ........ 62 Overaged Locomotives ........ 64 Percentage of overaged narrow gauge locomotives 64 Replacement Programmes ........ 65 Late starts to trains ........ 65 Observation by Efficiency Bureau . 65 Step* taken to effect improvement ...... 66 Present position ...... 67 Low Speed of Goods Trains .... 68 Movement of Passengers ...... 69 Increase in Passenger Traffic and additional trains run .... 69 Traffic in Howrah-Kharagpur section ...... 7 * Through Train linking Orissa with Delhi ...... 7* Co-ordination between Rail and Road T r a n s p o r t ...................................... 7 * Movement of Goods ........ 73 Tons carried and earnings ....... 73 Steel Traffic ................................... • • 73 Steel Plants s e r v e d ............................................................................ 73 Wagon Position .................................................................... 74 B.F.R. W a g o n s ............................................................................. 75 Other Products*loo4ed ...................................... 75 Liaison with Steel R a n t s .................................................................. 75 * <Si) P agb Contamination of Tank Wagons ..................................... 75 Fixed Scheduled Trains ........ 77 Movement of Coal .......... 77 Coalfields from where moved . 77 Co-ordination with Producers and Consumers ..... 78 Supply of Wagons to low priority consumers ..... 78 Late arrival of Coal Pilots ........ 81 Remodelling of assisted coal sidings ....... 82 Movement of Perishables . 83 Principle perishable commodities moved ..... 83 Steps taken to speed up the clearance and movement of perishable traffic 84 Special arrangements for movement of mango traffic . 85 Movement of Ores 85 Supply of Wagons for movement of Manganese Ore . 86 Supply of Wagons for Jute Mills ....... 86 Introduction of Box Wagons 87 C h apte r V — P assenger A m en ities and Co m m e r c ia l M atters Passenger Amenities 89 Basic amenities .......... *9 Shortfalls in expenditure on passenger amenities .... 90 Reasons for shortfall ...... 91 Inadequate amenities at Kharagpur . 91 Electrification of stations ...... 91 Shalimar Goods Terminal ........ 92 Reservation facilities ......... 93 Claims ............ 94 Incidcncc and disposal of claims 94 Cases pending for more than 5 years ...... 95 Delay in submission of missing goods slips . 96 Claims compensation cases by principal commodities . 96 Increase in claims on perishables ....... 96 Comparative study of increase in claims and increase in traffic 96 Claims cause-wise ....... 9$ Steps taken to effect reduction in inddcnoe of claims . 98 Steps taken for prevention of theft and pilferage .... 99 Court Cases ........ too Incidence of court cases ........ 100 Court cases decided against the Railway ..... 101 Court cases against decisions already given by the Railway 101 Location of Divisional Headquarters’ Office at Kharagpur . hU •Public Relations and Consultative Committees. 102 m P age Demurrage Charges ........ 103 Change in procedure for calculation of demurrage charges 103 Increase in amount #of demurrage charges ...... 105 Ticketless Travelling xo5 Incidence of Ticketless Travelling io5 Measures taken to prevent ticketless travel .... 107 Pilot scheme of ticket checking 1(>8 Catering .... 108 Departmental Catering .108 Working of departmental catering 108 Steps taken to effect improvements 109 Financial results of working of departmental catering 109 Contract catering m C h apte r VI— W orksh ops and Stores Workshops n 2 Work done in the Workshops i t 2 Periodical overhaul of rolling stock 114 P.O.H. Capacity of workshops . 114 Steps taken to increase P.O.H. capacit> 114 Shortfalls in P.O.H. capacity for wagons 116 High cost oi P.O.H. to steam locomotives 117 Supply of essential stores to workshops 120 Capacity' in Steel Plants . 121 Incentive scheme of working . 121 Introduction of incentive schemc and its effects 121 Training of Apprentices ........ 124 Surplus machines 125 C h apte r VII— S taff Residential accommodation for staff 126 Accommodation available on South Eastern Railway 126 Progress made in Third Five Ycai Plan . 127 Budget allotment and actual expenditure . i2y Shortfalls in the recruitment of Scheduled Tribes Candidates |2H Extent of Shortfalls .... 128 Reasons for Shortfalls ....... 129 Refresher Training ....... 129 Staff due to undergo refresher training . 129 Reasons for shortfalls ..... 130 Payment of Pension, Provident Fund and Gratuity ..... 131 Staff under pension schema ........ 131 Measures taken to expedite disposal ...... 132 C hapter V III— C onclusion 134, (V) Appendices P age I. (i) Copy of Letter dated 28-10-64 from Shri Rabindra Lai Sinha, Edu­ cation Minister, Government of West Bengal, to Shri G*P. Bhalla, General Manager, Eastern Railway, Calcutta................................ 136 («) Copy of D.O. No. 32393/PS/N/Rev., dt. 25-11-64 from Shri S. Bhattacharjee, Minister, Land and Land Revenue and Irrigation and Waterways Departments, Government of West Bengal, to the General Manager, Eastern Railway, Calcutta . 136 II. Statement showing the trends of revenue goods traffic on South Eastern Railway, viz. tonnes carried and earnings by principal commodities during the years 1962-63, 1963-64 and 1964-65 .... 137 III. Statement showing loading of finished products by TISCO, Rourkela and Bhilai
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