United Nations 1305th GENERAL PLENARY MEnlNG ASSEMBLY Wednesday~ 16Deoember 1964~ at 3 p.m. NINETEENTH SESSION Official Records NEW YORK CONTENTS 5. As I stated in this Assembly on 14 D~cember Page. [1301st meeting], the People's Republic of China is Item 9 of the provisional agenda: Wlin occupation of 14,500 square miles of Indianterri­ General debate (oontinued) tory"; it is surprising that the representative of Statement by the representative of India. •• 1 Albania, in utter disregard of this patent fact, should Statement by the representative ofAlbania • 1 make an utterly baseless accusation against India. Speeoh by Mr• .Bourguiba (Tunisia) •••••• 3 India is not occupying even an inch of the territory Speeoh by Mr. Hanan (New Zealand) ••••• 9 of the People's Republic of China. Speeoh by Mr. AI-Sabah (Kuwait) ••••••• 13 6. India accepted the proposals put forward in all Speeoh by Mr. Mayaki (Niger) ••••••••• 16 sincerity by six non-alignedStates: BUl"ma,Cambodia, Speeoh by Mr. Mbazumutima (Burundi) ••• 18 Ceylon, Ghana, Indonesia and the United Arab Re­ public. On the other hand, it is China which, while President: Mr. Alex QUAISON-SACKEY proclaiming its readiness to accept the proposals in (Ghana). principle, took all possible steps to ignore them. Of late it has been ridiculing and criticizing those pro­ posals. By continuing to enjoy the. fruits of aggres­ ITEM 9 OF THE PROVISIONAL AGENDA sion, China has clearly refused to enter into negotia­ tions except on its own terms. This is a positior! General debate (continued) which quite understandably is unacceptable to In~iia. 1. The PRESIDENT: Before calling on the first speaker in the general debate for this afternoon, 7. Albania can well afford to believe in the peaceful I shall call on the representative of India, who has characte~ of the People's Republic of China, secure asked for the floor in exercise of the right of reply. in the knowledge that the vast Eurasian land me;ss separates it from China, and secure in the belief 2. Mr. SWARAN SINiiH (India); ,I am constrained to that the People's Republic of China has no interest exercise my right of reply. ,a~· the representative of in physically integrating it when ideologically it has Albania in his statement this morning[1304thmeeting] already been integrated with China. We, too, had been made certain wild and baseless allegations aga.J.nst led to believe in the peacefUlintentionsofthe People's India. It is not my wish to enter into a dialogue with Republic .of China-a country which we had always him, but I shall say a few words to refute his false tried to befriend. The Chinese attack, therefore, ~\ .. allegations and distortion of facts, in order to put the caught us completely unprepared; it was all the more record straight. of a shock to us as it was least expected. While 3. The representative of Albania attempted to brush Albania is at liberty to hold any views it likes, it can aside the inconvenient fact of Chinese aggression hardly blame us if, as a result ofour own experience, against India and sought to confuse the issue·. by we can no longer believe in ~he peaceful intentions of placing before the Assembly the version of the case the People's Republic of China. as presented by the People's Republic of China. As 8. The PRESIDENT: In exercise of his rightofreply, a close follower of the People's Republic of China, I give the floor 'to the representative of Albania. he has no option but to accept that version as gospel truth; otherwise it would be heresyonhis part. There­ 9. Mr. SHTYLLA (Albania) (translatedfrom French): fore I have no intention 'of replying to all the baseless I apologize for taking the 'floor again, but I must allegations and distortions of fact contained in his exercise my right of reply in connexion with the statement. statement just made by the representative of India. 4. The wpole world, with very few exceptions, like First 'of all I must say that for the Government which Albania, is well aware of the fact that the People's Mr. 8ingh represents, accusing China in its absence Republic of China invaded ·India and forcibly occupied is not a new tactic. The same thing happened at the Indian territory. The facts of the CMnese aggression last Conference of Non-Aligned Countries held at have been brOUght out clearly and lucidly innumerous CairoY and was repeated here the day' before yester­ letters and noteb sent to Peking by the Govern~entof day [1301st meeting] and again today. Yet I believe India over the past few years. They fully refute the that, even in politics, there is a rule of conduct which baseless claims on our territory madeby the People's requires one to criticize only in the presenceof those Republic of China. They are contained in published criticized. documents, and those who wish may care to study them in order to jUdge for themselves the truth of 11 Second Conference of Heads of State orG(l'je~nmentof Non-Aligned the matter. Countries held frorn 5 to 10 October 1964. i, -,0 1 A/PV.1305 2 ... General Assembly'"-Nineteenth Session ,;... PlenaryMee mgs . 10. In attempting to be witty, the representative of "The Chinese Government 'has already published Go India has insulted us. He said that we were ideo­ a large amount of documents concerning the Sino­ tio logically integrated with China. In reply, I must say to Indian boundary question .and has no intention of Bu the representative of India that the People's Republic repeating them here. It will only make the following pal of Albania is a sovereign and independent country statement in refutation of the distortions and fee pursuing an independent policy and also that it has slanders made by the Indian leaders. friends; and loyalty to our friends is a characteristic car" of our people as well as one of the foundations of our "1. The Indian Prime Minister's allegation that of policy. I betray no secret when I say-and I am proud China has made no positive or friendly response aWl of it-that our friendship with China is dictated to the Colombo proposals is a travesty of the facts. neither by geography nor by economics, nor is it a In order to promote a peaceful settlement of the Sino-Indian boundary question, the Chinese side " matter of allegiance. It is founded on principles, on par adopted a series of measures such as the ceasefire our COmmon ideologyI' Marxist-Leninism,which unites COl and withdrawal effected on its own initiathre, which communists, prolet~.rians and progressive men of all mal countries. Perhaps this is beyond the comprehension have far exceeded whatwas requestedin the Colombo the of the Indian representative but that is not my fault. proposals. The Colombo Conference nations know, utn and the Indian Government is aware too, that had it nati 11. Now, as for the facts. I shall again refrain from not been for these measures all taken on China's ove going into details. I can quite und~rstand that the ownint:i.ative, the Chinese frontier guards could not [, the possibly have withdrawn in Chinese territory 20 '.\ Indian representative is trying to justify his Govel'n­ ~. mel kilometres from the line of actual control along the ment's policy, but it is a well-established fact, as we :r:' Con mentioned this morning and even last year, that it whole Slno-Indian border and the present relaxa­ .~ beh was not China which attacked India. The truth is just tion on the Sino-Indian border could not have been Chi] the opposite and nothing can change it. achieved. tion "While talking glibly about accepting the Colombo of I 12. The representative of India has tried once agai.n mOl to distort the truth by acousing China of attacking proposals in toto, the Indian Government has in fact not only done nothing to relax the border situation, ficu India and occupying a part of Indian territory some COni 14,500 square miles in extent, as he alleged, quoting but has incessantly intruded into Chinese terrHory .from documents. But why shouldwe believe documents for harassment and provocations in an attempt to IIp intentionally prepared by India and not the actualfacts? create new tensions. bOUl Why should we believe that China has occupied a part "2. The Chinese Government has from the very Any of Indian territory when the reverse is true, when it outset stated that it accepted the Colombo proposals al~rE is India which continues to ccupy 90,000 square kilo­ as a basis for direct Sino-Indian negotiations. The unac metres of Chinese territory? responsibility for the failure up to now to hold "4 negotiations lies entirely with the Indian side. to s 13. I do not wish to go into the details of this ques­ neg( tion. However, since the representative of India has "The Indian External Affairs Minister asserted tion: again mentioned the Colombo Conference of six coun­ .that in taking the position as it does, China wanted que~ tries,lI and would have the General Assembly believe to benefit from aggression. This is turning the as I that while India has every intention of accepting the truth upside down. On the contrary the fact is that whic recommendations of that Conference, it isthe Chinese India is still illegally occupying more than 90,000 GOVI Government which ignores them, I take the liberty square kilometres of Chinese territory south of the to il of quoting an official document of the Government of so-called McMahon Line, whereas China has never fron the People's Republic of China, dated 9 October 1964, occupied a single inch of India's territory.
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