CROSSROADS THE MACEDONIAN FOREIGN POLICY JOURNAL April 2007 Vol. I, No.2 April 2007 QUO VADIS EUROPA? OU VA L’EUROPE Michel ROCARD explique pourquoi L’Europe d’aujourd’hui est bien différente de ce que ses fondateurs ont voulu L’Unione Europea: unità politica o declino? di Achille ALBONETTI European Constitution / European Politics Reviving the Constitutional Treaty by Andrew DUFF Elmar BROK on Common Foreign and Security Policy Jerzy BUZEK on the problem of energy solidarity in the enlarged Europe Creation of Europe / Reflections Alan DUKES, Géza JESZENSZKY, Eduard KUKAN, Petra MašínoVÁ EU Enlargement THE MACEDONIAN FOREIGN POLICY JOURNAL The EU keeps its door open to South-East Europe by Olli REHN Dimitrij RUPEL on Slovenian reflections on further enlargement Interview Javier Solana EU Candidates Stjepan Mesić on Croatian path to the EU Gabriela KONEVSKA TRAJKOVSKA on Macedonia in the EU Macedonia’s economic challenges on the road towards the EU by Abdylmenaf BEXHETI & Luan ESHTREFI CROSSROADS UDC: 327 (497.7) ISSN 1857-5404 327 Vol. I, No. 2 CROSSROADS CROSSROADS THE MACEDONIAN FOREIGN POLICY JOURNAL THE MACEDONIAN FOREIGN POLICY JOURNAL April 2007, Vol. I, No.2 April 2007, Vol. I, No.2 Editor-in-Chief Pajo AVIROVIK Deputy Editor Ivica BOCEVSKI Editorial Board: Vasko NAUMOVSKI, LLM, MA Darko ANGELOV, MA Maciej KacZoroWski Ljuben TEVDOVSKI Igor POPOVSKI Contributors: Vasile ANDONOVSKI Toni GLAMCEVSKI Eli BOJADZIESKA RISTOVSKI Edvard MItevsKI Founded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia. Dame Gruev 6, 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Published by: Macedonian Information Centre (MIC) Dragan ANTONOV, Director N.N. Borce 73, 1000 Skopje Republic of Macedonia The articles published in CROSSROADS do not necessarily represent the views of the editors or the publisher. The publisher is not liable for errors. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced in any form without permission from CROSSROADS. Published quarterly Design: MIC & Simco Sandulovski Print: Maring, Skopje Circulation: 1,000 CROSSROADSCROSSROADSTHE MACEDONIAN FOREIGN POLICY JOURNAL Skopje, April 2007 Vol. I, No.2 C o n t e n t s Quo Vadis Europa? Michel ROCARD – OU VA L’EUROPE / WHERE IS EUROPE HEADING ...........................................................................8 Alain LAMASSOURE – L’EUROPE AU XXIe SIECLE / EUROPE IN THE XXI CENTURY ......................................................................28 Achille AlBONETTI – L’Unione EUROPEA: UnitÀ PoliticA O declino? / EUROPEAN Union: PoliticAL Unity OR Twilight? .........................36 Predrag MATVEJEVIć – UNE MEDITERRANEE TOURMENTEE AU SEUIL DU NOUVEAU MILLENAIRE / The MediteRRAneAN on the THReshold OF the New MillenniUM .............................................................................46 European Constitution / European Politics Andrew DUFF – REVIVING THE CONSTITUTIONAL TREATY .............................55 Blerim REKA – EU CONSTITUTION:THE RUBIKON OF THE SUPRANATIONAL ................................................................................61 Elmar BrOK – EUROPEAN FOREIGN AND SECURITY POLICY: A VIEW FROM THE EUROPEAN PEOPLE’S PARTY .......................................81 Stevo PENDAROVSKI – EUROPEAN Union’S Phone NUmbeR: CRAFting the Common FoReign And SecURity Policy ..............87 Zoran NECEV – MEASURING SUCCESS OF THE COMMON FOREIGN AND SECURITY POLICY OF THE EUROPEAN UNION IN THE CASE OF MACEDONIA ........................................................................95 Michael SAHLIN – THE ROLE OF MACEDONIA IN THE EMERGENCE OF EU CRISIS MANAGEMENT ........................................................................103 Max VAN DER STOEL – The EUROPEAN ARchitectURE OF minoRity Rights ....................................................................................109 - - Jerzy BUZEK – THE PROBLEM OF ENERGY SOLIDARITY IN THE ENLARGED EUROPE ..........................................................................113 Creation of Europe / Reflections Alan DUKES – CHASING THE CELTIC TIGER: IS the IRish MIRAcle Possible in CentRAL, EAsteRN And SOUtheAsteRN EUROPE? ...................................................................121 Geza JESZENSZKY – A long engAgement Followed by A ROUgh MARRIAge – CentRAL EUROPE AFteR the 2004 EnlARgement ....131 Eduard KUKAN – The PoliticAL And Economic TRAnsFORMAtion OF EUROPEAN PROJect – The CAse OF SlovAkiA................................141 Petra MAšÍNOVÁ – CommUnicAting EUROPE: chAllenge FOR MAcedoniA ....................................................................149 EU Enlargement Olli REHN – THE EU KEEPS ITS DOOR OPEN TO SOUTH-EAST EUROPE ...............................................................................157 Dimitrij RUPEL – PREPARing EU PResidency – SloveniAN REFlections on FURtheR enlARgement OF the EU ....................161 Alain SERVANTIE and Maurice GUYADER – EUROPEAN EnlARgement: Economic Lessons LEARned And wheRE next? ............................165 Interview Javier SOLANA – EnlARgement contRibUtes to GRowth And PRosPERity in EUROPE .......................................................................177 EU Candidates Stjepan MESIć - ON THE COMMON PATH TOWARDS THE EUROPEAN UNION – EXPERiences OF the RePUblic OF CROAtiA ......................181 Gabriela KONEVSKA TrAJKOVSKA – MAcedoniA in the EU – Key to RegionAL STAbility And PRogRess .....................................187 - 4 - SeyfiT AşHAN – TURkey’S EU Odyssey: 1964-? .....................................................191 Erwan FOUERE – Meeting the exPectAtions And FULFilling the obligAtions – MAcedoniA And the EU EnlARgement STRAtegy ............................................................................195 Stojan ANDOV – THE POLITICS OF NEGOTIATING WITH THE EU .................205 Dimitar MIRCEV – MACEDONIA AND ITS POLICY OF ACCESSION TOWARDS THE EUROPEAN UNION .............................................................213 Abdylmenaf BEXHETI and Luan ESHTREFI – Economic CHAllenges OF the RePUblic OF MAcedoniA on the RoAD TowARds the EUROPEAN Union .............................................................225 Aleksandar SpASENOVSKI – WESTERN BALKANS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION – INTEGRATION INSTEAD OF CONFLICTS ................................................237 Vladimir BOZINOVSKI – PUBLIC OPINION IN MACEDONIA ON EU INTEGRATION – ComPARAtive AnAlysis................................................243 - - To Order Your Free Copy: Publications [email protected] - 6 - Dear readers, We have a great pleasure and honor to introduce to you the second issue of our Journal, entitled “Quo vadis Europa?”, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome. The reminiscence of the EU’s founding acts encouraged and inspired us to draw attention to a variety of issues relating to European affairs, ranging from the lessons learnt from the process of creation of the common European institutions, to the current problems faced by the EU, such as the fate of the Constitutional Treaty, the CFSP, the ESDP or the European Energy Strategy, to the future of the Union’s Enlargement Policy. The Republic of Macedonia as an official candidate for EU accession relying heavily on the current “enlargement fatigue” looked into this date with particular attention. However, our interest regarding the Union- related affairs does not derive solely from our country’s EU membership bid. As upcoming and indispensable part of the common European institutions and European integrative processes, we strive to take a more detailed insight into the most pending and most recent issues shaping and destining the future of the EU instead of focusing on Macedonia’s European aspirations only. For this purpose the Editorial Board of “Crossroads” did its utmost to gather a broad scope of distinguished European authors able to present to our readers their views and reflections on past successes and failures, as well as on the future challenges and opportunities that the “Common European Project” is supposed to encounter. Additionally, the Editorial Board of our Journal intended to find a proper and balanced mix between our contributors from the EU founding countries and the EU newcomers. We are proud to present to our readers the tediously inspiring article of former French PM Michel Rocard on the founding of the EU itself at the crossroads and in search of a new impetus. Europe at the crossroads is also highlighted by Achille Albonetti, eyewitness of the Roma Treaty negotiations, who addresses the necessity of strengthening the Union’s political quality. Eminent MEP’s Andrew Duff and Elmar Brok analyze for us the possibilities for overcoming the current constitutional stalemate in the EU as well as the prospects of the CFSP and the ESDP. Former Polish PM and current MEP Jerzy Buzek offers the readers of “Crossroads” his opinions on the problem of energy solidarity in the enlarged Europe. The EU High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana, grants us an exclusive interview. Eduard Kukan and Geza Jeszenszky, the former FM’s of Slovakia and Hungary respectively, present their views on Central Europe’s experiences regarding the EU accession. Commissioner Olli Rehn and Slovenian FM Dimitrij Rupel examine the current enlargement fatigue within the EU and the chances for new waves of enlargement. Macedonian Deputy PM Gabriela Konevska-Trajkovska along with Croatian President Stjepan Mesic underline the importance of keeping the enlargement process going. We
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