Planning for Chicago.Pdf

Planning for Chicago.Pdf

87,,I Jauur-lueruqsruJlda.r ou su,\\ e.raqt 'aurrt ts-rU aqt J()C 'stueruqsrl(lElsa ssaursnq pue slrrerErruurr mau {c1 paqsrualclar uJrq s,ie,n1e peq {aqt tnq 'sellluntutuoJ ueqrnqns ot pue slrrurl .itrr Furpuedxa eqt Jo stJrlstrlo rqr ol sqof pue aldoad 3o trreurr.\onr rr{l {q patalclap ueaq peq ,{ltuetsuoJ spa-re Jarrur asaql 'tfrJtsrp sseursnq leJluJJ aqt ot tuarelpe ,{.lalerpaurur spooq.roqqFrau JO Jrroz lJrrul eqt.}o aurJlap IRrnlrruls u ',Seus palee^ar uorssardag tea-rt eqt Jo srstrt 1r;rr1t,(.l 3ucl1 aq1 rofeu ts.Iq sll tlq uorsuedxa ssaltuelar s.{tn aqt'ra,ra^roq '.s{)[.,6] eqt ig 'uB6I ssle^\ :6961 epP.M puz ra.,{e6 :tg6t tio11 :qZ,fOI u()rssrruruol uuld o8elqj) qr.rtorfi eJnlnJ a^rsseur eqt Jo.I uort)nJlsuol pue etlrtsa [EaJ ur luJru]S3,\rrr elenud pue )rlqnd areurpJool pue suJetted asn-puu1 adeqs ol se,r\ Suruueld ueqrn ro.] elor {rerur-rcl aqt terll os tuau,{o1dua pue uou -ulnclod ur sJsee-r:rur -Suruoafi:nq Surtepoturuol)e tueaur I48I .]o aJrJ olierrqt aql ra4ts fiurppnqa; 'lla^\ se apert lrpte-r pue rlesalorl^\ pue 'sucllJufllintutuor prIE uortel-rodsue.rl 'selr,\Jas lurrosJed pue SSeurs^tre go a8ue-r aplM B paJaJJo spq pup'.gnuuru str ur peurs.rJ,\rp {tq8tq ueaq seq Luouorr eare oFerlq) eq.J. 'selr,\.rrs^ patr?lr.r pue ,{trnrlre .fiuuntre.Jnueru JO uors-uedxa snopuJrue-rt aqt uo paseq sB,\\ 1uau,{o1dtue prre uorlelndod ur qr,uo.r8 prcle-r stl '0U6I ,,(q 000'00!- puB '006I ur sqo[-Suunlre;nuuru petl o8urlq.J'0t]t ur uorlllur 009'00t, I € ,{q srural leraua8 eJoru rrr i.rr: pue'0161 rrl rrorllrut A'06ill ur uorllrru I 'gtgl ul 00093<r uortplnclod 'UOIJfII-IlSLl('r .' e ol ,rlat8'0gBI ur teltugrl iurl e aeJ_'srrrntueJ qt0A.{1,rea pue Jo qfntu 'eJ.Ie xv-I Jqt l)rr:' "hD 's r{16I a}el rql JO Ltrr lglrlsl-lpur rrrepour .rarruald aql se^l 03eIq3 IloA .\\rN loJ 9 | I \) {)rr ,' . pJlerurlsa 'L:1unol Jql irr \ s l\- tsa8rel aql seq (VSl^qS rlr!')g : 'o)sIfu?J,I ues uI s-tJl-tI'1.- l ;- . '9utneq 's.ral-rznbpeJq IBnp pJtelal esua.Iap .{q paq-rosc,'' - re8zla;41 'I uqof puu ssre1l 'y cruIAJ .\\JU ltstot Jqt JO luJf-raci rr. ruaudolaaa p o oqro qq&?aN 'PeJe JrIt{slIA{-pIu aql tII li:::' e :lleqrtll{ 'IrLryrJeW 'tEJ6 :r::- puD ffimotg uDtr,To{o4aw Io sr?l?Iod -roJrlu:) Surpeal .IO .,-rJlsod SuffiunqJ aql :oEnc?uIJ nI fiu?uuqd ssJursllg BruJO.lrle),, ruo.rl : : s.l?rrrJo.lrlP') Jo sJJlrenbpr: ; f J uroJJ l)JSeJrJUr sJlJhrr\ . ? Ug,Lc{VHl) -IapJOg Jql J() uorlr?urul ;rl:- - 'sauoz t.rodxa Lir' '-,. r24 ATOP THE URBAN HIERARCHY [' zone population and emplovment opportunities declined, as did real Chicago History: Threr estate values, and phvsical deterioration increased noticeabll'. In this Development context, the role of urban planning became not onll' the facilitation 'I-he of' overall rnetropolitan gr<xvth bv guiding public and private land first major periocl , : : development but zrlso the promotion of'physical reconstrlrction ancl with the "City Beatrtifrrl ::. redevelopment of the inner areas. Once the Depression ended and World's Columbian E\p, ,..'. World War II began, however, population and emplovment continued Chicago" written bv Danr.. i to increase for the next three decacles, and the ruling pcllicv assump- sored by the Comnrercr.,, ( tion of urban planning continued to be that physical development 1930s lry which tirrre rrr.: -fhe was all that was necessarv to accommodate the inevitable gron'th of. completed. basic thr.".' the Clhicaso area economy. commercial/corporate c{, ,',.. :. 'fhe "inevitable" growth lasted more than a century, but it did not warehousine, rail yarcls. .:r. last forever. The city of Chicago lost more than 600,000 people fronr tral area, and replacinq ::.- new public and private ,,:. , 1950 to 1980 ancl, while the suburban population Ffrerv rapidly front 1950 to 1970, between 1970 and 1980 the entire metropolitan area be linked to expancling nr . essentially stopped growing. Manuf-acturingjobs in the city of Chicago tial areas by an improrecl : , fell fronr a 1947 peak of 668,000 to 277,000 in 1982, the lowest tation, and suburban ir,, ... number since the l9th century. Suburban manufacturing employ- protected by a systen] of lc- "front ment picked up the slack for almost a generation, p;rou,ing by 3 15,000 Chicago's varcl." ::.-- reclaimed fbr reclelrti.r... jobs f rorn 1947 to the peak ,vear of' 1977. Since then region-rvide decline has set in; even the suburbs lost 32,000 residential developmerlt: L, . The lrusiness exectrtir c. between 1977 ancl 1982 (Berry and Ctrtler 1976; Cutler l9B2; N{c- Plan of'Chicago wefe . Donald 1984). not the metropolis. N{anr oi r:.--' 'I'his new reality has precipitated a reexamination of' the basic industrial corporations 1r.., : assumptions of urban planning. No longer are land-use changes the n()t want the dirt. grirrrc. ..: only strategies and techniques used to zrccornrnodate grorvth. Nerv impinge on their honrc-r, debates and rnethods have centered on the issue of stinrulating citv Daniel Burnham, heacl (,: ., and metropolitan pclpulation and empklyment gr()wth by promoting known designer of.dort nt, " : business opportunities through financial support, education and of the Commercial (.lrih ...,, training, technical assistance, and other pr()grams. In the trerv lexicon center. 'fhis vision \r'uS tic.: of'"ecorxrmic development," land planning and development has lost be a retttarkably Su((r::r,:. policy position occupiecl so long in the city the prenrier public it for Despite vigorous b:rtrlr. ' : of-Daniel Burnhanr. Furthermore, the paramount political position and central area mantr 1.rt i . l held by the downtown c()rporate decision makers in the urban plan- other business interests ' : , ning process is being increasingly challenged by comntunity clevelop- trirrmphed. Downt()\\ r) r.:. neighbor- ment organizations, particularly in the inner zone of city were eventually deveir,p. : hoods. Consequently, new firrrns of' political and economic dated passengel telrrrir..,. - partnerships are being fbrged anrong a rvider varien' <tf'public and cated to accommclclate t ,r,.' private sector participants than ever before. Michigan Avenue Briclg. : plo3,, eqr pue ,.alll{ rrFztr,{,, eqt dn pauado a8pr.rg anua.V ue8rqrrtrq -. eql :a^rrO -raIlq\,\ Ie^alrq aqr .]o uorlfnrtsrro) ateporuruolle ot Pater pue rrlqnd lo,{rar,IP.\ .rJ}r.'. : -olar sp.{r arnpord alesaloqlr Jqt islzrrrrurat ra.Suassed patup talJpru )llUoU())J pue lP.)l llllr: . -rlosuol pue 's8ulpllnq alu;o 's1red r<t3 paclola^ep {llenruana ara^\ -roqq8rau ,{tp .}o auoz .rr::'. srq8r-r JrE aql pue Ja^o peJa^ol areM saurl umolrrmoq 'paqdunur IreJ -dcllanap Alruntuuo.'r icl 1,.- : qnl3 lurfraruuo3 eql 'ueld aqt ol pasoddo slsrratul sseursnq raqtc) -ue1d ueqrn eql ur s-rJIr':l: ^ pue 'sJalesaloqM 'sJnrlnfaxa peorlrer 'srarn]:le.]nueru eale pue Ie-rlual ttotltsod lerrtrlod luttourr' ^'' : qnl) aqt sraquaru ueemleq selleq sno,ro-8rn atrdsaq IplJ-reuruo) JO itr: aqt ttt 3rto1 ()s ro.] 1r:: :' 'tdaruor InJsselrns ,{lqelreruar e eq lsol seq tuaurdolalap prr]' - : o1 pa,to:d pue ueld 6061 aql .]o rred e {peap sp.\\ uorsr,\ slq.L 'retua:) r.rofrxJl AtJU Jql ul 'srrr| r,- : . ,(ltl e uorleaJf aql se.\\ qnlJ aql ,,lerrlsnpur-tsod,, .]o lerfJeruruo3 J() pue uolleJnpa 'lroddrr< ':" srequraru slq pue 'srade:rs,,(1s ur\oluaop;o rau-8rsap uMOrrI 'lrolle.l Jo Surtourord {q qtmcl:E trrr..:" lla.{\ pun u-rrJ lurntrrlrrlrre lsa8rel s,r(trr aql.Jo pr?aq 'tuequrnfl larueq ,{rlr Surtelntulls Jnssr -) " Jo uorsr,\ aq.1 'a1,tlse.]rl rellor-atrqm JIUJO-ot-auoq rraqt uo a8urdur Jo MaN ' elepotuurr rr - :. o] plrom rnlloJ-enlq aqr ;o uortse8uor puE 'rrurr8 'trrp Jql tuR,\\ lou aql saFueqJ esn-puPl J.ii' .-'-- prp ,{aqt 'rana.uo11 'o8elq3 ur parruenbpeaq suclrterod-ror lerrtsnpul 'srlodclrlaru )rsEq aql Jo uorlerrrurlr\f :. a8rel ;o sJolJarrp pue sa,\rtnlexe eJaM tuaqt .1o ,{ueJ,1 Jql ur Suunllr?nueru qlMOrB aqt ot pasoddo tou aJeM o8errq3.]o ueld JO -)W :UB6I ralln3 :!)1bl :.:'.' 6061 eql r(U parqqol pue perosuclds oq^\ sr,\rtnrexa ssrursnq eqJ, sqo[- Surrnl)P-.]nuetu . '(OtO1 ,{pootrX :606t lteuurfl puu ruequrng) sruaudola,\ep lertueprser [){11 : apr.u-uor8al ueqt Jlrrq elqeuorqsp.3 .Io 3rro1 e pue esn leuorteerrer ro.I paurelrer g,(q Sut,uorij'uo1l' . - " eq or se,tt 'ue8lqJltr\l eIeJ Suoye puRI eqt .,'pre,{ tuo-U,, s,clSerrq3 000'EI -,{o1dua Suuntre.lnutur :i;' ',(11eurg 'sanrasard lsaroJ pup slred leuor8ar3cl ruals,{s e {q palratord - pup pa8ernorua Jq ol sem qt,uor8 Sursnoq upqJnqns pue 'rrorlrul lse,\ ol aqf 'UB6I ul 0(,{r'_ o8ulq3go Ltrr eql uI S(1.r -rodsuerl IrEr pue s,{u,nq8lq 3o ruals,{s IEtpEr panordurr ue ,{q serte IErl -='." -uaprsrr ueqrnqns aruorur-raddn pue -alppru Surpuedxa ot palull aq PaJe uelrlod<ulau aJprrr :'.- ol sum pere umolu^rop slq.L 's8urppnq elu;o ate,rud pue lrlqnd .uau ruo{ ,{lprder mar8 rrourlr' . pue 'sa8prJq '.spJe^alnoq 'sryed qlrm uraqt Suneldal pue 'eare lerl tuor3 aldoad 000'009 rr}'il. -.. -ual eql uroJ.] serlrArl)E /ltq8rsun Jaqlo pue 'spre,{ per ' lou plp lI lnq ',{.rtttrtJl t' -:r". 'Sutrnlre.Inupu Fur,rourar,{q eare umolrrmop alerod-rol/lelJJaruruof urepotu eql qsrlqetsr ot se.n uuld rqt lo tsnrqt )rspq aqJ 'patalduo.l .]o qlmor8 alqetr,raur rr{r :-: . uaeq peq ueld 6661 rqt.]o suorl.rocl rolbu arur] qrlqM {q 10g6l tuaudola^ap IRrIS.iqd rr'... ,{pea aqt Irtun patsel pouad slqJ 'qnll lerrreururo3 rqt ,{q pa.ros -dunsse,(rrlcld Frrrln,r .rrt.

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