NATIVITY OF CHRIST DECE 25 / JAN 7 ST. ELIAS THE PROPHET “What, then, O, brethren, is required of us in order that we might avail ourselves of all the grace brought unto us from GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH on high by the coming to earth of the Son of God? What is neces- NOVEMBER/ DECEMBER 2015 sary, first of all, is faith in the Son of God, in the Gospel as the sal- vation-bestowing heavenly teach- ing; a true repentance of sins and The glorious Elias, incarnate messenger of God, the correction of life and of heart; communion in prayer and in the pillar of prophets, mysteries [sacraments]; the knowledge and fulfillment of and second forerunner of the coming of Christ Christ’s commandments. Also necessary are the virtues: Chris- tian humility, alms-giving, conti- nence, purity and chastity, sim- plicity and goodness of heart. Let us, then, O brothers and sis- ters, bring these virtues as a gift to the One Who was born for the sake of our salvation – let us bring them in place of the gold, frankincense and myrrh which the Magi brought Him, as to One Who is King, God, and Man, come to die for us. This, from us, shall be the most-pleasing form of sacrifice to God and to the Infant Jesus Christ.” St. John of Kronstadt, Sermon on the Nativity of Jesus Christ Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Denver The MOST Rev. Metropolitan Isaiah, Primate Reverend Fr. Dimitrios A. Pappas, Priest St. Elias the Prophet 46 Calle Electra Santa Fe, NM 87508 (505) 466-0015 office (505) 204-4655 cell [email protected] www.stelias.nm.goarch.org sent grace from on high A WELCOME NOTE TO OUR GUESTS: to Elisha that he might cleanse lepers We are glad to have you worshipping with us today. and heal sickness Please sign our Guest Register and introduce yourself to Father Dimitrios after the service. Please join us for lunch following the Divine Liturgy. SERVICES AND INFORMATION Times of Services: Sundays: Orthros/Matins - 9:00am; Divine Liturgy - 10:00am Christmas in Romania In Romania, Christmas and mid-winter celebrations last from 20th December to 7th January. The 20th is when people celebrate St. Ignatius's Day. It is traditional that if the family keep pigs, one is killed on this day. The SERVICES FOR NOVEMBER meat from the pig is used in the Christmas meals.The Sunday, 1 NOVEMBER Christmas celebrations really begin on Christmas Eve, Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am 24th, when it's time to deco- rate the Christmas Tree. This is done in the evening of Christmas Eve. In Roma- Sunday, 8 NOVEMBER FALL ASEMBLY nian, Christmas Eve is called 'Ajunul Craciunului'. Carol Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am singing (known as 'Colindatul') is also a very popular part of Christmas in Romania. On Christmas Eve, children go Sunday, 16 NOVEMBER out carol singing from house to house performing to the Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am adults in the houses. They normally dance as well. Saturday, 21 NOVEMBER The children get sweets, fruit, traditional cakes called 'cozonaci' and sometimes money for singing well. Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am Adults go carol singing on Christmas Day evening Sunday, 22 NOVEMBER and night. A traditional Roma- nian Carol is the 'Star Carol'. The star, made of col- ored paper and often deco- Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am rated with tinsel, silver foil and sometimes bells, is put on Sunday, 29 NOVEMBER a pole. In the middle of the star is a picture of baby Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am Jesus or a nativity scene. Carol singers take the star with them when they go carol singing. The words of the Star Carol are: "The star has appeared on high, Like a big secret in the sky, SERVICES FOR DECEMBER The star is bright, May all your wishes turn out right."Other popular carols to sing include 'Oh, What Wondrous Tidings' ('O, ce veste minunata') and 'Three Wise Men coming from the East' ('Trei Crai de la rasarit'). In many parts of Ro- mania, it's also traditional that someone dresses up as a goat, with a multicolored mask, and goes round with Sunday, 6 DECEMBER the carol singers. The goat is known as the 'Capra' and it jumps and dances around getting up to lots of mis- Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am chief! Christmas Eve tradition is a drumming band or 'dubasi'. This is normally made up of un-married men. A Sunday, 13 DECEMBER band can have up to 50 or 60 men in it! As well as the drums there's often a saxophone and violin. The band will practice for about a month before Christmas so they are really good. The go round the streets and are Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am given presents. In Romanian, Merry Christmas is 'Crặciun Fericit'. In Romania Santa Claus is known as 'Moş Sunday, 20 DECEMBER Crăciun' (Old Man Christmas), 'Moş Nicolae' (Old Man Nicholas) & 'Moş Gerilă' (Old Man Frost). Traditional Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am Romanian Christmas foods include Roast Gammon and Pork Chops (made from the killed pig!), 'Ciorba de perisoare' which is a slightly sour vegetable soup made with fermented bran and pork meatballs; 'Sarmale' Friday, 25 DECEMBER CHRISTMAS cabbage leaves stuffed with ground pork and served with polenta; 'Cozonac' a rich fruit bread; Romanian DAY Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am doughnuts called 'gogosi' and cheesecakes. New Year's Eve is also an important celebration in Romania. It's sometimes called Little Christmas. Traditionally a small, decorated plough called a 'Plugusorul' is paraded Sunday, 27 DECEMBER through the streets on New Year's Eve. It is meant to help people have good crops during the following year. Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am On New Year's Day, children wish people a Happy New Year while carrying around a special bouquet called a 'Sorcova'. Traditionally, the Sorcova was made of twigs from one or more fruit trees like apple, pear, cherry or plum. They're put into water in a warm place on 30th November, so they hopefully come into leaf and blossom on New Year's Eve! Nowadays often a single twig of an apple or pear tree is used and it's decorated with flow- ers made from colored paper. Stewardship 2014 November 1 November (Sunday) prosforon and coffee hour Mike & April Dellas We have collected so far $63,500 in stewardship this [Featuring Mike’s New Mexico-Style CHILI-FEST. A FUN-FUND-raiser!] 8 November (Sunday) prosforon Mary Santikos, coffee hour Judy Brophy & year . Our budget for the year is $135,000. If you have Helen Skinas not yet signed your Stewardship card . Please do so. 15 November (Sunday) prosforon Diane Tintor, coffee hour Nia Parry 21 November (Saturday) Presentation of the Theotokos in the Temple pros- Every Steward is very important to us, If you need a foron Mary Santikos 22 November (Sunday) prosforon Leslie Cook, coffee hour Bonnie Hard- card, you may pick one up at the church or please call wick 29 November (Sunday) prosforon and coffee hour Mac Ennis Alexiou, Gay Lynn Josephakis, John & Evange Alexis, Dean & Cynthia Dianne Proestos, Paul & Susan December Angelos, Antonio & Mary Kalangis, Alex & Svenja Robeson, Steven & Besty 6 December (Sunday) prosforon Iggy Patsalis, coffee hour Nymphe Argos, Potitsa Karalis, Pano Razatos, Leonardo Kefal 13 December (Sunday) prosforon Leslie Cook, coffee hour Michelle Ballas, Peter Kassicieh, Samir Round, Raphal and Juliana Armijo Barlow, Richard Kassisieh Qustandi Round, Russell (Ignatios) 20 December (Sunday) prosforon and coffee hour Anna Pat- Boone-Van Zandt, Kefal, Nymphe Sander, Vicki salis 25 December (Friday) CHRISTMAS DAY prosforon Fr. Dimitri Pappas Dennis & Tonya Kitsos, Vasilios &Christina Sakona, Evelyn 27 December (Sunday) prosforon and coffee hour April Dellas Brophy, Judith Komis, Lemonia & Peter Santikos, Mary Carl, Melissa Kurtz, Eva Santikos , Violeta Prosfora must be at the church by 9:00 a.m. To change your day you must find and give sufficient notice to someone to take Chronis, Christopher Manos, Peter Shea Michael and Gael your place.You're also responsible for coffee room clean up. Chronis, Tasso Margo, Carol Levings Rinse coffee urns, wipe down counters and tables, sweep floor, replace soiled table cloths, place bag of garbage in green bin and wheel it down to the church mail- Constantaras, Dr. Alex & Martinez , Matt and Emily Skinas, Hellen Niki Michas, Christopher & Steven, Joe and Anastasia Constantaras, Alexia Sophia Tintor, Diane POINSETTIA Cook, Bess & Leslie Nicholson, DJ & Margaret Topakas, George & Lurani Please order your poinsettias for Counelis, Spiro & Marina Ntellas, Michael & April Tramontanas, Kerry the Christmas holiday. Daskalos, Chris & Milly O’Brien, Mary Tramontanas, Tracey Each poinsettias for $15 Denko John & Shirley Pappas, Alex & Rena Vasilion, Evan Honor your love ones. Denko Katherine Pappas, George A. Vasilion-Dixon Steve & Please include names of your love Denko Mark Pappas, Dean & Jennifer Rebecca ones that you would like to Eddings Scott & Lena Parry, Eugenia Vaupen, Burt & Frederika Commemorate. Ennis, Mac Patsalis, Ignatios & Anna Zaffer, Constantinos & Deadline December 14, 2014 Grivas, Peter Pavlakos, Costa Arismia Hardwick, Bonnie Pavlakos, Niko & Marina Zrilic, Djuro Pavlakos, Vasilios & Christmas in Serbia and Montenegro In Serbia and Montenegro, the main Church is the Orthodox Church and they still use the old 'Julian' Calendar, November 4, 2015 which means that Christmas Eve is on 6th January and Christmas Day is on the 7th January! Advent in the Or- thodox Church starts on 28th November and last for six weeks. During Advent, some people fast and they don't eat food that comes from animals (meat, milk, eggs, etc.).
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