EDDIE IZZARD MINNIE DRIVER It’s a wonderful lie. MONDAYS AT 10PM ET/PT ©2007 FX Networks LLC. All rights reserved. PREMIERES MARCH 12 ©2007 FX Networks LLC. All rights reserved. MONDAYS AT 10PM ET/PT PREMIERES MARCH 12 2 THE RICHES 20JEANNE VAN COTTKd_jFheZkYj_edCWdW][h 4 EDDIE IZZARDWi»MWod[CWbbeo¼%;n[Ykj_l[FheZkY[h 20AARON BLITZSTEINIjW\\Mh_j[h";f_ieZ[. 6 MINNIE DRIVERWi»:W^b_WCWbbeo¼ 21GWYNETH HORDER-PAYTON:_h[Yjeh";f_ieZ[* 8 SHANNON WOODWARDWi»:[^b_W^CWbbeo¼ 21 BRIAN KIRK:_h[Yjeh";f_ieZ[i+"- 9 NOEL FISHERWi»9W[bCWbbeo¼ 22 GUY FERLAND:_h[Yjeh";f_ieZ[, 10AIDAN MITCHELLWi»IWcCWbbeo¼ 22 DAN LERNER:_h[Yjeh";f_ieZ[. 11TODD STASHWICKWi»:Wb[CWbbeo¼ 23 MATT SHAKMAN:_h[Yjeh";f_ieZ[/ 12MARGO MARTINDALEWi»D_dW8khdi¼ 23 JEREMY PODESWA:_h[Yjeh";f_ieZ['& 13GREGG HENRYWi»>k]^FWd[jjW¼ 24 JAMIE BABBIT:_h[Yjeh";f_ieZ['' 14BRUCE FRENCHWi»@_c8khdi¼ 24 LESLIE LIBMAN:_h[Yjeh";f_ieZ['( 16 DMITRY LIPKIN 25MICHAEL NEGRIN:_h[Yjehe\F^eje]hWf^o 9h[Wjeh%;n[Ykj_l[FheZkY[h%Mh_j[h";f_ieZ[i'")"/"') 25DEVORAH HERBERTFheZkYj_ed:[i_]d[h 16 DAWN PRESTWICH ;n[Ykj_l[FheZkY[h%Mh_j[h";f_ieZ[i("*"'( 26WENDY WEIDMAN9Wij_d]:_h[Yjeh 16 NICOLE YORKIN ;n[Ykj_l[FheZkY[h%Mh_j[h";f_ieZ[i("*"'( 26REBECCA MANGIERI9Wij_d]:_h[Yjeh 17 MICHAEL ROSENBERG ;n[Ykj_l[FheZkY[h 26BARBARA FIORENTINO9Wij_d]:_h[Yjeh 17 PETER O’FALLON 27HARRY GREGSON-WILLIAMS9ecfei[h 9e#;n[Ykj_l[FheZkY[h%:_h[Yjeh";f_ieZ[i'"(")"') 28JOHN LANDGRAF 18 LYDIA WOODWARD 9edikbj_d]FheZkY[h%Mh_j[h";f_ieZ[i+"'' Fh[i_Z[djWdZ=[d[hWbCWdW][h"<ND[jmehai 18ELLIE HERMAN9edikbj_d]FheZkY[h%Mh_j[h";f_ieZ[i,"'& 29THE RICHES PRODUCTION CREDITS 19 IAIN PATERSONFheZkY[h 29RATING ADVISORY 19 KAT GOODSON7iieY_Wj[FheZkY[h 30FX FACT SHEET In The Riches, Eddie Izzard and Minnie Driver play ‘Wayne and Dahlia Malloy,’ Gypsy Travellers from rural Louisiana. The Malloys, along with their three children, go on the run after stealing money from the extended family bank. An unfortunate accident provides a great opportunity when they obtain the identity of a well-to-do “normal family,” becoming ‘H. Douglas and Cherien Rich.’ Seduced by the idea of a bigger life for themselves, and armed with the keys to a new house in a posh neighborhood, they soon find that suburban life is more twisted and challenging than any of their previous stings. For Wayne and Dahlia Malloy, the road is home. As But the most daunting task: the Malloys must convince a family of Travellers, life is all about the money — other themselves. Their identity is turned upside down, and people’s money — and steering clear of the law. They’ve they must find the balance between gaining all the perks raised their three children Cael, Dehliah and Sam in their of bufferdom (the hot cars, the hot boyfriend, the TV) old beat up RV, teaching them the tricks of the scamming while loosing the freedom of the road they’ve enjoyed trade, and to always take pride in conning greedy buffers their whole lives. Can they really pull this off? And if (the Traveller term for ordinary, law-abiding folk). they can, are they burying the Malloy name for now, or But one blind curve in the road and a swerve of the RV for good? later, and the Malloy family finds themselves faced with With their hands tightly around the American Dream, the possibility of becoming buffers. Doug and Cherien complete with a two-car garage and a garbage disposal, the Rich are now dead, driven off the road by the swerving Malloys begin to question who they really are, if they can Malloy RV. Dahlia feels guilt over the tragic accident. ever go back home again, and what home even means. Wayne senses a golden opportunity. Somehow their cushy new mansion may not feel as much Wayne and his family help themselves to Doug and a home as that old beat up RV. Cherien’s life. But this con is like no other the Malloys The Riches was created by playwright Dmitry Lipkin, have ever pulled. To survive in the buffer world, they must who wrote the pilot episode and will executive produce convince suspecting neighbors, classmates, co-workers, along with Izzard. Dawn Prestwich and Nicole Yorkin, cleaning ladies and car-rental clerks that they really are who most recently served as writers and co-executive the Riches, that their children are fit for the top private producers on Showtime’s critically acclaimed drama schools, that Wayne not only has a law degree but is the series Brotherhood, are also executive producers, along with best lawyer around, and that Dahlia not only understands Michael Rosenberg, Mark Morgan and Guy Oseary. FX but also respects her Jewish heritage. Productions and Fox Television Studios will produce. 2 · T H E R I C H E S THE RICHES · 3 ‘Wayne Malloy’ (Eddie Izzard) yearns to be extraordinary and yearns for his family to live an extraordinary life. With that in mind, he leads his Traveller wife and kids through the big con: stealing the American Dream. Nothing means more to him than his family, and he’s determined to provide for them like never before while protecting them from this dangerous new world. Living in a dead family’s home and impersonating a dead yuppie is a risky enterprise, but Wayne’s a natural, and the harder the con the more Wayne shines. ;ZZ_[?ppWhZ^WiX[[d^W_b[ZWied[e\ Wcoij_YWbM[ij[hdYe#ijWhh_d]C_Y^W[b j^[\eh[ceijijWdZ#kfie\^_i][d[hWj_ed$ CWZi[dWdZ@kb_[jj[B[m_i1^[Z[b_]^j[Z >[jWa[i_Z[WiWdZi_jkWj_ediWdZ Y^_bZh[dWdZWZkbjiWb_a[Wij^[le_Y[e\ [njhWfebWj[ij^[c_djeX_pWhh[jWd][dj_Wb" j^[»IWdZ<W_ho¼_d:_id[o¼i<_l[9^_bZh[d WXikhZ"WdZikhh[WbYec_YdWhhWj_l[i$>[ WdZ?jWbed]i_Z[A[dd[j^8hWdW]^WdZPe[ _ij^[ÄhijjeWZc_jj^Wj^[][jim[bbfW_Z MWddWcWa[h1WdZ^[Wff[Wh[ZXh_[Åo_d \ehjWba_d]jejWbXebbeYai$J^[]eeZfWo_i Ij[l[dIeZ[hX[h]^¼iYWf[hi[gk[bEY[Wd¼i X[YWki[kdb_a[j^[XebbeYaiceije\kijWba" Jm[bl[effei_j[=[eh][9beed[oWdZ _j¼i\kddo$H[demd[ZWiWYec_Y"?ppWhZ_i 8hWZF_jj$?d(&&'"?ppWhZ[d`eo[Z]h[Wj WbieWcW`ehÄbc"j^[Wjh[WdZJLWYjeh$ KIWdZKAh[l_[mi\eh^_ifehjhWoWbe\ >_iijW][Wff[WhWdY[i_dYbkZ[CWc[j¼i »9^Whb_[9^Wfb_d¼_dF[j[h8e]ZWdel_Y^¼i J^[9hofje]hWc"/&&Ed[edjW"j^[j_jb[ J^[9Wj¼iC[em$ heb[_dCWhbem[¼i;ZmWhZ??"WdZ7:Wo I_dY[^_iÄhijijW][Wff[WhWdY[edBedZed¼i _dj^[:[Wj^e\@e[;]]_dBedZedWdZ M[ij;dZ_d'//)_dj^[ed[#cWdi^em ed8heWZmWom^_Y^med^_cW^WdZ\kb B_l[Wjj^[7cXWiiWZehi"?ppWhZ^Wi_d^WX_j[Z e\WmWhZi"_dYbkZ_d]WJedodec_dWj_ed Wkd_gk[mehbZe\^_iemd¹YWh[\kbboYhW\j[Z \eh8[ij7Yjeh$>_iX_]#iYh[[dZ[XkjmWi hkXX_i^$ºB_l[Wjj^[7cXWiiWZehimWi Wbed]i_Z[8eX>eia_diWdZHeX_d \ebbem[ZXoWikYY[ii_ede\i^emi_dYbkZ_d] M_bb_Wci_dj^['//,cel_[I[Yh[j7][dj$ Kdh[f[WjWXb[_d'//*"'//,¼i:[Äd_j[7hj_Yb[" Ej^[h^_]^b_]^ji_d^_icel_[YWh[[h =beh_eki_d'//-":h[iijeA_bb_d'//."WdZ _dYbkZ[J^[7l[d][him_j^I[Wd9edd[ho" j^[(&&&fheZkYj_ed9_hYb[$ L[bl[j=ebZc_d[m_j^;mWdCY=h[]eh" 7\j[hif[dZ_d]^_i[Whboo[Whi_diec[ 7bbj^[Gk[[d¼iC[deffei_j[CWjjB[8bWdY e\j^[BedZedY_hYk_j¼ib[iiiWbkXh_eki WdZH[l[d][hiJhW][Zom_j^9^h_ijef^[h Yec[ZoZ[di"?ppWhZdemfbWoijeWh[dWi" ;YYb[ijed$ fh[l_ekiboedboj^[ZecW_de\j^[jef >[h[Y[djbomWi_d:kXb_d"?h[bWdZ"Äbc_d] dWc[i_dfefWdZheYaWdZhebb$M^Wj[l[h A_jY^[d"Wd[mj[b[l_i_edZhWcWXWi[Zed j^[i_p[e\j^[ijW]["j^ek]^"^[Yedj_dk[i A_jY^[d9edÄZ[dj_Wb"7dj^edo8ekhZW_d¼i jeWZZh[iiW][dZW#jeff_d]_iik[iikY^Wi0 j[bb#WbbXeeaWXekjmeha_d]WiWY^[\_dD[m :e[ij^[=eZe\9^Weib_l[_dWYWhWlWd5 Oeha$A_jY^[dmWiZ_h[Yj[ZXoA_[hed@$MWbi^$ :_Z<b_ff[hh[WbboiWoj^WjCWeJi[Jkd] BWijikcc[h^[mWii[[d_dj^[?lWd ^WZjWa[del[hcW_dbWdZ9^_dW57dZm^Wj H[_jcWdÄbcCoIkf[h;n#=_hb\h_[dZ ^Wff[d[Zm^[d:Whj^LWZ[hjh_[ZjeehZ[h ijWhh_d]KcWJ^khcWdWdZBka[M_bied1 F[dd[7hhWX_WjW_dj^[mehaiYWdj[[d5 WdZb[dj^_ile_Y[jej^[Wd_cWj[Z:_id[o ?ppWhZ¼icki_d]iedjef_Yie\j^_ijof[ cel_[J^[M_bZeffei_j[A_[\[hIkj^[hbWdZ" ^Wl[[Whd[Z^_ciec[jefWmWhZi\hec @Wd[Wd[=Whe\Wbe"@Wc[i8[bki^_"WdZ J_c[EkjWdZj^[F[hh_[hFWd[b$B_l[Wj M_bb_WcI^Wjd[h$ j^[7cXWiiWZehih[Y[_l[ZWdEb_l_[h7mWhZ EDDIE IZZARD ?d(&&+"?ppWhZZ[cedijhWj[Z^_icki_YWb dec_dWj_ed\ehEkjijWdZ_d]7Y^_[l[c[dj$ — AS — ÅW_h_dHecWdY[WdZ9_]Wh[jj[i"W9e[d >[medj^[8h_j_i^9ec[Zo7mWhZ\eh 8hej^[hifheZkYj_edZ_h[Yj[ZXo@e^d JefIjWdZ#Kf9ec[Z_Wd_d'//)WdZ'//," »MWod[CWbbeo¼ Jkhjkhhe"ijWhh_d]IkiWdIWhWdZedWdZAWj[ WdZ:h[iijeA_bb[Whd[Z^_cWD[mOeha M_dib[j$?d(&&*^[mWii[[d_d8bk[X[hho" :hWcW:[ia7mWhZWdZjme;ccoi$ [n[Ykj_l[fheZkY[h 4 · T H E R I C H E S THE RICHES · 5 ‘Dahlia Malloy’ (Minnie Driver) is a fireball. Try to contain her and she’ll break out that much harder. After spending two years in a jail cell, Dahlia re-enters the world with a healthy cough-syrup addiction and an urgency to be with her family. She lives for her three children, and if taking the American Dream means a better life for them, she’s in. But she has one rule - nobody tells her what to do or how to do it, not even Wayne. She’s the only Malloy who understands that to really steal the American Dream, the family must hold on tight until “they rip it outof our cold dead hands.” C_dd_[:h_l[hÄhijYWc[jej^[Wjj[dj_ede\ ?d(&&)":h_l[hWff[Wh[ZedijW][Wj WkZ_[dY[iWdZYh_j_YiWb_a[\eh^[hYh_j_YWbbo# BedZed¼i9ec[ZoJ^[Wjh[m_j^CWjj^[m WYYbW_c[Zf[h\ehcWdY[_d9_hYb[e\<h_[dZi" F[hhoWdZ>Wda7pWh_W_d:Wl_ZCWc[j¼i _dm^_Y^i^[ijWhh[Zm_j^9^h_iE¼:edd[bb$ I[nkWbF[hl[hi_jo_d9^_YW]e$J^[fbWo I^[m[djedje[WhdEiYWhWdZIYh[[d Xhea[j^[h[YehZ\ehj^[bWh][ijXen#e\ÄY[ 7Yjehi=k_bZdec_dWj_edi"Xej^_dj^[ WZlWdY[\ehWM[ij;dZi^em$J^[iWc[ YWj[]ehoe\EkjijWdZ_d]F[h\ehcWdY[XoW o[Wh:h_l[hWbiemWii[[dYe#ijWhh_d] <[cWb[7Yjeh_dWIkffehj_d]Heb[\eh^[h m_j^F^_bb_fI[ocekh>e\\cWd_dEmd_d] f[h\ehcWdY[_dC_hWcWn¼iWmWhZ#m_dd_d] CW^emdo"WZWhaYec[Zom^_Y^mWi \[Wjkh[=eeZM_bb>kdj_d]"Z_h[Yj[ZXo Z_h[Yj[ZXoH_Y^WhZAm_[jd_emia_$J^[ =kiLWdIWdj$?dCWhY^'//.":h_l[hmWi ÄbcZ[Xkj[ZWjj^[IkdZWdY[<_bc<[ij_lWb ^edeh[Zm_j^j^[fh[ij_]_eki<[cWb[IjWh WdZmWiWbieiYh[[d[ZWjj^[8[hb_d<_bc e\Jecehhem7mWhZWjI^eM[ij$ <[ij_lWb$I^[WbieWff[Wh[Z_d8k[dWL_ijW :h_l[hmWiceijh[Y[djboi[[d_dj^[\[Wjkh[ ?dj[hdWj_edWb¼i>ef[Ifh_d]i"m_j^>[Wj^[h
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