Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76468-1 - Greeks and Barbarians Kostas Vlassopoulos Index More information Index locorum Literary sources Note: reference numbers for the relevant corpora of fragments of ancient authors appear within brackets next to the name of the author; for the abbreviations of the various corpora, see the List of Abbreviations. The capital letters F and B stand for fragment, the capital letter T for testimony. Abaris (BNJ 34) Antiphon the Sophist (D-K 87) F1–2: 208 B44: 194 Aelian Archilochus of Paros (West) Various History F2: 120, 177 12.1: 90 F5: 120, 177 Aeneas the Tactician F19: 176 15.9–10: 201 F22: 120 16.14: 201 F42: 178 24.3–14: 201 F93: 177 31.25–7: 201 F102: 120 31.35: 201 F216: 177 37.6–7: 201 Aristeas of Proconnesus 40.4: 201 (BNJ 35) Aeschylus F2: 175 The Persians F7: 175 181–99: 195 Aristophanes Suppliant Women Acharnians 277–90: 196 141–50: 137 Alcaeus of Mytilene (L-P) 153–72: 125, 191 F45: 177 Birds F69: 177 1615–82: 191 F350: 177 Thesmophoriazusae Alcman of Sparta (Page) 1001–231: 191 F16: 177 Wasps Anacreon of Teos (Page) 828: 89 F347: 177 Aristotle (Rose) F356b: 178 Barbarian Customs F417: 177 F604–11: 202 Anaxandrides (K-A, II) Constitution of the Athenians F40: 191 15: 123 F42: 124 Metaphysics Anthologia Graeca 981b20–5: 210 7.417: 312 Politics Antiphon of Athens 1272b24–1273b26: 204 On the Murder 1315b26: 134 of Herodes 1324a5–b25: 202 376 20: 125 1329b: 202 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76468-1 - Greeks and Barbarians Kostas Vlassopoulos Index More information Index locorum 377 Arrian Ephorus of Cyme (FGrH 70) Anabasis F42: 206 2.5.3: 155 Eupolemus (FGrH 723) Artapanus (FGrH 726) F1: 315 F3: 316 Euripides Athenaeus Bacchae 4.148–54d: 138 1–42: 208, 214 4.157b: 312 Helen 14.632: 110 4–15: 195 Aulus Gellius Orestes Attic Nights 1370–1536: 192 17.17.1: 318 Phoenician Women 1–9: 195 Bacchylides 5–6: 195 Odes 203–25: 195 3.23–62: 176 239–49: 195 Bible 638–9: 195 Acts of the Apostles Trojan Women 14.8–11: 300 764–5: 193 I Esdras 3–4: 153 Hecataeus of Miletus (FGrH 1) Ezekiel F1: 182 27: 178 F19: 182 Genesis F20: 210 10: 178 F21: 183 F27: 182 Charon of Lampsacus (FGrH 262) F34: 183 F1: 125 F76: 181 Cleodemus Malchus (FGrH 727) F119: 181 F1: 315 F127: 181 Ctesias of Cnidus (FGrH 688) F154: 181 Persica F284: 181 F6b: 221 F287: 181 F307–8: 181 Damastes of Sigeion (FGrH 5) F345: 181 F8: 148 T12: 181 Demosthenes Hellanicus of Lesbos Third Philippic (FGrH 4) 31: 75 F55: 184 Diodorus Siculus F79: 184 1.98.5–9: 233 F82: 184 14.9.8–9: 110 F84: 184 14.15.3: 110 F111: 183 14.46.1: 107 F175: 210 14.53.4: 107 F178: 184 15.38: 69 F189: 210 Diogenes Laertius Heracleides of Cyme (FGrH 689) Lives of the Eminent Philosophers F1–4: 204 1.22: 6 Heracleides Ponticus (Wehrli VII) 1.24: 6 F68: 208 1.33: 4 F69–70: 208 Dionysius of Halicarnassus F73–5: 208 Roman Archaeology Hermippus of Athens (K-A V) 3.46.3–5: 131 F63: 89 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76468-1 - Greeks and Barbarians Kostas Vlassopoulos Index More information 378 Index locorum Herodotus 4.45: 301 1.1–5: 151 4.71–2: 117 1.6: 6 4.76: 207 1.30–3: 208 4.77: 208 1.46–55: 43 4.78: 133 1.54.2: 43 4.78–80: 207 1.61–4: 123 4.79: 114, 139 1.70: 5 4.137: 54 1.75: 6 4.152: 85 1.96–101: 203 4.186: 150 1.173: 261 4.196: 148 2.30.4: 157 4.200–4: 51 2.32: 143 5.11: 48 2.39: 148 5.12–17: 51 2.41: 151 5.18–20: 138 2.43–4: 211 5.22: 75 2.45: 183 5.23.2: 120 2.49: 208 5.30.1: 54 2.50: 29 5.36.2: 148 2.81: 209 5.52–4: 204 2.104: 150 5.58: 210 2.109: 6 6.20: 51 2.111: 158 6.21.2: 54 2.123: 209 6.34: 123 2.125: 155 6.41: 48 2.134–5: 100 6.42.1: 47 2.143: 183 6.43: 47, 203 2.149–50: 156 6.58–60: 194 2.152: 44 6.119: 51 2.164–6: 205 7.6: 55 2.173: 156, 207 7.91: 268 2.177.2: 208 7.135–6: 157 2.178: 98, 100 7.139: 57, 59 2.179: 98, 148 7.147: 90 2.181: 133, 136 7.150: 55, 154 2.182: 151 7.168–9: 55 3.6–7: 148 7.172–3: 57 3.14: 200 7.184–7: 56 3.17–25: 206 7.228: 56 3.36: 153 8.30: 56 3.38: 153, 157 8.75: 59 3.39: 132 8.98: 204 3.40–3: 207 8.144.2: 59 3.80–8: 202 9.16: 138 3.89–97: 204 9.78–9: 192 3.91: 268 9.82: 157 3.119: 200 9.107: 48 3.139–41: 48 Hesiod 4.5–7: 159 Theogony 4.8–10: 158 1011–16: 174 4.24–7: 148 Works and Days 4.36: 207 589: 91 4.43: 218 Hipponax of Ephesus (West) © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76468-1 - Greeks and Barbarians Kostas Vlassopoulos Index More information Index locorum 379 F27: 177 10.10.6: 40 F42: 177 10.13.10: 40 F115: 177 Pindar (Snell) F125: 177 F270: 207 Homer Olympian I Iliad 23–4: 195 1.3: 172 36–8: 195 1.423–4: 171 Pythian I 2.494–759: 171 94: 176 2.816–77: 171 Plato 2.867: 37 Charmides 2.872–3: 171 156d–e: 126 3.3–7: 171 Critias 3.182: 171 113a: 212 5.576–7: 131 Epinomis 6.119–236: 132, 260 987d–e: 28 6.186: 171 Laws 11.632–7: 228 656d–657a: 206 12.310–28: 172 Menexenus 13.4–6: 171 245c–d: 300 23.202–7: 171 Phaedrus Odyssey 258c: 201 4.120–32: 172 274c–275c: 212 4.125–7: 90 Republic 4.611–19: 90, 172 327a: 144 7.86–102: 173 Theaetetus 7.112–21: 173 174a: 5 8.557–62: 173 Timaeus 9.105–16: 173 21c–25e: 211 9.193–298: 173 23b–24d: 205 14.192–359: 79 Pliny 14.285–300: 172 Natural History 15.415–16: 79 35.18: 317 17.382–5: 79 Plutarch Homeric Hymns Life of Alexander To Apollo 15.4–5: 76 179–80: 173 27.5: 150 To Dionysus Life of Artaxerxes 8–9: 174 21.2: 52 To the Mother of 21.3: 52 the Gods Life of Crassus 1–3: 174 33.2–4: 310 Life of Themistocles Isocrates 26.5: 52 Bousiris 29.7: 46 28–9: 209 Life of Timoleon Panegyricus 31.1: 110 50: 291 Polyaenus 150–1: 193 Stratagems 6.53: 126 Pausanias Ps.-Aristotle 6.19.10: 98 Mirabilia 6.19.11: 107 836a: 97 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76468-1 - Greeks and Barbarians Kostas Vlassopoulos Index More information 380 Index locorum Ps.-Aristotle (cont.) Xanthus of Lydia (FGrH 765) Oeconomica F8: 185 1344a31–3: 201 F12: 186 1348a3–34: 201 F13: 185 1350b16–33: 201 F14: 186 1350b34–1351a16: 201 F15: 186 1351a17–22: 201 F17: 185 1351a24–31: 201 F32: 207 Ps.-Hesiod (M-W) Xenophanes of Colophon Catalogue of Women (D-K 11) F150–7: 175 B3: 178 F165: 175 B4: 177 Ps.-Hippocrates B6: 178 On Airs, Waters and Places B16: 182 16: 192 B22: 177 Ps.-Xenophon Xenophon Constitution of the Athenians Anabasis 2.7–8: 100 1.7.2–4: 194 3.1.26: 141 Sappho of Lesbos (L-P) 3.1.30–2: 141 F16: 176 4.8.4: 88 F39: 177 5.2.31: 127 F44: 178 5.6.15–21: 277 F96: 177 6.1.5–6: 142 Scylax of Caryanda (FGrH 709) 6.1.12–13: 142 F5: 218 7.2.38: 133 F7: 218 7.3.22–5: 138 Solon of Athens (West) 7.4.2: 123 F28: 177 7.8.8–24: 50 Stesichorus of Himera (Page) Cyropaedia F213: 211 1.1.1–6: 204 Strabo 1.2.1–16: 205 Geography 8.2.5–6: 204 5.1.7: 97 Hellenica 6.1.13: 112 1.5.17: 123 2.1.25: 123 Theopompus of Chios 3.1.10–13: 46 (FGrH 115) 3.4.3–4: 67 F114: 70 4.1.29–30: 149 F250: 74 4.1.39: 132 Thucydides 4.1.40: 132 1.3: 34 5.1.31: 68 1.73–4: 62 5.2.16–17: 121 1.94–5: 62 7.1.38: 148 1.100: 122 7.5.27: 320 2.29: 123, 127 Oeconomicus 2.97.4: 149 4.4–25: 205 3.94.4–5: 194 8.11–16: 140 4.50: 135 14.6–7: 205 4.105: 123 Ways and Means 6.6.2: 107 2.3: 101 7.27–9: 125, 192 4.1: 89 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76468-1 - Greeks and Barbarians Kostas Vlassopoulos Index More information Index locorum 381 Epigraphical and papyrological sources Arvanitopoulos 416–24: 295 41: 303 454–5: 311 48: 303 549–89: 311 62: 303 IG I³ 86: 303 421: 89 89: 303 658: 134 95: 303 1147: 63 107: 303 1240: 134 121: 303 1344: 101 170: 303 1361: 101 189: 303 IG II² 126–7: 136 CIRB 141: 70, 101 1: 138 236: 76 114: 117 337: 102 154: 117 342: 101 171: 117 343: 101 179–81: 117 349: 101 193: 117 1283: 145 196: 117 1553: 89 200: 117 1956: 125, 134 202: 117 2934: 144 1015: 116 8440: 102 COP 8927: 135 53: 285 10051: 130 10270: 135 EAD 10575a: 133 30 418: 304 10898: 133 IG VII FD 2407: 137 III.1 392: 127 IG XII.3 IV 163: 299 463/1388: 309 1350: 309 Gusmani IG XII.5 1: 251 245: 145 23–4: 252 715: 295 IG XII.6, 1 ICS 279: 63 371: 143 468: 63 IEOG 9–10: 310 Labraunda 107: 296 40: 137 117–25: 296 180: 295 M-S 188: 296 08.05.07: 292 189–200: 296 17.10.01: 263 195: 296 17.10.02–3: 85, 256, 264 228: 51 17.15.01: 264 290–2: 311 17.19.03: 155 322–56: 296 Michel 382–3: 296 546: 293 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76468-1 - Greeks and Barbarians Kostas Vlassopoulos Index More information 382 Index locorum Moretti 27.1106: 159 41: 300 27.1107: 160 27.1114: 289 OGIS 27.1115: 160 70: 309 29.163: 144 96: 314 29.1205: 252 101: 314 30.909: 115 176: 288 34.282: 298 233: 297 34.898: 134 37.994: 45 P.
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