International Journal of Academic Research ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.1 Issue.1, June, 2014 Determinants and Indices of Human Development in Guntur District of Andhra Pradesh Dr. D.Thirupathaiah, Lecturer in Economics, S.K.R.B.R College, Narasaraopet, Guntur - district, A.P. Abstract The concept of development should extended to be more comprehensive and go beyond the mere material dimension of increase in per capita income, complemented by the non-material dimension like levels of education, status of health and access to basic amenities. The results show a wide disparity between the Mandals of Guntur district. The causes for disparities shows the need of hour to take necessary steps to improve literacy rate, health conditions and reduce per capita disparities among the districts of Coastal. Key words: Human Development, capita income, Basic amenities, Disparities Introduction physical capital formation, human resource development has also been Many statistical investigations playing a useful role in economic carried out in the western countries development. In the recent, have shown that output increased at economists has shifted from economic a much higher rate than can be growth to human development. It is explained by increase in physical fact that many of the developed inputs like labor and physical capital. nations are back ward in human The reason is that the quality of development compared with the less human beings as a productive source developed nations. Thus, now the has been consistently improving due economics of all the nations are to improvement in education and giving priority to human development health services, skills development along with GDP growth of the etc. Therefore, side by side with www.ijar.org.in 189 International Journal of Academic Research ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.1 Issue.1, June, 2014 nations. In India, state level human capability can be seen as the calculations have also taking in this central feature of the process of regard. The accepted notion of what development. After consistent debates constitutes economic development and discussions, this development has undergone a paradigm shift in approach has been converging with recent times. the notion of human development The concept of development Objectives has been extended to be more The main objective of this comprehensive and go beyond the paper is to discuss and highlight the mere material dimension of increase importance of human development in in per capita income, complemented economic development with help of by the non-material dimension (like some eminent studies of philosophers levels of education, status of health and economists. Further, factors and access to basic amenities). involved in measuring the HDI, Thus development, apart from GEMI, Guntur district coefficient of income, relates to general well-being variations and its reasons have also and economic capabilities of the discussed. people. Sen (1999) says that besides Methodology income and wealth we have reason to value many things which ensure real Secondary source of choices and opportunities to lead the information has used in the analysis. kind of life we would value living. It is Coefficient of variation (CV) method argued that development should is operated to find out inter state facilitate every human being to live, variation in HDI, GDI and Gender as she/he likes: expanding the Empowerment Measure Index potential capabilities of every human Human Development Index being (HDR, 1990). He says that It is fact that human development is a process of expanding development is determined by many the real freedoms that people enjoy. factors. Education including adult Therefore, development can be seen education, primary education, in terms of expansion of the real enrolment ratio of girls and boys, freedoms where the expansion of www.ijar.org.in 190 International Journal of Academic Research ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.1 Issue.1, June, 2014 health indicators like infant mortality calculated for 360 households in 12 rate, birth rate, fertility rate, hospital mandals obtaining data on the basis deliveries, immunization etc. On the of field survey. The survey is carried economic front, per capita income has out in 4 mandals in each of the three also one of the important indicators revenue divisions – Narasaraopet, in this regards. On the other hand, Tenali and Guntur Divisions – by the human development index is a selecting two villages in each mandal. simple composite measure that 30 households have been selected in gauges the overall status of a region each mandal from the two sample in terms of three basic dimensions - villages. long and healthy life, knowledge and Human Development indices decent standard of living - of human have been calculated for each development. household and an analysis has been long and healthy life: Life made household-wise and mandal- expectancy at birth wise and division-wise in order to examine the intra-district variations Access to knowledge: Mean in Human Development. Also the years of schooling and Human Development Indices have Expected years of schooling been analysed for different caste A decent standard of living: groups both mandal and division GNI per capita wise. Basing on the three An analysis of Human parameters, human development has Development Index for different been measuring in the nations. These mandals and the respective ranks factors have also influences by reveals wide variations. It may be different factors such as socio observed from the data that Guntur economic conditions of the area. mandal of Guntur Revenue division Following the methodology of UNDP occupies the first rank with a HDI and Centre for Economic and Social value of 0.724 followed by Studies (CESS), Hyderabad, Human Narasaraopet mandal of development Indices (HDI) are Narasaraopet division which has (second rank) an HDI value of 0.705. www.ijar.org.in 191 International Journal of Academic Research ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.1 Issue.1, June, 2014 Similarly, Kolluru mandal of Tenali needed to develop education is these revenue division occupies the third mandals. rank with a HDI value of 0.698 while The revenue division wise the last three ranks are bagged by analysis of HDI reveals that the PCI Bellamkonda, Nuzendla and index values varies between 0.608 of Karempudi scoring HDI values of Sirigiripadu village and 0.799 of 0.641 and 0.647 respectively. Narasaraopet the division average In other words two mandals being 0.693. The education index from Narasaraopet and one mandal varies between 0.548 and 0.647 for from Guntur revenue divisions different villages and averages at occupy the last three ranks. Thus 0.593for the revenue division as a gross disparities are found in HD whole. It may be observed that the within each revenue division and also villages of Petasannigandla, within the district. Simon Kuznets Voppicherla Sirigiripadu pointed out that this is an essential Kambampadu for having human feature of a developing economy. development indices less than the Tracks of high levels of human division average indicating the need development and low levels of human for special focus. development are found within each of In Tenali revenue division the the revenue divisions in Guntur PCI is 0.725. the education index for district. the Tenali revenue division averages Further analysis of PCI shows at 0.637 while Kuchinapudi, that the mandals of Bellamkonda Balusulapalem, Kolluru and Nuzendla and Karempudi are having Muttupalli are having PCI less then index less than the district average. the division average the villages of Similarly the mandals of Karempudi, Kondavudi Balusudpalem Veldurthi and Nuzendhra in Kuchinpudi and Nuhupalli have Narasaraopet division and Tadepalle obtained education indices less than and Bellamkonda mandals in Guntur the division average. These villages revenue division are having education may be given thrust in the overall index less than the district average. economics development and This implies that a special strategy is www.ijar.org.in 192 International Journal of Academic Research ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.1 Issue.1, June, 2014 specifically education development of compared to the OC households. The education. HDI scores of SC and ST households are much below the divisional An analysis of Human averages which needs to be corrected development indices in Guntur through a suitable policy by the revenue division shows a HDI value district authorities. The HDI analysis for the Guntur revenue division at among different mandals revenue 0.680. The villages Rajupalem, divisions and different caste groups Kolanukonda, Bellamkonda and reveals wide disparities in Human Bodanam have Human development Development in Guntur District. This Indices less than the division average. may be due to disparities in income Similarly the villages of Rajupalem, levels and levels of educational Kolanukonda, Bellamkonda and attainment. Bodanam have less than the division of PCI while the villages of The indices of HD revenue Rajupalem, Kolanukonda, Penumaka division - wise obtained on the basis and Bodanam have less than the of field data reveal that the Tenali division average index. division is faring better than Guntur and Narasaraopet divisions in that The caste-wise Human order by having values 0.687, 0.680 development for the three revenue and 0.662. Similar variations are also divisions have recorded considerable evident with reference to PCI and differences in the HDI values across education index. This implies that three revenue divisions. It is to be there is
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