Anneme, babama, eşime ve kızım Aybüke’ye THE INSTITUTE OF ECONOMICS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES OF BİLKENT UNİVERSITY DYNAMICS OF THE ALLIANCE BETWEEN TURKEY AND USA: THE SOUTH CAUCASUS CASE By HALİL SIDDIK AYHAN A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS BİLKENT UNIVERSITY ANKARA July 2003 I certify that I have read this thesis and I have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of International Relations. Asst. Prof. Dr. Nur Bilge Criss Thesis Supervisor I certify that I have read this thesis and I have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of International Relations. Prof. Orhan Güvenen Examining Committee Member I certify that I have read this thesis and I have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of International Relations. Asst. Prof. Dr. Pınar Bilgin Examining Committee Member Approval of the Institute of Economics and Social Sciences Prof. Kürşat Aydoğan Director ii ABSTRACT DYNAMICS OF THE ALLIANCE BETWEEN TURKEY AND USA: THE SOUTH CAUCASUS CASE AYHAN, HALİL SIDDIK M.A. In International Relations Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Nur Bilge Criss July 2003, 222 pages With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the South Caucasus presented several opportunities and challenges in the political, economic and military domains to the US as the unique superpower of the world, and to Turkey as a regional power. Though there occurred several crises in the Turkish-American alliance from its outset, both states whose interests converged; encouraging the development of democratic pro-Western regimes and free-market economy, hindering ethnic conflicts, expanding NATO’s membership, blocking monopolization of oil export routes in the Caucasus, securing oil reserves in the Caspian, preventing the rebuilding of the Russian Empire and falling the newly independent states of the South Caucasus from falling into the hegemony of Russia and Iran, keeping Iran’s fundamentalist regime in check, and pursuing active politics in the South Caucasus as a duty for the sake of their own global and regional interests. But, there had been also differences in the allies’ politics as in the Nagorno- Karabakh conflict. However, the South Caucasian states, including Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia faced enormous difficulties in enhancing their national security, implementing the process of state building and improving their economic situation after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and therefore, independence for these states did not initially provide political stability. Internal conflicts, and Russia’s imperialist policies undermined these states’ efforts in order to be strong and independent states, and they could not cope with the challenges of the new geopolitical and economic environment due to the lack of their own military power, and strong economy. Thereupon, these states’ first years of independence have been fraught with economic, political, and social difficulties. But the vigorous efforts of the US and Turkey prevented the South Caucasian states from falling into Russian hegemony and accelerated state-building process of these countries as examined in this study. KEYWORDS: Turkey, United States, US, Caucasus, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, alliance , military, energy, oil, security, interest. iii ÖZET TÜRKİYE-AMERİKA MÜTTEFİKLİĞİNİN DİNAMİKLERİNİN GÜNEY KAFKASYA BOYUTUNDA İNCELENMESİ AYHAN, HALİL SIDDIK Uluslararası İlişkiler Yüksek Lisans Tez Danışmanı: Asst. Prof. Dr. Nur Bilge Criss Temmuz 2003, 222 Sayfa Sovyetler Birliğinin yıkılmasıyla birlikte Güney Kafkasya, dünyanın tek süper gücü olan Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’ne ve bölgesel bir güç olan Türkiye’ye siyasi,ekonomik ve askeri alanlarda bazı zorluklar ve fırsatlar sundu. Türkiye-Amerika ittifakında başlangıcından itibaren bazı krizler yaşanmış olsa da, Güney Kafkasya’da demokratik batı yanlısı rejimleri ve serbest pazar ekonomisini teşvik etmek, etnik kargaşaları önlemek, NATO’nun genişleme sürecini desteklemek, Hazar bölgesindeki petrol rezervlerini korumak, petrol ihraç hatlarının tekelleştirilmesini, tekrar Rusya İmparatorluğunun ortaya çıkmasını ve Güney Kafkasya’nın yeni bağımsız olan devletlerinin Rusya ve İran’ın hegemonyasına girmesini önlemek, İran’ın aşırı tutucu rejimini kontrol altında tutmak gibi ortak paydaları olan müttefikler, bölgesel ve küresel çıkarları için aktif bir politika izlemeyi öngördüler. Fakat, Dağlık Karabağ çatışması gibi bazı konularda müttefiklerin politikalarında farklılıklar da oldu. Bununla birlikte, Sovyetler Birliğinin dağılmasının ertesinde Azerbaycan, Ermenistan ve Gürcistan’dan oluşan Güney Kafkasya ülkeleri, ulusal güvenliklerini sağlamak, ekonomilerini sağlamlaştırmak ve devlet olabilmek için gereken adımları atmada çok büyük güçlüklerle karşılaştılar ve bu yüzden, başlangıçta özgürlük bu ülkeler için siyasi istikrar sağlamadı. Etnik kargaşalar, Rusya’nın emperyalist politikaları bu ülkelerin güçlü ve özgür birer devlet olma yolundaki çabalarını baltaladı ve bu ülkeler askeri güç ve ekonomilerinin yetersizliklerinden dolayı yeni jeopolitik ve ekonomik çevrenin zorluklarıyla baş edemediler. Dolayısıyla, bu devletlerin ilk özgürlük yılları siyasi, ekonomik ve askeri zorluklarla geçti. Fakat, bu çalışmada anlatıldığı gibi Türkiye ve Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinin gayretli çabaları, Güney Kafkasya devletlerinin Rusya’nın hegemonyasına girmesini önledi ve bu ülkelerin devlet olabilme süreçlerini hızlandırdı. Anahtar Kelimeler: Türkiye, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, US, Kafkasya, Gürcistan, Azerbaycan, Ermenistan, müttefik, askeri, enerji, petrol, güvenlik, çıkar. iv ACKNOWLODGEMENTS Above all, I would like to thank all academic and administrative staff of the Bilkent University, and of International Relations Department in particular, for sharing their knowledge and views throughout the courses. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Asst. Prof. Dr. Nur Bilge Criss, whose immense scope of knowledge and experience have been most useful during the conduct of this thesis. She has not only helped to determine and limit the boundaries of this study but also encouraged and guided me while the study went on step by step. I feel most fortunate to have been guided and supervised by her. I am also grateful to Prof. Orhan Güvenen and Asst. Prof. Dr. Pınar Bilgin for their valuable comments and for spending their valuable time to read and review my thesis. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my mother, father, brother and relatives for their support and encouragement during my education life and to my wife for her sustained patience and support during this study. v TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT iii ÖZET iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS v TABLE OF CONTENTS vi LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS x INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 1 1. TURKISH-AMERICAN ALLIANCE FROM 1947 TO 2002 1.1. The concept of alliance 4 1.2. The roots of Turkish-American Alliance 1.2.1. Soviet Threat 8 1.2.2. Strategic factors 9 1.2.3. Military and economic aid 10 1.2.4. Westernization 12 1.3. Significant events and main problems in the alliance 1.3.1. The appearance of the alliance with the Truman Doctrine 13 1.3.2. Turkey’s acceptance in NATO 16 1.3.3. Baghdad Pact 18 1.3.4. Jupiter Missile Crisis 21 1.3.5. Problems in the Alliance in the 1960s 24 (Johnson Letter and American Bases in Turkey) 1.3.6. Poppy problem 28 vi 1.3.7. Arms embargo 31 1.3.8. Gulf War 33 CHAPTER 2 2. THE SOUTH CAUCASUS AFTER 1989 39 2.1. Georgia 40 2.1.1. Internal conflicts and their effects on Georgia's political stability 41 2.1.2. The military in Georgia 50 2.1.3. Georgian economy 55 2.1.4. Georgia's foreign relations 58 2.2. Azerbaijan 60 2.2.1.Azerbaijan's foreign relations and the political situation in Azerbaijan since 1989 61 2.2.2. Oil and oil export options 69 2.2.3. Azerbaijani economy 75 2.2.4. Military developments in Azerbaijan since 1989 77 2.3. Armenia 80 2.3.1. Armenia’s foreign and domestic policy 81 2.3.2. Armenian economy 87 2.3.3. Military power in Armenia 90 CHAPTER 3 3. SIMILARITIES AND DIVERSITIES IN THE TURKISH-AMERICAN ALLIANCE POLITICS IN THE SOUTH CAUCASUS REGION 94 3.1. Analysis of the allies’ attitudes towards Azerbaijan 106 3.1.1. Nagorno-Karabakh ;the conflict that puts allies on the opposite sides 112 3.1.2. Energy reserves and diversification of energy supplies 120 3.2. Divergences in the allies’ politics towards Armenia 127 vii 3.3. Georgia, where the allies’ interests converge 131 3.4. From competition to cooperation; Russia 138 3.5. Clashing interests between Iran and the Turkish-American alliance 144 CHAPTER 4 4. MILITARY ACTIVITIES OF THE ALLIES IN THE SOUTH CAUCASUS 4.1. Russia’s military policies and the US’ attitude to the Russian military activities 151 4.2. Allies’ increasing influence in the region through NATO 155 4.3. Allies’ bilateral military relations with the South Caucasian States 164 4.4. Military problems between the allies 172 CONCLUSION 176 BIBLIOGRAPHY 186 APPENDICES 1- Chronology of Turkish - American relations 208 2- Draft notes of President Truman explaining why the US should grant financial aid 211 to Greece and Turkey. 3- Letter from President Johnson to Turkish Prime Minister Inönü, June 15, 1964 216 5- Oil and gas reserves in the Caspian Sea and options for export routes 218 6- Map of export routes in the Caspian region 221 7- Illegal Arms Transfer of Armenia from Russia
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