I I '' • ! I I I' "- - .LI! - -•- .._ Marie Knig/,t in Britain I Asks EDGAR JACKSOW· • • •# t iSTEREOPW,NIC or 3-D-clllCI .. heral Lest 111011d1 ther ca,MCI a NIIICltlon ef 11w Audio ,-1,. lut you ,stilt canrw:,t 1H,y then, In- the' shops. Why? . So far, -the Pr., organllCltlon It the. oat, flan to olitilt It 11 react, to enter the· >-D ff'll'J. ~ Pr• Mp ~ 0 11 ho 'WIii be on ICN nut ...,111. tt~il'n1,oftl'7/- ~ •~"': • w "'.JfJ.t1ord 7'0lfflHa.Uon Monda: But the other bf1 corrroanlea ate bold.llll' ·c•·rn ·•·y LEAVE !_vri,.cto.,, f.o'H~..!~-,,."::1 p tor on-~~>- JI~,,. back. 'fbe nearest date t!}eY' will halUd .,._., · II -""'• m.. .... - s .. 011 Ila,,1 M au • at ..Bcmic. for 3-D day la the Ra4Jo Show at Barta -~-h_ena_«._J!_.;;,_·;...~;..._._0 _;~_1c__;,,._l~__":..;.~_~_fn.....:• ___ •.:.."4..:Frld_.,_c:_i..;.0 ·h....::"".:..1..;.u..;.'':f.:..n..."J....: '~.;__;_tam:.:.:..·cwrou__ ..;._Co_11_r _t._w_h_l_ch__,opens on Wednesday, Aqu.st DAIIKWORTH ORI Zl. WlU? Lonnie Donegan disa:· is ~~io~t~i!~ ~~::~ IEXTRAI b d b BBC ln~~tt=~e:m~tr:~ a1~~§.€~~ . anne · y i=t,;,;i;:;~1.t~ ~~~~'r/~"'tl,;r,:,-..::, will give tho beat reproduction. lo'°tho West En<S (,ee 1'Jllle 11). RICKY IIELSOII ONNIE DONIGAN'$ l■telt hlt disc ha1 Nett IKanned .• we don't e:cpect tJu.a to bo After the Dlay'a nm OleO m.-, Mobbed by lh'ls CJ,. Z) L ltr the IIC. f.¥, C::f:.lgbior ':«;1~~f:,, ~ ~~rthShJke~~~d 5 = Ther h■•• taken exception to a Une In lab "Nobo4t public cannot be expected to were married tn ~ ELLA lo••• Like An Irishman," which thb week -fllta No. 9 ~ nd money on the necesau o~~S~.,-PC:,~ in the MM'• Top Twenty Chart. " Back Page, Col. 4 . cert with 8arab V•ush&n. FlnGERALD Tbe llne reads " Pray1nf, Talks to the MM (p. S) all nllht wttb hls el Koran. ' " We considered the llne VISIT NO. S FOR JOHNNIE RAY mJgbt be offensive," a BBC COIIIIIE spakesma.n told the MM. "After all, we would prob­ ably obJect 11 anyone made FRANCIS a slmUar reference to the Record Pirates (p. '7) Bible. New line FRANKIE • Toe record was released before tho music WILS publlahed. Qisex Mt.18lct the publishers. VAUGHAN have shown ,he BBO a substi­ My Lucky Charms (J>. 8) tute lino whtob ls quite nocepr,. able.'' Lonnie will be able to 11ln1t TED HEATH tbe number on the BBO wtth the new lyric. He hn.s already I Invita tion to lunch (p. 20) performed the orillnal verslon on BBC • TV's " Silt - Five Special" I LAURIE Donepn's baalst Mickey Ashman ltaves the ,roup next week. Ho bas bem wtth Lonnie LONDON since the at.art or the Slclffle States tour offu (D. 20) oroup and alao played with b1m Lo the Chris 13arbeJ' Ba.nd. NITWITS FOR " u.s TV l ID MILLWARD and b1s made rush arranrementa to S Nitwits with WaU_y Stewart, bav• the, N!Lwit4 filmed during I one or Brlt.aln'a toP comedy last week's Variety Bppearnnce band act.a. will 8hortr1_ _be aee.n at the. Ohlswlck Empire. I on t.wo big American TV showa. Ed Sullivan alrendy hM B film I Tbe are the •· Je Lewis or tbe NU.wit.,. It WM taten ~hoEdw X and lhe worrc?.ramous during an appearance In Paris Th,: 11car•, /lnol va,1rt u 11•a.t0n at th4' London Tren~. co-lcadllrf 0/ Tllo T,.,,,..,.•. The .th01D Sullivan Show." a. few monUw nao. He plan., to Pollodfum oi,cn.ed on Afl)OOQII iohh Joh.nllC. C. reNIOCd I)• Poi Brand QII 1)0.0.• 1:1 Johnnie Ourln1 h1s recent. Palladium Incorporate It. into one or hl.s .Ra11 towtna the bill. n , «. olctured t4bove) top• c~ blll '" tfib IM.,... .. Sund, \'lohl seuon comedlao Jerry Lewia weekly abowa. IHt&oCCln hou,e, with Cltu.ule and OIUI At Th• London Paltodlum •• TV ~. ' - Page 2-MEtODY MAJtim. May 10, 1951 ...__ __________ -------------.....__ ________ _____ ......._ .........-. .--. ...... \ Handy's · WELCOME GIRLS. RIOT. OVER HOME! ORONTO. 1fe4Dt!.14M'.­ fortune T Paut AnJca may be a bl.I &UractJon Ill IOffie clttn,, gw YORK. Wedll.e..sa,,­ tuu aot ta hb own bume N Most of the late W. o. &own. Ba.Ddy'a eat&ie - estimated WIien the 1'·Te&N>ld aL 100,000 dollan ln real 1q>peared lD oua"-a. hi ll&U\'9 dt,~~~., be WWI ~el&ed Wlua ltOlt,ea and PT~~:wtdow, Mn!. Irma == LotJa.n RICKY NELSON ll&lb blllba. The au41rJKe E"?c· two aonaha c1auabter YOIK,. Wednesclar ~ IO muCb commotion NEW I durlt:11 bJa llNt number t hat be ltooDed Ila.du ·to confu REN wltb bin415'« but WII• GREVATI' I uama. tben returned to do it.~~~rs =~::~!:;S; MEET THE STARS wllll two more •no amld•t r.ld muob Jeertn,:. fflli.-m,e tiaee. te Scotland, but he ha, · 1 11 Jo Toronto-1 ..~n ka m~t a 76_...._ marrfane thl ■ m.a.- N I Q ...4 .. -• - a meeth,,. had version, but. t.he Oorme aide ctuleter but -.w cool r~ep. --r • no "' on Hai, e 10n. ~.. ~up ( or tbe ..yo= fl..,, .. es t.o n.rov:lde much com• Uon D'Ola au41eace tu 4BOLLE D8.AJ:CE EOlt- Th ,...... and .,.,. ~•- ., a.e STINE.. wUe of BIUY a:lDler wtt.b of . ..,............ Maple I.Mt O&rtlena, Wb~ C e 1ouna a..,....er aon om._._ be bea411JWI a rock·°n'•.roll acu~niimcd Ule stnatr tor of oiz:te and Harriet Nelaon ~-Pvx In ll.?.!~ on HI-LO'S allow WWI 8am COOkf'. ol~:C~c~ recently caused a rtot of _rayt.b but a~~ 11 out, UVttne BaJlfl. .Jlmmlf' ~iTn °lid. aoct,en anCI ,cn·~rat rtconl u. cruett'J ana na 2,370 teenage etrls 1Il Fon Wonb, °ioot'.iw,mom~ •,,bl~ would dOlllW ~WJ JDOllt.1111 Texas, haft added London to the Delared trip •~er Ule Ottawa rna.c:u, Alllt&'• motber •Jd l bal l'lt ~ tbm ~rl~~ at~ ~tcba f~~ans~~~ ~~ D~-~-~~r mBE Ht-Lo'a wW play Enaland ll'DOIG .. aeYer ..-n mute =:::Sw::m.~•'mi«:'~et.Jcf which Uterally backed 1' ~~ .._ •-u -• ,_ -.., i. · nm Sept.ember. anotber _,,..,,.nee In that b.e:r 1n,..n<1'1 drtnltlnS men up agalmt. the stage ol the ~Uy, falle:n through. Ortalnally sat !or June. t.he Ottawa.• Bo far Anka hJu bad become a problem. Oollleum. waa blne:r than a dates had t.o btl moved back DleJIC.Nlf\lte4 to ---· IUl7 0001• ~tton t.enduecnmvJa Pr~ey RUSS HI.MILTON be<:ause or ooufllet.e or other 'Dream' ended In Ille u.me audlt.ortum l&St. bootlnp. ............... INAH WASHINGTON'S year. ■ rLeJ hit D IULh mvnare wbtcb. • ..'lbe !. o.rfo1se ....~.ao &rttt.tN~f~I!• ... f 1 lt,CClOTdiftC to ber acatanen, .... .,.. 0 ,..._._ Uiat. .......... R""'.. ,... .. ,. ...... rwv..N'S •·•-t. Queo monua a,o. wu .. a ainal.n.i fa.lltd to set. out. ugo;, ~...,., ,.,_ dream," end~ art.er a no- one wUd~yed girl screamed: dlac, l.ssutld here th1a week 1,a, arsument recenu, us • R1cty, a1ng· It ror me. I love on the Jtapp label, looka llke JacboD•W.. P!onda. ltl.. and tlien turned to her a hit. Second to.or for Dinah Ald be-r hWlbaD.d. comnanion t.o ult: .. What'a be '!be atde ls a ?fftval of t.be ban41GM1ar • t4DOT aa.o- .--:- •--1~ ...oo rh~ .. '".. 1'0e Dbonin Bddle Chamblee. &mlln&, I can't bear blm.• - .......,. "A.J¥ ..... ae»bcra;elr pJ&J'ed mWllc Tbrouah Tbe Tul pa. &nu w,e badlr "to ui,eet me," when LAURIE LOI DON Brttllh chanter handa 1t a be M>OOnll)IUlied be:r OD mtaht.J cla8sy reading. ni,bt club enp,pmenta. No ,.t•- Another new rtle&M of the Gerry Mulligan ---~ -.. week la Max Bnraves'a or1C1nal L eo~ LAURIE LONDON wru not. be Ve'l"lDOJl or H You Need Baoda." 5'Nm BURT KORALL 5'eatb.. retumin,g to the Stat.a record.ed hue Jut. week by '1'1111'1WIWlll~~__._,~IWlll~~~-t.h:_l!_moo__ t.b.______ • ___ Ey;...dl _e_o_o_rm__ e_ . _ 1_t.•_1 _a_p1_ea_ee_n....,t. NEW YORK. Wedneeday.-England can eicpect ti> see and hear ·• tbe new 0erry MUlllaan quartet some ume th1a Pall Mulll­ gan and drummer Da.ve Balley remain of the group which made the l&st Brltlsb ~. ar.1e:;; ~J•:dbaa. The, r ep~e Bob=: Brook· :~ Nineteen-year-old BRITAIN HELPS BIG BILL mever valve tmb.) ancl J oe Ben• • ■ S the bal&nce j bteta printed belmr 41tcloee, tbe two Sq BUI Broom, benefit ooncena and f d• A f&na' dona.UOD1 bave n1led a toe.al of £ 1,066 Is. Gd. for the ~er. J~:ir.i... com~tlYe DeW• JOIDI IIC race 001Dff 1.0 the IICIQe aDd bU A obecwe fo, .£500 bu &lrea4J lleeD ICDt to Bn,omy, •bo la w ln Chlcacc. foUOWUII' Ul worked wtth st.an oeu and Ton, Barrr Barnetlt. a 10,.Jear-old epnulcm aa h.11 Ulna&. n affll aeema ~, anllkel:, that be ..m C"ler dnf ap.ln. Scott. Pannu la one ot tbe ■Jnscr f rom OVouc.b £Del. last All &he baDda and ariist.a appe:arin1 M Uae t wo c:oucerta pft tbelr aentc:es Cree to belp lbe most.
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