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4t{;- 'itrr I B 084058 TryqFqryTx^"il#q #fg',;,;;\ql.- E F .t .'1F o6z\4/ -Y. Vbs }./z, z:<5?i /1 F *={ 'E X d4 t4-)"i & \ E * firrs MEMoTTANDImoF AGREEMEII'IImacle this ...?.i. day .. ln the r"* trvo thoilsand and Fourteen BETIIEDN \-(d! \ +-\6'l r J- s "E ai \J. -=-i , 'YY> H' u^ ' *,/t ' r:.+r "P' Kl;nAftomevor \.' i'r' r.: I' Tiwari E st"nt.Rekha :.?/ 6ri'banestt SankarTlwarl ,_ .y'.t/.'' 'f Smt' NirrnalaTiwari smt' DebjaniGhosh SriA$unGhosh , /282e ,- 7 ilAY?0lf Sold %hei*" trl lu, Addrer KoL- toV ybt)e Pw. Lls '(fun *n 6+o4H) ' ? tlAI20ll M ]L,- FOf See, 1'l-' t*ameY Ol ^^a"t?ttrau nr'v'. ! ' "' ^-r t-\ablant v"--' ikffffiqt$iiil''''-- ---r Ulrrr' ^-h gri Ariun (:nuot' - Rdut1*/'l r,,ffi JaTar lf Non'4a)- .hbl^"kil/,{^tf I r { (u sMT REKTTA TrwARr, *ife of sri swadesh Tewari, by faith - Hindu, b1. occupation - Business, residing r at, 68, Middleton street, p.s - shakespeare sarani, Korkata - 700071. (2lsRr GANESIH SANr(AR TrwARr, son of Late shi. Kumar Tewari, by faith - F Hindu, by occupation - Business, residing at, 6,,, } Middleton Street, p.s - Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata -TooozL. (3) sMT NrRMAr.,A ; TntrARr' wife of Sri Ganesh P Sankar Tewari, by faith - Hind.u, by occupation _ Business, residing at, 68, Middleton p.s - Street, Shakespeare sarani, Kolkata _ 7o0o7t' 14) sMT DE&tANr cHosH, pabitra wife of sri Ghosh , by faith _ Hindu, by occupation - Business, residing p. I at, 11L/L Majumder Road, p.s - Kasba. Kolkata - 7ooo7g. (s) sRr AR.tult pabitra crrosE, son of sri Ghosh, by faith _ Hindu' by occupation - Business, residing at, tl/r p.Majumder Road., p.S - Kasba, Kolkata - TOOOT}, owner No.: l.f,o 5 are herein represented. by therr laufirr Attorney sRr 'ABITRA GHosE, F son of Late Barindra Kumar Ghosh, b1, faith: Hindu, by occupafion: Business, residing at 11r/1, p. Mqiumdar Road, p.S.: Kasba, Kolkata: 7ooo7g by virtue of a registered power General of Attorney, dated lltt' February, 2oLL and registered on 17*' February, 2oLL before Additional z Renstrar of Assurance- III, Kolkata and recorded _ in its Book _ Iv, cD Volume No _ ,' Pages 764-781, - being no oo87g for the year 2or1, (6) i sRr 'ABITRA GHosH, -d *i.or Late Barindra Kumar Ghosh, by faith: Hindu, by occupation: Business, tttll, p, MajumdarRoad, p.S.: h' i::Y: i,, Kasba,Kolkata: 7ooo78, (z) sRr *u MONDAL , son of Sri Nemai chandra : d Mondal , by faith - Hindu, b1. *::!"tion - Business, residing at, 20 Rajdanga Main Road, p.S - F t Kasba, Kolkata : 9 - .- 7oo1o7. (gl sRr JAyANTA MoNDAL, son d of Sri Nemai chandra Mondal, by faith 15 occupation - Business, residing at, 20, Rqidanga x>/ - :-*o1by Main Road, p.S - F e\ - cfa by faith Hindu, by occupation - Senrice, n5^ ]"":aI,' residing at,2e, Rajdanga Main r#rRoad, p.s - Kasba, Kolkata - Tooror, (ror purIrL sMT MONDAL, w.ife of Srr Aujdhya t Mondal arias Bapi Mondal, by - t faith Hindu, by occupation _ Business, residing at, 19, Rajdanga Main p.S - Road, Kasba, Korkata - TXILIT,hereinafter col]ectively, t ,, referred to as the "owt{ERs/ 'ENDORS, (which expression shall excluded by or repugnant to the context include I :::: their heirs, executors, acmrnrstrators' successors, legal representatives -Sf, and assigns) of the oNE PART. AND t I[/S. DEEPREKIIA TRACOM FYT. LTD, A I PriVAtC LiMitCd COMPANY dUIY I incorporated under the companies Act, 1956 having its office at lg R. N. Muldrerjee p.s.: \ Road, Hare Street, Kolkata-zoo { 00r, represented by its Director 5 sRr PABITRA J GHOSH' son of Late Barindra Kumar 'e7 s Ghosh, by faith _ Hindu, by x* occupation - < Business, residing at 11r/1, p. (y, Majumder Road, p.s.-Kasba, Kolkata- 7ooo78, .J hereinafter referred to as the DEr,rELopER (which expression shall unless '!i,1":ii,irlJ1anomevor- -rt ^-) DEPREK}IATRAcoT{ XIi-iirr^,a iiwari riwari PvT. LTD. Eil'' bl'i'' iil s'inrar i r*,y,*u3141iYY311 - -.'1inniGhosn :sh a L-- 'b\b 1r\k r- F.,(dr\u^nJcJ. I ,I .tnnX,9"t elo'Mhgn"F e,,v+ ffi,As.!a'-aUl^N (a Ho,urnt"-Vil106 ps:Qotnbsrl.r. 0*,fuwwn^' ! I lN excluded by or repugnant to the subject or context be deemed to mean and include its heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives and/or assigns) of the OTHER PART. wlrERtas while the said pITANINDRA NATH MONDAL @ PHANI BHUSAN MoNDAL' son of Late Mahend,ra Nath Mondal was enjoying his right, title, interest and possession in respect of the said 61 cottahs ll Chittaks 16 sq.ft. of land appertaining to R,S. Dag No. 3235,9236,325g, 3259, 3260, under R.S. Khatian No' 555 in Mouza- Kasba, sold, conveyed and transferred a portion of the said land measuring more or less 03 cottahs 07 chittaks 35 sq.ft. of land appertainrng to R.s. Dag no. 3260 under R.S. Khatian No. Sss, in Mouza- Kasba, to one Smt. Urmila Mondal, wife of Late .Deed satish chandra Mondar by way of of conveyance" (Bengali Kobala) which was registered in the office of the District Sub-Registrar Alipore, 24 Parganas and duly record.ed in Book No. I, Volume .82, Pagesin written r25 to r2g, being Deed No. 4639, for the year r957. AND WTIEREAS while the said PTHNTNDRA NATH MONDAL @ PHANI BHUSAN son of Late Mahendra Nath Mondal was enjoying his right, <MoNDAL, title, interest .f and possession in respect of the said 5g cottah 03 chittaks 26 sq.ft. of land _9-n arr appertaining to R,s' Dag No. 323s, 3236, 32sg,32sg,3260, under R,S, I(hatran ( )ts ' No' 555 in Mouza- Kasba, sold, conveyed 'a { and transferred a portion of the sard - T. 5 g land measuring more or less 02 cottahs a ol chittaks 15 sq. ft. of land appertaining to R's' Dag No. 3236 under R.s. t Khatian No. 555 in Mouza- Kasba, to one / sri drr\J shyamal Kanti son of Jageshor ,,Deed r ( - Majumdar by way of of (Bengali Kobala) which was registered ,R.N' 4 ] .cott*y"ttce" in the ofice of the District sub-Registrar Alipore, 24 Parganas Director x and duly recorded in Book No. I, Volume d J bt a No'92, Pagesin wrirten 124 to r30, being Deed No. 3r r l, for the year lrndrr' .n n-^ 3 r9TT. a, Ko\lrata- AND WITEREAS while the said PHANTNDRA NATH MOIIDAL @ PHANI BHUSAN strall "ro\es MONDAT' son of Late Mahendra Nath Monda.lwas enjoying his right, title, interest and possession in respect of the said 56 cottah 02 chittaks r r sq.ft. of rand appertaining J to R's' Dag No. 3235, 3236, 325g, 3259, d 3260, under R.S. Khatian -g No. 555 in Mouza- Kasba, sord, conveyed and transferred some portlon of the said land measuring more or less \ 07 cottahs 02 chittaks 07 sq. ft. of land \ z appertaining to R's' Dag No. 3236 and 325g under s R.S, Khatian No, 555 in Mouza_ Kasba, IJ to the difierent purchasers in several plots. 2 _k 5 s 'dt 5 AND WITEREAS while the said prrANr[DRA NATH MoilDAL @ PHANI BHusAl{ MO!{DAL, ol .f son of Late Matrendra Nat}r Mondar was r/ enjoying rris .igrrt, title, interest and possession'in respect of the said net land measuring more or less 49 cottah t\ . For self and of f)) Jt. ConstitutedAftorneY DEFnEKHATRAcoM PhT. LrD. W./. $mt.RekhaTiwari 'Y SriGanesh.SankarTiwarl PA )\ ,/ Snt. trlirrnalaTiwari $nri.rfebjani Ghosh /Dhec{or !.,i i;-: ., .:hCSh OOChittaks 04 sq.ft. of land of schedule land appertaining to R.S. Dag No. 3235, 3259, 3260, under R.S. I(hatiarr No. 555 in Mouza- Kasba, died intestate" on 08.05.1982 leaving behind his surviving sole widow (U SMT. DAIGIYAMANI MONDAL, four sons namely (21 SHRI I{AMAL KRISHNA MONDAL, {3) SHRI NAREN MONDAL, (41 SHRI NEMAI CHAI{DRA MONDAL, (5) SHRI RABIN MONDAL and four daughters namely 16l SMT NIHAR MONDAL, (Zl SMT GITA MONDAL, l8l SMT GOURI MONDAL, (91 SMT KRISHNA SINGIIA as his tegal heirs and successors who jointly inherited the said land measuring more or less 49 cottahs 00 chittaks 04 sq.ft. in equal shares and became jointly seized and possessed of the said land lying in Mouza: Kasba, Pargana: Khaspur, police Station: Kasba, J,L. No.: 13, Touzi No.: 145, R.S. Dag No.: 3235, 3259, 3260. under R.s. Khatian No.: 555 under Kolkata Municipal corporation ward No.: 107, within the limits of District: 24 Parganas (South). AND WTIEREAS the heirs of PHANTNDRA NATH MONDAL @ pr{ANI BHusAN MONDAL, namelv (11 sMT. DAr{TTYAMANI MONDAL, (2} sHRr KAMAL KRISHNA MONDAL' (31 SIIRr NAREN MONDAL' l4l sIIRr NEMAI CHANDRA MONDAL, (s) sHRr RABrN MONDAL (61 sMT NIHAR MONDAL, (?) sMT GITA MONDAL, {8} sMT x GouRr MONDAL, (9) sMT KRISHNA SINGHA jointly purchased bJ' a -x Bengali Kobala Bengali Language and character from Smt Sushila Beya land i\.ya measuring more or less 4 Decimals i.e. 2 cottahs 6 chittaks 32 sq.ft. lying in -tl { Mouza: Kasba, Pargana: Khaspur, police Station: Kasba, J.L No.: 13, Touzi No.: o o 145' R.s. Dag No.: 326016126, under R.s. Khatian No.: 55s under Koikata / t Municipal corporation ward No.: 1oz, within the limit of District: 24 parganas 6 (South) and the said Bengali Kobala (Bengari Language) which was registered in J Y the oflice of the D,R. Alipore, south 24 parganas, record.edin a €< Book No.: l, Volume: 125, Pages:2O6-2L1, being Deed No.: 6579 for the vear 1993, vd .L AND ITITEREAS pIIANINDRA the heirs of NATH MONDAL @ pHANr BHusAN l MolrDAL' nanely tl) sMT.

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