
Geo Alp A new yearly journal devoted to · Alpine geology Neue Jahreszeitschrift zur AI pe·ngeolog ie La nuova rivista per Ia Geologia delle AI pi Geo.Aip Redaktionskomitee: Rainer Brandner, lnnsbruck, Diethard Sanders, lnnsbruck, Volkmar Mair, Bozen, Benno Baumgarten, Naturmuseum Bozen Technische Redaktion/Layout: Monika Tessadri-Wackerle Herausgeber, EigentUmer und Verleger: lnstitut fur Geologie und PaHiontologie, Universitat lnnsbruck, Naturmuseum Bozen Chefredakteur Geo.Aip 2: Karl Krainer Referentlnnen dieser Nummer: M. Breda, Padova; H. Kerp, Munster; T. Kotsakis, Roma; S.G. Lucas, Albuquerque; D. Nagel, Vienna; Chr. Rupp, Vienna B. Sala, Ferrara; R. Sardella, Roma; G. Tichy, Salzburg Erscheinungsweise und Bezug: Geo.Aip erscheint einmal jahrlich und kann bei beiden herausgebenden lnstitutionen im Abonnement oder einzeln bezogen werden : lnstitut fUr Geologie und Palaontologie, lnnrain 52, A-6020 lnnsbruck, Austria Naturmuseum SUdtiroi/Museo Scienze Naturali Alto Adige, Bindergasse/via Bottai 1, 1-39100 Bozen/Bolzano, Italy © lnstitut fUr Geologie and jlalaontologie, Universitat lnnsbruck; Naturmuseum SUdtiroi/Museo Scienze Naturali Alto Adige Genehmigung des Landesgerichts Bozen Nr. 12/2004 vim 05/11/2004 Verantwortli~;:her Direktor: Dr. Vito lingerie ISSN 1824-7741 Umschlagbild: Monika Tessadri-Wackerle, verwendete Abbildung von Evely Kustatscher Druck: Walser Druck KG F Geo.Aip In halt Herbert Scholz, Karl-Heinz Bestle & Sebastian Willerich: Ouartargeologische Untersuchungen im Oberetsch Beitrage zu ,Giornate della Paleontologia der Societa Paleontologica ltaliana 2004", 20-23. Mai 2004: Raffaele Sardella, Claudia Bedetti, Luca Bellucci, Nicoletta Conti, Danilo Coppola, Emmanuele Di Canzio, Marco Pavia, Carmela Petronio, Mauro Petrucci & Leonardo Salari: The Late Pleistocene vertebrate fauna from Avetrana (Taranto, Apulia, Southern Italy): preliminary report............. 25 Evelyn Kustatscher & Johanna H.A. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert: The Ladinian Flora (Middle Triassic) of the Dolomites: palaeoenvironmental reconstructions and palaeoclimatic considerations ........................................ 31 Cristiana lata & lassos Kotsakis: Italian fossil chiropteran assemblages: a preliminary report ...................................... 53 Gabriella Mangano: Cervus elaphus siciliae from Pleistocene lacustrine deposits of Acquedolci (North-Eastern Sicily, Italy) and its taphonomic significance......................................................................... 61 Gabriella Mangano, Laura Bonfiglio & Daria Petruso: Excavations of 2003 at the S. Teodoro Cave (north-eastern Sicily, Italy): preliminary faunistic and stratigraphic data 71 Giuseppe Santi: Lower Permian paleoichnology from the Oroboc basin (northern Italy) ..................................... ...... ..... 77 Maria Teresa Curcio, Longino Contoli, Emanuele Di Canzio & lassos Kotsakis: Preliminary analysis of the first lower molar variability in Late Pleistocene and living populations of Terri cola savii (Arvicolidae, Rodentia) ........... 91 Davide Mana: A test application of the SHE method as a biostratigraphical parameter ................ .......... ..... .. .... .... ..... .. 99 Cinzia Galli, Mario Rossi & Giuseppe Santi: Ursus spe/aeus Rosen muller, 1794 from the Venetian region of Northern Italy: Preliminary notes on its evolutionary path .................... .. ........................................... ................................. 107 Alessandro de Carlis, Enrico Alluvione, Alessandro Fonte, Mario Rossi & Giuseppe Santi: Morphometry of the Ursus spelaeus remains from Valstrona (Northern Italy) ............................................................... ................................. 115 Abstracts zu ,Giornate della Paleontologia der Societa Paleontologica ltaliana 2004", 20-23. Mai 2004: Francesco Garofalo, Fabrizio Bizzarini & Federica Ferrieri: The activities of the Ligabue Study Research Centre on the thirtieth anniversary of its foundation ................................................... .. ..... ........ ....................... ..... ................................. 127 Nicola Daii'Oiio: The origin of the palaeontological fossil concept ............................................................... .. ........................ 131 INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS Articles may be submitted in English, German or Italian. In case of a German or Italian text, the captions to all fig­ ures, plates and tables must be also in English, and an English abridged version (1000-1500 words) and abstract are to be delivered. Articles shall be submitted in th~e copies to: Karl Krainer, Diethard Sanders, Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, University of lnnsbruck, lnnrain 52, A-6020 lnnsbruck, Austria. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] or to: Benno Baumgarten, Naturmuseum Si.ldtiroi/Museo Scienze Naturali Alto Adige, Bindergasse 1Nia Bottai 1, 1-39100 Bozen/Bolzano, Italy: E-mail: [email protected] Articles must be typed double-space. The quality of line-drawings must be ready for print. In line-drawings and fig­ ures of any sort, all labellings, numbers and letters should be readable upon 50% reduction in size. Photographs and line-drawings can be submitted in original hardcopy, or in an electronic format. All photographs must be clearly labelled on the backside. For photographic tables: please note that the page setup of Geo.Aip is 23.47 x 16,70 em (8 em column width). The final text (Word file) must be submitted on CD or Zip disk. The name of the author, the name and version of the word processing program(s) and type of computer on which the text was prepared must be indicated. To avoid obso­ lete passages in the manuscript please note that Word files should be saved after using the option "Accept Changes" in the Tools Menu. Word tables must be on single pages for transformation into pdf format or already in pdf format. .. The text should be submitted in single column format, and should be formatted as simple as possible (e.g. no bullets and no automatic numbering). Electronic versions of figures and/or photographs must be submitted as separate files (file format: tif (high -resolution jpg files are also possible), photographs with a resolution of 300 dpi (due to print size), line drawings at least 600 dpi; colour images all in CMYK mode. Referencing: Articles: Author 1, X. Y., Author 2, Z. A. (2002): Title of article. - International journal abbreviation (e.g. Sediment. Geol.), vol. : pp-pp. Articles in books: Author 1, X. Y., Author 2, Z. A. (2002): Title of article.- In: Person A, Person B. (eds.): Title of book, pp-pp, publisher, place of publication. Books: Author 1, X. Y., Author 2, Z. A. (2002): Title of book. - no. of pages, publisher, place of publication. Reprints: 50 reprints are free of charge Geo.Alp, Vol. 2, S. 1–23, 2005 QUARTARGEOLOGISCHE UNTERSUCHUNGEN IM ÜBERETSCH Herbert Scholz, Karl-Heinz Bestle & Sebastian Willerich Mit 8 Abbildungen und 1 Fototafel With 8 figures and 1 plate Herbert Scholz, Karl-Heinz Bestle und Sebastian Willerich,Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurgeologie der Technischen Universität München, Arcisstr. 21, D-80290 München; e-mail: [email protected] Zusammenfassung In der weiten Talung von Eppan-Kaltern im Südtiroler Überetsch bei Bozen ist ein ganzes System von kie- sigen Lateralmoränen, breiten Kamesterrassen sowie in die mächtige, komplex aufgebaute pleistozäne Tal - füllung erosiv eingeschnittenen, kastenförmigen Schmelzwasserrinnen erkennbar, mit deren Hilfe sich unter- schiedliche Eisstände einer „Kalterer Zunge“ aus dem ausgehenden Hochglazial rekonstruieren lassen, einer Teil zunge des Etschgletschers. An den Osthängen des Mendel-Roèn-Kammes sind zudem zertalte Erosionsre- ste von Murfächern nachweisbar, hier als „Murkames“ bezeichnet, die direkt gegen den absinkenden Westrand dieses Gletschers geschüttet wurden. Sehr kalk- und dolomitreiche Mursedimente, durch Eisauflast überkonsolidiert und damit vermutlich älter als der letzte Eishöchststand, aber auch Ablagerungen von deutlich jüngeren Muren, die aus dem Spät- und Postglazial stammen dürften, bedecken große Flächen an der Ostflanke des Mendel-Roèn-Kammes bis ins Tal hinunter, besonders im Gebiet zwischen Margreid, Penon und Kurtatsch. Gerade auf diesen von den Einheimischen „Kampferde“ genannten diamiktischen Ablagerun- gen liegt ein Großteil der Weinberge rund um Tramin und Kurtatsch. Summary Within the wide vale of Eppan-Kaltern (Appiano-Caldaro) at Überetsch (Oltradige, Sella di Appiano-Cal- daro) close to Bozen (Bolzano) in South Tyrol (Alto Adige) a complicated system of gravelly lateral moraines, large kame terraces as well as erosive fossil meltwater valleys can be identified, which are deeply incised into a thick and complex sequence of Pleistocene sediments. Most of these structures are remnants of the „Kaltern lobe“, a late Pleniglacial tongue of the Etsch (Adige) valley glacier. Moreover erosional remnants of debris fans can be identified at the eastern slopes of Mendola-Roèn-Ridge, obviously deposited in the gap between the mountain slope and the western rim of this recessing glacier (“fankame“). The eastern slopes of the Mendola-Roèn-Ridge, especially the region between Margreid (Magrè all’Adige), Penon (Penone) and Kurtatsch (Cortaccia), are widely covered with debris flow deposits which are extremely rich in limestone and dolomite fragments. They are partly older and partly younger than the “fankame“. Some are obviously over- consolidated by the extra load of glacier ice and therefore presumably
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