The Fifth Estate RADIO T E 0 @ M 41 E U. 0 Vg Broadcasting May 14 T+ 117!!!7 trA41)V L ti BEGINNING SPRING OF 1991, USA PRESENTS EXCLUSIVE CABLE COVERAGE OF THE WORLD LEAGUE OF AMERICAN FOOTBALL AMERICA'S FAVORITE CABLE NETWORK 190f4 HO 311IAb;IS3M IS 3ACbO 3 kriV,b8I1 W3W 3091,03 Kn'91131IC ZOZ-12V 06/33G NAr E910Z-LiNI8CE,7 190E4 1101G-S***************** MIB Miller Boyett PRODUCTIONS They Have What It Takes To Outclass All Other Comedy Strips. If there has ever been a sitcom that's dressed for stripping success, it's "Full House " It has won its time period every week of the season - beating all head -to -head competition, and bringing in an audience that sticks with ABC all night long. Now, it's ready to do the same for you five- days -a -week. Of course, "Full House" has always been a class act. On any night of the week. In any time period. Whether it's Friday or Tuesday. At 8:00PM or 8:30PM. With or without a strong network lead -in. "Full House" has captured the #1 share in households, above all other Friday prime time shows. Finishing Friday night in first place with key men,women, teens and kids. And consistently delivering the highest Friday night numbers of any show in its time period in 5 years. Want to look sharp in your market? Ask your Warner Bros. sales rep about "Full House." They'll get more growing for you in Fall '91 -'92. Vua Ilousi 100 Half-Hours For Fall '91292. Funny Shows. Serious Business. WARNER BROS. DOMESTIC TELEVISION DISTRIBUTION A Time Warner Company Source: NM season- to-date through 3 -90. Regularly Scheduled Programming. at 1990 Warner Brae. Inc. All Rirhn Reserved. i Broadcasting ii May 14 Vol. 118 No. 20 share opportunities and 58/ WOMAN IN THE 27/ Fall network problems while being linked NEWS to fortunes of their native stock markets. American Women in Radio schedules due for and Television's outgoing 45/ CABLE DEALS president, Patricia Niekamp, change she has accomplished her AT MIP -TV says Broadcast networks plan major retoolings as they goals of increasing Co- ventures, program organization's visibility and head into 1990 -91 TV season. acquisitions and sales top membership and improving cable companies' agendas its member services. at MIP -TV 79/ GOING GLOBAL 46/ HDTV DEADLINES Richard Dunn, managing director of Thames Television, FCC's advisory committee says company wants to be on advanced TV service's June "a world broadcaster," 1 deadline for proponents to supplying "high quality pay their testing fees and get television product to the world." pre -certified could mean fewer systems to be tested. DEPARTMENTS 48/ ANOTHER RADIO TEA PARTY? Advertisers Index 79 Following success of last Business 41 year's efforts to fight By the Numbers 14 congressional pay raise bill, Cablecastings 61 radio talk show hosts gear up Changing Hands 52 for campaign finance reform Closd Circuit 8 push. But will public get behind Datebook 22 it? Editorials 82 Fates & Fortunes 75 53/ NBC NEWS Fifth Estater 79 For the Record 62 Among those shows whose futures are less than secure (clockwise EXPANSION In Brief 80 from top left): The Tracey Ullman Show' on Fox; 'ALF' on NBC; NBC News is planning to In Sync 46 'Anything But Love' on ABC, and 'Sydney' on CBS expand its affiliate news service, A -News, probably International 45 Law & Regulation 43 to 24 hours per day. Masthead 24 The Media 56 28/ Summertime 54/ NEWS ON FOX Monday Memo 25 On Radio 48 Fox Broadcasting Co. is schedule moving ahead on plans for Open Mike 24 Broadcast networks' summer TV season will national news operation. Programing 35 Riding Gain 51 contain unprecedented mix of new programs, new Satellite Footprints 60 episodes of returning shows, specials and reruns. 55/ GROSSMAN Stock Index 15 PERSPECTIVE ON Technology 46 31'FCC readies multi -million dollar NEWS DIC Studio Tour and animated Broadcasting (ISSN 0007 -2028) is pub- Former NBC News lished 52 Mondays STREAMSLINES show for ESPN. a year by Broadcasting COMPARATIVE President Lawrence Grossman Publications Inc.. 1705 DeSales Street. N.W., offers vision of TV news as Washington. D.C. 20036 Second -class post- HEARING PROCESS fading and failing enterprise age paid at Washington, D.C., and additional 38/ 'ARSENIO' offices. Single issue $2 except special issues Commission moves to whose "preeminent COMPANION PIECE $3.50 (50th Anniversary issue $10). Sub- speed up awarding of journalists have become scriptions. U.S. and possessions: one year broadcast licenses and Paramount Domestic legends of the past." $70, two years $135, three years $190. Ca- nadian stem abuse of process by Television and Arsenio Hall and other international subscribers add $20 per year. U.S. and possessions "sham" applicants. Communications prepare $235 yearly for special delivery, $100 for late fringe talk first- class. Subscriber's strip, The Party 56 occupation required. Machine with Nia Peeples. CABLE'S FIRST Annually: Broadcasting o Cable Yearbook QUARTER $115. Across the Dial $9.95. Microfilm of 35' DIC PLANS Broadcasting is available from University 41/ MEDIA STOCKS First quarter ratings for pay Microfilms, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, STUDIO TOUR cable services and subscriber Mich. 48106 (35mm, full year $55). Postmas- DIC Enterprises, supplier of WORLDWIDE counts for MSO's show little ter, please send address corrections to Broadcasting, 1705 DeSales St.. N.W., children's TV programing, Media stocks around world change. Washington, D.C. 20036. MI//`411/-4111111 41111111b. Y Y/7/t//sow MEW NI MI/ Galavision ply salutes its roadcas iliate TV Channel uston. In Spani s r, hours a day, 'pion cel -': ates its ro Mexico, wher 'at- majority of U. Hispanics trace .4 heritage. You knew Galavision as ountry's first ,Spanish- language cable net Meet the nation's newest Spanish -language dcast network. Avenue of the Stars Suite 2300, Los Angeles, CA 90067 (2 ,, 286 -0122 X.; .f,;-:: ......,...,.. , - - "..,.;1 - - `..' . , "7." ' . 1%. ?l?'ef 1,... 0/ fet. '5- i ...' . - - - .....,. ..7- S. , , s__',. -.4-#:::, 71F-AiLAZt/- i .: ,,,, ",=...-....... ......!, -........ - . '., i .', '.. *leilfr.' .1: P,..*Iiì:-.:;t:?e;;.4%;::11.:1:1-. :.1:4' ... ...-.,, . ,..1 .1.,.:',./../f, '..., o . t t V..." '.:0 '01. l'°t f. -4',. 4 '. 1 t SO .."' %1 .' 4 If ¡VP 0.:ff*' /..../.1.; .. 0r;.4%.......0 ,,. / 0,4% *S. ;!..f.. / 0,4,0.... .4. ., . i s , .,.V...,-.;.."..e-'1, ti.e.45'- 0" ,tot ...r....----) ''\''- !,;' .% 49:-, ' ---... tp,.. o -....e.? -- /.. ...je '.'.. 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'..-,,....-: '.....-,:zz,*. ,.:.: : : - ,, ::- -- ,. :-..- .:::-. -,,......:-..-_-_-.e! . - s ...N..... ...s. ..., - _ 2.2....-..2 _ -. , .s,..- s. ...... (.. ... I.- .-':, ----- ...\... ..z.............- -7_*,... ..ks Is there'aigreater torture than witnessigtiiëáeélme of your market share? Don't lose. hope. 'ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT can be your salvation.: Because we're making more converts than ever among key viewers.: In the 38 markets where the two shows compete head to- head,- / .,'. -, 17% more w, i choose ENTERTAINMENT- TONIGI T. An Ir' , y ,..e.,,l ?- ,.: the list of márkèts' here we outdistance" Wheel' ïti=wömen48 -49; . ;.;: keeps growing, up from 11 last year to 20 this year.-Thafinclúdes. i..: ... New York, Los Angeles, Washingt ,, , p.Ç:, Seátt1e and Pittsburgh* I, I ! , Pe, . .; So, as you consider the future& uraceess market share, e e l / PS, . ,i .. it may be prudent to question the old waÿs. And put your faith in ¡ ';,i.'' ENTERTAI1 iT XO i .GHT, the long -term franchise for the '90s. ,./ ; F. 1: , tY' . , */0..1°' .,. .i I,I. ÿ } / et.,/,1,`:i,!,!; . N, j:,,,,1''',f.t, :,i/r//.`. ,i.,'/.ia, '.r. , ¡. ./../ ,i, . w? .- 4I 'Et hems Wheel in it kx1 m,xniu ARE Snu,e \ll Feb mn {II W 3111113k clearances CPMMI M Pmrxmim Pkrw,s all n,hs n?enrd. Closed Circuit 1 Closed Circuit 1 Closed Circuit 1 Closed Circuit 1 Closed Circuit 1 rightsholders WKBD(TV) Detroit, phone segment, Memories 70 %. Show is currently seen wPGH -TV Pittsburgh and Trivia Line (working title,) in in more than 60 markets, CINCINNATI WNYB -TV Buffalo are all Fox which spot and print ad buyers representing more than 55% Great sell -off? affiliates.
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