GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2019 ISSN 2320-9186 944 GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2019, Online: ISSN 2320-9186 www.globalscientificjournal.com MINASARI VILLAGE UNIT COOPERATIVE ROLE TO IMPROVE FISHERMEN WELFARE IN PANGANDARAN REGENCY, WEST JAVA PROVINCE Annisa Heydi Oktafiani1, Atikah Nurhayati2, Achmad Rizal2, Isni Nurruhwati2 1) Student of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran 2) Staff Lecture of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran Fisheries Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran Jl. Raya Bandung – Sumedang Km 21, Jatinangor 40600 Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT This research aims to analyze the role of Minasari Village Unit Cooperative in Pangandaran Regency and evaluate the performance of Minasari Village Unit Cooperative in Pangandaran Regency to increase the welfare of fishermen. The research was conducted at the Minasari Village Unit Cooperative in Pangandaran Regency starting from January to February 2019. The method used in this research is the descriptive method by using primary data in the form of questionnaires and secondary data. The collected data used purposive sampling for 60 respondent members of the Village Unit Cooperative (KUD) Minasari who worked as fishermen. The analyzed research by Likert Scale in the data processing. The research results of fishermen who are members of the Village Unit Cooperative (KUD) Minasari have the role of Minasari Village Unit Cooperative Pangandaran has an average index value at 67,07. This average index means the role of Minasari Village Unit Cooperative to increase the welfare of fishermen in Pangandaran Regency is considered good by its respondent which catches layur fish the most using gillnet as fishing gear and boat with 3-5 GT of the fishing fleets. Keywords: Fishermen’s Welfare, Pangandaran, Role, Village Unit Cooperative. GSJ© 2019 www.globalscientificjournal.com GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2019 ISSN 2320-9186 945 I. INTRODUCTION carried out in coastal areas of the coast. Pangandaran is one of the Regency in According to Dahen (2016), fisheries that has the potential of fisheries in resources actually can potentially be Indonesia. According to Aprillia used to improve the standard of living (2017), Pangandaran Regency is one of and welfare of fishermen but in reality, the Growth Centers found in the southern there are still quite some fishermen part of West Java Province. This region who have not been able to increase is part of Ciamis, but with the issuance of their catch, so that the income level of Law No. 21 of 2012 concerning the fishermen does not increase. The level Establishment of Regency Pangandaran, the of fishermen welfare is largely area officially became a separate Regency, determined by the catch. A large separate from Ciamis Regency. The northern number of catches is reflected in the part of Pangandaran Regency is bordered by amount of income received and the Ciamis and Banjar Regency, in the eastern income is mostly for the needs of part bordering Cilacap Regency, in the family consumption. Thus the level of western part Pangandaran Regency borders fulfillment of family consumption on Tasikmalaya Regency. The southern part needs or Minimum Physical Needs of Pangandaran Regency borders on Indian (KFM) is largely determined by the Ocean, causing much tourism and marine income received (Sujarno 2008). capture fisheries are very important According to Salim (1999), the (Nurhayati and Purnomo 2014). factors that influence fishermen's The fishing community has special income include social and economic characteristics from other communities, factors which consist of the amount of namely the characteristics that are formed capital, number of boats, number of from life in the ocean that is very hard and workers, distance traveled and full of risks, especially the risk that comes experience. This the income of from natural factors. According to Subri fishermen is based on the size of the (2005), fishing is a group of people whose catch volume, there are still several lives depend directly on the sea, other factors that determine it, namely either by mail or cultivation arrest. social and economic factors in addition Geographically, fishing communities are to the above. people who live, grow and develop in coastal The alleviation of fishermen areas, namely a transition area between the poverty can be done by developing land area (Kusnadi 2002). cooperatives. According to Soetrisno The area of Pangandaran Regency is (2008), the Cooperative is a non-profit bordered directly by the southern Indian institution that can provide enormous Ocean, so that much potential tourism, benefits, especially for coastal conservation, and fisheries activities are communities. In Pangandaran Regency GSJ© 2019 www.globalscientificjournal.com GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2019 ISSN 2320-9186 946 cooperatives need to be presented in the based on the principle of family and framework of building institutions that can economic democracy. Thus, economic become partners of the state in driving development is driven faster because of development to achieve community welfare, the existence of institutions that can one of which is the establishment of the empower the economy of coastal Minasari Village Unit Cooperative (KUD). communities and fishermen to get an In general, what is meant by cooperatives increase in welfare. is a joint business entity engaged in the Annual Member Meeting (RAT) of economy. The cooperative also has a section, the Village Unit Cooperative (KUD) namely fisheries cooperatives to facilitate Minasari Pangandaran 2017 budget coastal communities and fishermen. Village year held Unit Cooperative (KUD) Minasari a social at the Fish Auction Place (TPI) economy organization container where its attended by around 618 respondents constituent elements are interconnected to who work as fishermen. one another and form a unified whole that is Through the role and performance bound via a social network. Social networks of the Village Unit Cooperative are patterns of social relations between Minasari developed into a savings and individuals, parties, groups or organizations. loan business which is a source Village Unit Cooperatives of funds for fishermen who (KUD) Minasari established social provide material for their members, relationships that bound the basic identity of proper health for their members, kinship, race, ethnicity, friends, the need to develop themselves for their neighborhoods, interests have a members, and service. function and Roles, as follows: (1) to . establish and develop the potential and II. METHODOLOGY economic capacity members in particular and a. Location and Time of Research society in general in increasing their The research was conducted at economic and social welfare for the Minasari Village Unit Cooperative members .(2) to enhance the quality of life for in, Pangandaran Regency. This research its members . (3) to strengthen the people's process will be conducted in economy as a basis for the strength and January 2019. The following Figure 1 is resilience of the national economy with a map of the research location. cooperatives. (4) to realize and develop a national economy which is a joint effort GSJ© 2019 www.globalscientificjournal.com GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2019 ISSN 2320-9186 947 Figure 1. Map of the research location information or data that is following b. Research reality (Sugiyon o 2005 ). This research method uses a case study method in the Minasari Village Unit c. Sampling Method This Cooperative (KUD). Case studies are a series sampling of scientific activities carried out intensively, This sampling method uses in detail and in-depth about a program, event, a quota sampling technique with and activity, both at the individual level, a the number of samples being used as group of people, institutions, or organizations respondents for 60 fishermen, the calculation of 10% 600 members of the to gain in-depth knowledge of the event Minasari Village Unit Cooperative (Raharjo 2017). Research with a case study (KUD) who work as fishermen using approach is part of descriptive research. The questionnaires and interviews descriptive method is by providing an overview of the problems that occur at this time, with the existence of such a picture we can explain phenomena by collecting GSJ© 2019 www.globalscientificjournal.com GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2019 ISSN 2320-9186 948 d. Sources and Types of Data e. Data Analysis of the Role of Collection Data Village Unit Cooperatives (KUD) The data collected consists of Minasari primary data and secondary data. Primary Analysis of the data used in this data in the form of direct data collected research uses the Likert Scale in data through interviews with respondents and processing techniques, the author uses a using a list of questions measurement scale obtained from the (questionnaire).Whereas for secondary data results of respondents' answers in this sourced from the data of the Village research, namely the Likert scale with Unit Cooperative (KUD) Minasari, data the index formula % and uses a score from various books, journals, theses, theses interpretation based on the interval and other literature that can be used as a according to from table 1 . Formula Index% = (Total Score / Y) x reference for discussion in this matter. 10 Table 1.Scale Format Likert Interpretation of Scores Based on Intervals 0% number - 19.99% = Not good Figures 20% - 39.99% = Not good Figures 40% - 59.99% = Pretty good Figures 60% - 79.99% = Well Number 80% - 100% = Very good III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION questionnaire data indicate that 3.1 Characteristics of Fishermen members of the Minasari Village Unit Minasari Village Unit Cooperative (KUD) who work in the Regency of 3.1.1 Age Pangandaran are of productive age, as One of the characteristics studied is seen from the age data age. Age is considered important for research obtained. The age distribution of fisher because it can determine a person's men in Pangandaran Regency can be productivity. According to Kusumo et al seen in Table 2.
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