- ---- ----- - --- ---- I- MONA - Statesman lDECEMBER 3-8 .. .A Stoy ;rokNew . * ..r. York, . fif^ da q<NOAle --p Voe 19 Itbe 9 . .W . ..A W W .w=A, . 0- i - -ad-- Intersession Plans for University FinalIdt- .. All '1&4M A*"'-96..OWL,. 1%..mue. 01all, AWf1 Total University Shutdown 10I Aldmmmt Skp~X WJ»L14,lT6 ^ ^ A_^^ ~~-A-&_- ft""^ May Prompt CSEA Strike TI-II isii itiili ~~~~-- -A _acw b o. a m _ By JONATHAN D. SALANT work so ate may om b-y WM-ftsAw. 2 Whfe some academi- bufllbe the pefomthi dulties" V~ch am Lbrary, the Inftry and th Stony tht ould be WgL- Brook Union will remain open dusing Fo's ph= o m Acmcss ol Lant ditayta fam=rt Ia*oe to te now month-ong in s-a VW . ~~~~~~- week, adding a wek on toe end of . Uao 11tir URieSWity pkns to do" dow w^L.h2 _ A------ for two days. I it doe, capus the , ud _ o f a UetL20" cdlseri union nay cad a st. one-week "redin t~and review"p it d ' f - T -h I .. , t^ebSW^^___ suck.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The doing of an d Oom YomdC ak tn.;apit the sav Fri.<ian30 exetStao XnI Quad amd modt Edo takI* fi*~ puriod k b 1 ~dud cpe at of the $1 mMMln tat ar.M » „ - *' \o, it part of a plan to redu So the UnlvXIty WE have to redues rdat.La*t day io Abe te MaVy Univenity's uel ad electk b1l by from It budgt Ms oD ko. $560000 Aciin UsZ ty Ptsdn cently lunri a $2 _nl"l budget * y T. Atsme ..Pted~~i sold -. at a poem detici, and Poed add thad be expeced ninl fnmln hamn1ifil dw Sa* e la ON to Mt to ri . hi~~~~.: Ans C" she m e nt el&mnae hlt of ea Sednt Staoe -~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~& Ai w coayacIly an t wo Unhivestyo New York budgt deit 2 cop14 caNan _ Friay ecomber 26 ad -Jamia 2. asms Is. Th~fis balance the Unvesityls budpe ,Thiosis an eco of at _ktudfit to pftt wdr," be flaW Pbod misled that the Prond wil mismi w a siwsaga t-e '. - wa8 - e caouleBedabe two-dy -0-d « ft eUio rt4 » _ _~~__ as f_ _eiiL Lt day in ism wiout-pay. Food add that su& opp to reAe _* and AW^^^^^vtes^ ^^k &am WIitm th e ad&k«J ^«^fft^& i loll- Mit Z conbect wmt C8 E' soyand's Unde the p 1 s wbo a lockut;O w my that's prudent -ustliveOB campus will be hoase In S Xm. In a letter to be distributed mWalnatmietw week begWL the cn be dd. o toe Unvesiy Cuy tod.a {_~~t 6 w HI"owever, Stooy Brook CE P ttd that "i g auent 1 day'_ait _r d at Pledaet _^-H, Al Vancchl said tat it wn livngwitina 500-taft rad, of*th s -_ wfa be mM -; in .an of the contact "We wen eamu who do not bave an hind to wow so may day of the extraordinay justification for Xuintb rite Beetr oar Wb - f- = .- year," be sJd. "We hae eleven pid rm on campus wi be excluded acaemcufilni ff be doced tel holiday; now we have to take another fom housing." Gudlnes be FMi 6 PK to 68 AML 7ese ~~~~~~ a two. WeOW oing to do what we think prepaed by Student Attain and byc~l th Coupla Cne, metlcdtat h nwt is right. I Dr. Pond is looking for a -m r by,Hosibg. 1i Cue1(*, and South Bo walkout, well give him a walkout. If Assist to the Aident John which hoes to C _ T . Bo"wa due, -to oiitmimat~ at the iut,be he is looking for a strike, wel give Buness said that about 600udts $16,000 a Dow him a srike." usually rm aon campus during AnsamtEecutve Vbic Pfeil ealt Pond said that all employees not inte __on, and Stap XII has 1,000 SAford Get" m d t th engaged In esential services will be spaoes. He sold that the University U r we an (159000 a dey by' asked to take leaves during should be able to houe all students in closing mny I_ om lo1 rmweBino bd nilrfd g inteal_ on. All employees in esntlal the one quad. services will be notfied by Deember "Dormtoies a noe lydosed cosot of keeping Uw etty ops 10. Pond said that other employees over iten but many e an mika week In May, the net pW. X who report to work may be easigned have been made," Pond said. '"We c $10,000. "to other than their usua place of no longer afford to 1o that. Pondbid tdu the Unhity bad Y ..P- r udit: Despite Problems, SB Fares Well By JASON MANNE Stony Brook in serious need of Improvement." Th1 the 159 students 16 won fond to baw gos While Stony Brook University fared well overall in year the auditors found that Stony Brook o s sthat "exceded ae p bedg n a state audit ftport released this week, the auditors 'responded by taking various Asp to coct te and three, bad hig school avegs In exMOs or the found everal areas showing lack of control and conditions" (found in 1968) and "considerabe maxmum. The auit pot soidtdug X to _hms mismanagement within the Stony Brook improvement wa achieved." gbb sdets wa 182 over yOM administration. Problems with AIM Acting Vke PteI dent kw Fame andb Responsible for Audit Butthis year, the auditors found serious problems Cad Hm sol that Xw nowfor a Is The audit prepared by the New York State with the Advancement on Individual Merit Prora. the AIM offie was that the AIM "bad; Department of Audit and Control, covered the period The progm i supposed to provide educationa deve-ope alm- t Me a eAnowerte from 1968 through June 1974. Ihe Department of opportunities for theedonally and ca ly Unveblty." Hma sod dtu AIM was l Audit and Control Is responsible for periodically deprived student. The report said that t A ow studets a e ds auditing al state agencies inacordance with the New progam did not meet many state requbets and now A ds mus be GM"* to York StateLaw. dtsburied money to ineligible students. a offi and respfmty IoAB In the last audit of Stony Brook in 1968 the In a sample of 159 out of 430 ADA students the k auditors found "financial and operational controls at auditon found 12 percent were Ig for aid. Of (Continued on pp 2V Y -.do -- --- m ---- AIM Program Criticized in State Audit of SB (Cotnued frm pa 1) 12 hous a week." The auditors noted "Students felt was not being used when measured in terms of the 46 The audktoa condemned the-administrative owe boll, that earning wa near ImpossIble in the exesvey boun a week that such rooms weo for use." As of the ADI progpam. They westiated that the dasess." Tw auditors recommended that Stony Brook a rslt of the study the auditors recommended that of the pnomEcoa $218 per student. esabbish teachIng lowd dad and account for time "before additiol construction s itiaed a review be Boy k iSCuM01 costs of on doltar fculty spends outside of the a made" of Stony Brook's needs and utilization of lb tor every five dod aspent the audit dated. SW utilizt too, was criticized by the audit. peent resources. Genenly, the audito nd inompete educaional "Approximately 65 percent of the instructionl spwe Acting University President T. Alexander Pond d faiales in the ADA. T State criticized the audit comments on aitb work loads and Law requires dd A des be certifed space utilization in a statement issued yesterday. 'These by Ihwogpteta for copeiga Ccoeg educatio conclusions on utilization were arrived at without a full Nlety out o£ the 159 student spbd did not har study of the methods used by either the State University of other Universities to set space-use standards and webh ceotfication. 9 The audton albo cdtized the comparatively low instructional assignments for the faculty.# number of houn boulty spend teaching. "The faculty The auditon criticized Stony Brook's telephone teaching wokbMoat Stany Brook in tems of its 12.84 utilization and felt that up to $100,000 savings could be weekly contact houn for the FaB 1972 m ter anked realized at Stony Brook by better controls. Pond said third among the four State University of New York yesterday that Stony Brook's telephone system was Cent . .The e low avexage utzaon also had being revamped. The auditors said that as a percentage cout signicanne since (73 perent) of the total 627.63 of the entire budget, Stony Brook had the highest hlfl ffme equivflant ficulty were In the her salaried expenditure for telephone use in the SUNY system. prosor e y, 60 percent of whom taght lek than The University's motor pool was cited for inadequate control over vehicles including questionable tip to Florida and Nebraska in state vehicles without AL VARACCHI University president's approval. - IPreventing; Painn - -- r With Hypnosis Excerpts from Audit Report: By DAVI GIIAN Th patient is wled into the opeting room Major Observations and Recommendations rv auired . Moreover we considered theI and draped for open-heart surgery. As the nurses The extensive and continued growth of Stony administrative costs in connection with this prognan, ready the qupent, thedoctor dnstes the Brook during our audit period has placed heavy $218 per student, inordinately hgh.
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