Welcome to the United States Pavilion. We are proud to take part in this exposition, the first to be held in Asia. Like Japan, America is a Pacific nation, and it is as a friend and neighbor that we wish to express our sympathy with the high theme chosen for the fair. Progress and Harmony for Mankind have always been matters of central hope and concern for all Americans. Our own exhibits fall under the broad heading "Images of America."They attempt to convey an impression of the beauty and riches of our land, and a sense of the spirit that moves us today as it once moved our ancestors. As a people, we respect life and we exult in its possibilities. Thus there may be seen beneath this vast roof a mixture of the profound and the purely fascinating. Its variety is that of our country itself, and its promise larger yet-a confirmation of our collective faith in humanity. I am pleased to welcome to this Pavilion everyone who shares that faith. (!l_u /Jl+.,. Richard M. Nixon President .7,.'(j,·~i, J: <Pt,-, L~•' i Lt~. T;; T c,i'/ctJJ<7l7J[;filµlj'i :~1Jrn:· ~,~ ::./:Ii, T J 1) t; 1: /:-,ct*~ti:~~ 1)c·T. ,,1 i -c·t,;(,.· <T; 11 tJl;t, ::t:'fi'¥'t1L'< A, -c·B ,i,:/: lij<p<7JJ: 1,f~OO-c·~ I), ',\'/;Ji<7ltltJv/:W!lfDJ 1:,,7 ::. A, /:' <7l7J 00t\1 <7l 7 - -;, l;t , T J 1! t; L'ii\'11!11( ~ /.,'(·,,b /: ::.0-C", * H=~1<r~ L -c :1:; 1J 1 T. T J 1J t;fiiJ<7l/N:ff;,f/,l;t, .7,.;(,.-~ il: [2:( 'TJ 1J t;<7l,f J - ;;J t-:i1J' A,'(·J)'i::.1 1:: 1,7t}i,1,<7J t/: 1:i.HU'iLf~. ht.i'00±<7l~L~ l:: .'l/1t.l·~, fL-C A,-- B<7lT; 1J nHf~.hlf, ~t'(,.·:i:;T; IJ n ti~ i:, !IHT.., c ,,u /H$HQ-, cTJ'i ~ ,~,, i:!~,P i To hti.hhlJ:~~<7l!/-"1x 1:: f<7l oT/it'i'l:Ht t b l!JR:t·T. itf:--,1:, ::.<7lT J 1J nfiiJ<7ll!HN<7l"fi:l ;t: M1$B':Ji*~ t*fikT b L <7l i: -'ii ~~1:.i:,,t Vt.i•tl.b L <7l /: t.i' - ~:l'fl::;if'.i, A-.:·,, i Th', ::. <7JJ,;fif,f1t.i'T J 1J n f <7Jt, <7l>;,: <7Jc·T. T J 1J tJ IH t.:H.:**<7l~ b l!Jt·T. ~ ''~it1.1r, ::.11.::. f M Ji<7l* :iH 1t. t b T J 1J n /\<7l'tc '(,.·<7Jt·-to ::.<7lJ:1~ffi ~tt--,~TJ~n t ~~Lc, h ;(,.· ~ 1 t.i 't~<7l.:.'*§H,i:.,t.i•i,l).:if!!'l'XL 'ii. To (!l_u/Jl+.,. IJ +"("- r' · M · =-7 '/ ;,, *Ht1lli United States Pavilion · Japan World Exposition Osaka1970 )l l 8 : . ~-*mi Images of America The exhibits featured under the translucent air-supported cable roof treat the diversity and creativity characteristic of the American spirit. Seven major exhibits illustrating the theme, "Images of America;· shuttle the visitor back and forth in time and through a series of differentiated spaces on various planes . The floor dividing the luminous enclosure into two levels zigs and zags, projects and rec edes so that exhibits may be seen above, below and at eye level. Exhibition areas are arranged so that the visitor catches glimpses ahead, glances backwards at past exhibits and constantly makes visual comparisons. ~%,I: J:-, -C::/0.. i,ht:&):fRcr,r1:_;tt;"'i,ht: ~:if-t&.ili, §l,;/!J\'11/: (:l1Jj'/t'l11 =i /Ml t, t: 7; IJ t.,J\Cl)tr'i:/!H:~L -CE IJ, "7; IJ t.,(1)-{ ; - ;;'' 1:Mt"J.i 7 -?v?3:.~JR~hrnL -c 7; IJ t.,C7),,.>,,,.>,~llfitJU,::. /:t.>'tl:'.* 6· -'(>,hi,,'J•,>:)ci:P.l\ I)~,(. O 7 J 1) t.,fii'i(l) l*J )i~(;f: :=_ [,ft.,•i, ~ I), ',J 7·+f7>;,: jffi~j\(1)jijjjfHIJl:;h J.,~~1&Jv? ;}.,1.,{,v?li~~tll. X.ihbiiv?li 1}-,::. /,.,t!ii]rl:_;\t"(i,/'L -c,,tt-. ::. cr,f:al)l:/ij'.fr;1&.ili ihM1Ji--c·1;1, }H,Acr,~JL.tl: , Xihor1r-c·1;1 ll&cr,T -'(>, t, ! -j 1:'ll!!v?i% ;'1 Cl)/i)rl: ih 'Ji t". -? t •J J.&ff-rC, l;J:, U'llifitt.>'llJl(l)~,)(1)/i\'.ff;t&.!t! 1t-c·~ < JBi 1) ill! l 1:/ilff-t&.it U~,;g_-, -C n1~"0::. u,-c, c<,., J: i 1=~~t"'n -c,, ::,.toit-c·-t. Andre Kertesz Ten Photographers 7;.,,J-'v·n-'f·1 Huge rear-lit transparencies by ten of America's most perceptive photographers-a panorama of landscape, lifestyles and faces­ introduce visitors to the United States exhibition. All 120 photographs are in black and white rather than in color to emphasize and individualize their documentary quality. Each photographer represented in this exhibit has addressed himself to the task of interpreting in visual terms an aspect of American reality which has been particularly accessible to his own sensibility. Neither individually nor cumulatively do they show the whole truth. except in the sense meant by Ernest Hemingway, who said "any part you make will represent the whole. if it is made truly." • Diane Arbus 7;11nfigt~tt-c, ii'§l=A0(l)t.J\ T J 1J n-Cii}:UJl,,•Wl.~:hHl--:,t2+A(l)'.Jf~*t.i' ~h t2'.lfJi-c-t. *Jl&(l)t/7 Ai:fft~ -::>ltf~T} I) t.,(l)tjt*~·Jia\JJI.:, ~i.sijt,\:, Mm>;: 1:·(7):i;,:~iJ'*t.J,t,(l)fll\aJJc:· fl~. .., Lt.ll~tl -c,,;t-t. :'C/lllc:·12otll<h6.:t1. t,(l) ~~Ii, f(l) n ·.,_ ;i ;,,f 1J-·t'!:t!~JvllTM2o>')I:, h~·1:n7-·c-1g· < s,\1;11: L c<h 'J it'. ~¥i*l±i//i .., (l)!:il,1ttt1=is'i1:1! <IDF.z. 1., -r ;1 1J n (7) JJl.~(7)- iiiit1M#(l)f ·,+-c·~JJl.L -c,,;t-t. Lt.J• L.: <7)'.l};J:'i./l£-C·fJl.~(l)T ,-.,:-c iJ' RJJl.~tt -c,,1.,JlR-c·1;1:.;, 'J i-{l:,Z,t.ir, ':'i'.:f4:(l)ir:>6 l'l~~iJ' ~~c·iritlli, fttli:'Cf;J;:t1-l'.;:&t'6J c••--:,t2 "'" ;.,, ;7·71,( (l)~~l=tt.z. Ii, 11':'r}:'Cf,t.: t Nfhc•'<> l:.\!1,,•i-t. William Garnett '71 1) T 1.,. • t.,·-;z, 'Y ~ Garry Winogrand \ , . 'I · · · ,., 1 1 7· "'7 ;., I' Duane Michals 1, i 1 :,. · -.. 1 TJ ,, 'l'. Lee Friedlander ' ' -- • -; 11 · · 1-' "'7;., ,; Joel Meyerowitz ;:3 .I. /l, • ).I.D'f1 .,"/ - Paul Vanderbilt ;t:-11.- • ,,;., 1'- 1c·1l, I· Bruce Davidson 7·11.-- 7. 1·1c· , y 1,· '/ ;., A nsel Adams 7' ;., {'.Jt.-·7 5''L. 7. American Painting In contrast to the monochromatic scenes of contemporary America in the Ten Photographers exhibit. the painted images of the past are offered in a selection of realist American paintings. The twenty-one pictures exhibited in the United States Pavilion were selected from the Metropolitan Museum of Art collections to survey briefly from the eighteenth into the twentieth century some significant aspects of American realist painting in portraiture. genre, landscape and city scenes. The artists of this group are distinguished for their penetrating views of the American experience and mood. +AC7)'.1,'.1l;%< 1;tJ:JH\'.17)7 / IJ ;/J'2'EJ~-c· iV'Jl.L ""(C>,;,17) 1: ( r,,-..;: , '.7T~iJR[jljj%<1i, ;_@1'{(7)7 / IJ ;/J i~:f~WiJ•l.::-RJJl. L -C .BI) i T , -:: -:: 1:11t5f-~ h -c ,, <>21.~.C7)Iiij1jj1i:, =-~- - 3 - ;, 17) I ~ 0 ;r, 'I? ;.,~J1.iiiti'Jri[l};C7) Ii v'lcT, -=:tt.C:,v'ljljfli®, JB.miiffi. Jifil.Jlt(]ljj, IHJv'l'/f1:il!!i~iffiL -C. 7 I '! ;/Jv'l'.l,'.~iJRl7)J8i!t~c/rt,20i!tiGl:iJ•ltcv'l .11!~>:t-JJ;hHll<>~iJ'c'2< i -t, 7 I ') ;/J Al7)f,$:,l!mc "'11/fiJ'. fJlH..J*tJi !, .., t: -::17l ;,·,v-7'17ljffijt<il: J:-, -c, ~)f,l:ti'rriJ•h -c,,i T, Cavalry Charge on the Southern Plains. 1907. by Frederick Remington ''-tf- - +f:,,- · 7"v1 :.- -r-c1)JV.,L~l~¥ '.J~'17' 190 711'-. 7 VI·' IJ '/ ;, • V ~ ;, I· /0 Detail, Washington Before the Battle of Trenton. 1792. by John Trumbull " I· v ;., I· ;, <7J;ill/, c, ,,-j'J,j l: L t~ ·l ;,;., I·:/' 1792'!-'. ;; a ;, · I· 7 L, 7'1v0 (far right) The Falls of Niagara, ca.1835. by Edw ard Hicks (,{,Lt. l) +- 1 7' tf7 <7l i•'1i. 1S:l5 lii I. I· r; ·- I-' · I: · 1 cl 7, Th e Constitution and The Guerriere, ca.1835. by Thomas Ch ambers ~ /7,T''J - ;/ 3 :.--8- cT· 1J_:r=_ - ,v7 1H3 s:irl:fl 1- --;, 7.., , + .:t. :,o <- 7;- Sports Fast action motion picture footage. actual sports equipment and memorabilia make the Sports exhibit one of the major exhibits in the United States Pavilion. Baseball is depicted by such 3-dimensional components as the actual lockers. uniforms and accessories used by such stars as Babe Ruth, Walter Johnson. Joe Dimaggio and Ty Cobb. Visitors may see the chronological development of the baseball glove and early catchers' masks and shin-guards as well as autographed baseballs and the original bats used by many of America's baseball heroes. Sailboats. surfboards and snowmobiles adorn the mylar-coated berm and there are special sections devoted to sports cars. football. golf and fishing. 7 J '! tJ !ilO'JJli~,j:~ir,<7l---:i--C·,h67-;t:- ·, ~ I±, ir.ii/t ll9c@ c 7- ;t'.-·, ffl Jl.<7l ~ ff,i; • i:, ,j:-, --c,, ii'.
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