34 BAND RECOVERY AND HARVEST DATA SUGGEST ADDITIONAL samples of watertou 1 L -: primary pulpose of the PC S BLACK DUCK RECORDS FROM TEXAS AMERICAN on species, sex. and 3'-a : - waterfowl harvest. Th-' William P. Johnsonl'3 and Pamela R. Garrettson2 monitor populations. 3', , - set hunting re-gulaticil' " lTexas Parks andWildlife Department, P.O. Box 659, Canyon, TX 79015 USA dynamics (e.-s.. He'lr'; 2U.5. Fish andWildlife Service, Division of Migratory Bird Management, Population and Habitat Anderson 200 1 . Kerrn -':- . Assessment, 11510 American Holly Drive, Laurel, MD 20708 USA - 2009). Hunters in th; . submit, via posta-qe-P.r:: :: Parts Collection ABSTRACT.-We reviewed band recovery data and Cooperative Waterfowl USFWS, one u ing .: - (PCS) data for records of American Black Ducks (Anas rubripes) shot in Texas. The PCS Survey during the waterfor', X :*::- is an annual U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) survey of waterfowl harvest composition a random sample of hunters. Between l9l4 md2009, 43 banded that relies on duck wings from on where the hunter 1i"-:' : Texas; 74Vo of these recoveries involved American American Black Ducks were recovered in to one of four "rr, ingt":;' range. Between the l97V7l waterfowl hunting season Black Ducks banded within their breeding waterfowl hunters sub:---: : American Black Ducks were submitted to and the 2008-2009 season, wings of 35 Texas harvested Flyway Win-ebee. Hu::r were associated with the Coastal Prairies. the PCS. For both data sets, over 50Vo ofrecords harvest countY. and h.:-- . envelope prior to mi--::-. American Black Ducks (Anas rubripes) are rare in METHODS wingbee sites, thel are ' I banding and band Texas. The Texas Bird Records Committee (TBRC) We searched data on waterfowl Data collected durir:g 'i' recognizes only eight records since 1950 (Lockwood recovery locations held by the U.S. Geological sex, and age (hatch \ r;r - l and Freeman 2004). Seyffert (2001) reviewed 10 Survey's Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL). A11 but wing (Raftovich et ai. I I r potential occurrences from the Texas Panhandle for the most recent data are available in a publicly- Staff (primarill r', r-:-,:: accessible database located online (U.S. Geological the period 1934-1994. These included a duck federal and state ' u- L' : l captured and banded in Moore County and one taken Survey 2009). We first queried the data for wingbees, which are - : - by a hunter in Hemphill County. 'American Black Ducks" banded "anywhere" arrd most waterforn-l hu::-:. American Black Ducks are a TBRC review species recovered in "Texas" during "any year." To Biologists are sePr:i:: : (Lockwood and Freeman 2004)., meaning potential minimize chances of including other species people), and each S:rc;: ' records will likely require firm documentation (e.9., mistakenly identified as American Black Ducks checkers have recei'- :: :: photograph or specimen). They are similar in when banded, we further filtered the data for ducks confirming their ab'il::-" :. appearance to both Mottled Ducks (A. fulvigula) banded in the primary breeding range. We assumed age, and sex. Biologis:' -- , banders highly familiar with American Black Ducks and Mexican Ducks (A. platyrhynchos diazi), two wings methodicalll. - - Texas residents (Bellrose 1980, Lockwood and are less likely to band a similar species or hybrid information and reCttrrJ-L i by mistake. However, some records excluded in this Freeman 2004). Seyffert (2001) noted Mottled used to determine sp'e;:; . " Ducks are encountered with a greater frequency in second query included American Black Ducks color patterns. size. tre".::= regions north of their traditional range and banded in South Dakota and Saskatchewan, which wing size (Carnel lla-:. American are within the postbreeding dispersal range (late cautioned they could be mistaken for then passed to the gr -- -; ' Black Ducks. Similarly, Fedynich and Rhodes summer and early fall) of American Black Ducks recorded by biologi':' (1995) documented several "dark" ducks in the (Wright 1954). Banders working in these areas unusual win-E tor e :i"-: High Plains that resembled hybrid Mallard (4. regularly capture and band American Black Ducks; American Black Duci- -- : platyrhynchos) x Mottled Ducks, hybrid Mallard x moreover, many banders working in this region are be checked a thiri :-: : American Black Ducks, or Mexican Ducks. Thus, trained waterfowl biologists and are familiar with checkers regularlr ;1":1 caution is warranted relative to potential American American Black Ducks. We also queried the same These individuals r -: ' : Black Duck sightings. Even so, we suspect American data set for hybrid "Mallard x American Black identifying wings of .-- ':', Black Ducks are more common in Texas than Ducks" banded "anywhere" and recovered in the U.S. 'oTexas" "any year." acknowledged sighting records suggest. To during Mottled Ducks r.:- - - Data the PCS were reviewed for American investigate this proposition, we examined band from Central, MississlP;: - Texas. This recovery data and PCS data for potential records Black Ducks wings submitted from Wingbees and is il'i'-- - - : from Texas. dataset is derived from an annual survey of random American Black Du;r-' differences in ri irrg ::- - -'E-mail : Bill_Johnson@ fws. gov Bull. Teras Ornith. Soc. 43(1-2): 2010 OrcZ:(Z-Dw'cos 'qtluro sexoJ 'IIng Io sv 'errrerd pueplcBlg pue I{suuBABS {uo lsod $lcnq )cBIg ueclreruy Jo s8ur16 '(1 '8tg) serceds oql uI JeI{}o eql pue elrlsrd IBtsBoJ eq} UI pere^oceJ o^u eseql Jo ,(Soloqdrou Surzn uI secuoJeJJlp sBA\ peJe^oceJ eJeA\ sprrqr(q JBelc eJB eJerll 'rele,/!\o11 '$lJnc ueclJeruv euo'sexeJ ur {cBIg LUopuBJ 3:o ,(a.uns ':-- * *:- pepueq o1 ecuurueddu ur rulltuls sr puu seeq8url6 {cnc >lcBlg uBclreluv x prellBl I o^\J lsotu slqJ 's?xeI luoii : ; -- 'elqslreAs ,(ezn,(1g JrluBIlV pue 'tddtsstsslhtr '1er1ue3 u€cIJeuIV JOJ p3 1-.;: '..:- ;. lou sr uorlecol .(renocer cryrceds eql lnq'sexel le poJelunocue ,(poururoc ete qcnc pelllohtr 'Q '3ll) 's'n eql ur pere^ocer ere./y\ sreqlo o^[ k) suIBId uI peJeAoJsJ F-- ;-: yo qBtH pue'(Z) suleld 8urlog '(7) neetuld spre^\pg ur petse^rur{ $lonp Jo ser3eds 1e s8urzn Bur,fuuepr >lcel8 uBJIJeLuY i- : -'- eseqJ '(E) spoozn(euld'(S) selrlerd puuPlrelg pue ecuerredxe elrsueJxe eABq slBnplnlpul etues eqt par:an: ,: '-' i ,1 'seeq8urzlr ,(peln8er sre>loel{c qBuuB^BS )BO lsod '(9I) serrterd IetseoJ eqt ur rnoJ IIU Surpuepe qll^\ JeIIIIUEJ 3-F ; -- peJJncJo serJeloceJ sexeJ 'e8uer Surpeerq JIoI{} uI o^u ]sBel w Jo euo ,(q erufl prllD e pe>lceqc eq eru uot8eJ SIql u: :- r-'{n plno^\ eID q uucrreruv pepueq $lJnc {3BIg ueclroluy ,(po SuueprsuoJ Ie4ueJ {cnc {celg lqcnq IJEIS utrr:-::.--- : '(OOOZ "(ezn,(1g Sutm 'lB te eroc8uoT) e8uer Surpeerq ue se r.lons 'eeq8utzn Julnclued e ro; Iensnun sueJu eseql ut i ..--n- " ueclreruY uv 'pe>lceqo elqnop ueql st slsrSololq ,(q peprocer rreql ulqll1!\ pepueq s{cnc s>lcelg $lcnc IrEI g uq I *; -* i pe^lo^ur eseqt Jo ob7 L puu ( t elqeJ) sexel uorlerruoJul pue 'Je>loeqc s,dnor8 eql ol pessud ueq] '(EOOy'266I ur peJJncco serJo^oceJ pueq eql Jo eerqt-r(uoc sr Surzn qceg 'Vg6I ,(eure3) ezls Sutzn I{3lqr!\ 'uE.\\aU---:-'i ':- : l'-- '(-tgg eql ot pegoder reqlunu puuq eqt puu pue 'reel\ Jerpee; 'edeqs JeIDeeJ 'ezrs'surelled Joloc s{cnc r{rtrl8 *;- - -: -- l peJeloceJ 'ro1oc epnlcur e8u pue xos 'setceds euruuelep ol pesn - peep punoJ ro '1oqs 'pernldel,et'sI leql) slql uI pepnl--\J'l - : - ;1 pepueq elrellrJ 'e$p xos puu e8e Surprooer pue uorleuuoJul ere./y\ s>lcnC {cBIg uecIreIUV ZSV'991 puq,(q :o s; l --:-: ' - - 'popuuq eJeA\ $lcnq serceds Suqceqc elqnop ',(llecrpoqleu sBurm 'eurr1 erues s1ql Suunq )celg $lcnc {JEIS *:: :- i -- : *". 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