CUMBRIA RECORD OFFICE (KENDAL) INCLOSURE AWARDS Reference PLace (arranqed al-phabetically) Date Date of ^€ arara. ft/t4gffi.b* ^# 544r"rsr,l**ff Act. Ambl-eside, see Bird House Common Field Appleby, see Bongate etc wQR/r 6 Applethwaite (including 183 1 IB42 Troutbeck and Hugill)' WQR/I 3 Asby High Intake t-84 5 L849 wQR/r 2 Asby Low Intake 184 5 aB49 wQR/r 4 Asby Mask. (Asby Coatsforth, 1845 18 55 township) wQR/r 1 Asby Winderwath 186 5 1,87 4 Askham, see also Helton Cruse wQR/r s Askham High Fietd 1,845 1853 Bampton Sackwath, see Sackwath 183 6 IB46 WQR/I 7 Beetham L87.4 L82L WQR/I B Bird i{ouse Common Field, Ambleside 1336 1853 WQR/I 9 Bleatarn Common t-7 90 t79L wQR/r 10 Bolton 1808 1813 wQR/r 1r- Bongate and Burrells Moor 1-7 72 L774 Brad1eyfi.eld, see Underbarrow wQR/r L2 Brampton a77 0 1772 wDx 753 Brough Intack l-83 6 aB42 wD/Kilv 65 Brough Intack 183 5 L842 Brough, see also Lowgill Field BrougL:anr, see afso Cliburn Ling Reference Place (arranqed alohabeticallw) Date Date of of Act. Award. wD/K/322 Brougham Moor and Sandwath (copy) L77 6 Burrells Moor, see Bongate Burton in Kendal, see Dalton weR/r 1E i3 Capelrigg Intake, SLainmore 18 56 ]-857 wPR 89/23 Cartmel ].796 t_809 wQR/r 14 Casterton 78]-2 1B i_6 wQR/r 18 Church Brough Intake 1854 1855 WPC 30 Claife r7 94 L7 99 wQR/r ls Cliburn 18 06 182 0 wQR/r 16 Cliburn Ling (Brougham parish) 1835 L867 wQR/r L7 Clifton l8 t_1 t-815 wQR/r 21, Colby Mooi L8 51 1B 54 wQR/r 20 Colby Pasture wQR/r 24 Crook (Whitwe11 & Selsj-de, 18 23 7.829 Skelsmergh & Crook) wQR/t 22 Crosby Garrett 184 5 185 0 v{QR/r 25 3 Crosby Garrett Regulated Common LB82 18 84 WPR 83lf ile 3l- Dale Park, Hawkshead 1843 (P) I ';* -_* I $< vrgHzr rs rnd Holme iFtt'E 1815 18 15 WPC "?'P- Fe n F'(**h*a*'re <eP-atftt 9! weR/t 2s Dillicar 1850 r_653 weR/r 26 Docker FeIf and Lambrigg I'el1 18 61_ i-8 55 Drybeck, see Hoff Dufton, see Keisl-ey Fj-eld (see also WD/HH{5L-58) Eamont Bridge/ see Yanwat.h 29 El1ergi1l High Ccwbound (Orton a866 1-867 parish) Fawcett I'oresL, see Wadshaw wQR/r 30 Fir:bank Fells i8.19 18 51 Reference Place (arranqed alphabetically) Date Date ^F of a"t. Award. wPc 44/6-7 Garsdale Common (Yorkshire) 185 9 Gatelands, see Helton Cruise Grasmere, see Langdale High Common Field WQR/I 31 Grayrigg 1863 185I wQR/r 32 Great Musgrave LB57 1B 59 wQR/r 33 Green Quarter Pasture, Kentmere 1853 1854 WQR/I 35 Hartsop (High and Low) 18 61 18 65 Hartsop, see also Overdale 186 1 r-865 Common Fie1d Hawkshead, see DaIe Park Hazel Bank, see Whdshaw wQR/f 36 Helsington 1838 18 s5 wQR/r 37 HeJton Cruise and Gatelands 184 5 18 53 Pasture, Askham wQRir 43 Helsington, Levens and Underbarrow Drainage Award WQR/I 38 Heverslar,r 1B 03 1B 15 _ Highfell, see Longsleddale wQR/r 40 Hill-beck Fel1 L857 18 59 wQR/r 3e Hil]beck Intack ].864 L861 wQR/r 4J- Hoff and Drybeck (St. Laurence, LB23 r-83 0 appleby) Ho1me, see Dalton Holmescales, see lt{ansergh Hugill-, see AppJ-er-hwaite Hutton, New and O1d, see Mansergh wQR/r 42 Hutt.on F.oof 1815 I LB22 Kaber, see Winton & K:rber Common Regulation Kendal , see l4j-n.Lsf eet Reference Place (arranqed aLphabetically) Date Date of of Act. Award. wQR/r 44 Kentmere l-836 1850 Kentmere, see also Green Quarter Pasture wQR/r 45 Kei-sley Fie1d, Dufton 1836 1859 WQR/T 46 Ki-11ington 18 11 L82L wQR/r 47 Kings Meaburn L777 r779 wQR/r 48 Kirkby Lonsdale r-B 08 181 0 wQR/r s0 Kirkby Stephen Common 1,852 1 855 Kirkby Stephen High Intake, see Waitby rntake wQR/r s1 Kirkby Stephen Intake 184 5 185 0 wQR/t 52 Kirkby Thore L8a2 ]-820 WQR,/I 53 Knock 1B 15 1,823 Lambrigg Fe1f, see Docker Fel-f wQR/r s7 Langdale Cowbound, Orton 1_83 6 LB44 wQR/r s6 Langdale High Common Field 183 6 1853 Grasmere (Mss copy wDx/L087/B), ftva/r.Ab\a-u>+^ C. A {e.O L^}Oy I bOO / 3 I Levens, see Heversham Levens Drainige Award, see Helsington Drainage award wQR/r s8 Littl-e Musgrave Common 185 0 1853 wQR/r s9 Lj-ttle Musgrave Intake 184 5 185 3 wQR/r 100 Little Ormside. 16 03 a827 wQR/r 60 Long Marton tB 04 1809 wQR/r 61 Longsleddale (Sadgil1 Common or r8 65 !87 4 IJigh Fe1I) Longsleddale, see also Sleddale Forest Reference Pface (arranqed alphabeticalfy) Date Date of of Act. Award. wQR/r 62 Lowgill Field (Brough parish) 183 6 18 55 Lowther, ,see Mefkinthorpe Moor Lupton, see Mansergh Lyth, see Heversham wQR/r 63 Mansergh, Lupton, Old Hutton and 1,837 L848 Holmescales and New Hutton wQR/r 5s Martindale 1819 ].824 wQR/t 64 Maulds Meaburn 1855 1B5B WQR/I 64a Maul-ds Meaburn Agreement for 1Yt7 inclosing Cow Close and Grayber Common Field wQR/r 56 Melkinthorpe Moor, Lowther 1B 10 wQR/r 57 Milburn Fell Pasture r855 r-85 7 WPR 47 Milburn Grange Common 1819 (P) r,rDlRG /Ar" brq ) . Mintsfeet, Kendal 18 11 L8t4 lj WQR/ r68 Morland L779 1800 # Musgrave, see Great Musgrave and also Little Musgrave Nether Staveley, see SLrickland Ketel New Hutton, see Mansergh wQR/r 5e Newbiggin (High and Low Moor) 184 I 1850 wQR/r 70 & 7r Newby (copy plans only) Ig€rrrF",U 1806 L820 (Morland parish) 7 h6tnc,tausr*l-+.4 p/o;*" O1d Hutton, see Mansergh wQR/r 72 Ormside 1772 1773 wPR/9/Zr0-aa Orton wQR/r. 73 Orton (award only) 1.7 69 rt tv Orton, see al-so Langdale Cowbound and also EllergiJ-1 High Cowbound t. i " I r, (; r.: .lt: t ^ # tll I t!lir-(i-;,. rL-i'Lr-.r.'l , \_ " ! 9".5'1;.. ' i,, \Ir:i ('J ( l. o-,1-r, Vvr r:l t: tii Q "; '..$ ! I \\ " t- Reference Place (arranqed alphabeticallv) Date Date of of Act. Award. WQR/I 75 & *7,*5a Over Staveley 185 0 18 54 not f+,r":{ wQR/r 74 Overdale Common Field (Hartsop 183 6 18 61 and Patterdale tovrnship) PaLterdale, see al-so Overdal-e i' ' t L{-1,/fi}.,1 { (}*"V fflIn?]-;'"+fo, )* i * f"t"..n FL* p wQR/r 76 Reagill (repealed l4_*--ff* -'-'--.-. L7 67 l ng{,J,4# t3rt3 WQR/I 77 Sackwath 1836 lntp \ Sadgill Common, see Longsleddale wQR/r 78 Sandford ittz L773 wPc/ 43-/22-23 Satterthwaite (Lancs) 1849 (P) wQR/r 79 Scalthwaiteri-gg L81-2 18 15 wQR/r B0 Scandale Fel1 18 51 1B 65 Selside/ see Crook wQR/r 81 Shap 18 t_3 L820 Shap parish, see also Wadshaw wQR/r 82 Shap Rough Intack 183 6 183 9 Skelsmergh, see Crook rilQ,/a 83 S1eagi11 18 03 18 13 wQR./r 84 Sleddale ForesL, Longsleddale 184 5 a849 Kendal wQR/r 8s Smardale Fel1 a848 L849 Sockbrj-dge, see YanwaLh WQR/'I 97 Soulby 1810 l.8L7 SLainrnore, see Capelrigg rntake 184 B ]-849 WQR/I 2'7 SLaintrore Common, East L87 9 1B9o TRAr.!iLi- Dt tgcn lgtpt:( , WQR/I 28 Sr;aj-nmore Common, East (orders of Land Commissioner) Staveley, Nether, see Strickland Ketel- Starreley, Over see Over Staveley Reference Pl-ace (arranqed alphabeticall-y) Date Dat.e of of Act. Award. WQR/I 99 St.rickland KeteL and Nether 1816 Staveley (unexecuted) WQR/I 85 St.rickland Roger 1838 1853 WQR/I 101- Tebay Recreation Ground enclosure 1893 L936 consent wQR/r 87 Temple Sowerby L773 L774 Troutbeck, see Applethwaite c Hugi11 (Searchroom) Ul-verston Commons Enclosure L799 1813 (published extract and map) WQR/I 88 Underbarrow and Bradteyfield 1817 1-828 (2 copies) Underbarrow, see also Helsington & Levens Drainage Award WQR/I 89 Undermillbeck 1813 LB22 WQR/I 90 Wadshaw & Hazel Bank, Fawcett 1-867 1870 ForesL (Shap Parish) WQR/I 91 Waitby Common LB52 1854 wQR/r 92 waitby Intake and Kirkby Stephen 1-845 LB52 High Intake WQR/I 93 Warcop 1815 1831- wQR/t 94 Whinfell 1838 L842 Whitwell, see Crook WQR/I 98 Winton and Kaber - Common L9LL 1915 Regulation Award WQR/I 95 Witherslack l-Bl-5 1829 WQR/I 96 Yanwath, Eamont Bridge & 1813 1818 file: rh/ docs / inclarvards.
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