Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS) WHO Global Database on Iodine Deficiency The database on iodine deficiency includes data by country on goitre prevalence and/or urinary iodine concentration TURKEY Last Updated: 2007-05-22 Goitre Urinary iodine (µg/L) Notes prevalence (%) Distribution (%) Prevalence (%) Age Sample Grade Grade TGP <20 20-49 50-99100-299 >300 <100 Median Mean SD Reference General Line Level Date Region and sample descriptor Sex (years) size 1 2 S 2006P Malatya province: SAC: Total B 7.00 - 11.99 568 89.1 97.9 65.9 5592 * 1 SAC by area: Urban B 7.00 - 11.99 347 92.5 99.4 66.9 2 SAC by area: Rural B 7.00 - 11.99 221 83.7 98.2 62.8 3 SAC by sex F 7.00 - 11.99 251 91.2 99.6 65.9 4 SAC by sex M 7.00 - 11.99 317 87.4 98.4 64.9 5 SAC by age B 7.00 - 7.99 104 84.6 98.1 63.4 6 SAC by age B 8.00 - 8.99 111 84.6 99.1 64.9 7 SAC by age B 9.00 - 9.99 111 91.9 100 66.9 8 SAC by age B 10.00 - 10.99 113 94.6 99.1 66.9 9 SAC by age B 11.00 - 11.99 129 89.1 98.4 64.9 10 L 2005P Erzurum city: Adults/Elderly B 20.00 - 76.99 340 15.6 22.0 26.8 64.4 65.4 5388 * 11 Erzurum city: Adults/Elderly B 20.00 - 76.99 340 5.6 * L 2005P Istanbul: PW: Total F 18.00 - 31.99 123 128.2 143.4 102.8 5453 * 12 PW by trimester: 1st trimester F 18.00 - 31.99 18 115.5 137.1 90.1 13 PW by trimester: 2nd trimester F 18.00 - 31.99 28 114.2 109.1 73.6 14 PW by trimester: 3rd trimester F 18.00 - 31.99 77 151.0 161.2 110.4 15 L 2004P Yusufeli district: SAC B 7.00 - 14.99 250 29 45 46 4712 * L 2004P Kayseri province: Newborns B 0.00 - 0.00 70 238 4713 * 16 Kayseri province: Women F 18.00 - 37.99 70 33.0 33.0 24.0 90.0 302 17 L 2003P Bolu: SAC B 8.00 - 12.99 342 31.0 5610 * Duzce: SAC B 8.00 - 12.99 384 49.0 Zonguldak: SAC B 8.00 - 12.99 320 98.0 L 2003P Western Anatolia: SAC B 8.00 - 10.99 727 38.0 20.8 15.7 74.6 5734 * Western Anatolia: SAC: Total B 8.00 - 10.99 727 71.0 * SAC by sex B 8.00 - 10.99 372 68.3 SAC by sex B 8.00 - 10.99 355 73.0 NU 2002 National urban: SAC: Total B 9.00 - 11.99 11134 22.3 16.6 22.033.8 5.3 60.9 75 4721 * 18 SAC by city: Ankara B 9.00 - 11.99 324 90 113 102 19 SAC by city: Antalya B 9.00 - 11.99 866 47 81 97 20 SAC by city: Artvin B 9.00 - 11.99 299 150 174 129 21 SAC by city: Aydin B 9.00 - 11.99 203 44 79 85 22 © WHO Global Database on Iodine Deficiency Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS) WHO Global Database on Iodine Deficiency The database on iodine deficiency includes data by country on goitre prevalence and/or urinary iodine concentration TURKEY Last Updated: 2007-05-22 Goitre Urinary iodine (µg/L) Notes prevalence (%) Distribution (%) Prevalence (%) Age Sample Grade Grade TGP <20 20-49 50-99100-299 >300 <100 Median Mean SD Reference General Line Level Date Region and sample descriptor Sex (years) size 1 2 NU 2002 SAC by city: Bayburt B 9.00 - 11.99 189 66 100 108 4721 23 SAC by city: Bitlis B 9.00 - 11.99 380 19 31 52 24 SAC by city: Bolu B 9.00 - 11.99 199 57 76 66 25 SAC by city: Burdur B 9.00 - 11.99 194 19 44 71 26 SAC by city: Bursa B 9.00 - 11.99 193 73 87 80 27 SAC by city: Çorum B 9.00 - 11.99 200 29 58 72 28 SAC by city: Diyarb B 9.00 - 11.99 201 19 44 73 29 SAC by city: Edirne B 9.00 - 11.99 225 99 107 71 30 SAC by city: Erzincan B 9.00 - 11.99 181 50 60 43 31 SAC by city: Erzurum B 9.00 - 11.99 200 18 43 75 32 SAC by city: Eskişehir B 9.00 - 11.99 392 110 130 97 33 SAC by city: Hatay B 9.00 - 11.99 300 70 97 94 34 SAC by city: Isparta B 9.00 - 11.99 201 44 65 66 35 SAC by city: Istanbul B 9.00 - 11.99 1813 122 148 112 36 SAC by city: Izmir B 9.00 - 11.99 1823 94 107 87 37 SAC by city: K. Maraş B 9.00 - 11.99 351 19 31 58 38 SAC by city: Kastamo B 9.00 - 11.99 197 111 111 85 39 SAC by city: Kayseri B 9.00 - 11.99 220 27.5 43 45 40 SAC by city: Konya B 9.00 - 11.99 202 72 80 58 41 SAC by city: Kütahya B 9.00 - 11.99 199 68 75 52 42 SAC by city: Malatya B 9.00 - 11.99 193 54 73 67 43 SAC by city: Samsun B 9.00 - 11.99 198 93 104 95 44 SAC by city: Tekirdag B 9.00 - 11.99 390 107 129 99 45 SAC by city: Trabzon B 9.00 - 11.99 208 113 123 88 46 SAC by city: Yozgat B 9.00 - 11.99 392 56 87 92 47 SAC by city: Van B 9.00 - 11.99 201 21 36 40 48 L 2002 Zonguldak city: SAC: Total B 7.00 - 12.99 304 12.8 29.3 143.5 5566 * 49 SAC by age B 10.00 - 10.99 62 147.0 SAC by age B 11.00 - 11.99 47 162.0 SAC by age B 12.00 - 12.99 42 136.5 SAC by age B 7.00 - 7.99 36 154.0 SAC by age B 8.00 - 8.99 53 123.0 SAC by age B 9.00 - 9.99 64 159.5 Zonguldak city: SAC B 7.00 - 12.99 304 16.1 3.3 19.4 * R 2001 -2002 Aegean region: SAC: Total B 6.00 - 12.99 2300 53.0 54.9 27.9 5294 * 50 SAC by area of residence: Mugla B 6.00 - 12.99 NS 86.0 51 © WHO Global Database on Iodine Deficiency Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS) WHO Global Database on Iodine Deficiency The database on iodine deficiency includes data by country on goitre prevalence and/or urinary iodine concentration TURKEY Last Updated: 2007-05-22 Goitre Urinary iodine (µg/L) Notes prevalence (%) Distribution (%) Prevalence (%) Age Sample Grade Grade TGP <20 20-49 50-99100-299 >300 <100 Median Mean SD Reference General Line Level Date Region and sample descriptor Sex (years) size 1 2 R 2001 -2002 SAC by area of residence: Manisa B 6.00 - 12.99 NS 33.3 5294 52 SAC by area of residence: Usak B 6.00 - 12.99 NS 11.5 53 SAC by area of residence: Kütahya B 6.00 - 12.99 NS 59.6 54 SAC by area of residence: Afyon B 6.00 - 12.99 NS 75.3 55 SAC by area of residence: Izmir B 6.00 - 12.99 NS 59.8 56 SAC by area of residence: Denzli B 6.00 - 12.99 NS 43.3 57 Aegean region: SAC: Total B 6.00 - 12.99 2300 12.1 * SAC by area: Urban B 6.00 - 12.99 700 7.7 SAC by area: Town B 6.00 - 12.99 484 9.5 SAC by area: Outskirt B 6.00 - 12.99 331 15.5 SAC by area: Rural B 6.00 - 12.99 785 17.2 S 2001 Ankara: SAC B NS 359 87.0 3424a * S 2001 Isparta province: SAC: Total B 6.00 - 11.99 500 72.070.0 75 48.0 5766 * 58 SAC by area: Urban B 6.00 - 11.99 232 100.0 SAC by area: Rural B 6.00 - 11.99 268 50.0 L 2000 -2002 Bolu city: Newborns B 0.00 - 0.00 64 61.2 77.8 5587 * 59 Düzce city: Newborns B 0.00 - 0.00 72 82.7 80.3 60 Zonguldak city: Newborns B 0.00 - 0.00 76 154.6 122.5 61 Bolu city: Women F NS 57 31.4 48.8 62 Düzce city: Women F NS 68 44.2 55.4 63 Zonguldak city: Women F NS 65 75.2 71.6 64 S 2000 Ankara: SAC B NS 308 32.5 3424b * L 2000P Antalya region: SAC B 6.00 - 11.99 605 5736 * 65 Antalya region: SAC: Total B 6.00 - 11.99 605 27.4 7.6 35.0 * SAC by sex F 6.00 - 11.99 304 37.5 SAC by sex M 6.00 - 11.99 301 32.6 L 1999 Istanbul: SAC B 6.00 - 16.99 1573 2.3 46.2 105.0 4007 * 66 L 1998P Buyukcakir: SAC/Adults B 5.00 - 24.99 NS 1819 * 67 Ankara: SAC B 6.00 - 15.99 NS 68 Ankara: SAC: Total B 6.00 - 15.00 2155 34.0 0.8 34.8 * Buyukcakir: SAC/Adults: Total B 5.00 - 24.00 232 65.1 26.0 92.0 © WHO Global Database on Iodine Deficiency Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS) WHO Global Database on Iodine Deficiency The database on iodine deficiency includes data by country on goitre prevalence and/or urinary iodine concentration TURKEY Last Updated: 2007-05-22 Goitre Urinary iodine (µg/L) Notes prevalence (%) Distribution (%) Prevalence (%) Age Sample Grade Grade TGP <20 20-49 50-99100-299 >300 <100 Median Mean SD Reference General Line Level Date Region and sample descriptor Sex (years) size 1 2 L 1998P SAC by sex and city: Ankara F 6.00 - 15.00 1188 31.2 0.3 31.5 1819 SAC by sex and city: Ankara M 6.00 - 15.00 967 37.4 1.0 37.4 SAC/Adults bysex and village: Buyukcakir F 5.00 - 24.00 125 59.2 36.8 96.0 SAC/Adults bysex and village: Buyukcakir M 5.00 - 24.00 107 72.9 14.0 87.0 NU 1997 -1999 National urban: SAC: Total B 9.00 - 11.99 5948 36 3426 * 69 SAC by city: Ankara B 9.00 - 11.99 303 25.5 SAC by city: Aydin B 9.00 - 11.99 394 46.5 SAC by city: Bayburt B 9.00 - 11.99 306 16.0 SAC by city: Bolu B 9.00 - 11.99 187 53.0 SAC by city: Burdur B 9.00 - 11.99 394 21.0 SAC by city: Bursa B 9.00 - 11.99 385 51.0 SAC by city: Corum B 9.00 - 11.99 230 61.5 SAC by city: Diyarbakir B 9.00 - 11.99 243 43.5 SAC by city: Edirne B 9.00 - 11.99 384 78.0 SAC by city: Erzincan B 9.00 - 11.99 394 48.0 SAC by city: Erzurum B 9.00 - 11.99 383 19.0 SAC by city: Isparta B 9.00 - 11.99 394 28.0 SAC by city: Kastamonu B 9.00 - 11.99 303 30.5 SAC by city: Kayseri B 9.00 - 11.99 288 25.5 SAC by city: Kitahya B 9.00 - 11.99 178 59.5 SAC by city: Konya B 9.00 - 11.99 187 41.0 SAC by city: Malatya B 9.00 - 11.99 151 78.0 SAC by city: Samsun B 9.00 - 11.99 151 20.0 SAC by city: Trabzon B 9.00 - 11.99 314 14.0 SAC by city: Van B 9.00 - 11.99 386 37.0 L 1997 Ankara: SAC: Total B 9.00 - 11.99 303 25.5 3333 * Kastamonu: SAC: Total B 9.00 - 11.99 303 30.5 Bayburt: SAC: Total B 9.00 - 11.99 306 16.0 Trabzon: SAC: Total B 9.00 - 11.99 314 14.0 SAC by age and city: Ankara B 10.00 - 10.99 156 28 SAC by age and city: Ankara B 9.00 - 9.99 41 23 SAC by age and city: Ankara B 11.00 - 11.99 106 21 SAC by age and city: Kastamonu B 9.00 - 9.99 96 28 SAC by age and city: Kastamonu B 10.00 - 10.99 134 33 SAC by age and city: Kastamonu B 11.00 - 11.99 73 31 SAC by age and city: Bayburt B 9.00 - 9.99 63 18 © WHO Global Database on Iodine Deficiency Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS) WHO Global Database on Iodine Deficiency The database on iodine deficiency includes data by country on goitre prevalence and/or urinary iodine concentration TURKEY Last Updated: 2007-05-22 Goitre Urinary iodine (µg/L) Notes prevalence (%) Distribution (%) Prevalence (%) Age Sample Grade Grade TGP <20 20-49 50-99100-299 >300 <100 Median Mean SD Reference General Line Level Date Region
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