mmmm Jhsda. Sigma, fi/ii £diiwtL (DsdieataL to Sixth* JJU&L £ J, fanning fflre Stmi-Wttkfy fSsanrnxs •» • 'Texas' Outstanding Semi-Weekly College Newspaper' yOI* XXI SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY, DALLAS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1936 NO. a RUTCHFIELD PRESIDENTIAL RACE osephine Morgan Announces For Secretary b-Councilors To Crutchf ield and Heads Drive For Council Student Insight Council Member 9 mm Into Religion Is Dickson Defeat ^ W$M Opposes Sprague Vie For Position Florida Debaters Gilkey's Keynote For President ising her campaign on former Blowing the lid off the political For Secretary M. U. Team Out-Argues Opening Address of Chicago's *rience as a council member, s. Dean "How We Come to pot, Finis Crutchfield, debate kephinc Morgan enters the Visitors Over Supreme ;lllliPlfSfP Court Question Know College" champion and council member, ends Hitical race for secretary of the speculation as to a possible second judent Council, opposing Ruth The activities of Religious Em­ candidate with his announcement levey, co-council worker. Murray Dickson and Finis phasis week hit their full stride *Jo" was recently elected by the Crutchfield won the judges' deci­ Monday at 11:30 a. m. in chapel to run for president of the student »dent Council as secretary to the sion by a' two to one vote in their with the introduction of Dr. association, also announced for by «1 committee on the N. S. F. A. debate with the University of Flo­ Charles W. Gilkey, religious leader John Sprague last week. Egress to be held in Dallas next rida Monday night in Arden hall. of the week, by President Selecman Crutchfield, being a member of They supported the question, "Re­ to the student body. Dr. Gilkey, Being president of Sigma Kappa solved, that Congress should have author, traveler, dean of the Uni­ the student council, has experience the power, by a two-thirds major­ L0rity, she was appointed as dele­ versity of Chicago, delivered his in the work of that organisation te to the Sigma Kappa interna- ity vote, to over-ride decisions of first address to a student audience as well as serving on the judiciary Inal convention to be held in the Supreme Court declaring acts intermingled with a large group of court and the judiciary council of Congress unconstitutional." town and out-of-town visitors. Ibrado near Denver at the end of composed of court members and a Bob Barton, St. Petersburg, Fla., Jimmy Collins Evelyn Melton > summer. In introducing the audience to faculty committee. Iln addition to being a former and J. B. Patterson, Miami, Fla., the subject of his first lecture, fctunda beauty, she makes honor were the debaters for Florida. They "How We Come To Know College," He is a "36 Southwest Conference grades in her major subject, are on an extensive southwestern James Coiiins To Melton Throws Dr. Gilkey presented what he term­ champion in debate, being a mem­ kglish. She is a member of Psi tour, during which they will de­ ed the main question of the week, ber of this year's S. M. U. team i\, psychology fraternity, and the bate eleven schools. "Is there any inconspicuous stu­ which won the title over com­ dent door to an insight into re­ , W. C. A. Judges for the debate were: Paul Head Campaign Hat In Ring petitors from other universities of (After coming to S. M. U. from McCarroll, Dr. C. O. Patterson and ligion?" In explaining this question the Southwest He belongs to Tau Ighland Park high school, Jose- Inniss B. Hill, all of Dallas. the speaker told of the two student Finis Crutchfield Leads Campus Group To Aid Delta Gamma Prexy Files In­ doors to the famous University of Kappa Alpha, honorary debate ^ine was elected secretary of the S. M. U. will have its fourth tention to Run ! freshman class and later treas- Josephine Morgan Money Drive Chicago chapel, which he said rep- fraternity. home debate Wednesday when two sented outstanding student achieve­ *r of her '34 class. squads meet the University of James Collins, president of Phi Asking for the first seat at the As pre-theolog, he is majoring in iRegarding her policy, if elected, ment. These two doors, he explain­ Language Group Redlands, California. Leita Reeder Delta Theta and Men's Pan-Hel- student council table, Evelyn Mel- ed, are inconspicuous enough, but languages and is an active member le says: "As secretary of the and Louise Williams, Murray Dick­ lenic, will head the student commit­ ton throws her hat in the political they lead a straight path to the of religious organizations, being buncil I would carry out the de- son and Finis Crutchfield will de­ Installs Brother Seniors Promise tee of the $1,000,000 campaign for ring, filing her intention to run for rostrum. These doors he compared secretary of the Y. M. C. A. a |!ed duties of this office to the bate the visitors in Arden hall, the S. M. U., Bob Naylor, president of student council member from the to a door in life, which, though Bt of my ability and would lend girls at 7 p. m., and the boys at Students' association, announced school of arts and sciences. small, may give one an insight to member of the Student Council of influence in the council to Spanish Honorary Unusual Docility 8 p. m. Monday. As president of Delta Gamma, true religion. Religious Activities, serving on the lorthy projects tending toward an Brenda Batchelor and Norma This campaign, launched in an social sorority, she has been elect­ Religious Emphasis week com­ Jthusiastic, progressive, and dem- "This student door," said Dr. Members and alumni of the Al­ Wilson will represent Redlands in effort to raise money for the uni­ ed the official delegate to the Delta mittee. atic calendar of student activi- Gilkey, "I do not claim will lead to pha Zeta Pi, national romance lan­ For Pikers' Day the girls' division. Both girls are versity, will be formally opened Gamma national convention to be a shorter path to understanding re­ guage fraternity, installed a chap­ Crutchfield, who graduated from juniors, and active in all debating Monday, April 27, with a parade in held at Lake Placid, New York, in ligion, but will open a door, nev ter of Sigma Delta Pi, honorary the Wichita Falls high school, is a Traditional Barn-Storming of and dramatic undertakings in their the business center of Dallas. June. ertheless." Spanish fraternity, Tuesday even­ Kappa Alpha and Economics club awyers Contest Theatre To Be Arranged school. The boys' team from Red- The plans include an enormous Evelyn transferred to S. M. U. In concluding his lecture Dr. Gl- ing. member. He served as president of Case Concerning by Committee lands wll consist of Fred Drexler parade which will contain floats from T. C. U. where she attended key summarized, "A life of sharing Seventeen members installed the the '34 freshman class and was Marriage Laws and Weston Mcintosh, both seniors, by numerous organizations on the for a year. Her home is in Fort experiences is the student door to chapter with the assistance of John elected a '34 Cycen Fjodr serf. Pikers' Day plans are rapidly and prominent in debating activ­ campus, representatives of each of Worth and she went to Central religion." A. Cook of the Spanish department In announcing his candidacy, he formulating with what appears to ities. the 21 classes which have gradu­ High school. She was a regular During his stay, Dr. Gilkey's and sponsor of Alpha Zeta Pi, Mrs makes this statement: "Since being J Law School Case club contest- ated from S. M. U, bands headed a member of the Student Council be the most sedate and organized honor roll member during her high books will be on sale in the foyer of Leona Holt, dean of women, and fcts will present final arguments by Tom Johnson's Mustang band, school days and was vice-president McFarlin Memorial auditorium. S. A. Myatt of the Spanish depart­ and serving on its committees, I Ipril 8, in one of the downtown April 1 ententainment in 13 years the Rose Bowl football team, town of the Penta club, honorary math Outstanding among his books is ment. feel that experience in this regard furtrooms. A member of the court of senior day history. Pageant Given people who followed S. M. U. to organization. "Jesus and Our Generation," and The charter members who in­ would qualify me for president of ' civil appeals will serve as judge. The usual procedure for this one California, and the S. M. U. stu­ She is an Alpha Rho Tau, art "Present-Day Dilemmas In Re­ stalled the chapter are: Estrella the student body. I favor a unified [Two clubs have been eliminated, day of the year, when graduating For Missionariesden t body in mass. fraternity, pledge and a member ligion", this one containing the Fernandez, Floella Field, Mary program of activities on the cam­ aving the Phillips and Cardozo students are allowed to cavort on Each organization will be called of the student council of religious Cole lectures recently delivered be­ Murphy, Florence Perkins, Aurora pus and am prompted by a desire Two boys have been selected the campus unrestrained, is to upon to cooperate with the commit­ activities. She participates in in­ fore Vanderbilt university. Rodriguez, Alma Gene Revis, Clara to carry on the liberal tradition of "Lift Up Thine Eyes," a pageant represent each, W. B. Browder crash a movie, but this year a com­ tee to make the drive a success. tramural athletics, playing basket­ Herman, Edna Vinson, Barney Mc- a progressive council.
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