94 ERIC K. RIDEAL. [CONTRBUTIONFROM THE DEPARTMENTOF PHYSICALCHEMISTRY, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS.] OVERPOTENTIAL AND CATALYTIC ACTIVITY. BY ERICK. RIDEAL. Received November 13, 1919. It is well known that the catalytic activity of metals in cases of hetero- geneous catalysis varies both with their natures and physical states, and in a recent communication it was pointed out that a tangible explanation for the behavior of certain metals in a case of selective oxidation was to be found in W. M. Lewis’s application1 of Kruger, Marcelin and Rice’s concept of activity to Harkins and Langmuir’s hypothesis of surface orientation in adsorption. It seemed possible that another application of this concept might be found in the simplest case of heterogeneous catalysis, namely the libera- tion of gases at electrode surfaces. The general course of an electrode reaction may be represented by the following typical example : 2H+ 2H + 20 Hz making no assumption as to the possible hydration of the ions in solution. Caspari, Wilsmore, Le Blanc and others have shown that the liberation of hydrogen gas at an electrode surface is an irreversible process, or that there is always an overpotential (7 volts) in excess of that demanded by the free energy relationship. Overpotentials are likewise to be found in the liberation of oxygen at anodes and in the deposition of metals and metallic hydroxides at electrode surfaces, but with the exception of the case of hydrogen where the phenomenon is well marked, little record is lo be found in the literature. Overpotential varies with the nature of the electrode, rising to high values for mercury, zinc, arid lead and sinking to low values for nickel, latinum and copper. Of the more important theories which have from time to time been ad- vanced to explain the occurrence of overpotential, may be briefly men- tioned the following: 1. The formation of unstable hydrides, a view advanced by Foerster and supported by Newberya2 2. The variation in thickness of a poorly conducting gas film, a view originally suggested by Habera3 J. An increased solution of hydrogen in the electrode, caused by the J. Chem. Soc., 105, 2331 (19x4); 107, 233 (1915);109, 55, 67, 796 (1916);In, 389, 457, 1086 (1917);113, 471 (1918); 115, 182 (rgrg); see alsQ Lewis and Jackson, Puoc. Am. Acad., 41,397 (1906). 2 J. Chm. SOL, 109, 1051, 1359 (rgx6), 8 Z. Ekektrochern., 8, ,539 (rsaa), OVERPOTENTIAL AND CATALYTIC ACTIVITY. 95 relative slowness with which the electrode charged with gas can get into equilibrium with the atm0sphere.I 4. The presence of monatomic hydrogen, a view supported by Ban- croft2 and Bennet and Th~mpson.~ 5. The variation in the surface tension of large and small bubbles of gas with which the electrode is in equilibrium, an hypothesis advanced by Helmholtz4 and M611er6 and recently supported by MacInnes and Adler . On the adsorption theory the following view-point may be advanced. .At any surface when equilibrium is established between metal and the surrounding medium, the number of molecules striking and becoming adsorbed on the surface will be equal to the number evaporating, although the actual number liberated and adsorbed per second will vary with the nature of the metal. Under these conditions the free energy equation RT P E - log I F CH will hold for all metals. On the passage of current, however, discharge of hydrogen occurs with the formation of 'atomic hydrogen adsorbed on the metal surface (presumably by a pair of electrons, or one valence bond). The affinity of atomic hydrogen for another atom at room tem- perature is so large (ca. 80,ooo cal. per g. mol.) that immediate com- bination between neighboring atom pairs occurs, resulting in the forma- tion of molecular hydrogen, which, however, is still attached to the metal by each atom, a hydrogen molecule occupying two elementary spaces on the metal surface, For very small currents, in rapidly agitated electro- lytes and with metals which do not hold the molecules very firmly it will be evident that the rate of removal of the gas away from the surface by evaporation may quite easily approach the rate of supply of the gas ions, and no overpotential will result. On the other hand, if a molecule of hydrogen has to be vaporized before two empty spaces are left on the metal surface for the gas ions, it is evident that actual work has to be done by the gas ions in vaporizing the molecular hydrogen. Overpotential is thus primarily a measure of the energy necessary to desorb hydrogen gas from a metal surface. Two factors, however, permit of relatively large currents being passed for only a slight overpotential; one is the normal evaporation into an unsaturated electrolyte, similar to the so-called dif- fusion current, and the other is the tendency to the formation of bubbles. Nernst, Ber., 30, 1547 (1897). 2 J. Phys. Chem., ao, 396 (1916). a Ibid., 20, 296 (1916). 4 Theorie der Warme, p. 309. 6 2. physili. Ch.,65, 226 (1909). THIS JOURNAL, 41, 194 (1919). 96 GRIC K. RIDGAL. The hydrogen molecules attached to the metal surface are not at rest but are performing highly damped oscillations, and if the adsorbing forces are not too strong molecules can coalesce to form small bubbles, especially around small points, which, as has already been pointed OU~, will affect the electrode potential. We should therefore expect bubble size to be an important factor in the q value when the energy of desorption per gram molecule is small, but for large values of the latent heat the molecules are less mobile and bubbles are not formed so easily, consequently bubble size should have but a small influence on the overpotential. Confirmation of this deduc- tion was obtained from experiments, on the influence of temperature on overpotential which are detailed later. The desorption theory of overpotential is also supported from another point of view. Calculation from Bohr's theory' of the structure of the hydrogen molecule indicates that 2 I ,000 calories per gram molecule is required to remove an electron from one atom to the other in a hydrogen molecule, which, according to the theory alluded to above, is the critical energy increment of the activation of hydrogen gas in free space, being of course less than that necessary for the formation of atomic hydrogen, which requires another increment of energy. This critical energy incre- ment can be equated to the electrical energy required to desorb a gram- molecule of gas from an electrode surface, or, It follows that metals having q values equal to or exceeding 0.455 volt, should, if used as catalysts in hydrogenation processes, show no activity since the energy necessary for desorption exceeds that necessary for the activation of hydrogen in the gaseous state in the absence of a catalytic material. It may be noted in passing that electrolytic reduction with metals possessing q values > 0.455 volt should be able to effect the reduction of substances which are not amenable to the catalytic process, further that no metal can possess an overpotential exceeding the value for which the energy exceeds that necessary for the desorption of atomic hydrogen or X 11 = 80,000 or q = x .80 volts. @&e4.2 Metals having an 4 value less than 0.455 volt should show catalytic activity, since the adsorbed hydrogen will not be entirely immobilized; and the catalytic activity should increase with decreasing values in the overpotential. This can be seen from the following considerations : Imagine a hydrogen molecule oscillating between two plane surfaces Phil. Mag., 26, I, 476 (1913). OV€$RPO'I'E$N'I'IALAKD CATALYTIC ACTIVITY. 97 situated parallel and close to one another, one plane surface being per- fectly reflecting, and the other adsorbent. Every time the molecule strikes the reflecting surface it will be returned to the adsorbent one. Here it will oscillate in the field of attraction until sufficient time elapses for it to acquire energy by impact from other molecules or by radiation sufficient to permit of oscillation outside the range of attraction and re- gain the other surface when it will be reflected de novo. The altera- tion of the energy content of one molecule with the time is analogous to the energy distribution among a number of molecules at any given instant according to Maxwell's distribution law. It is evident that if the energy required for desorption is large, or the value of 9 high, therate of interchange will be small, and the converse for substances possesses a small desorption energy. There is consequently a greater opportunity for two molecules of different reacting species to become adsorbed in juxta- position to one another and so react than in the former case. Further, the rate of desorption or evaporation of the products of the reaction, which frequently governs the reaction rate, will be more rapid if the latent heat is small. The following figures indicate how closely the catalytic activity in hydrogenation processes is related to the overpotential : Metals in order of decreasing catalytic activity (Sabatier). Overpotential q volts. Nickel .................................. 0.03 -0.21 Cobalt. ........... --O .OI P~atinum................................ 0.09 Q 01 Iron. ............. Copper..,.. ............................. 0.36 -0.03 Palladium (q = 0.23 - 0.46 volt) has also a marked catalytic ac- tivity in certain hydrogen ion processes, while Dewar has shown that silver (q = 0.05 - 0.15 volt) occasionally exhibits extraordinary ac- tivity. According to Sabatier, the following metals are inactive in catalytic hydrogenation processes. Metal. Overpotential q volts. 0.43 to 0.53 ........ 0.42 to 0.75 Zinc. .......... ...... 0.66 to 0.70 It will be noted that the figures given for the overpotentials fluctuate within somewhat wide limits; thus different samples of copper may give values within the ranges 0.03 and 0.36 volt.
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