A newsletter from the Diocese of Saskatoon, Foundations October www.saskatoonrcdiocese.com 2009 Exploring Our Contact us at: Faith Together Diocese of Saskatoon Catholic Pastoral Centre 100 - 5th Avenue N. Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2N7 Foundations Special Series: Phone: 306-242-1500 Toll Free: 1-877-661-5005 “Baptized intInoa tshpeeciaDl FoeuandtahtionosfseJrieessus” What’s inside: this fall in the diocese of Saskatoon, HOSPITAL Fr. Paul Fachet, OMI, discusses the CHAPLAINCY four gospel accounts of the crucifixion, coordinated by exploring the richness and challenge Gladys McElwee. of St. Paul’s teaching in Romans 6 • Page 3 about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. VOCATIONS at Sessions will be held from 7:30 to heart of ministries 8:30 pm Oct. 19, Nov. 9 and Dec. 7 coordinated by at St. Paul’s Cathedral lower hall. Myron Rogal. Registration is not required – come to • Page 4 one or all of the Monday evening talks. YOUTH MINISTRY There is a free will offering at the door. coordinator Colm Leyne reflects. • Page 5 Rev. Ron Beechinor elected Diocesan FIRST RECONCILIATION Administrator until bishop appointed will come before Fr. Ron Beechinor will serve as Diocesan leaving the office of bishop vacant in the confirmation and Administrator for the Roman Catholic Diocese diocese of Saskatoon. first communion. of Saskatoon until a new bishop is appointed. Beechinor was also Diocesan Administrator • Page 7 “While we regret the loss of Bishop Albert in 2000-2001, after Bishop James Weisgerber MARRIAGE 2010 LeGatt, the workings of the diocese continue was installed as the Archbishop of Winnipeg in national conference and we will still strive for the ideal that Bishop summer of 2000, until the installation of Bishop will celebrate good LeGatt provided for us, calling us to be United Albert LeGatt in October 2001. news of marriage. in Faith ,” he said. Born and raised in Saskatoon, Beechinor • Page 11 Beechinor was elected administrator Sept. was ordained June 1, 1963. 23 by the Diocesan Consultors, an advisory In addition to his role as Vicar General, he CHAS will launch body that in addition to Fr. Beechinor, includes also serves as Priest Moderator of St. John new “Parish Ministry Rev. Ken Beck, Rev. Rhéal Bussière, Rev. Paul Bosco Parish in Saskatoon, and as pastoral of Care Manual” at Donlevy, Rev. Michael Koch, Abbot Peter services associate for Greater Saskatoon annual convention. • Page 12 Novecosky, OSB, and Rev. David Tumback. Catholic Schools. Canon law provides for the election of a In a memo to parish and diocesan leadership JUSTICE AND diocesan administrator by the college of and the diocesan faithful about the election, PEACE discussion consultors when the bishop’s office is vacant. Beechinor asked for prayers as he takes on the held Sept. 24. Most Rev. Albert LeGatt was installed as role of Diocesan Administrator, pledging to • Page 13 archbishop of St. Boniface on Sept. 21, 2009, work cooperatively with all concerned. CALENDAR OF Bishop’s Annual Appeal Foundations adult education programs Ministry workshops EVENTS • Page 16 .................. / 2 ....................................... / 8-9 ............... / 10 PAGE 2 A newsletter from the Diocese of Saskatoon, Foundations, October 2009 Bishop’s Annual Appeal provides vital support to wide range of needed ministries and programs By Kiply Lukan Yaworski diocesan Administration Day which takes its theme from the we respond in love and in The 2009 Bishop’s Annual Sept. 9. words of Jesus in Matthew relationship to our brothers and Appeal (BAA), which annually At the annu al gathering of 25:40: “Whatever you do for sisters?” funds a wide range of mini- parish leaders BAA admin- the least of my brothers and Rev. Ron Beechinor stries, outreach and community istrator Charlene Nijhawan siste rs, you do for me.” described the BAA’s import- groups, was launched at a introduced this year’s appeal, This year’s goal is ance in providing much- $1,158,000, an increase of needed ministries and pro- about $100,000 over last year, grams that in some cases have funds needed to fund some 28 no other source of funding. ministries and programs, in- “All of the money collected in cluding the education of future the appeal goes to ministry. It priests, Justice and Peace, doesn’t go into bricks and Rural Catechetics, Catholic mortar, it doesn’t go into Deaf Ministry, the Lay buildings. It goes into mini- Formation program, Youth stries that are identified in the Ministry, Vocations, support appeal brochure,” Beechinor for pro-life groups, native said. ministry, campus ministry, “When you look at the list hospital spiritual and pastoral of ministries – they are very, care, L’Arche, Friendship Inn, very significant ministries in and Catholic Family Services. our diocese. And the only way This year’s appeal was we have those ministries is launched just as Bishop Albert through the funding of the LeGatt was leaving the appeal.” diocese, to be installed Arch- Once a parish exceeds its bishop of St. Boniface Sept. 21. guideline, 75 percent of “Although the appeal is everything earned above that made each year in the name of goes back to the parish in a the bishop, it does not reflect Parish Sharing Incentive the needs of any particular Program. Last year, $266,063 bishop, but rather encom- went back to parishes. passes and reflects what we as BAA chairs from two a diocese do, how we minister parishes that have consistently and whom we serve,” said exceeded their guideline, spoke Nijhawan. about their efforts during At its heart, the Bishop’s Administration Day: Merlin Annual Appeal is about McFarlane of Christ the King relationships. “And what really Parish at Rose Valley in the Check out the new GET CONNECTED matters is one particular Wadena deanery, and Lorretta relationship through baptism as Simonot, chair of the BAA for feature on our diocesan website: a member of the family of God, Holy Spirit Parish in Saska- www.saskatoonrcdiocese.com a disciple of Jesus,” Nijhawan toon. said. “The question is: how do Nijhawan expressed appre- ciation for the contribution of dedicated volunteers who year “Rooted in Christ” – A Diocesan Vision after year take on the organiz- Evangelization and ongoing faith formation are among the six priorities ation and implementation of in a Diocesan Vision unveiled recently in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon. the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. A wide variety of events and programs publicized in this edition of “They are the cornerstone of Exploring Our Faith reflect efforts across the diocese to live out these priorities. the appeal’s success.” Outgoing Bishop LeGatt This mini-newsletter contains information about Foundations enrichment sessions, wrote a letter congratulating youth events, Ministry Development training, social justice activities, the diocese for 25 successful speakers, retreats, conferences, workshops and resources. appeals since Bishop James How are you being called to grow in your faith? Mahoney first implemented the BAA in 1984. A newsletter from the Diocese of Saskatoon, Foundations, October 2009 PAGE 3 Gladys McElwee hired to coordinate St. Mary’s diocesan Hospital Chaplaincy office celebrates By Kiply Lukan Yaworski 90 years Bringing a listening, prayerful heart to those who are suffering, worried, ill or Celebrations to mark 90 years of grieving is the essence of pastoral care, parish and community life at St. Mary’s says Gladys McElwee. Roman Catholic Church in Saskatoon “It can be emotionally draining to just are underway. be present and to listen to all the grief and The parish is exploring the the pain that people are experiencing,” anniversary theme “I am with you she said. “But I try to deeply understand always” leading up to a 90th birthday what they’re going through. I watch for Gladys McElwee celebration Saturday, Nov. 14 . Mass cues, listen with compassion, and will be held at 7 p.m. followed by a advocate when necessary.” grown sons returned to Saskatoon to take reception in St. Mary’s parish hall, McElwee is coordinating the dioces- on the diocesan position for a year. which has been a centre of community an office of Hospital Chaplaincy this year The diocesan Hospital Chaplaincy life over many decades. while Nancy Buttinger is on maternity position involves working with the priest All past and present members of St. leave. chaplains and volunteers from parishes to Mary ’s, as well as those who have McElwee brings a wide range of provide much-needed pastoral care at served the parish over the years are experience to the position, which was two large Saskatoon hospitals. She also invited and welcome to attend the established to promote, nurture and gives one-on-one pastoral care to patients celebration, says committee chair Jim provide Catholic pastoral care at Royal and families who come from across the Penna, describing it as a homecoming for University and City Hospitals in region. the extended St. Mary’s parish family. Saskatoon. “The need is very great,” she said of Deacon Bob Williston has written an She began her ministry as a volunteer the huge challenge of trying to connect anniversary song that parishioners are at St. Paul’s Hospital in Saskatoon, with every Catholic patient, and respond learning during the anniversary year. In prompted by her experience with her to requests for pastoral visits. More addition, the parish is exploring the grandmother’s death in 1987, which volunteers are needed, and those who theme of Christ’s continuing presence brought home to her the need for pastoral apply receive training and support. in the sacraments, said Penna. care for patients and families at moments “There are moments when you realize Plans are also in place for a parish of crisis. that this is holy ground,” she says of the “Crib, Cross and Altar” advent retreat When the director of spiritual care at rewards of providing pastoral care.
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