4734 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 17, 1871. within the aforesaid parishes, townships, extra- of the Company and the railways of the Carmar- parochial and other places, or any of them, as it then and Cardigan Railway Company and the may be necessary to cross, stop up. alter, or Llanelly Railway and Dock Company, or either divert by reason of the construction of the said of them, or any railway leased to or worked by intended railways and works, or any of them. them, or either of them, or with which they have, To purchase by compulsion or otherwise any or either of them has through traffic arrange- lands or houses for the purposes of the said in- ments, and the fixing and the division between tended railways and works, and to alter, vaiy, or the said Companies of the receipts arising from extinguish all existing rights and privileges- such traffic, and to confirm any existing agree- connected with such lands and houses, or which ments with reference to any of the objects and would in any manner impede or interfere with purposes aforesaid. the construction, maintenance, and use of the To alter, amend, extend, and enlarge, and if said intended railways and works, or any of need be to repeal the powers and provisions of the them, and to confer, vary, and extinguish other following Acts relating to the Carmarthenshire rights and privileges. Railway or Tramroad Company, viz., 42 Geo. Ill, To levy tolls, rates, and duties for or in respect cap. 80, 4 and 5 William IV, cap. 70, and any of the use of the said intended railways and works. other Act or Acts relating to or affecting that To confer exemptions from the payment of such Company, and the following Acts relating to the tolls, rates, and duties, and to confer, vary, or Carmarthen and Cardigan Railway Company and extinguish other rights and privileges. their undertakings, viz., local and personal, 17 To vest or provide for the vesting of the and 18 Viet,, cap. 218; 18 and 19 Viet., cap. 131; undertaking and all rights and privileges (in- 19 and 20 Viet., cap. 68; 25 and 26 Viet., cap. cluding the power to levy tolls) of the Carmar- 172; 26 and 27 Viet., cap. 166; 27 and 28 Viet., thenshire Railway or Tramroad Company in and cap. 13 ; 28 and 29 Viet., caps. 37 arid 170, and their amalgamation with the undertaking of the any other Act or Acts relating to or affecting Company, upon such terms and conditions as that Company; and the following Acts relating may be agreed upon, or as may be provided for, to the Llanelly Railway and Dock Company, viz., or prescribed by the said intended Act, and to local and personal, 16 and 17 Viet., cap 169 ; 21 dissolve or provide for the clissolutio-.i nf the and 22 Viet, cap. 147; 23 and 24 Vic., cap. 1G1; Carmarthenshire Railway or Tramroad Company, 24 and 25 Viet., cap. 217; -25 and 26 Viet., cap. and to provide for the wimling--up of its affairs, 161; 26 and 27 Viet., cap. 103 ; 27 and 28° Viet., and if need be, to vary and extinguish all or any caps. 1, 203, and 21S ; 28 and 29 Viet., caps. 158 existing rights of the shareholders and creditors and 349 ; 29 and 30 Viet., cap. 289 ; 30 and 31 of the said Carmarthenshire Railway or Tramroad Viet., cap. 93 ; 31 and 32 Viet., cap. 37; 32 and Company. 33 Viet., cap. 76, 34 and 35 Viet., cap. 46, and To enable the Company to run over, work, any other Act or Acts relating to or affecting with their engines, carriages, and servants, and that Company. use such portion of the Mountain Branch Rail- And notice is hereby further given, that dupli- way, of the Llanelly Railway and Dock Company, cate plans and sections of the said intended rail- as lies between the junction of such Mountain ways and works, and of the lands and houses Branch Railway with the proposed Railway proposed to be taken for the purposes thereof, No. 4, and a point in the parish of Llandebie, 100 together with books of reference to such plans yards on the east side of vhe point where the containing the names of the owners or reputed said Mountain Branch Railway crosses on the owners, lessees or reputed lessees and occupiers level the parish road leading from Gorslas to of such lands and houses, together with an Llandebie, and adjoining the present siding into Ordnance or published map, with the lines of California Colliery, and such portion of the main the intended railways delineated thereon, and a line of the Llanelly Railway and Dock Company copy of this notice as published in the London as lies between its junction with the proposed Gazette, will be deposited on or before the 30th Railway No. 1 and the Pontardulais Station of day of November, instant, with the Clerk of the the said Llanelly Railway and Dock Company, Peace for the county of Carmarthen, at his office and such portion of the railway of the Carmarthen j in Llandovery in the said county, and that a copy and Cardigan Railway Company as lies between of so much of the said plans and sections, and the Carmarthen Town Station of such railway books of reference as relates to the several and the junction of that railway with the rail- parishes in or through which the intend* d rail- way of the Great Western Railway Company, ways and works are proposed to be made, or in known as the Carmarthen Junction, together which the lands, houses, and property proposed with the Rtation?, sidings, watering places, and to l^e taken are situated; and also a copy of this other works and conveniences connected with notice, as published in the London Gazette, will, the said porions of railways respectively, upon on or before the said 30th day of November, be such terms and conditions, and on payment of deposited with the parish clerk of each such such tolls, rates, and charges as may be settled parish, at his place of abode, and in case of any by the Board of Trade, or by arbitration, or as extra-parochial place with the parish clerk of otherwise to be defined in the said intended some adjoining pariah, at his place of abode. Act. And notice is hereby further given that printed Tq enable the Company and the Carmarthen copies of the proposed Bill will, on or before the and Cardigan Railway Company, and also the | 21st day of December next, be deposited in the Llanelly Railway and Dock Company to enter Private Bill Office of the House of Commons. into agreements for the management, use, work- ing, and maintenance of the intended railways Dated this 8th d-iy of November, 1871. and works, or any part thereof, the supply of Edward Wilhon Crosse, 4, Bell Yard, any rolling or working stock, and of officers and . Doctors' Commons. London; servants, for the conduct of the traffic on the intended railways and works, the payments to John Hoyes Barker^ Carmarthen, be made, and the conditions to be performed Solicitors for the Bill. with respect to the matters aforesaid, the inter- j Wyatt, Hoskins, and Hooker, 28, Parlia* change, accommodation, conveyance, and deli- j rnent Street, Westminster, Parliament very of traffic from, or destined for the railways ' tary Agents..
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