A303 Stonehenge Amesbury to Berwick Down Technical Appraisal Report Volume 3 Appendix B Initial corridors appraisal (Design Fix A) Public Consultation 2017 A303 Amesbury to Berwick Down | HE551506 Appendix B Initial corridors appraisal (Design Fix A) A303 Amesbury to Berwick Down | HE551506 B.1 Historical routes A360 LONGBARROW ROUNDABOUT A345 COUNTESS A3028 ROUNDABOUT DURRINGTON LARKHILL SHREWTON A303 B3086 A3028 STONEHENGE WINTERBOURNE STOKE RIVER TILL RIVER A303 AMESBURY YARNBURY CASTLE BERWICK DOWN A303 BERWICK ST JAMES BOSCOMBE DOWN AIRFIELD A345 A360 RIVER AVON A36 STAPLEFORD UPPER WOODFORD MIDDLE WOODFORD LOWER WOODFORD SALISBURY Kilometres 0 4.5 9 This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. CLIENT NAME: Highways England LICENCE NUMBER: 100030649 [2016] © Historic England [2016]. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right [2016] The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained in 2016. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from HistoricEngland.org.uk. Drawing Status Suitability Project Title LEGEND 2004 Berkley-Matthews SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL 1991_1993 S1 1991_1993 N1 1999-Winterbourne FIT FOR INTERNAL REVIEW AMND COMMENT S3 A303 AMESBURY TO BERWICK DOWN Route 2006 Northern Route INFORMATION 1991_1993 S1(B) 1991_1993 N2 Stoke Bypass In addition to the hazards/risks normally associated with the types of work 2004 Jackson Route AR2 2006 Southern Route Client Drawing Title 1991_1993 S1- 1991_1993 N4 1999-2km Tunnel Cut detailed on this drawing, note the following significant residual risks 2004 Lawrence Alternative 2015 2.5km Tunnel (Reference shall also be made in the design hazard log) S1(A)-S1(B) and Cover HISTORICAL ROUTES 1991_1993 W1 AR10 Construction 2003 Southern 2015 2.9km Tunnel 1991_1993 S2-S2(A) 1991_1993 W2 2006 Alternative Route FNR1 None Alternative Route 2015 Andy Rhind-Tutt 1991_1993 S2-S2(B) 1991_1993 W4 2006 Alternative Route FSR1 2004 Alternative Route 1 Alternative Maintenance / Cleaning 1991-1993 E1 1991_1993 W5 2006 Alternative Route FSR2 Scale Designed / Drawn Checked Approved Authorised 2004 Alternative Route 2 2015 Offline Dualling None 1:100,000 FG GS SL SH 1991_1993 E2 1991_1993 W6 2006 Alternative Route FSR3 to North 2004 Alternative Route 3 Designers Original Size Date Date Date Date 1991_1993 E3 1994 Purple Route 2006 Alternative Route NSR1 Use 2004 Alternative Route 4 Option 9 A3 07/11/16 07/11/16 07/11/16 07/11/16 1991-1993 E4 1994 Purple Variant 2006 Alternative Route NSR3 None 2004 Alternative Route 7 Option 13 Drawing Number Revison 1991_1993 E5 Route 2006 Alternative Route NSR4 Option 19 Proje ct Origin ato r Volu me Case Route Decommission / Demolition 1991_1993 E6 P04 FINAL ISSUE HE551506-AA-GEN- 1998 Previous 2006 Alternative Route NSR5 Option 20 07/11/16 FG GS SL P04 2004 Aubrey Alternative None SWI-DR-CX-000018 1991_1993 E7 Options Considered Rev Date Description By Chk'd App'd AR1 AR5 AR8 AR9 2003 Published Scheme Location Typ e Ro le Nu mb er A303 Amesbury to Berwick Down | HE551506 B.2 Corridors identified A360 LONGBARROW ROUNDABOUT A345 COUNTESS A3028 ROUNDABOUT DURRINGTON LARKHILL SHREWTON A303 A3028 STONEHENGE WINTERBOURNE STOKE RIVER TILL RIVER A303 AMESBURY YARNBURY CASTLE BERWICK DOWN A303 BERWICK ST JAMES A345 A360 RIVER AVON A36 STAPLEFORD UPPER WOODFORD MIDDLE WOODFORD LOWER WOODFORD SALISBURY Kilometres 0 4.5 9 This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. CLIENT NAME: Highways England LICENCE NUMBER: 100030649 [2016] © Historic England [2016]. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right [2016] The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained in 2016. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from HistoricEngland.org.uk. Drawing Status Suitability Project Title LEGEND SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL FIT FOR INTERNAL REVIEW AND COMMENT S3 A303 AMESBURY TO BERWICK DOWN HISTORICAL ROUTES CORRIDOR E ROUTES SOUTH OF INFORMATION A303 (INSIDE WHS) In addition to the hazards/risks normally associated with the types of work Client Drawing Title CORRIDOR A ROUTE NORTH OF detailed on this drawing, note the following significant residual risks (Reference shall also be made in the design hazard log) A303 (OUTSIDE WHS) CORRIDOR F ROUTES SOUTH OF CORRIDORS IDENTIFIED A303 (OUTSIDE WHS) AND NORTH Construction CORRIDOR B ROUTES NORTH OF OF SALISBURY None A303 (INSIDE WHS) CORRIDOR G ROUTE SOUTH OF Maintenance / Cleaning CORRIDOR C AT GRADE ROUTES Scale Designed / Drawn Checked Approved Authorised A303 (OUTSIDE WHS) AND SOUTH None 1:100,000 AH GS SL SH WITHIN 1.0KM OF A303 (INSIDE OF SALISBURY WHS) Designers Original Size Date Date Date Date Use A3 04/11/16 04/11/16 04/11/16 04/11/16 WORLD HERITAGE SITE None CORRIDOR D TUNNEL ROUTES Drawing Number Revision (INSIDE WHS) Project Originator Volume Decommission / Demolition P05 27/10/16 FINAL ISSUE AH GS SL HE551506-AA-GEN- P05 None SWI-DR-CX-000015 Rev Date Description By Chk'd App'd Location Type Role Number A303 Amesbury to Berwick Down | HE551506 B.3 Environmental assessment methodology and scoring assessment A303 Amesbury to Berwick Down | HE551506 Appendix B3: Environmental assessment methodology and scoring Strategic policies and aims Indicative rating values a) Highways England Licence (HEL) b) Road Investment Strategy (RIS) NPSNN – Decision Relevant client objectives / Environmental Topic Performance Approach to assessment Specification making requirements receptors Red Amber Green c) Highways England criteria Delivery Plan (HEDP), d) Highways England Strategic Business Plan (HESBP) Geographical Information Systems (GIS) data and Substantial harm Less than No harm to; or Stonehenge, Avebury analysis of route corridors, considering the to the Outstanding substantial harm benefits for, the and Associated Sites Cultural heritage: to potential harm or benefit to the fabric (including Universal Value to the OUV of OUV of the World Heritage Site contribute to the conservation buried archaeology), setting and character of the (OUV) of the WHS WHS probable. WHS. (Stonehenge WHS) and enhancement of the WHS probable. HEDP: Commits to enacting World Heritage Site by conservation measures at improving access both within GIS data and analysis of route corridors, Substantial harm Less than No harm to those identified heritage assets and to the site. considering potential harm or benefit to the fabric to one or more substantial harm any, or less most at risk by end of this Scheduled Monuments and setting of SMs. SMs probable. to multiple SMs than substantial Road Period, and reviewing Environment and (SMs) probable. harm to a Historic Paras 5.128- the influence of the network on community: to contribute to limited number Environment 138 the setting and condition of the the enhancement of the of SMs. historic environment close to historic landscape within the World Heritage Site, to GIS data and analysis of route corridors, Substantial harm Less than No harm to, or the network, identifying and considering potential harm or benefit to the fabric to one or more substantial harm less than improve biodiversity along the Designated Assets: delivering enhancement and setting of Listed Buildings, Conservation designated assets to multiple substantial Route and to provide a Listed Buildings, opportunities. Areas and Registered Parks and Gardens. probable. designated assets Harm to a positive legacy to Conservation Areas probable. limited number, communities adjoining the and Registered Parks of designated road. and Gardens assets probable. GIS mapping of International and National Habitat loss or Immediately In excess of RIS: - biodiversity is one of 2 International Designations across the broad study area and severance. adjacent/ within 200m from Key Performance Indicators Designation (Special analysis of route corridors against these features Potential for 200m for air such (KPIs) identified for Reference Area of Conservation to determine likely habitat loss, severance or significant adverse quality and noise designations. Period 1 (RP1); sets an (SAC) / Special indirect effects. 200m is considered an effects to occur. reasons or clearly aspiration that the operation, Environment and Protection Area (SPA) appropriate buffer distance for considering indirect connected maintenance, and community: to improve / Ramsar and effects at this stage, and is based on DMRB hydrologically. enhancement of the Strategic biodiversity along the Route. candidate SAC / guidance for assessing air quality effects on Potential for Road Network (SRN) should potential SPA / protected sites (SSSIs, SACs, SPAs); additionally, adverse effects to move to a position that delivers Expansion on headline potential Ramsar) no net loss of biodiversity. requirements - whilst effects vary with individual ecological occur. And, in the long term, the receptors, this distance is likely to cover the Habitat loss or Immediately In excess of • Biodiversity within new majority of other indirect impacts such as (but not Company should deliver a net Paras
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