The Corporation of the Township of Norwich Regular Council Meeting Tuesday October 25, 2016 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Norwich AGENDA Page 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 4. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 4-16 4.1 October 11, 2016 5. PUBLIC MEETINGS 5.1. The Municipal Act None 5.2. The Drainage Act None 5.3. The Planning Act None 6. DEPUTATIONS 6.1 Bill Clark and Ralph Benedict, OLS 17-19 Re: Clark / Rand Access Issue 7. PETITIONS None 8. CORRESPONDENCE 8.1 Long Point Region Conservation Authority Re: Board of Directors Minutes – August 20-33 3, 2016 Re: Board of Directors Minutes – August 24, 2016 34-35 8.2 Grand River Conservation Authority Re: GRCA Current – October 2016 36-37 8.3 Association of Municipalities of Ontario Re: What’s Next Ontario Project 38 8.4 Municipality of Grey Highlands Re: Accommodation Review Process 39 8.5 Grey County Re: Inequity of Hydro Rates 40-41 8.6 City of Belleville Re: Supporting Agricultural Experts in Their Fields 8.7 Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Re: Legislation to Amend the Aggregate 42-43 Resources Act. Page 1 of 68 Page 8. CORRESPONDENCE 8.8 Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports Premiers 44 Awards for Excellence in the Arts 8.9 Norwich United Church Camp Committee Re: 45-46 Thank you for your Support 47-49 8.10 Oxford Cycling Advisory Committee Re: Meeting Minutes – September 12, 2016 9. COMMITTEE MINUTES 50-51 9.1 Accessibility Advisory Committee Re: Meeting Minutes – October 17, 2016 52-53 9.2 Health and Safety Representative Committee Re: Meeting Minutes – August 24, 2016 9.3 Norwich / Woodstock Boundary Adjustment Committee Re: Meeting Minutes – 54 October 17, 2016 10. REPORTS 10.1. Planning and Development Services No report 10.2. Fire and Protective Services No report 10.3. Drainage Services No report 10.4. Building Services No report 10.5. Public Works Services No report 10.6. Community Development Services No report 10.7. Medical Centre Services No report 10.8. Financial Services No report 10.9. Administration Services 55-58 10.9.1Road Closure Application – Sutherland Report CAO 2016-41 59-63 10.9.2Town Hall Meetings 2016 Re: Issues and Actions List – as at October 19, 2016 Page 2 of 68 Page 10.9. Administration Services 64-66 10.9.3Otterville Parking Lot Report CAO 2016-44 11. OTHER BUSINESS None 12. NOTICE OF MOTIONS None 13. CLOSED SESSION 13.1 P ersonal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees Medical Centre – Physician Agreements Verbal Report 13.2 Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board Re: Medical Centre – Physician Account Verbal Report 13.3 Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board Re: Union Gas Appeal 13.4 A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board Re: Offer to Purchase – Airport Road Industrial Lands Confidential Report CAO 2016- 42 13.5 A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board Re: Offer of Purchase and Sale – Norwich Parking Confidential Report CAO 2016- 43 13.6 Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose Re: Clark / Rand Access Issue 13.7 A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board Re: Offer of Purchase and Sale – Station 3 13.8 Closed Meeting Minutes Re: October 11, 2016 14. BY-LAWS 67-68 I No. 57-2016 To Confirm All Actions and Proceedings of Council 15. ADJOURNMENT Page 3 of 68 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NORWICH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY OCTOBER 11, 2016 IN ATTENDANCE: COUNCIL: Deputy Mayor Palmer Councillor Scholten Councillor DePlancke Councillor Buchanan STAFF: Kyle Kruger, CAO / Clerk Mike Legge, Director of Finance Brad Smale, Chief Building Official Dirk Kramer, Drainage Superintendent Pat Hovorka, Director of Community Development Services A.J. Wells, Manager of Medical Services Kimberley Armstrong, Deputy Clerk 1. CALL TO ORDER The regular session of the 2014-2018 Council of the Township of Norwich was held in the Council Chambers, Norwich, Ontario commencing at 9:39 a.m. with Deputy Mayor Palmer in the Chair. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mr. Kruger requested that the Deere Crescent name change be added under Section 5.1 The Municipal Act. Resolution #1 Moved by John Scholten, seconded by Lynne DePlancke; That the Agenda be accepted as amended. Carried 3. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST No disclosure were reported October 11, 2016 Page 4 of 68 Council Minutes – October 11, 2016 Page 2 of 13 4. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 4.1 September 27, 2016 Resolution #2 Moved by Lynne DePlancke, seconded by John Scholten; That the following Minutes of the Township of Norwich Council be adopted as printed and circulated: Carried 5. PUBLIC MEETINGS 5.1 The Municipal Act 5.1.1 Deer Crescent Mr. Kruger advised that a notice was placed in the local paper, on the township website and mailed to affected property owners regarding Council’s intent to pass a By-law changing Deere Crescent to Deer Crescent. No response has been received. There was no-one in attendance that wished to speak to the issue. 5.2 The Drainage Act None 5.3 The Planning Act Resolution #3 Moved by John Scholten, seconded by Lynne DePlancke; That pursuant to Section 34(12) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, Chapter P.13, this Council conduct a public meeting in respect to an application for amendment to Zoning By-law 07-2003-Z by Township of Norwich, submitted by John Palmer, File No. ZN 3-16-08. Carried The Deputy Mayor advised that this meeting is being constituted as being a public meeting held under the Planning At for the purpose of hearing Zoning Amendment proposals and affording any person I attendance the opportunity to make a presentation to Council. The Ontario Municipal Board has the power to dismiss an appeal under subsection (25) if an appellant has not provided the Council with oral submissions at a public meeting or a written submission before a by-law is passed under this section 5.3.1 Applicant: John Palmer File No.: ZN 3-16-08 Report No.: CASPO 2016-247 October 11, 2016 Page 5 of 68 Council Minutes – October 11, 2016 Page 3 of 13 Location: Part Lot 3, Concession 3, Quaker Street (former North Norwich) Township of Norwich Details of Proposed Amendment: To rezone the lands to be severed (B 16-27-3) from ‘General Agricultural Zone (A2)’ to ‘Special Rural Residential Zone (RR-sp)’ to coincide with the lands to which they will be added through the consolidation and allow for an increase to the permitted lot coverage allowance for accessory buildings. Mr. Palmer, owner, was in attendance. Ms. St. Clair outlined the application as contained within Report CASPO 2016-247. She advised that the applicant proposes to rezone the lands to be severed and the lands to be enlarged resulting from consent application B16-27-3. This will recognize the size of the existing accessory structures on the property. During the commenting period the CBO advised that the existing accessory building on the lot to be severed was originally constructed for agricultural purposes. As a condition of consent the applicant is required to obtain a change of use permit to ensure the structure is used for residential accessory purposes only in the future. This consent will also rectify an entrance issue on the subject lands. There was no one in attendance that wished to speak in support of or against the application. Resolution #4 Moved by Wayne Buchanan, seconded by Lynne DePlancke; That the Public Meeting held pursuant to the Planning Act be closed. Carried Resolution #5 Moved by Wayne Buchanan, seconded by Lynne DePlancke; That with respect to the application for an amendment to Zoning By-law 07-2003-Z, submitted by John Palmer, File No. ZN 3-16-08, whereby lands described as Part Lot 3, Concession 3, Quaker Street (former North Norwich), Township of Norwich, to rezone the subject lands from ‘Residential Existing Lot (RE)’ and ‘General Agricultural Zone (A2) to ‘Special Rural Residential Zone (RR-21)’ and to recognize a reduction to the lot depth requirement from 80 m (262.5 ft.) to 62 m (204 ft) and to permit an increase to the lot coverage provisions for residential accessory structures from 170 m2 (1830 ft2) to 193.5 m2 (2082.8 ft2), the Council of the Township of Norwich hereby: Approve-in- Principle the zone change. Carried October 11, 2016 Page 6 of 68 Council Minutes – October 11, 2016 Page 4 of 13 6. DEPUTATIONS 6.1 Martin Wylie and Wayne Chalkley Re: Norwich Jr. C Merchants 50th Anniversary Mr. Chalkley advised that they are representing the 50th anniversary committee. The 50th year will be celebrated during the 2017/2018 season. The name ‘Merchants’ was chosen because fundraising to start the initial teams came from local merchants. Mr. Wylie provided an overview of some of the championship wins, events and donations made by the team. He advised that they will be placing the 50th logo on the team sweaters and have started an alumni network. They are attempting to contact all former Jr. C players and have created a facebook page where they are posting old team photos. There are many events planned and they are also planning a legacy project. Resolution #6 Moved by Wayne Buchanan, seconded by Lynne DePlancke; That the Deputation by Martin Wylie and Wayne Chalkley Re: Norwich Jr.
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