Broads Authority Planning Committee Minutes of the meeting held on 7 October 2011 Present: Mr M Barnard Mr C Gould Mrs J Brociek-Coulton Mr G W Jermany Mr N Dixon Dr J S Johnson Mr S Dorrington Mr A S Mallett Dr J M Gray Mr R Stevens In Attendance: Mrs S A Beckett – Administrative Officer Mr C Brown– for the Solicitor Mr F Bootman – Planning Officer Ms M Hammond – Planning Assistant Mr B Hogg – Historic Environment Manager Ms A Macnab – Planning Officer Mr A Scales – Planning Officer (NPS Consultants) Ms C Smith – Head of Development Management Ms K Wood – Planning Assistant Members of the public in attendance who spoke: BA/2011/0236/FUL Dockyard, Griffin Lane, Thorpe St Andrew, Norwich Mr Phillip Duncan Agent on behalf of applicant Corylus Ltd. Rob Rogers On behalf of Applicant Ms Trudi Wakelin BA/2011/0244/FUL Compartment 1, River Bank of River Bure Upstream of Upton Mill and Adj to Upton Boat Dyke, Upton Mr Jeremy Halls (BESL) On behalf of Applicant BA/2011/0260/FUL Compartment 12, Reedham to Cantley Floodbank, River Yare Mr Jeremy Halls (BESL) On behalf of Applicant BA/0262/FUL Compartments 10 and 11, Riverbank of River Bure between Stokesby and Great Yarmouth Mr Jeremy Halls (BESL) On behalf of Applicant BA/2011/0223/CU Amusement Arcade, Norwich Road, Hoveton Mr M Grey Applicant Mrs J Brandford Resident SAB/RG/mins/pc071011/p1of30/251011 BA/2011/0257/FUL Lime Kiln Quay, Irstead Road, Neatishead Mr M Powell Applicant BA/2011/0243/FUL Cantley Marshes, Cantley Ms A Kelly On behalf of applicant 1/1 Apologies for Absence and Welcome The Chief Executive welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Mrs S Blane and Mr N Dixon who would be arriving late due to prior commitments. 1/2 Appointment of Chairman The Chief Executive invited nominations for the Chairman of the Committee. It was proposed and duly seconded that Dr J M Gray be appointed as Chairman. RESOLVED that Dr Gray be appointed as Chairman of the Planning Committee for the forthcoming year. Dr Gray in the Chair 1/3 Appointment of Vice-Chairman It was proposed and duly seconded that Mr Gould be appointed as Vice- Chairman. RESOLVED that Mr Gould be appointed as Vice-Chairman of the Planning Committee for the forthcoming year. 1/4 Declarations of Interest Members expressed declarations of interest as set out in Appendix 1 to these minutes. 1/5 Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 9 September were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman subject to an amendment to Appendix 1 Declarations of Interest for Mr A S Mallett having a personal interest for Minute 13/8 (4) and prejudicial interest for item 13/11 (i). SAB/RG/mins/pc071011/p2of30/251011 1/6 Points of Information Arising from the Minutes There were no points of information arising from the minutes to report. 1/7 To note whether any items have been proposed as matters of urgent business There were no items of urgent business. 1/8 Chairman’s Announcements and Introduction to Public Speaking (1) The Chairman gave notice of the Fire Regulations. (2) Public Speaking The Chairman reminded everyone that the scheme for public speaking was in operation for consideration of planning applications, details of which were contained in the Code of Conduct for Members and Officers. Those who wished to speak were requested to come up to the public speaking desk at the beginning of the presentation of the relevant application. (3) Variation in the Order of the Agenda The Chairman proposed to rearrange the order of business by taking application BA/2011/0292/FUL of agenda item 10 first. In addition it was agreed to take agenda item18 Wayford Mill following consideration of all the applications in order to ensure that all members were available for its consideration. 1/9 Requests to Defer Applications Included in this Agenda No requests for deferral of applications had been received. 1/10 Applications for Planning Permission The Committee considered applications submitted under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as well as matters of enforcement (also having regard to Human Rights), and reached decisions as set out in Appendix 2 to these minutes on the blue pages. Acting under its delegated powers the Committee authorised the immediate implementation of the decisions. The following minutes relate to further matters of information, or detailed matters of policy not already covered in the officers‟ reports, and which were given additional attention. SAB/RG/mins/pc071011/p3of30/251011 (1) BA/2011/0236/FUL Dockyard, Griffin Lane, Thorpe St Andrew, Norwich Removal of various existing buildings and relocation of access/associated boundary treatment. Extension to existing workshop with additional boat shed/workshop, first floor office and welfare facilities. New police launch shed and new inlet. Removal of one existing slip and associated new piling; new aggregate bays; and associated works Applicant: Land and Water The Planning Officer explained that the proposal was at the long established Thorpe Dockyard on land owned and operated as a Dockyard by the Authority. The application was submitted by Land and Water who would occupy the proposed office in partnership with the Authority. The proposals followed on from previous applications granted temporary permission in May 2011 and the desire for more permanent buildings and enhancement of the site. The application represented part of the Authority‟s review of its operations which sought to tidy the area, provide new facilities, provide an area for car parking and rationalise the buildings to enable a more efficient operation of the whole site. An application submitted in July had been withdrawn due to the height and size of the proposed building not being sufficient to accommodate the operational needs of the workshop. The current proposal had been developed to accommodate those needs and the resulting extended portion of the building would be 2.1 metres taller than the current workshop. Photomontages were shown. The Planning Officer drew attention to the comments received explaining that those in italics represented comments on the withdrawn application. However, the Broads Society had since confirmed that it had no objections and had indicated its positive support. The Environment Agency had provisionally supported the proposals considering them to be appropriate and water compatible for this location subject to mitigation measures for Flood Risk; no objections had been received from the Internal Drainage Board, and the Highways Authority had no objections, their concern being mainly with the junction of Griffin Lane with Yarmouth Road (A1242). The Planning Officer explained that the plans addressed many of the concerns expressed previously. The new facilities would provide a rationalisation of an existing activity and there was operational justification for the height of the proposed building. It was also recognised that there had been a mixture of buildings on the site previously and that the character was similar to other sites in the vicinity. However, officers had concerns about the bulk and mass of the building and further negotiations were required to finalise details of the building. Therefore officers recommended that the application be approved in principle subject to further satisfactory amendments being made, particularly relating to the eaves height and roof pitch, and that the application be brought back to the next meeting. SAB/RG/mins/pc071011/p4of30/251011 Mr Duncan, on behalf of the applicant, was given the opportunity to address the Committee explaining that Land and Water Ltd were a specialist marine engineering company wishing to establish itself within the Broads and employ local people. It would be sharing the office space with the Authority. He considered that the company had gone a considerable way to address the operational needs of the Authority and the concerns of the planning officers to soften the appearance, already providing a compromise. The height was in part due to the need to make the building DDA (Disability Discrimination Act) compliant and provide a lift as well as the workshop facilities. He emphasised that, in essence, the proposals were for an industrial building in an industrial area. The timing of a decision was critical in order to secure the necessary funding and therefore he requested that a decision be made at this meeting. In general, members did not consider it appropriate to approve the application in principle at this stage and accordingly they wished to approve the detailed scheme when finalised. Therefore they considered that the application should be deferred for further negotiations in an attempt to achieve a more acceptable design. A member suggested that the application be deferred until the end of the meeting to enable the relevant officers to carry out further negotiations and assist in the timing of the development, but this was not supported. Members also considered whether to delegate a decision to the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Planning Committee subject to satisfactory negotiations. Although recognising the pressures in relation to funding and the operational requirements, it was important that the planning matters were given full consideration in an appropriate way. Dr Johnson proposed, seconded by Mr Barnard and it was RESOLVED by 5 votes to 1 with one abstention that the application be deferred to the next Planning Committee meeting on 4 November 2011 for officers to have further negotiations with the applicant on design, particularly relating to the eaves height of the main building and extension in an attempt to reduce the mass and bulk of the proposals without affecting their functionality. (2) BA/2011/0244/FUL Compartment 1, River Bank of River Bure Upstream of Upton Mill and Adjacent to Upton Dyke Boat Yard, Upton Rollback of 250m length of floodbank following piling removal.
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