ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Arthropod Systematics and Phylogeny Jahr/Year: 2013 Band/Volume: 71 Autor(en)/Author(s): Bohn Horst, Beccaloni George, Dorow Wolfgang H. O., Pfeifer Manfred Alban Artikel/Article: Another species of European Ectobiinae travelling north – the new genus Planuncus and its relatives (Insecta: Blattodea: Ectobiinae) 139-168 71 (3): 139 – 168 20.12.2013 © Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, 2013. Another species of European Ectobiinae travelling north – the new genus Planuncus and its relatives (Insecta: Blattodea: Ectobiinae) Horst Bohn *, 1, George Beccaloni 2, Wolfgang H.O. Dorow 3 & Manfred Alban Pfeifer 4 1 Zoologische Staatssammlung München, Münchhausenstrasse 21, 81247 München, Germany; Horst Bohn * [[email protected] chen.de] — 2 The Natural History Museum, London SW7 5BD, UK; George Beccaloni [[email protected]] — 3 Senckenberg For- schungsinstitut und Naturmuseum, Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany; Wolfgang Dorow [Wolfgang.Dorow@ sen ckenberg.de] — 4 Bahnhofsplatz 5, 67240 Bobenheim-Roxheim, Germany; Manfred Alban Pfeifer [[email protected]] — * Corresponding author Accepted 21.xi.2013. Published online at www.senckenberg.de/arthropod-systematics on 13.xii.2013. Abstract A new genus of Ectobiinae is described, Planuncus with the three new subgenera, Planuncus, Margundatus and Margintorus, containing species formerly belonging to the genera Phyllodromica (second subg.) and Ectobius (other subg.). New combinations: Pl. (Pl.) tingitanus (Bolívar, 1914), Pl. (Pl.) finoti (Chopard, 1943), Pl. (Pl.) vinzi (Maurel, 2012); Pl. (Margundatus) baeticus (Bolívar, 1884), Pl. (Margun- datus) agenjoi (Harz, 1971), Pl. (Margundatus) erythrurus (Bohn, 1992), Pl. (Margundatus) intermedius (Bohn, 1992), Pl. (Margunda- tus) krausei (Bohn, 1992), Pl. (Margundatus) maculosus (Bohn, 1992), Pl. (Margundatus) paludicolus (Bohn, 1992), Pl. (Margundatus) princisi (Fernandes, 1962), Pl. (Margundatus) striolatus (Bohn, 1992); Pl. (Margintorus) nicaeensis (Brisout de Barneville, 1852). A new Ectobius species from Morocco is described: E. hipposiderus. The new genus and its subgenera are compared with the Ectobiinae genus Capraiellus and the newly described E. hipposiderus. The morphological phylogenetic analysis suggests the following relationships: E. hipposiderus + (Capraiellus + (Margintorus + (Margundatus + Planuncus))). The appearence of a new cockroach species belonging to the subgenus Planuncus in Germany and Great Britain is reported; the hitherto known distribution of the subgenus encompasses Algeria, Morocco, southern Spain, and France. Species affiliation and provenance of the immigrant remain doubtful due to difficulties to separate the three known species. The possible reasons for the recent areal expansion of the species are discussed. Key words Planuncus, Margundatus, Margintorus, Capraiellus, Blattodea, Ectobiinae, new genus, new subgenus, new species, phylogeny, areal ex­ pansion. 1. Introduction Cockroach species diversity in the Palaearctic region is Turanoblatta) and ca. 110 species, and Luridiblatta with predominantly due to three closely related genera assigned only 3 species. The present classification is highly unsat­ to the subfamily Ectobiinae of Blaberoidea, Ectobius isfying: The definitions of most genera and subgenera are with three subgenera (Capraiellus, Ectobiola, Ectobius) solely based on few characters concerning the wings and and ca. 50 species in this region, Phyllodromica with their reduction. The definitions don’t allow a clear sepa­ four subgenera (Arbiblatta, Lobolampra, Phyllodromica, ration of the taxa and the characters are highly suscepti­ ISSN 1863-7221 (print) | eISSN 1864-8312 (online) 139 Bohn et al.: The new cockroach genus Planuncus and relatives ble for homoplasies since wing reductions have certainly meanwhile reached Middle Germany (Thüringen, Jena: occurred many times independently during the evolution KÖH LER 2006; Rheinland­Pfalz, Landau: PFEIFER 2012). of the Blattodea. The system, therefore, hardly reflects The story of a further new cockroach appearing in the phylogenetic relationships. Germany started in 2007 with the finding of a male cock­ The first step on the way to a better, phylogeneti­ roach in the cellar of a habitation almost in the center cally founded system is to outline monophyletic species of the city of Mainz (federal state Rheinland­Pfalz), on groups, as was initiated by M.C. Failla and A. Messina the shoulders of a resident working there. It was sent by and later continued by H. Bohn and Ľ. Vidlička. As a Carsten Renker (Naturhistorisches Museum Mainz) to result of the revisionary work of these authors a series the first author for identification. The animal revealed as of undoubtedly monophyletic groups were established: belonging to the tingitanus­group of Ectobius, which con­ sylvestris­group of Ectobius (FAILLA & MESSINA 1987; sists of two species described from North Africa: Ectobius BOHN 1989, 2004), erythronotus­goup of E. (FAILLA tingitanus Bolívar, 1914, from Tanger (Morocco), and E. & MESSINA 1987), kraussianus-group of E. (FAILLA & finoti Chopard, 1943, from Ghazaouet (Algeria); the dis­ MESSINA 1987), baetica­group of Phyllodromica (BOHN tribution of the group encompasses – according to mate­ 1992), carpetana-group of P. (BOHN 1999), maculata- rial collected by the first author – furthermore southern group of P. (BOHN & CHLÁDEK 2011), megerlei­group Spain (material collected mainly 1984) and southern of P. (Vidlička & Majzlan 1997), panteli­group of P. France (Dpts. Lot­et­Garonne, Tarn­et­Garonne, material (BOHN 1993), and subaptera-group of P. (KNEBELSBERGER collected 1995 and 1996). Since the residents of the habi­ & BOHN 2003). To these can be added Capraiellus, sub­ tation in Mainz had just returned from a stay in Morocco, genus of Ectobius, and the genus Luridiblatta. So far, the it was first assumed that they had brought the animals revised groups only contain a small fraction of the spe­ with them. But few years later representatives of the tin- cies of the two larger genera, much more species should gitanus­group were again and at various localities found be studied in this way. in Rheinland­Pfalz (Mainz­Finthen, 2010, 2011; Worms The second step would be to analyse the phylogenetic and its further environment, 2011, 2012; Ludwigshafen relationships between the various species groups in order and environment, 2012) and in the neighbouring federal to be able to group them to higher categories (subgenus, state Baden­Württemberg (Heidelberg, 2012), exclusive­ genus, etc). A first attempt in this direction was tried in ly in green areas of villages and towns (material collected the revision of the carpetana­group (BOHN 1999). In the by W. Dorow and M.A. Pfeifer). The size of the popu­ present paper the phylogenetic relationships between the lated area, about 75 km in diameter, suggests that the spe­ tingitanus­group of Ectobius and some other species and cies had arrived already much earlier in this region. Most species groups are studied. surprisingly, representatives of the tingitanus­group were The majority of the Palaearctic species are endemic recently found in Great Britain (Hythe, near Dover, 2010, to very small geographic areas, while a few species are 2011; collected by G. Beccaloni). widely distributed. For some of the latter, changes in the The question from where the immigrants were com­ geographic distribution during recent decades have be­ ing, from France, Spain or North Africa, cannot be an­ come known. The present composition of the European swered at the moment due to unresolved problems in the Fauna (and Flora) was strongly molded by the activities taxonomy of the group, which don’t allow a clear-cut of the Pleistocene glacial and interglacial periods. After species separation. The structure of the glandular pit in the end of the last glacial period many species showed males, the most important character for species identifi­ a dramatic areal expansion or shift from their southern cation in the Ectobiinae, is almost invariable throughout refugia mainly towards the North. the whole range of distribution of the group. MORALES- Changes in the geographic distribution of a species AGACINO (1948) had already suspected that E. finoti are, of course, not restricted to the past history of life but might be a synonym of E. tingitanus. expected to occur steadily thanks to the steadily fluctuat­ The difficulties with the group were unnecessarily ag­ ing abiotic and biotic environmental conditions – maybe gravated by MAUREL (2012), who erected a new species, only to a scarcely measurable extent. During the last Ectobius vinzi, for the French population. The author did decades, however, an increasing number of cases could not give distinguishing features to the two known species be observed in which species have been expanding at an from North Africa; he did not even mention them, indi­ unexpectedly high rapidity into regions not inhabited be­ cating that he did not know of their existence. Moreover, fore. the description of several characters is inadequate and Among the European cockroaches the species Ecto- needs revision. bius vittiventris (Costa, 1847) has to be mentioned in this The present paper serves to prepare a solid base for the connection. Its distribution area is southeastern Europe, urgently necessary taxonomic revision of the tingitanus­
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