A QUALITATIVE STUDY ON 2018 PREVALENCE SURVEY OF DRUG ABUSE COUNTERMEASURES of drug abuse. The objective of this qualitative study is to find out drug trafficking, factor in drug abuse, impact of drug abuse, and Prevention and Eradication Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking Kratom (Mitragyna Speciosa) A QUALITATIVE STUDY ON PREVALENCE SURVEY OF DRUG ABUSE COUNTERMEASURES 2018 RESEARCH, DATA, AND INFORMATION CENTER NATIONAL NARCOTICS BOARD THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA 2019 ISBN : 978-623-93034-0-2 A Qualitative Study on Prevalence Survey of Drug Abuse Countermeasures 2018 Copyright @2019 Editorial Board : Supervisor : Drs. Agus Irianto, S.H., M.Si, M.H. Advisor : Dr. Sri Sunarti Purwaningsih, M.A Drs. Masyhuri Imron, M.A Chief Editor : Dra. Endang Mulyani, M.Si Secretary : Siti Nurlela Marliani, SP., S.H., M.Si Team Members : Dwi Sulistyorini, S.Si., M.Si Sri Lestari, S.Kom., M.Si Novita Sari, S.Sos., M.H Erma Antasari, S.Si Sri Haryanti, S.Sos., M.Si Quazar Noor Azhim, A.Md Rizky Purnamasari, S.Psi Armita Eki Indahsari, S.Si Radityo Kunto Harimurti, S. Stat Content Design : Indoyanu Muhamad Cover Design : Tri Sugiharto, S.Kom All rights reserved. It is prohibited to quote or reproduce part or all of the contents of this book without written permission from the Publisher. Publisher : Research, Data, and Information Center National Narcotics Board of the Republic of Indonesia Jl. MT. Haryono No. 11 Cawang, East Jakarta. Email : [email protected]. Call Center : 184 SMS Center : 081221675675 Email : [email protected] Website : www.bnn.go.id A Qualitative Study on Prevalence Survey of Drug Abuse Countermeasures 2018 Foreword Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. May peace be upon us. Let us praise to God the Almighty for the blessing that National Narcotics Board (BNN) in cooperation with the Culture and Society Research Center of LIPI has completed the Book of “A Qualitative Study on Prevalence Survey of Drug Abuse Countermeasures 2018”. The purpose of this qualitative study is to find out the drug illicit trafficking, factor in using drugs, impact of using drugs, and P4GN program which has been implemented in each province. This qualitative study is carried out to support the quantitative data of drug abuse prevalence rate in Indonesia in 2019. Finally, as the Head of National Narcotics Board, we would like to convey our gratitude to Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) as the supervisor of research functions and to all parties involving in the formulation of this Book that enable us to publish it on time. We hope that the results of this research can be used widely to support the policy of Prevention and Eradication of Drug Abuse and its Illicit Trafficking (P4GN) in Indonesia. It is expected that the result of this research would be a reference for all ministries or institutions as well as the society to support the countermeasure of drug abuse and illicit trafficking in Indonesia. Thank you. Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Jakarta, December 2019 Head of National Narcotics Board Heru Winarko A Qualitative Study on Prevalence Survey of Drug Abuse Countermeasures 2018 i Preface Praise be to God the Almighty for his grace and guidance to us for completing the Book of “A Qualitative Study on Prevalence Survey of Drug Abuse Countermeasures 2018” on time. This research is a collaboration between National Narcotics Board and Culture and Society Research Center of LIPI. This research was assisted by University Researchers in 13 Provinces in Indonesia. The purpose of this qualitative study is to find out the drug illicit trafficking, factor to using drugs, impact of using drugs, and P4GN program which has been implemented in each province. This qualitative study is carried out to support the quantitative data of drug abuse prevalence rate in Indonesia in 2019. This survey involves many parties including expert team of National Narcotics Board (BNN), Provincial Narcotics Board (BNNP), City/Regency Narcotics Board (BNNK), related Ministry/Institution and Office, field coordinator informant, enumerator, and local university in 13 Provinces. In this opportunity, we would like to convey our gratitude to Head of National Narcotics Board, Drs. Heru Winarko S.H and Drs. Adhi Prawoto, S.H as Primary Secretary of National Narcotics Board for the instruction. We would like to deliver our gratitude as well to all National Narcotics Board staffs for the assistance and cooperation in each stage of this study, from instrument development to report writing. We would like deliver our gratitude to Head of Culture and Society Research Center of LIPI and all local universities namely: University of Syiah Kuala Aceh, University of Sumatera Utara, University of Sriwijaya Palembang, University of Nasional Jakarta, University of Padjajaran Bandung, University of Gajah Mada Yogyakarta, University of Airlangga Surabaya, University of Riau Kepulauan Batam, University of Udayana Bali, University of Mulawarman Samarinda, Politeknik Kesehatan (Polytechnic of Health) Pontianak, University of Hasanuddin Makassar, University of Cendrawasih Papua. Finally, we have the expectation that this survey would give beneficial contribution on decision making and improvement on Prevention and Eradication of Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (P4GN) in Indonesia in general and in provincial level specifically. Jakarta, December 2019 Editorial Board iiii A Qualitative Study on Prevalence Survey of Drug Abuse Countermeasures 2018 Table of Content FOREWORD i PREFACE ii TABLE OF CONTENT iii LIST OF TABLE iv LIST OF PICTURE vi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER II DRUG ABUSE COUNTERMEASURES IN BANDA ACEH, ACEH PROVINCE 11 CHAPTER III DRUG ABUSE COUNTERMEASURES IN MEDAN, NORTH SUMATERA PROVINCE 35 CHAPTER IV DRUG ABUSE COUNTERMEASURES IN BATAM, RIAU ISLAND PROVINCE 59 CHAPTER V DRUG ABUSE COUNTERMEASURES IN PALEMBANG, SOUTH SUMATERA PROVINCE 83 CHAPTER VI DRUG ABUSE COUNTERMEASURES IN DKI JAKARTA PROVINCE 105 CHAPTER VII DRUG ABUSE COUNTERMEASURES IN BANDUNG, WEST JAVA PROVINCE 131 CHAPTER VIII DRUG ABUSE COUNTERMEASURES IN YOGYAKARTA CITY, SPECIAL REGION OF YOGYAKARTA PROVINCE 169 CHAPTER IX DRUG ABUSE COUNTERMEASURES IN SURABAYA, EAST JAVA PROVINCE 217 CHAPTER X DRUG ABUSE COUNTERMEASURES IN DENPASAR, BALI PROVINCE 259 CHAPTER XI DRUG ABUSE COUNTERMEASURES IN PONTIANAK, WEST KALIMANTAN PROVINCE 297 CHAPTER XII DRUG ABUSE COUNTERMEASURES IN SAMARINDA, EAST KALIMANTAN PROVINCE 331 CHAPTER XIII DRUG ABUSE COUNTERMEASURES IN MAKASSAR, SOUTH SULAWESI PROVINCE 359 CHAPTER XIV DRUG ABUSE COUNTERMEASURES IN JAYAPURA, PAPUA PROVINCE 409 CHAPTER XV CLOSING 435 A Qualitative Study on Prevalence Survey of Drug Abuse Countermeasures 2018 iiiiii List of Table Table 2.1. The Progress of Drug Criminal Act in Aceh Province 2014-2016 14 Table 2.2. Drug Abuse In Banda Aceh City 15 Table 2.3. Drug Abuse Arrest by Aceh Regional Police 15 Table 5.1. Type and Amount of Confiscated Drug in Palembang 87 Table 5.2. Drug Abusers in Palembang According to Types of Employment 88 Table 6.1. Number of Drug Dealers and Abuser in DKI Jakarta 115 Table 7.1. Recapitulation of Drug Case in Bandung 2013-2017 According to Sub District Based on the Suspects’ Domicile and the Location of Arrest 148 Table 7.2. The Number of Institutions Responsive to Anti-Drug Knowledge Development Policy 153 Table 8.1. Number of Drug Case Disclosed by Special Region of Yogyakarta Provincial Narcotics Board in 2013-2018 172 Table 8.2. Amount of Drugs Confiscated by Special Region of Yogyakarta Provincial Narcotics Board in gram (2013-2018) 172 Table 8.3 Number of Suspects in Special Region of Yogyakarta Based on the Role 2013-2018 173 Table 8.4. Number of Drug Case Suspects in Special Region of Yogyakarta According to Employment in 2013-2017 173 Table 8.5. Number of Suspects in Special Region of Yogyakarta Provincial Narcotics Board in 2013-2018 According to The Educational Level 174 Table 10.1. Drug Case Disclosure in Bali Province in 2017 262 Table 10.2. Drug Case Settlement in Bali Province (Year 2015-2017) 263 Table 10.3. Number of Drug Abuse Suspects in Bali Province Year 2015 - 2017 264 Table 10.4. Types of Drug Case in Bali Province Year 2015 - 2017 264 Table 10.5. Recapitulation of the Number of Drug Case and Suspects in Bali Year 2015-2017 265 Table 10.6. Number of Crime Scene/Location in Bali 270 Table 10.7. Drug Criminal Acts in Bali Based on Operation Modus 271 Table 11.1 Cases of Drug Abuse in West Kalimantan (2014-2018) 301 Table 11.2. Drug Smuggling Routes in West Kalimantan Province 303 Table 12.1. Number of Drug Cases in 2014 – 2018 at Samarinda Police 339 iviv A Qualitative Study on PrevalenceDrug Abuse Survey Prevention of Drug Prevalence Abuse Countermeasures Survey 2018 2018 List of Table Table 12.2. Narcotics Suspects’ Professions at Samarinda Police (2014-2018) 341 Table 13.1. Total Narcotic Case in South Sulawesi (2016-2018) 365 Table 13.2. Number of Drug Case Based on Gender, Age and Occupation (2016-2018) 377 Table 13.3. The Number of Drug Case Based on Suspect’s Status (2016-2018) 379 Table 13.4. The Number of Drug Evidence in South Sulawesi (2016-2018) 380 Table 13.5. List of Public Rehabilitation Center as South Sulawesi Provincial Narcotics Board Partners 390 Table 13.6. Number of Rehabilitation Participants in Narcotics Correctional Institution Sungguminasa, South Sulawesi Year 2015 to November 2018 398 Table 14.1. Number of Drug Case in Papua Province (2015-2018) 413 A QualitativeA Qualitative Study on StudyPrevalence on Drug Survey Abuse of PreventionDrug Abuse Prevalence Countermeasures Survey 2018 v List of Picture Picture 6.1. Map of Drug Prone Areas in DKI Jakarta 111 Picture 6.2. Distribution Map of Drug Prone Areas in Central Jakarta 112 Picture 6.3. Distribution Map of Drug Prone Areas in North Jakarta 112 Picture 6.4. Distribution Map of Drug Prone Areas in West Jakarta 113 Picture 6.5.
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