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Supplemental Vegetation Technical Report 2017 NGTL System Expansion September 2015/650026/650027/650028/650029/652265/652345/664501 3.4 Non-Native and Invasive Species 3.4.1 Results of the Desktop/Literature Review Results of the non-native and invasive species desktop/literature review is provided in the Vegetation Technical Report (Appendix 8A of the ESA) (NEB Filing IDs: A4K2V6 and A4K2V7), and is not repeated here. 3.4.2 Results of the Field Data Collection No Prohibited Noxious weeds were observed along the proposed pipeline routes or compressor stations. Two Noxious weeds (Canada thistle [creeping thistle] and perennial sow-thistle) were observed along the all Project components, except for the Alces River Unit Addition. A list of all weed species observed during the vegetation survey for each proposed pipeline route and compressor station is provided in Appendices B to G. Where Alberta Weed Control Act: Weed Control Regulation (Province of Alberta 2010) nomenclature differs from the ACIMS List of Elements (AEP 2015a), the ACIMS name for the species has been provided in brackets following the Weed Control Act name. Weed location and abundance data are presented in Appendix H. The density classes presented in Appendix I follow the density distribution guide provided in the ASRD Rangeland Health Assessment Guide (Adams et al. 2009). Boundary Section Canada thistle (Appendix A, Plate 28) density was low during the vegetation survey. Patches of Canada thistle were observed in riparian areas located at NE 6-87-12 W6M and SE 36-85-13 W6M. A single Canada thistle plant was observed growing in a riparian area located at NE 1-86-13 W6M (Figure 3.4-1). Bear Canyon Section Canada thistle density was low during the vegetation survey. A few individuals were observed at SE 5-79-9 W6M to NE 5-79-9 W6M and SE 8-80-10 W6M in a deciduous forest and a riparian area, respectively. A single patch was observed in a wetland at NE 13-79-10 W6M (Figure 3.4-2). Pelican Lake Section Perennial sow-thistle (Appendix A, Plate 29) density was low during the vegetation survey. A single patch of perennial sow-thistle was observed growing in dugout located at NW 18-86-18 W4M (Figure 3.4-3). Christina River Section Perennial sow-thistle density was low during the vegetation survey. A few individuals were observed in a cutblock located at SE 23-80-6 W4M (Figure 3.4-4). Alces River Unit Addition No Prohibited Noxious or Noxious weed species were observed on the proposed Alces River Unit Addition. Otter Lake Unit Addition Canada thistle density was low during the vegetation survey. A few plants were observed in a cleared area spanning SE 10-91-16 W5M to SW 11-91-16 W5M (Figure 3.4-5). 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Supplemental Vegetation Technical Report 2017 NGTL System Expansion September 2015/650026/650027/650028/650029/652265/652345/664501 3.5 Forest Health 3.5.1 Results of the Desktop/Literature Review Results of the forest health desktop/literature review are provided in the Vegetation Technical Report (Appendix 8A of the ESA [NEB Filing IDs: A4K2V6 and A4K2V7]), and are not repeated here. 3.5.2 Results of the Field Data Collection No additional signs of MPB were recorded during surveys in 2015. 3.6 Late-Successional Forests 3.6.1 Results of the Desktop/Literature Review Results of the late-successional forest desktop/literature review are provided in the Vegetation Technical Report (Appendix 8A of the ESA [NEB Filing IDs: A4K2V6 and A4K2V7]), and are not repeated here. 3.6.2 Results of the Field
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