PEOPLE'SREPUBLIC OF CHINA CHONGQINGMUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT CHONGQING URBANENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT OFFICE Public Disclosure Authorized THEWORLD BANK E- 289 CHONGQING URBANENVIRONMENT PROJECT DESI(N REVIEWAND ADVISORYSERVICES Public Disclosure Authorized 4k - * W; . ; > - - -. ' ,I 4 . IFv0" '-4^14i r r, - , _~~ - I.____. nw- ~~~ -; S . Public Disclosure Authorized - .-, ' - - L ENVIRONMENTALANALYSIS EXECUTIVESUMMARY Public Disclosure Authorized 100709. R6 August 1999 With the assistanceof CHONGQING ENVIRONMENTAL P MONITORING RESEARCH SOGREAH INSTITUTE CONS'!-ANT' ;rSOGREAH C O NSU[tT 5N T S Overall Environmental Impact AssessmentReport ExecutiveSummary ThisExecutive Summary has been preparedby SOGREAHConsultants, on behalf of ChongqingEnvironmental Monitoring Research Institute (CEMRI), as part of the World Bank DesignReview and Advisory(DRA) Services for the projectpreparation of the Phase3A of the ChongqingUrban EnvironmentProject, China (Job Number 100709) This report has been preparedby the projectteam underthe supervisionof MagnusHOLMER (ProjectManager) following the proceduresdetailed in the AssuranceQuality Manualand Codesof SOGREAHCQnsultants (SYSAQUAL/MAQ et CAQ) in compliancewith IS09001. The compilationof the EAhas followedthe guidelinesof the World Bank(OP 4.01) and those of th-eState Environmental Protection Agency of the People'sRepublic of China. Thisexecutive summaryhas been compiledin an extendedformat as requestedby the World Bankduring its missionto Chongqingduring March 1999 (World BankAide MemoireNo. 4). AssuranceQuality Name and Function Date Signature ReportPrepared by: Gary Moys,Team Leader Report Checked by: Magnus Holmer, Project Manager ( 3/ ReponrApproved by: MagnusHolmer, ProjectManager EASUR SEP2 0 1999 uCEIVEDE 100709/R6/drasummary2.doc Auoust199Q TABLEOF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION vii l.i. Background Vil l.ii. The CUEPand EnvironmentalAssessment_ viii 11.POLITICAL, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVEFRAMEWORK ix 1II. PROJECTDESCRIPTION x IlI.i. ChongqingWastewater Component xi Ill.ii. ChongqingSolid Waste Component xii Ill.iii. FulingWater SupplyComponent xi___ IlI.iv.FulingWastewater Component _xiv Ill.v.Wanzhou Water SupplyComponent xv Ill.vi.NanbinWater SupplyComponent xvi Ill.vii. Qianiiong Water SupplyComponent IlI.viii. Overall projectcosts and implementationschedule xviii IV. BASELINEDATA xx IV.i. GeneralIntroduction to Chongqing Municipality xx IV.ii.Socio-economic conditions_ IV.iii. Air Quality xxii IV.iv. Water Resources xxii IV.v.Water Quality xxiii IV.vi. Ecologicalenvironment xxiv IV.vii. Water Supply xxvi IV.viii. Sewerage xxv IV.ix. Solid WasteManagement xxvIIi V. ANALYSISOF ALTERNATIVES xxix V.i. ChongqingWastewater Component xx. VI. ENVIRONMENTALIMPACTS xxoii VI.i.Impacts during construction xxxii Vi.ii. Water EnvironmentalImpacts xxxiii VI.iii. Air, Noise and SolidWaste Impacts xxxv VI.iv. Socio-EconomicImpacts xxxv 100709/R6/drasummary2.doc August1999 VIl. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN xxxvii VII.i.MitigationMeasures xxxvii VII.ii. Accompanyingpollution controlmeasures xl VII.iii. Monitoring_ xlii VIl.iv. InstitutionalStrengthening and Training xlii Vll.v. Implementation Schedule and Cost Estimates xlii Vill. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION xliii IX. CONCLUSIONS xliii 100709/R6/drasummory2.doc August1999 LISTOF TABLES Table 1: Water Quality Standardsfor China reiated to the functional useof the water body ix Table2: Overall ProjectCosts xviii Table 3: ChongqingMunicipality -Gross Domestic Product xx Table4: Averageannual flow volume and discharge- Jialing Jiang , Chang Jiang and Wu Jicing xxiii Table5: Low Flows for the main riversin the StudyArea - JialingJiang, ChangJiang, Appen Jicingand Wu Jiang. xxiii Table e : Summaryof existingWSC infrastructure xxvi Table 7: DomesticWater Consumptionin ChongqingMunicipality xxvi Table8 : Overall satisfactionwith watersupply and public perceptionof key objectivesfor improvement xxvii Table9 : Statisticalresults of tap water qualitysampling in Chongqing(number of samples exceedingthe standardper year) xxvii Table 10: Summaryof existingwaste water infrastructure xxviii Table 'I: FutureWater Quality Classificationon the Jailing Jiang in the vicinityof Chongqing (assumingno improvementof wastewatercollection and treatment) xxxi Table 12 : FutureWater Quality Classificationon the ChangJiang in the vicinityof Chongqing(assuming no improvementof wastewatercollection and treatment) xxxi Table ' 3: Socialimpact of the projectcomponents xxxvi Table 14 Negative impact & mitigating measuresof wastewatercomponents xxxviii Table 115 Negative impact and mitigating measure of solid waste component xxxix Table 116 Negative impact and mitigating measure of water supply project xl Table 1 7: Cost estimates for the Environmental Management Plan xliii LISTOF FIGURES Figure 1: Location of Chongqing Municipality within China . vii Figure2: Organisationof EAPreparation for CUEP viii Figure 3: Location of Project Cities in Chongqing Municipality x Figure4: Overall ProjectImplementation Plan for CUEP xix Figure5 : Growth of ChongqingGDP comparedto the whole Chineseeconomy (1 993-97) xx Figure6 : CurrentWater Quality Objectivesfor the major riversin ChongqingMunicipality xxv Figure 7 : Current Water Quality Classification, 1995 (from [69]) xxv Figure8 : Comparisonof water levelsat Chongqingwith and withoutthe TGPfor 1993 flow conditions [91]. ____ Figure9 : PredictedChange in BOD on the Jialing Jiang 2005-2020 xxx Figure 10: Impactof ChongqingWastewater Component on the water quality of the Jialing Jiang xxxiii Figure 11: Impactof treatmenton the water quality of the Chang Jiang xxxiv Figure 12: Impactof dischargesfrom Jiguanshiand TangjiatuoWWTW_ XXXv 100709/R6/drasummory2.doc August1999 ACRONYMSAND ABBREVIATIONS ACRONYMS CSCMEDI Central and SouthernChina Municipal Engineeringand ResearchInstitute CEMRI ChongqingEnvironmental Monitoring ResearchInstitute CEPB ChongqingEnvironment Protection Bureau CESD ChongqingEnvironmental Sanitation Division CISDI ChongqingIron and SteelDesigning Institute CJU ChongqingJianzhu Construction University CM ChongqingMunicipality CMG ChongqingMunicipal Government CUCB ChongqingUrban ConstructionBureau CUEP ChongqingUrban EnvironmentProject DHI DanishHydraulics Institute EDRIQIJ EnvironmentalDesign and ResearchInstitute of Qinghua University ERM EnvironmentalResources Management ESRI EnvironmentalScientific Research Institute of the PLALogistics Engineerin- NCMEDI North China MunicipalEngineering and ResearchInstitute PMO ProjectManagement Office SEPA StateEnvironment Protection Agency (former NEPA) SMEDI ShanghaiMunicipal EngineeringDesign Institute SPC StatePlanning. Commission WB World Bank WSC Water SupplyCompany 100709/R6/drosummarv2 .doc August1999 ABBREVIATIONS 1-D One dimensional 2-D Two dimensional ADWF AverageDry WeatherFlow BOD BiochemicalOxygen Demand CES Coliform ExtractableSubstances COD ChemicalOxygen Demand DO DissolvedOxygen DRA DesignReview and AdvisoryServices EIA EnvironmentalImpact Assessment FOG Fat,Oil and Grease GDP Gross DomesticProduct GVIO GrossValue of IndustrialOutput HHD Huang Hai (YellowSea) Datum IR InterceptionRatio masl metresover sea level MSW Municipal SolidWaste NOx Nitric oxide compounds RAP ResettlementAction Plan RELRCV RearEnd LoadingRefuse Compacting Vehicule RMPR RevisedMaster Plan Report PAP ProjectAffected Person 5°2 Sulphurdioxide SOE StateOwned Enterprise SWM Solid WasteManagement TBM Tunnel BoringMachine TGP Three GorgesProject TSP Total SuspendedParticuiates WQO Water Quality Objective WTW,WTP Water TreatmentWorks/Plant WWTVIW,WWVTPWastewater Treatment Works/Plant 100709/R6/drasummary2.doc August1999 EXECUTIVESUMMARY 1. INTIRODUCTION Li. Background ChongqingMunicipality, created out of SichuanProvince in May 1997, is the 4th Municipalityunder directcontrol by the Central Governmentin Beijing(Figure 1). The economyof Chongqinghas traditionallybeen centred on a strongindustrial base (largelysecondary industries, including steel works, manufacturing,chemical industries, etc.). Thiseconomic development has beenthe focusfor rapid urban growth,especially sincethe opening up of China from 1979. However,these rapid expansionshave not beenaccompanied by adequateenvironmental infrastructure, particularly in the fieldsof wastecontrol and treatment(air, water and solid wastes). The ThreeGorges Project situated downstream of the ChongqingMunicipality adds an additional dimensionto the difficultiesfacing Chongqing. The projectitself will provide a direct economicbenefit to the municipalityfacilitating the transportof industrialgoods downstreamto the EasternYangtze Delta Region(Shanghai and elsewhere)and beyond. However,the social (resettlement)and environmental(water quality) impactsof the projectpresent the Municipalityof Chongqingwith a seriesof major challenges. It is within this contextthat ChongqingMunicipal Government, with assistancefrom the InternationalBank for Reconstructionand Development(World Bank),has embarked on an ambitiousprogramme, the ChongqingUrban EnvironmentProject (CUEP), of which the initial investmentis in the order of 500 million US $. Figure 1: Location of Chongqing Municipality within China ~~ ~~~Z~NGQI 100Q709/R6/drasummary2.doc August 1999 1.ii. i e (utr ana tnvironmentai Assessmenr CUEPis presentlydrawing to the end of the projectpreparation phase with implementationscheduled in the year 2000 as part of the World Bank Lending Programme. - The projectpreparation, largely carried out by Chinese(largely local) organisationshas beensupported by varioussources of internationalassistance
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