" AFRAM newservices REPRINTS 271 West 125 St., #310 Village of Harlem, NY 10027-4424 Brutha Abdul AlkaljmatAmerican African studies N\~G\\~\' Am)ricaUtAfricanlstudies Unl verSl y o:r '1'0 ed'o .~ 21 university Hall (2100) 2801 Bancrof~Ave6· Toledo, 0 H ~360 Haven't forgotten about you. Brother Malcolm and our plight won't allow iJ to happen. :::~:::;6i:.;:::'"··}-~::~::28 LluiuHHBHH1!!tUHHHH.Hu!LHHLHUHuHll!:H '", Deares t AFRAMily Melfv}~: 5/10/00 Many. of· you had b~en advi~'ld by TIle that Twas. to undergo a Biopsy Surglcal Explor2_tlon re: 1JIO s trate Cancer. 'I 'have be-~n '8n a- capsul a day for, perhaps,the pa~t four years. ' My only son, David, accompanied IT-::> - as is required for Ambula­ tory Suggery. He aided me pSy"Chologic2lly, spiritually ml, praye2 fully in preparing for the future - good news; bad uews, etc. As I sat with him, Italked about my childhood of having been raiSE on Harlem st. in Your..gstown, 0 E a:r;d the Village nature of the relationships CD that one block long eytended family; 7 Blacks, L~ whites. My granc.par--nts on my mother's side resided on the a. SaMe block. My granhnother Wei,S, like the Queen Mother ()fJil the block. She could ,qet anvbod-v credit at Grf;enblat's store ever~ though she didh't ~ave the m;~ey to pay, if required. She was Royalty. e fo r c~ 1,- ~1..:J t' " W'-' U 1 -ller ,:eat:- 0:r: ne Ll ~lng Room Couch on Xmas Day, 1936 w~e~ we went ~o lDvlte her ~o our house for breakfast and festi­ vltles. She was Mattie Fitzpatrick Rousseau. Her husband, Bud Rousseau and I spent a great deal of time together. He was watching me practise basketball - u~ing a rubber ball and a buck: -~ w~en I 100k8d over and h~washa~ing a stroke! I carried his t bible to church every Sl.lr~day ~ , - , I shared lliuch rr~cre _with. David who'- s eem?d to have '"3. keen interes t in the roots of his today's achievement. But, after dressing for the surgery, it turns out that I had not takeU_l a Chest X-Ray, a Urine Test, an Electro cardiograph test (Heart) and a :3loocTest. Th:-:.refore the Surgery - for which I now emotionally, prepared was postponed until 7:30 A.M7 Tues., May 30, 2000- 28 days later - to wait, worry, etc. Naturally, I was pissed but David stepped in, to~k over, met my Dr. - while I COi<L8C~ • ~he whits man would have us ed an 'Amos n Andy' episode to describe it, partirularJy, after .they dis­ covered that the above traditionally - required tests had not been givven. David was heading off to orlando, FL to a Black Enterprise Entreprenmers Conference He C2,lled GwynEe, Liana and Susan on his portable phone to tell them of the delay 0 /l / . k, [/ Continue to PRAY for yourself and Me! Dlg It. f. ~'v 5/10/00 q?O(~ AJc6lh~UG ~52·~ p)jj)}J rVfj-1ft I , " , FORTY LIVES FOR FREEDOM n the Civil Rights Memorial are in~cribed the names of 40 people who lost their those who, in the sacrifice of their own lives, brought anew awareness of the struggle to O lives in the struggle for freedom between 1954 and 1968. people all over the,wo.rld. " . They include those who were targeted for death because of their civil'rights activities;, Thechr~mology below briefly describes their lives anc.i liSts the key events of the those who were random victims of yigilantes determined to halt the movement; and movement. ' - . ' ' 1954 ENFORCE SCHOOL DESEGRE­ IN SCHOOLHOUSE DOOR TO JULY 2,1964 1966 .' GATION - lITTLE ROCK, AR STOP UNIVERSITY INTEGRATION PRESIDENT JOHNSON SIGNS MAY 17,1954 SAMUEL LEAMON: YOUNGE JR., CIVil RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 Sl.JPREME,COURIOUTLAWS 1959 MEDGAREVERS, who directed a student civil rights activist, was ' SCHOOL SEGREGATION IN NAACP operatkms in Mississippi, LT. COL. LEMUEL PENN, a Wash­ fatally shot by a white gas station BROWN VS. BOARD OF MACK CHARLES PARKER, 23, was. was leading a campaign for integra~ ington, D.C., educator, was driving owner following an argument over EDUCATION accused of raping a white woman. tion in Jackson when he was shot , home from U.S. Army Reserves , ' segregafed restrooms. ' Three days before his case was set for and killed by a sniper at.his home. Jraining when he.was shot and killed 'J~ARY 3; 196~ 1955 trial, a masked mob took him from JUNE 12,1963 ' . by Klansmen ill a passing car. Tuskegee;Alab~a ; his jail cell, beat him, shot him, and Jackson, Mississippi JULY 11, 1964 ' ' REV. GEORGE LEE, one o'f the first , , VERNON FERDINAND DAHMER, threw him in the Pearl River. Colbert, Georgia black peopl~registered to vote in AUGUST 28,1963 'Wealthy businessman; Qffered to , APRIL 25,1959 a Humphreys County, used his pulpit 250,000 AMERICANS MARCH, pay poll taxesJor-Qiose ~ho 'couldn't POlllarville, Mississippi ·1965 and his pripting press to urge others ON \\(ASHINGTON FOR CIVil afford-the fee reqO,k~dto_vote,Tl1e to vote. White officials offered Lee 1960· RIGHTS JIMMIE LEE' JACKSON was beaten night afte~ a,J!ldlo'~tatlon broad~- , protecti~m on the condition he 'end and shot by'state troopers as he tried cast~tD;h~;r~ ~ff~r, his home wa,s ADDIE MAE COLLINS,DENISE his voter registration efforts,but Lee FEBRUARY 1, 1960 to protect his grandfather and mother' firebombed. Dahmer died later frem ' McNAIR, CAROLE ROBERTSON refused ancJ. was murdered. BLACK STUDENTS STAGE SIT-IN from a trooper attack on civil rights severe burns. and CYNTHIA WESLEY were get­ MAY 7, 1955 AT 'WHITES ONLY' LUNCH marchers. His death led to the Selma­ JANUARY 10, 1966 ting ready for church services when a Belzoni, Mississippi COUNTER - GREENSBORO, NC Montgomery ma.rch and the eventual Hatt;iesburg, Mississippi bomb exploded at the Sixteenth passage of the Voting Rights Act. LAMAR SMITH was shot dead on DECEMBER 5, 1960 , Street Baptist Church, killing all four BEN CHESTER WHITE, who had FEBRUARY 26,1965 the courthouse lawn by a white man . SUPREME COURT OUTlAWS ofthe school-age girls. The church , worked most of his life as a caretaker Marion, Alabama in broad daylight while dozens of SEGREGATION IN BUS had been a center for ciyil rights on a plantation, had no involvement people watched. The killer was never TERMINALS meetings and marches. MARCH 7, 1965 in civil rights work. He was murdered indicted because no one would SEPTEMBER 15,1963 ' STATE TROOPERS BEAT BACK bYKlansmeri who thought they could admit they saw a white man shoot a 1961 Birmingham, Alabama, MARCHERS AT EDMUND' divert attention from a civil rights black man. Smith had organized PETTUS BRIDGE - SELMA, AL , march 'by killing a black person. MAY 14,1961 VIRGIL LAMAR WARE, 13, was blacks to vote ina recent electio~. JUNE 10, 1966 FREEDOM RIDERS ATTACKED riding on the handlebars of his REV. JAMES REEB, a Unitarian AUGUST 13, 1955 Natchez, Mississippi IN ALABAMA WHILE TESTING brother's bicycle when he was fatally minister from Boston, was among Brookhaven" Mississippi COMPLIANCE WITH BUS shot by white teen-agers. The white many white clergymen who joined CLARENCE TRIGGS was a brick­ EMMETT LOUIS TILL, a 14-year­ DESEGREGATION LAWS youths had come from a segregation­ the Selma marchers after the attack layer who had attended civil rights oM boy on vacation from Chicago, ist rally held in the aftermath of the by state troopers at the Edmund meetings sponsored by_ the Congress HERBERT LEE, who worked with reportedly flirted with a white Sixteenth Street Baptist Church Pettus Bridge. Reeb was beaten to of Racial Equality. He was found civil rights leader Bob Moses to help woman in a store. That night, two bombing. death by white men while he walked dead on a roadside, shot through the register black voters, was killed bra men took Till from his bed, beat SEPTEMBER 15, 1963 down a Selma street. head. state legislator who claimed self­ him, shot him, and dumped his body . Birmingham, Alabama MARCH 11, 1965 JULY 30, 1966 defense and was never arrested. Louis in the Tallahatchie River. An all- Selma, Alabama Bogalusa, Louisiana Allen, a black man who witnessed white jury found the men innocent 1964 the murder, was later also killed. MARCH 2~, 1965 of murder. 1967 SEPTEMBER 25,1961 JANUARY.23, 1964 CIVIL RIGHTS MARCH FROM AUGUST 28, )955 Liberty, Mississippi POll TAX OUTlAWED IN . SELMA TO MONTGOMERY WHMLEST JACKSON,'the treasur­ Money, Mississippi FEDERAL ELECTIONS COMPLETED er of his local NAACF chapter, was JOHN EARL REESE, 16, was dancing one of many blacks who received 1962 LOUIS ALLEN, who witnessed tIie' VIOLA GREGG LIUZZO, a house­ in a cafe when white men fired shots threatening Klan notices at his job. APRIL 1, 1962 murder of civil rights workerHer~ wife and mother from Detroit, drove into the windows. Reese was killed After Jackson was promoted to a CIVil RIGHTS GROUPS JOIN bert Lee, endured years of threats, alone to Alabama to help with the and tWo others were wounded. The position previously reserved for FORCES TO LAUNCH VOTER jailings and harassment. He was Selma march after seeing televised shootings were part of an attempt by whites, a bomb was planted in his REGISTRATION DRIVE making final arrangements to mo~e reports of the attack at the Edmund whites to terrorize blacks into giving car. It exploded minutes after he left North on the day he was kille:i.
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