о Addrse: The Ukrainian Weekly "WE iNTEND ТО BURY 81-83 Grand Street NO ONB AND WE DO Jersey City 3, N. J. Tel. HEnderson 4-0237 NOT INTEND TO n New York's Telephone: BURIED." BArday 7-4125 LyBdoaB.Joki УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК U K R А І N І AN D Al LV Ukrainian National Ass'n Tel HEnderaon 5-8740 t Slje Ukrainian iteklg fhtSm РШ 1ХХП 4. 53 SECTION TWO 15 ЦЕНТІВ - 15 CENTS SVOBODA, THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, SATURDAY, MARCH 20, i965 No. 53 VOL. LXXD. UCCA REPRESENTATIVES UKRAINIAN COMMUNITY OF TAKE PART 1N GENOC1DE NEW YORK COMMEMORATES CONFERENCE SHEVCHENKCS BIRTHDAY NEW YORK N.Y.—The U- Workingmen's Association. krainian Congress Committee The four treaties of the ANNIVERSARY of America was well represent- United Nations pending ratifi- ed at the meeting on the hu- cation by the United States NEW YORK, N.Y. (Special). Fomenko and "Love Ukraine" man rights and genocide trea- Senate are: —The traditional anniversary featuring soloist-soprano Mary ties, sponsored by the Ad Hoc 1) The Genocide Convention, of Taras Shevchenko's birth- Lesawyer. and another opera, Committee on the Human adopted by the U.N. and rati- day was solemnly observed by "Na Rusalchyn vekykden" by Rights and Genocide Conven- fied by 67 countries; it out- the Ukrainian community of M. Leontovych, featuring Lu- tion, and held on March 10-11, laws the deliberate murder of Greater New York last Sunday, sia Kostecka, Olya Pasternak and Bohdan Pyrozak as solo- 1965 at the Statler Hilton Ho- national, ethnic, racial or reli- Ukrainian 'Dumka' Chorus of New York daring singing of Shevchenko's 'Testament' March 14, 1965 with a Ukrain- tel in Washington, D. C. it was gious groups; ian Cultural Festival, which ists. The final part of the festi- the first national conference of 2) The Slavery Convention, was both original and impres- val. "Trials and Tribulations of citizens' groups seeking U. S adopted by the UN in 1956 sive. The spacious hall of the a village Suitor" was perform- ratification of four United Na- and ratified by 60 countries; it Brooklyn Academy of Music ed by the United Ukrainian tions human rights treaties abolishes conditions akin to was filled to capacity, with Dancers of New York with now pending in the U. S. Sen- slavery such as debt bondage, many standees in the back of soloists Wadim Sulima, Maria ate. serfdom and the sale of daugh- the hall. Mynaiw-Tenzer. Roman Petri- The festival was sponsored na, Kay Symchik. Walter Ba- Among the speakers were ters into marriage without their consent; by the United Committee of U- cad. J. Blahy. W." Yurcheniuk, Martin B. Dworkis, Chairman R. Petrovsky. 3) The Forced Labor Con- л tb ^ГШІ^Й^'ІВ'^'Ч^^^АД ч krainian American Organiza- of the Ad Hoc Committee, Pres- tions. a branch of the Ukrain- The entire program was co- ident of the Manhattan Com- vention, adopted by the UN in 1957 and ratified by 68 coun- ian Congress Committee of A- ordinated by ivan Bazarko, munity College; Richard Gard- merica. The program-was made President of the United Com- ner, Deputy Assistant Secre- tries it forbids using forced ' ^^^viv^cvi^xtixf labor for strikebreaking, or up of several parts which con- mittee of Ukrainian American tary of State for international stituted a musical dance unity Organizations of Greater Neftr Organizations Affairs; Richard punishing persons whose views oppose the established politi- and was performed by the U- York, a branch of the UCCA. Arens, Professor of lnterna- krainian "Dumka" Chorus un- The "Dumka" Chorus cordina- tional Law at Catholic Univer- tical, social or economic sys- tem; Ukrainian dancers of Metropolitan New York in one of their liveliest performances der the direction of John Zado- tor was Anatole Pashkowsky. sity; the Hon. Thomas J. Dodd rozny and the United Ukrain- Others who comprised the U.S. Senator from Connecticut; 4) The Convention on the Political Rights of Women, ian Dancers of Metropolitan Festival Committee consisted vernon L. Ferwerda, Director, New York under the direction of A. Bernyk and A. Omelsky, National Council of theChurch- adopted by the UN in 1953 and Senator Dodd Urges Prompt Shevchenko Commemoration ratified by 43 countries; it en- of Wadim Sulima. Assistant Musical Directors; es of Christ and E. Raymond Held at His Monument Part 1 of the festival consist- R. Petrina and D. Serna, AssL Wilson, executive secretary titles women to vote in elec- Ratification of Genocide tions, hold public office and ex- ed of a narrative, "Tribute to Dance Directors: M. Stueyk. T. emeritus, Friends Committee Convention in Washington Taras Shevchenko." with the Shepko and W. Zmij. Staging on National Legislation. erciee all public functions on equal terms with men. WASHINGTON. D.C.-- tarianisn^ like Nazi totalitark . WASHINGTON, D. C. (Spe a brief address, stressing the reading of excerpts on Shev- and Lighting: W. Chupa, Pub- Some 250 delegates from ali in the discussions which fal- Marco? H—Senator Thomas J. anism. uses genocide as an in- cial).-On March 9. 1965, the importance of the occasion. The chenko by such prominent U- licity, and J. Pastucbenko, Pro- sections of the country partici- lowed the presentations by Doddf.fD.-Conn.) today urged strument of policy. 151st anniversary of the birth entire gathering sang the im- krainians as ivan Franko. Pan- motion. The costumes for the pated in the two-day cortfer- each speaker, a number of dej- prompt action by the Senate to Senator Dodd challegned of Tares Shevchenko. over 100 mortal "Testament" of Shev- teleimon Kulish, Mykola Kosto- dancers were by O. Kachmar- ence, including representatives egates took part, among whom ratify the U.N. Genocide Con- those who charged that "rati- person gathered to pay tribute chenko. whereafter Rev. T. mariv and Eugene Malaniuk. eky. while Braznick Costtt- of the Ukrainian Congress were Dr. Dobriansky and J. vention and three other U.N. fication of the convention to the Ukrainian poet laureate . Danusiar, pastor of the Ukrain- and famous Americans, like mers supplied the ones for the Committee of America, the U- Lesawyer, both of whom sup- Convention 'dealing with sla- would result in a surrender of and national hero. 'tan Catholic Church in Wash- the late President John F. Ken- Chorus. - - -' krainian National Association ported the creation of a Presi- very, forced labor, and the our sovereignly to some un- After a wreath was placed . ington, clpfled the ceremony nedy, former President Dwight The event received good соу- and the Ukrainian Working- dential Commission for the. rat- rights of women. Senator Dodd named and non-existent inter- at the recently-erected monu- j Ітосга benediction. D. Eisenhower and President erage in the American tpreqp, men's Association. lfication of these treaties. said .that "our entire moral national tribunal." "When the ment of Tares Shevchen- ' The observance was watched Lyndon B. Johnson - The read- such as the N. Y. Dally News, The conference heard quali- The Resolution, prepared by position, and our claim to lea- Genocide Convention is rati- ko by Miss Michele Metrinko, Lby ,several hundred people, ing was by Mlsa Svitlianu Lut- the World-Telegram and Sun, fied spokesmen who stressed dcrehip in-th? fight for free- ^Mise USA" tbr 1964 and 'with over 25 Ekjlfee-on guard. sky. and My. J. Mykulenko. in and especiallv The Tablet of Dr; Ltftr ^BTTJebriansky. "Preai- s fied, 1 would 'like' W propose the importance for the United dent of the Ukrainian Congress dom and jUB4b'e': and human that serious thought be given now a student at Georgetown Miss Metrinkoi iaf laying the both English, and Ukrainian.' Brooklyn. N.Y.. which carriea States to ratify the four pend- Committee of "America, 'and decency, is prejudiced by our to establishing a continuing in- University, a briefs ceremony І wreath, was accompanied by Special scenes - from the film. news items in two issues, Ш- ing U.N. treaties on human sponsored by Joseph Lesawyer, failure to ratify" these conven- vestigative mechanism within was held. Col. William Rybak. N. Kravets, 1. Zahltsky and Y. "Shevchenko Дп Washington" chiding a picture of a group of rights and genocide, as well as Supreme President of the U- tions. He expressed his convic- the United Nations, under president of the metropolitan Stavnychy. members of the were shown on.the screen dur- dancers. This publicity was arr the viewpoints of the Depart- krainian National. Association, tion that the overwhelming which serious allegations of Washington Branch of the і PLAST organization. ing the reading. The "Dumka" ranged by Mrs. M. Duehnycfc ment of State and the U.S. read as follower majority of the American peo- genocide would lead to the ap- UCCA. opened the observance І The observance Was sponsor' Chorus, accompanied by the Participating dance groups Senate. At the close of the "in pursuit of an early ratifi- ple favor the ratification of pointment of special commit- with brief remarks nnd asked ed by the Washington Branch N. Y. Symphony Orchestra, included the Ukrainian Carte- two-day conference several del- cation by the U.S. Senate of the U.N. Conventions, and that tees with the instruction to Rev. J. Huley, pastor of the of the UCCA. The Washington then sang the traditional Shev- ret Dancers. Director K. Sym- chenko. "Testament." with An- egations from among the rep- the Genocide Convention and the Senate would ratify by a investigate and report back Ukrainian Orthodox Church in і Post of March 10, 1965 carried chik: New Dance Ukraine. T. driy Dobriansky as a soloist. resentatives attending the the Human Rights Treaties, very substantial majority "giv- The member nations of the Washington, to deliver an in- І a news item on the'event on the' Karpluk: "Plast" Group, N.Y., meeting went to a number of the National Conference on the en the necessary leadership and U.N.
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