Index Achilles Paten of Pausilypos 27 Armenēs Iōannēs, head of the hat makers’ guild (πρῶτος τῶν καμαλαυκάδων) 57 acta of the monasteries of Mount Athos 12 Armenopoulos Konstantinos 20. 49. 59. 65. 66. 69. 82 Acts of the Apostles 15 – Procheiron Nomōn 20. 49. 59. 65. 66. 69 ad sanctos, burials 19 armour 36. 57 Adoniyah, Jewish scribe in Thessaloniki 82 armour, gladiatorial 29 Aegean Sea 15. 41 arrowheads, for bows 49 aer (ἀὴρ) 80 arrows 49 aer-epitaphios 80. 81 Artemōn (Αρτέμων), zygopoios (ζυγοποιὸς) 38 Africa, sub-Saharan 67 artisans, in Byzantine society 89. 90 Aineia 16 – in Roman society 89 – their social status 89 al secco, technique 37 Asēmomylos, probably corresponding to the Tzechlianē or Ropalaia Alexandria, Egypt 15. 38 site 196 Alexios I Komnenos, Emperor 90 Asia Minor 15. 29. 30. 61 altars, Roman 30 Asterios 89 ammoplytai (ἀμμοπλύται) 72 Astrapas, Eutychios and Michaēl 78. 81 Andrew, Apostle 51 Astrapas Iōannēs, copyist 82 Andriskos, King of Macedon 17 Asvestochōrē 19 Andronikos II Palaeologos 81 Athens 65. 144 Andronikos III, Emperor 61 Athos, Mount 12. 45. 52. 57. 63. 64. 72. 77. 78. 79. 82 Andronikos Palaeologos, Despot 79 Attica 30 angastaria 72 Avar 15 Apokaukos Iōannēs, Bishop of Naupaktos 74 Axios, river 15. 46 apothecaries or perfumaries 81 bakeries 65 aqueducts 18 bakers 65 Arab 41. 53. 70. 72 bakery, mangipeion 65 arbalest (τζάγκρα or βαλλιστρίς) 50 Baldwin Count 53 Archaeological Museum of Ancient (Roman) Forum, Thessaloniki 38 Balkans 15. 33. 41. 43. 61. 68. 73. 75. 78. 79. 91 – barbaric invasions in the Balkans 18 Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki 9. 11. 37. 38. 63. 240. 241 banausoi 37. 89 archōn 81 beds 25. 57 archōn, Constantinopolitan 61. 81 Benjamin of Tudela 57 Arethousa, near Thessaloniki 39 Berenice, Lybia 67. 96 Argyropouloi family 45 Bessarion, Cardinal 77 argyropratai (ἀργυροπράται) 52 Black Sea 46. 61 aristocracy 89. 90 – in trades 89. 90 blacksmiths 49 A. Ch. Antonaras · Arts, Crafts and Trades in Ancient and Byzantine Thessaloniki. Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident 2 (Mainz 2016): Index I boats 57. 79 Chortaïtou Monastery, owner of a courtyard 66 – owner of a mangipeion 65 Boeotia 46 Chortiatēs Mountain 18. 19. 42. 73 bolt heads 49 – rights on water coming from 64 book-binding, Constantinopolitan 74 Choumnos, Nikēphoros 82 book-binding, Cretan 74 Chrēsimē 15 Book of Eparch 65. 81 Chrēsimos, myropōlēs in Thessaloniki 15 bracelet, of glass 24. 52. 167 Christ 51 – of metal 72. 74. 167 – icon of 78 bread 65. 91 Christogram 27. 144 Bronze Age 66. 67. 96 Christophoros, Prōtospatharios, Katepano of Longobardia 43 bronzeworkers’ salary 25 Chryseis 15 bronze, products 45 chrysochooi (χρυσοχόοι) 52 brooch 73 chrysoclavarii 81 buckle 72 chrysolektai (χρυσολέκται) 72 Bulgaria 41. 51 chrysōryktai (χρυσωρύκται) 72 Bulgarians 41. 46 chrysostiktēs (χρυσοστίκτης) 81 Bursa, Turkey 80 Chrysoupolis 61 Butrint, Albania 67. 96 Cicero 17. 18 clay grenades 48 buttons 25. 72. 74. 158. 167. 219 clay lamp from Athens 144 candle makers, candle making 47. 91 clay tiles, polychrome 47 candles 47 cockles 66. 96 Cassander, King of Macedonia 15 coin, gold 44. 47 Castoria 80 – bronze 145 cattail 57 collegiati 89 Celts 46 collegium mulionum, association of mule drivers 15 censers 74 Constans, Emperor 209 ceramic amphorae 67 Constantine I, Emperor 15. 18. 20. 93. 116 ceramic production, regulations concerning 69 Constantine VII, Emperor 43 cereals 61. 64 Constantine XI, Emperor 80 – grinding of 64 Constantinople 11. 41. 46. 56. 61. 67. 81 Chalazas, Theodōros, myrepsos in Thessaloniki 81 – book-binding 82 – Boukoleōn Palace 180. 222 Chalkidiki 20. 27 – Christos Saviour Pantokrator monastery 64 chamoucha 80 – founding of monasteries 43 – icon of Saint Demetrios brought from Thessaloniki 56 chasdio 80 – markets of 46 cheiromachos 89 – market of myrepsoi 81 – Mesē 42. 45 cheirōnax 89 – monasteries 43 cheirotechnarios 89 – Pantokratōr Monastery 52. 82 – population of 61 Chilandar 81 – professionals active in 81 Chios 80 – Saint Euphemia 180. 222 II A. 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Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident 2 (Mainz 2016): Index – Saint Polyeuktos 180. 222 Dubrovnik 61. 80 – streets used by traders 45 Dumbarton Oaks Collection 52 – streets with commercial premises behind the colonnades 42 dyers 89 Constantius I, Emperor 209 dyes 81 Conventus Civium Romanorum 15 dyeworks 93. 197. 198. 201. 202. 203 copper, – casting of 158 earrings 49. 72. 73. 167 – coins 90 Easter 80 – copper statues, casting of 25 – masses 158 Edessa 25 – mines 25 Edict of Maximum Prices 34 – oxides 141 – products 45. 56. 90 Egypt 22 – slag 112 – merchandise from 46 – vessels and utensils 46 Eirēnē, copyist in Thessaloniki 82 coppersmithing, works of 53 Elaiorema 191 copyists 91 embroiderer 81 coroplastic 11. 19 emphyteusis 81 cotton 61. 80 emvolos, portico 42. 45 cotton weaving 56 encolpia 51. 52. 73 couches 33. 57 enkainion 27. 31 Cretan book-binding 82 Eparch (prefect) 27 Crete 41. 49. 61 epistēmē (ἐπιστήμη) 90 Crete, Minoan 67 eulogiae (εὐλογίαι) 50. 160 cross 167 Euphrosynē, priestess 39 crossbows 50 Europe, Central 11 Crucifixion, on embroidery 81 Eurōtas (Εὐρώτας), gladiator 29 curtains 37 Eusebios 33 Cyclop 80 Eustathios of Thessalonica 44. 46. 47. 49. 53. 56. 57. 59. 90. 91 Danube, river 15 – caricature of 56 Dark Ages 13. 16. 161. 201. 202. 207. 214. 215 Eutychios the Teacher (Εὐτύχιος διδάσκαλος) 44 decurions 25 Evagrius 89 Dēmētria 41. 46. 90 exarchos (ἔξαρχος) 81 Dēmētrios, son of Dadas 66 fabrica, state arms factory 29. 49 dēmos (δῆμος) 90 fabricenses 29 Dendropotamos 57 fabrics, Italian imports 79 derma (δέρμα), »parchment«, use in sorcery 82 farmers’ carts 57 Dion 27 Feldiora, Dacia 29 Doblytzēnē Maria (Δοβλυτζηνή) 73. 74 flasks 70. 72. 171. 175 Doblytzēnos Manuel (Δοβλυτζηνός) 73 flax 58 Domenico di Saziglia 80 forum 42. 45. 155. 158. 198. 205 Donićko brdo, Serbia 73 fragrances 81 douleutēs 89 France, Louvre 17 A. 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Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident 2 (Mainz 2016): Index III French 46 Grassi-Museum, Leipzig 52 fresco technique 33 Great Lavra Monastery, Mount Athos 76. 77 furnace 12 Grēgoras Nikēphoros 82 furnishing 74 Grēgorios, cleric 53. 54 furniture-fittings 217 Gregory of Cyprus, Constantinopolitan Patriarch 79. 82 FYROM 51. 73 griffin 53 Gaios Ostios Eros Insteianos, myropōlēs in Thessaloniki 15 grinding mills or stones 65. 118 Galerius, Caesar, Tetrarch 15. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 25. 30. 33. 63. 69. grocery stores 66 93. 237. 238 grossi 80 galleys 79 Gynaikokastron 61 Galykos, near Vramodilos 59 Hagia Euphēmia, village (Modern Lakkia?) 50. 186. 196 Gauls 46 Hagioi Apostoloi, Chalkidiki, village 65 Genoa 80 Hagiopetritēs, Theodōros 82 geōgraphicon pinakion (γεωγραφικὸν πινάκιον) 82 harnesses, ornated 53 gilded-silver belt 74 hat (σκούφια θεσσαλονικαία) 80 gladiator, combats of (κυνηγέσια) 36 hat makers, guild of 57 gladiator, depictions of 36 head-covering 58 gladiator, funerary inscription of 20. 21. 29 Hebrew, books in 81 glass, – beads 24 Heliodōros Leptourgos (Λεπτουργὸς Ἡλιόδωρος) 38 – bracelet 24 Helladitēs 33 – cake 49. 54 – gems 24. 72 hemp 58 – glassworking tools 181 Heracleion, Pieria 16 – legislation on glass workshops 49 – products 45 Hercules 17 – workshop 22. 25. 49. 70-72. 168-172 Hermitage 74 Glavas Isidoros, Archbishop of Thessaloniki 74. 81. 82 Hilarion of Iberia, Saint 53 goat-hair sackcloth 37 himatiopratēs (ἱματιοπράτης), funerary inscription of 37 gold 11. 25. 26. 29. 32. 37. 44. 45. 50. 52. 53. 57. 72. 74. 79. 80. Hodēgētrianos, son of Dadas 66 81. 90. 91. 162 – coin 65 hoes 49 – embroideries 80 Honorius, Emperor 89 – ingots 75 – mine 25 Hormisdas 18 – mine, east of Thessaloniki, property of the Metropolis 11 Horreum Margi, fabrica of 29 – mining, Macedonia, extraction of gold from riverbeds 25 – refinery 196 Hungarians 46 – revetment 52 Huns 15 – ring 74 – gold-weft clothes 37. 57. 58 hyperpera 74. 80 Goths 15 hypokalamos (ὑποκάλαμος) 57 Göttingen 82 Iconoclasm 43 Gradac, Serbia 73 icons 44. 51. 53. 55. 72. 74. 75. 78 graffiti on wall painting 79 Ignatios, Abbot of Akapniou Monastery 43 Grammoustikeia, watercourse 20. 98. 186. 196. 237. 238 Illyricum 29. 49 IV A. Ch. Antonaras · Arts, Crafts and Trades in Ancient and Byzantine Thessaloniki. Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident 2 (Mainz 2016): Index India 67 Kingdom of Thessalonica 41 inghistere 72 Klēmentinē 33 Iōannēs II Komnenos, Emperor 64 Komnene, Anna 50 Iōannēs, Thessalonian lawyer 26 Komnene Doukaina Palaeologina, Eirene, seal of 74 Iōannēs, Thessalonian painter 54 Komnenos Doukas, Theodore 41 Ioulianē, wife of Sōtērichos 38 Komnēnos, Iōannēs Sebastos 59 Italians 46. 90 Kontos, Dēmētrios, priest and miller 65 Italy 61 Korinthiōn (Κορινθίων), gladiator 29 Ivērōn Monastery, Mount Athos 45. 57. 59. 66. 77. 80. 81 kourtzovvaki 80 jewellery, bone 217 koutrouvia (κουτρούβια) 51. 72. 77 jewels 52. 72 kouvouklesios 44 Jews, Krēskēs (Κρήσκης), the head (ἀρχισυνάγωγος) of the association of Herō – arrival in Thessaloniki 15 Aulōnitēs 38 – Ashkenazi 11 Kyprios, Geōrgios 82 – compulsory move to Constantinople 11 – moving into Christian plots and buildings 44 laginion (λαγίνιον) 65 – occupied with sericulture in Thessaloniki 57. 79 Lakkia, village 50. 186. 196. 238 – quarters in Thessaloniki 44 – Sephardic 11 Lamentation embroidery 80 – traders in Thessaloniki 15. 90 lances 49 John VI Kantakouzenos 81 Latin Kingdom of Thessalonica 13. 72. 78 Joshua 56 lead, Jupiter 17 – coffin 37 – enkainion 75 Justinian I, Emperor 142. 161 – products 45. 90 Kalamaria 46 – seals 13. 50 Kalamokope[i]on (καλαμοκόπε[ι]ον) 57 Leo, copyist in Thessaloniki 82 Kalamokopion, marsh of 57 Leo VI, Emperor 49. 126 kalamōnas, reeded area 57 Levant 15. 22. 80 kalamostegos (καλαμόστεγος) 57 lime kiln 19. 20. 45. 66. 93. 94. 95. 96 – regulations concerning their operation 20. 66 Kalliergēs, Geōrgios 78 linen, Kalomiti, Abba 82 – cloth 80. 81 Kaminia, site of ceramic workshops 47 – fabric 56. 58 – garments 56 Kaminiates John, or Caminiates 42.
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