No jive turkey in this issue. 1¢ Caricature artist, Dino DiArtist, draws Stephanie Ramirez and Leslie Trujillo during Marrvel- ous Pet Rescue & Adoptions annual Spayghetti & No Balls Gala at Snook’s Bayside. The evening also featured special VIP Guest of Honor, Aladdin, who overcame extreme neglect and abuse to become a world- renowned therapy dog. MARY D. GRIFFIN/ Contributed 2 UPPER KEYS WEEKLY / NOVEMBER 17, 2017 • Carpet/Tile/Laminate/Wood/Vinyl • Tens of thousands of feet of flooring ready for immediate installation • Area’s largest stocking flooring superstore • Now featuring vanities! • Kitchen cabinet designs available UNBELIEVABLE DEALS YOU WONT FIND ANYWHERE ELSE! MM 101961 Overseas Highway • Key largo 102 305-451-0585 • JustADollarFloor.com 99¢ Open Monday – Saturday 8 am – 6 pm Why Pay More? UPPER KEYS WEEKLY / NOVEMBER 17, 2017 LOCAL CHATTER 3 GABRIEL SANCHEZ [email protected] The Weekly joined the Ocean Studies Newspaper Club for a discussion about journalism. Along with sources, the Weekly and club talked editorial planning, how to report happenings, and the people to use as experts, because just as important as having information on-hand is understanding its origin. And so after meeting, the Newspaper Club was asked … If you could follow around one person for a week and write about their life, who would it be, and why? Your Quality “Mrs. Chandler, she’s a person OB/GYN Care I don’t know much about,” said Alyssa. in the Keys Randy A. Fink, MD, FACOG Stephanie Fink, MSN, CNM Marilyn Peñuela-Ladaga, MSN, FNP “Dominick, because he’s my best friend and he has really good jokes,” said Bo. • Pap smears, check-ups • GYN problems • Infertility Joseph said, “The Undertaker because he’s been in the WWE for over 20 years and always entertains me.” • Ultrasounds • HPV & STD’s • Pregnancy Manolo said, “Giancarlo Stanton • Botox & Juvederm of the Miami Marlins. I’m a big fan of the Marlins and he almost hit 60 home runs this season.” • MonaLisa Touch Vaginal Rejuvena®t io n • Menopause • Bio-Identical Moya said, “Phoebe, because she’s a smart and intelligent girl and I want to Hormone Thera py learn more about her life.” • Testosterone Pellets 305.274.3130 • keysobgyns.com Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays by appointment only “My best friend Maggie because I don’t know a lot about her daily routine and I’d Tassell Medical Arts Building, Mariners Hospital like to know more,” said Phoebe. 91550 Overseas Highway, #207, Tavernier, FL 33070 4 KEYS SCHOOLS UPPER KEYS WEEKLY / NOVEMBER 17, 2017 91831 Overseas Hwy. Tavernier, FL 33070 Office: 305.743.0844 www.keysweekly.com Publisher Jason Koler [email protected] Publishing Partner Britt Myers [email protected] Editor Sara Matthis [email protected] Copy Editor Mike Howie [email protected] PLANTATION PROGRESS Sales & Marketing Biltmore Construction Project Manager John O’Connor, left, Monroe County School District’s Jason Koler [email protected] William Shoemaker, Thoron Grafton Architect and Project Manager of Zyscovich Archi- tects, and Biltmore Construction Superintendent Mike Hobbs tour the under-construction Account Executives Plantation Key School site with members of the Monroe County School Board on Nov. 14. Lesley Aaron [email protected] GABRIEL SANCHEZ/ Keys Weekly Hollie Will [email protected] Staff Writers Kristen Livengood [email protected] Hays Blinckmann TEACHER HOUSING [email protected] School Board starts work on housing plan for the Lower Keys Gabriel Sanchez [email protected] GABRIEL SANCHEZ [email protected] Ultimately the group’s efforts are Office Manager meant to be “small in scope, small in Charlotte Hruska n Nov. 14, the Monroe numbers, and short in timeline,” said [email protected] County Board met to dis- Porter. Production Manager cuss, among other things, Board members then talked about Anneke Patterson the formation a Sugarloaf the county level regulations and a pos- [email protected] Ohousing tasking force. sible waiver of fees from the county. Design / Web Master Superintendent Mark Porter While raising the issue of land use at Travis Cready started the discussion by introduc- Sugarloaf, the board also discussed the [email protected] ing of the members of the employee use of Trumbo Point. Design / Pre-Press housing task force at Sugarloaf In conveying the urgency of the Javier Reyes School. The group includes Porter need for housing, Bobby Highsmith, [email protected] as facilitator; Niels Hubbell, senior vice chairman of the board, ultimately director of strategic planning for requested completion of the projects Classifieds Luis Bouzon Monroe County; Kimberly Matthews, parameters by Jan. 31. [email protected] 305.743.0844 Sugarloaf kindergarten teacher; Ra- During the public comment por- chel Quad and Jenny O’Brien, also of tion of the meeting, former school Se habla español Sugarloaf School; and Holly Hum- board member Capt. Ed Davidson Keys Weekly Newspapers (ISSN 1944-0812) are a mell-Gorman, president of United discussed the efforts of the previous community newspaper group Teachers of Monroe. Dirk Smits, the board to address the issue of work- published every Friday by Keys Weekly Newspapers, school district’s legal counsel, is an force housing. 9709 Overseas Highway ad hoc member. “We’re simply looking for a re- “Most of the controversy and ac- Marathon, FL 33050. Subscription rates are $100.00 Ultimately, Porter pointed to source to come back and make a rimony that has recently erupted was per year outside of Monroe land use and feasibility as the main recommendation; it’s not a binding really unnecessary because most of County. Please call for all other subscription rates including over- issues for figuring out a timeline for recommendation,” said Porter. “The the issues – in fact every issue brought seas mail. when the proposed 10 to 20 work- board still has the full authority to up here – has been already been pro- force units could be completed. do anything they might want to do in cessed. It’s been thoroughly studied Periodicals postage pending at Marathon, FL and additional mailing offices. All stories, photos, and Board member Andy Griffiths terms of proceeding.” and the options extensively analyzed graphics are copyrighted materials. added that an important consider- The impetus in forming the group for more than a year by a Keys-wide ation when submitting applications is in part due to the current housing affordable workforce housing commit- for amendments to future land use situation, says Porter. tee.” POSTMASTER: Send address changes to maps is doing so before the Depart- “We’re not going to be able to Davidson ended his comments by Keys Weekly Newspapers 9709 Overseas Highway ment of Economic Opportunity semi- solve anyone’s short-term housing recommending the board not think of Marathon, FL 33050. annual meetings. problems from the result of the cur- itself as a “bureaucratic agency,” but Porter noted that the authority rent hurricane situation. But perhaps rather as a developer. News Deadline of the task force is to make recom- if we move down this path we can give The superintendent’s task force Tuesday Noon mendations. them some indication of what might will have its first meeting on Thursday, Advertising Deadline be there for them and others in the Nov. 16. Tuesday 2 p.m. future.” UPPER KEYS WEEKLY / NOVEMBER 17, 2017 WEEKLY INTERVIEW 5 Islamorada village Which fields of emerg- What was your least favorite part of law school? The 1st Year. The attorney navigates ing law should prospective introduction of the Socratic Method is enough to make any law student lawyers be aware of? Cyberse- question their choice of profession. general specialty curity/data privacy and cannabis Which of your accomplishments are you most proud of? Profes- law are definitely areas to watch. sionally, serving as the village attorney and earning Board Certification in GABRIEL SANCHEZ City, County & Local Government Law. [email protected] If you hadn’t gone into law, what other profession Are there any new legislative proposals that you would like to see oget Bryan finally made the could you see yourself doing? passed? First and foremost, continuing to secure funding for water qual- move from the mainland to Front office executive for a pro- ity and land acquisition under the Florida Keys Stewardship Act and also Islamorada in 2013, when he fessional sports team. funding to purchasing both conservation land and buildable lots within the accepted the position to be Is- Which teams (MLB, NFL, village. Unfortunately, local governments are going to be playing defense Rlamorada’s first in-house village attor- NBA, etc.) would you like to again in the 2018 state legislative session due to (state) preemption legisla- ney. A long-time South Florida resident own? Also, College Champion- tion on various issues from tree removal, vacation rentals and general and Florida State University College ship and Super Bowl picks? home rule. of Law graduate, Bryan was practicing Liverpool FC (English Premier Part of our legislative challenge is reminding and educating the state local government law on the mainland League – I’m a lifelong fan) and and federal government that the Florida Keys are not just unique, but before moving to the Keys. While grow- the Miami Heat. critically important as both economic and environmental assets. Secur- ing up on the island of Trinidad, he first I’m an FSU grad, but I was ing needed funding and supporting legislative proposals that protect our found interest in law around the age a Canes football fan first so I’m natural resources, improve our infrastructure and protect the quality of of 10 by watching television courtroom still supporting the “U.” NFL – life for our residents will still be the core focus in 2018. dramas like “Perry Mason” and, later, As of today, it looks like New “The People’s Court” and his family England.
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