VOL .P . < NO. I J 13 !/ ~J,P!~~? - - --..a. I --. 0 buttons tobother! That's why working men every- where have been quick to change to Lee Whizit Union- Alls and Overalls. And why thousands of mothers have found a new time and trouble saver in Lee Whizit Play Suits for their children. The combination of the well known Hookless Fastener with the famous Lee features of materials and de- sign has produced the outstanding work and play clothing on the mar- ket. For years Lee has set the standard for virtually every worth- while improvement in work clothing. Lee was the first to manufacture a one-piece work suit, the famous 1 Lee Union-Alls. Lee has recently 1 developed startling improvements in work garment fabrics which have resulted in extra strength and longer wearing qualities. And now, by eliminating buttons, Lee has made another great improvement. For added comfort, for extra long wear, for speed, and for convenience, wear Lee Whizit Union-Alls, Over- alls or Play Suits. Make your own test of these remarkable new gar- ments that have already won the favor of thousands and thousands from coast to coast. There is a Lee dealer in practically every city, town Suits are also available in styles having buttons instead of Hook* less Fasteners. THE H. D. LEE MERC. COMPANY Facmrks: Kanwr City. Mo. - r . Treah.?, ?l I. Sou& Bmd.lnd. - Mmaaawb, Mmn. little you can-easily save it out of your everyday expenses not notice it. Six months to pay our bargain price! Send $1.00 deposit now and when you get the coat you'll say it' 1 greatest garment you ever saw. Judge for yourself the big v Then if perfectly satisfied takesix months lo pay for it! Norls~ (see coupon). Send only $1.00 deposit now while this offer lasts. No. CO. D. Taking Off the Brakes that are Always On Journal friction is like brakes that are always on, eating coal, lubricant and metal. Timken Tapered Roller Bearings have made that condition needless. Famous trains with Timken-equipped journals are proving it. Gone is 88% of starting resistance! The cause of jerky, destructive starting is eliminated. So is the risk of hot boxes and the need for constant lubrication. Furthermore, Timken Bearings have the supreme endur- ance which provides for all the battering thrust and weight of flanged steel wheels racing over steel curves, frogs and switches. For all load from all directions is equally well handled by the exclusive combination of Timken tapered construction, Timken POSITIVELY ALIGNED ROLLS and Timken-made electric steel. THE TIMKEN ROLLER BEARING CO., CANTON, OHIO THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE WM. L. HUCCINS, Jr., Editor MARTHA C. MOORE. As.oclafe Edllor WM. McMILLAN. Adoerllslng Manager H.A. PICKENS. Asd. Ed.-Frlsco Mechanic J. J. KAPLAN. Adoerllslng Sollcllor Vol. V OCTOBER, 1927 No. 1 Permission is given to reprint, with or without credit, in part or in full, any article appearing in this Magazine Contents of This Issue Pages Frontispiece, "October" ............................................................................................. 5 Hazel Strottd Wins Battle For Life ............................... .... .......................................... 7 Frisco Flower Gardens Flourish ............................... .... ............................................................ 8-9 Employes' Homes Are Their Castles................................................................................... 10 Rough Hat~diingDamage Decrease Continues ..................................................................... 11 News of the Frisco Clubs .................................................................................................................. 12-13 Greater Traffic Roll of Honor ................................................................................................................14 "Dad" and "Mother" Clark Celebrate Sixtieth -4nniversary ........................................................ 15 Reweighing Makes Money ..................................................................................................................... 17 For Meritorious Service ......................................................................................................................... 19 5,679 Passenger Trains 95.5 Per Cent on Time in August ............................................................ 21 Fuel Economy Records ............................................................................................................................22 Frisco "Big Four" Members' Picnic at Monett September 5........................................................ 23 Homemakers' Page.................................................................................................................................... 24 Flashes of Merriment................................................................................................................................ 25 The Twilight Hour ................................................................................................................................26-27 Editorials ............................,......................................................................................................................... 28 Frisco Mechanic................................................................................................................................... 25-35 Columbus, Miss., Metropolis of Frisco's Southern Extension .................................................... 36-37 Frisco Family News........................ .... ......., ............ ................................................................................. 38-72 THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE MEMBER The E'rlsco Employes' Magezlne la n monthly prrblkallon devoa prlmlrlly lo the lntererts of the more thnn :30,000 ricllve and retlred employes ~f rhe Ptisco Lines. IL conrnlns storles. Items of current news, personal nolee nlmrlt smployes i~nd thcir farnllies, artlrles dealln~ with rnrlous ph~sesof railroad work, poems, rnrloorlu and noLlrea regardlug the service. Good cblenr photo~aphssoltable for rcl~roductlon arc esl)ecially desired, and will be returncd only when requested. All cnrtoons nnd drawings nruut be in black India drawlng Ink. Employes are invlted to write artlcles for the magnzine. Contrlbutlorm should be type- written, on one side of tho sheet only, and should be :~ddressed to the Fdilor. Friaro Uulldln:, St. Louis, Mo. Dislrlbuted Free among Frlsro employeu. To othcru, price 15 cents a eolry: mrbsrrlplion qmte $1.50 n yenr. Advertlsln~rnteu will be made known ullon nppllrutlon. % FRISCO FLOWER GARDENS FLOURISH Stat ion Beaut if icat ion Program Inaugurated Last Sp ring Surpasses Expectations-Frisco Workers Praised for Gardening Efforts URING the wintry days of last beautifying Frisco property is pre- lished in later issues. The friendly January when thoughts of sum- sented. Much credit is due Frisco rivalry among the Frisco employes D mer vacations now ended had Florist Fellows who worked without who cared for the planting did much hardly entered the minds of Frisco compensation many hours of his spare to promote the success of the project. folks, a, quiet campaign for the beau- time in mailing out the bulbs and writ- The Ladies' Civic Club of Caruth- tification of Frisco property through- ing letters of advice on planting and ersville, Mo., deserves credit for the out the nine states in which this rail- care of the flowers to the consignees. beautiful flower garden which directly road operates, was started. surrounds the station at that point. As is the may with most splendid These ladies have spent many hours things, the start was inauspicious and Tlrc cop.r.rtcss of Frrsco cirrplo~c~ pruning and cultivating the garclen, quiet enough. to go "obo-~cad bcyoitd tkc call oj which is delightful to view. A flower enthusiast employed as duty" to frtrtlrcr tlrr iirtercsts of tlrrir Just across the railroad tracks, to shop accountant in the office of F. A. rnilroad. has aytr~ir Lccn dciiror~stra- the north of the station at Caruthers- Beyer, superintendent of the west led conv~uchrg~y,-!his tiwe by 1Ae ville, Is another garden plot which is shops at Springfield. wrote a letter wren itr charge of stations and other under the direct supervision of 0. B. to the editor of the 1;risco 1l.1agazirz.e. propfrfics on the railroad. Davis, section foreman, and he has His letter was suggested by Miss Nay- Thr .r~il/irrgrrcss with which IAc surrounded the section house and dean Slakely, reporter for the dlnga- ogcrrts, scction forcarcn, soadttrnstrrs, grounds adjoining with a variety of zitrc at the Springfield west shop of- pu?r~pcrsand otlwrs ciltcrcd Arlo thr deep-colored and fragrant flowers. fices. Don Fellows was the writer. conrpaigr~ to bcarttify Frisco propcrtrv Probably one of the most diff:culi "With spring only a jump and a half ns told in lhc acconrpnnyittg story, k tasks was that undertaken by N. F. ahead," Florist Fellows wrote, "I won- n rrrallcr of bride to oflicers of orrr Halt, agent at Clayton, Oklahoma. The der if It wouldn't be a fine thing for corirpai~y. Uorr Fellows of Spring- garden at that station is the result of the Frisco dfagozim to publish fieVera1 field, n f!oral tnthtrsiast, zc~orkcd rcrrtil much labor on the part of Mr. Holt articles on the 'Care of the Home latc hr the night on iflamy occosiorls and his associates. for there are no watering facilities in or near the little Garden' to aid the many Frisco peo- iir rrrniliirg flowr bulbs and srcds to ple who, no doubt, are planning gar- tknsc
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