\ R£CEtV£D INTERVIEW AIITS/CI4TeftTAlNHl»«T Kaye Fox Ruthie & In riii?v JNSiii Transgendered Kaye Fox has been at the center of a Connie •I Their crusade for marriage. media controversy, NYC nem: Youth. ESP^ PageA« PageBt Newrirotm—,i.„L——.- IntttrvteiAf: IC^fe Fox»... MakiiiglhftSc«h« _I4 +*^r***w* I Cotumnbts. l4onM/rrav^/Styl«: TcMirtng fay Montreal «nd Qu«l»oc. 10 Gay Groups . .12 Community Center News. .14 IS Calendar . '*-r*+***^"« 98 Number 352 November 2002 Cartoons-,».........,»... .23 A Publicadon of the Gay Alliance of the Gen«$«e Valley Ferrarese co-heads NewsFronts Board of Elections SI LOCAL AND STATE Democratic Commissioner urges gays to vote Nov, J GAGV. Gill to offer workshops on capital By Susan Jordan will have a proposition we'll help campaigns and planned Tom Ferarrese was elected Demo- with. In many cases we set up the giving, for non-profits cratic Commisioj^er of EiecCtons voting machines and have tKchni- The Gill Foundation/GAGVw^orlf- or, Sept. 25 by a Democratic Part> cians who provide supporc, and we shops for not-for-profit organiza­ committee, after having served as find election inspectors. tions will be held on Nov. ! 3 and interim Commissioner since Au­ Running through what we do in i 4 at the Red Cross headquar­ gust, when Betsy Relin retired. general: voter registration (we pro­ ters, 50 Prince St. The Monroe County Board of Elec­ vide forms and do speaking engage­ The topic for Nov. 13 will be tions has a Democratic and a Re­ ments at schools and groups); spe­ "Conquer a Capital Campaign," publican Commissioner (Peter cial projects Hke the 200! project and on Nov, ! 4, "Breathe Life Into Quinn). Their responsibility is to where we spent a weekend at three Planned Giving". provide an election system which malls with machines and forms; se­ Tom Ferrarese was elected Democratic Commissioner of Elections on Tbe workshops begin at 2 p.m., wili give all citizens a ^r and equal nior citizen and high school pro­ Sept. 25. He serves with Kepubikan Commissioner Peter Quinn. with registration, refreshments chance to have their voices heard grams here at the office (in the and networki!>g. The wor-kshops in the selection of their represen­ County Office Building) where wc themselves run from 2:45 to 6: i 5, tatives, and to promote and in­ give tours and show them how the and each workshop cosu $ 10. crease voter participation. voting machines work For more information, call the Tom Ferarrese, who is openly Along those lines we aiso do a lot GAGV at 244^640. gay, has been active in Democratic of publications out of the Board of party politics since the 1960s. Elections — on how to be a candi­ Nov* i Luncheon honors Empty Closet: Could you date, how to do petitions, informa­ leadership; VicEei-Vinnie describe a Comnniissioner*s tion on financial disclosures^ candi­ awards are Dec. 3 duties^ and what you feel you dates* lists, a guide to elected offi­ The Gay Alliance will host its sec­ bring to the post? cials in the form of a handbook. We ond annual Commur^ky Awards Tom Ferrairese: One reason I also make lists of voters available Lur^cheon on Nov. I at the Hyatt was elected is that I really work electronically or on paper, and give Regency. hard to talk to all the people in the infonmation on how to do absentee The awards are as follows: Youth Democratic Party and make sure ballots, and our website is growing Leadership. Michael Donnelly; that all their ideas are looked aL every day. You can go to the website Smalt Business Leadership. Dialogue is so important in finding to see if youVe registered to vote Muthers; Corporate Leadership, new ways to solve old problems. I and where your polling place is. For Bausch & Lomb; Community Lead­ build bridges, and that's one thing the Monroe County Board of Elec­ ership, Frank Crego and Rkihard j. I'm known for. tions, go to www.co.monroe.ny.u3/ Leo of the Otetiana Council, Boy Most people think we only work elections/. For the State Board of Scouts of America. one day a year — Election Day — Elections^ it's The featured speaker at the Lun­ but the Board of Elections Is In­ www.e{ectk>ns.state.ny.us. We put cheon will be Bob Witeck. CEO of volved in about 290 ejections per out lots of inforT7iatk>n. Witeck-Combs Communications, year. In addition to the general Over the last two years, we've Washington D„C. etectk»ns in Novcm^ber. there are been very Involved in redistrkrting. Sponsors of the Nov. I Lun­ pHmaHes, union elections, school We have to Implement the plans the cheon are Eastman Kodak (Plati­ board etecckms, fSre district and legislature puts into effect, but we num), Bausch & Lomh (Gold), water district elections. There are provide in^rmacion to them. ^TA Thomson West and RIT Execu­ abio special elections, for example there's some feedback on that. We tive MBA Program (Silver), Xerox in Brighton, which in December Ferrarese continiied on p. 3 (Bronze). The Litde Theatre, AIDS Rochester Inc... and Ace Mailing Services (PHde). WUchins and Ireland talk at RIT Womens Center The Alliance's volunteer appre> ciation evant/Vickl-Vinnle a^vvds Byldc and in a iig^t contralto vo{ce,be^un you, wc are like you«" g&r*d^r b presentatkMi wffl take plaoeDec. 3 The Women's Center atthe Roch­ speaking to the audience, accompa­ d^fj%tefit at Jonathan's Choice In East Roch­ ester Instituve of Technology was nied by two interpreters fbr the Wlkhlns discussed how the **vis- ester, starting at 600 with open host to recent talks given by gen­ deaf. Ibte** pert of the Queer movement bar. A buffet wiU be served at 7 der actMsts Riki Anne WUchins Wilchins,who is also a columnist invoivm fender transgression. And, pjn. (GenderPAQ and Purkl* Irebnd fior The Advocate, started wkh some she aM the Issues of gender got a The awards are: the Vinnie (Ibcmer NOW president)* emided humor, and said she wanted to talk kkkfrom DeconsmictMtnik the '60s Award Tom Cartock; the Vtekl *%tdl^ Gender Stereotypes: A about where the issue of fander phikMophyassoclatad with Jaques Award* Ann Youi^ and the Kevin N««y ftetft ta FuN Equality.'' rights comes from and M^ was al- DerrWa. (S-leaqpuedthatby analjndnf CampheR AMwd. Bruee WHbur. Witcbtes (« Traf»iie«dered facted. She mentioned thee#ieortil^ lUklWIIchins or **decofftstructfti>|^ the log^ of See the 0«e««iib«r^aiiuary vMfnan) VMM the Drst speaker of nal "Hghcs movements" sorted in Western metaphysics, tts undeHy" £mpfy Qmat for eover^pa of the the evenJi^. A taM wiMowy, dell- the'60t and 70s. She said; **Scret»;:h She sakt the IsMM of f«fid«r it ing biases could be uncovered. Nov. I hflKheon and for more cetttly boned and rather palely fays, and fsmln^ issues, and youH mostly "anUMwAafr and Deconstructfcm >tftM also used to In^Hination on the Dec 3 Vkrki- beeudlul ¥¥oman* with short dark find fitndei. The people who are ontos^«hat,thoij^mo8tr^|ft«s demonstrate theC because a cre- Vlmiie awerdi, or call the Alliance i brown hair, and no trace of outskte of 'rogubr* gander, get no­ mo¥ementstendibeinphasixeihe attve woric ITsubJect to different ac244»«M0. ticed.** ffukeup^WHchlns took die stag^ Wea-'WekxikHkeyou.weactiice WitcMmceiitliiuMJoffi p. 13 ^'•^•'•Wwfc c<mt, tm p. 10 -A. A2 "|^%?ai'^cfr'i^:?t'' t nor wWiwe hm^% LETTERS TO THE ECMTOIIs puce» b«ew«M|| IneivieiHW. we Fttrrttr«s4» continued from p. I Th* opintowt of colMWiiit*, adltortal wrtt- ItM H(ht to edftjtor «jpac;« and darity. W« page — the TV news shows are plugged Into •rs ind ottMr coetHhtftilnf wHt*rs an moved over 300.000 voters within the last wsl print anepyinoM lettaii If the n>nM that. After the election is over, the niachlnes thttir own tnd <I6 nee «MM6«K«inly nAcct and phone mmtbdra^ proiiMad to t)M year, who have changed election districts or are retumed to the warehouse that night and ch« coltttcslvt acutudt ef th« Gay AHISIK:* Editor, cbni^amiality wi be r«p«cM<L senatorial/representative districts. That was a Perspectives of tft« GwwMM VaJMqr or tll« Empty ClosM. Suixnisslons ara diM by the )S«hof th« are locked up before we can go to bed. The lot of work. In 2001 we did the county W« wfll print knsmn at th* sdltor's discro- month aC:Tfc«Ein|K^C3oMit, 179 Atlan­ next day. both Democrats and Republicans f tion «nd on a spioi aviHablc basis.W« will tic Ava. Roch«st«r NY 14407-1255; amalt legislature, and this year we've done the State Inspect the nrtachines and pull everything out. viewpoints that matter not print personal attacks on individuais. Assembty and Senate. f ,Ti"No* Then we canvas the nnachines (do a recount), We help people get started with petitions, '>3 ^^' take the talty sheets and a print out of the and once they are filed, we view them and any election night results, and the commissioners challenges to them. That's how candidates get and their deputies — at least one of the four on the ballot- We then help them with finan­ of us — read the back of every single machine. cial disclosure, etc. Here at the office we start research on the • LOCAL AND STATE NEVVS A letter from the We've seen a lot of technological advances affidavit ballots and decide if they can be cast or Women's health in the past year, too.
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