A-PDFKarabagh Split DEMO : Purchase from www.A-PDF.com to remove the watermark Shusha Castle. Ganja Gate. 1750-1757 Vagif PIRIYEV Doctor of History, professor Karabagh - the Soul of Azerbaijan arabagh has been an inte- Derbent and from Lake Goycha (to- countered not only on Azerbaijani gral part of Azerbaijan for the day Sevan) to the Caspian Sea. As a territory, but also in the region Kwhole period of history, in- part of the Azerbaijani Safavid State of Kars (Asia Minor), northern cluding the XIII-XIV centuries. As was the country was divided into four Caucasus, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, correctly noted by the prominent Beylarbeyliys: Chuhur-Saad, Ganja Afghanistan and other countries. (3) Russian Orientalist A. Y. Yakubovsky, (Karabagh), Tabriz and Shirvan. In In Azerbaijan there were also locali- by the name Azerbaijan in that pe- this period Karabagh formed part of ties called Surkhab Karabagh, Tabriz riod was meant the present day ter- the historical region Arran and was Karabagh (4) and Karabagh Arran. ritory of South (Iranian) as well as its centre and soul (2), which prima- Marking these localities as Karabagh North (former Soviet) Azerbaijan. (1) ry source information attests to. means people and garden, the great Its borders stretched from Zanjan to The toponym Karabagh is en- garden and excellent place and de- 42 www.irs-az.com Kurachai riv. YEVLAKH v i r i a h c a r u GORANBOY K Chaykand NAFTALAN Tartar riv. K u r BARDA a r Tap Garagoyunlu i v . scribes the beauty of the land and its Fazlullah Rashid ad- Gulustan TARTAR Kalantarli Lev abundance. The historian al-Kutbi al- Din called them ‘the Tartar riv. Aghdara Akhari (XIV century) called Karabagh regions of Karabagh, KALBAJAR Boyahmadli ‘the capital of Arran’. (5) Mughan, Arran and Vangli Istisu AGHDAM H e k e r i r i v As is known, post-medieval Sheki’ (10) which re- . Askaran Arran covered the area between futes the aforesaid. Gozlu KHANKANDI KHOJALI the Kura and Araz Rivers. The name The work of Rashid SHUSHA Karabagh of Arran was used to high- ad-Din allows us to KHOJAVAND LACHIN . r i v a z Boyuk Taghlar Ashaghi Veysalli A r light the difference between this define the territory of Azikh FIZULI Jimjimli and the other Karabaghs, especially Karabagh. He wrote Aliguluushaghi GUBADLI Karabagh of Badgis situated to the that Gafan relates to Damirchilar JABRAYIL B a r g u s h a d Khanlig east of the Caspian. the Nakhchivan tu- r i v. One ought to note that the man (region) and Halafli ZANGILAN toponym Nagorny (Mountainous) thus made clear that Karabagh is not encountered in the the Nakhchivan tu- writing of medieval historians, in man (11) bordered particular those of the XIII-XIV cen- Karabagh. And this ing led by Haji Hamza, Mulaid, turies. The mountainous and plains gives evidence about the extent in Hasan Chobani Ikhtaji and Huseyn parts of Karabagh were historically the XIII-XIV centuries of the borders Anbuga and in 1351 another one interrelated in economic and cultur- of Karabagh, stretching in the south – led by Dalu Bayazid, took place al terms and closely complemented to the River Araz, in the southwest to in Karabagh. These uprisings were one another. the River Hakari, in the northwest to suppressed with great difficulty. The As is clear from these sources, Zegamchay, in the north and north- local nobility of Karabagh, in partic- the territory of Karabagh includes east to the River Kura (the territory of ular Gazi Mukhi ad-Din Bardai, took the land which began at the River Shirvan) and in the southeast to the active part in the war against the yoke of the feudal lord Chobanid. THE facts Bear witNess THat ZeGAM, located NortH of GoYkcHI, The Shirvanshah Key-Kavus (1344- (7) AND all of BeYlaGAN BeloNG to KaraBAGH. 1372), the ruler Sheikh Uveys Jalairid (1359-1374) and later the Emir Timur Araz and extended in the north Gushtasfi Region, and also about (1370-1405) had great influence in westerly direction from the east Karabagh being an administrative Karabagh. (12) of Baylagan and the border of unit which united the Mountainous The Khachen Principality ex- Gushtasfi to Zegamchay. According and Plains parts. isted in the XII-XIII centuries in the to a report by the XIV century au- In the XIII-XIV centuries Mountainous part of Karabagh. thor Hamdullah Gazvini the border Karabagh was one of the main cen- Khachen became a magal (region) of Karabagh stretched to the River tres of social and political events of Arran and was a difficult to ac- Araz. (6) occurring in Azerbaijan. The rulers cess mountainous and wooded The facts bear witness that of the Hulagid and Jalairid States hol- territory. The Khachen fortress was Zegam, located north of Goykchi, idayed in Karabagh and questions of the centre and main fortified point (7) and all of Beylagan belong to state significance were decided here. of the principality. The creation of Karabagh. They confirm the loca- The Mongol princes Gazan-Khan and this possession was a reconstruction tion of Karabagh on the border with Arpa-Khan ascended the throne in of the ancient Albanian State in a Shirvan (8) and the extent of the Karabagh and the rulers Argun-Khan small territory. A blossoming of the Karabagh trade routes from the con- and Abu-Said died here. principality took place during the fluence of the Kura and Araz Rivers Karabagh was controlled by rule of Hasan Jalal (1215-1261) to Tbilisi. (9) All this suggests that the representatives of the Hulagid and known as the ‘Albanian Emperor’, toponyms Karabagh and Arran were Jalairid families - Satibey-Khatun ‘Possessor of Albanian Borders’ sometimes identified with each oth- and her son Surgan, Muhammad- and the ‘Prince of Khachen and er. However, the XIV century author bey Gushchu. In 1343 an upris- the country of Artsakh’. The fam- www.irs-az.com 43 Karabagh from Karabagh are still famous all over the world. The European trav- eller Johann Schiltberger reported that the best silk in the world is produced in Karabagh. Important international trade routes crossed the territory of Karabagh. Thus, one of the routes of the main northern trade route of the Hulagid State passed through Karabagh. Its gen- eral length stretched for 45 farsangs (about 280-300km) and handi- craft and trade centres were situ- ated along this route - cities and the Sarsang water reservoir large trade settlements Khar, Gark, Lambaran, Bazarjik, Barda, Juzbuz, Dikh-Isfagan, Khanagah-Shutur, ily of Hasan Jalal was descended A series of buildings, including Ganja, Shamkir, Yurt-Shadekban, from the dynasty of the great the Gandzasar Monastery (1240), Agstafa and Yam. This route extend- Albanian Prince Mekhranid. were erected under Hasan Jalal and ed to Tbilisi and from there to the (13) The prominent Armenian additions of XIII century Albanian northwest. (15) learned academic I. A. Orbeli be- history were also made to the work About the ethnic composition lieved that Khachen was ‘a part The History of the Albanians by the of the inhabitants of Karabagh it of ancient Albania’. (14) Therefore VIII century Albanian author Moses is necessary to note the following: attempts to ‘Armenianise’ the Kalankaytuk. According to the academician Z. M. Khachen Principality and its lead- Hasan Jalal was killed in 1261 Buniyatov the inhabitants of Arran er Hasan Jalal, who in epigraphic on the order of the Mongol Prince were Turkic language people al- inscriptions surviving to our era Argun, after which the Mongols ap- ready by the Mongol assault in the calls himself ‘Albanian Emperor’, pointed his son Jalal Atabey, who XIII century. (16) As is clear from the are far from historical reality and ruled until 1287, as ruler. In that year XIII century work Ajaib ad-dunya have the sole aim of presenting the Khachen Principality ceased to the main ethnic body in Arran was Khachen as ‘Armenian territory’. exist. Turkic people and this territory ‘was In the beginning of the XIII The territory of Karabagh is nota- under Muslim power’. Further we century the Khachen Principality, ble for abundance. The medieval his- read there: ‘If the Turks of Arran are situated in the territory of North torian Hamdullah Gazvini confirms gathered in one place – it will re- Azerbaijan, was subjected to a this in his works and writes about semble an assemblage of ants and Mongol and Khorezmshakh Jalal ad-Din (1200-1231) assault. The A BlossoMING of THE priNcipalitY took place DUriNG THE RUle of Khachen Prince Hasan Jalal came HasaN Jalal (1215-1261) KNowN as THE ‘ALBANiaN EMperor’... into contact with the Mongol mili- tary leader Juchi Buga, Vizier of Jalal locusts’. (17) ad-Din Sharaf al-Mulk, and later with the regions of Karabagh – Kheyrak, As is known, in the period of the Batu Khan (1227-1255), with whom Barda and Shamkir and about the Mongol campaigns in the middle he became related, and protected city of Ganja. The irrigating waters of the XIII century, some Mongol- his possessions and power. While of the Kura and Araz made the earth Tatar tribes appeared and settled in visiting Mongolia in 1225 together of Karabagh notable for its fertil- Azerbaijan, including in Karabagh. with Sartan, the son of Batu Khan, ity and high yields. There were also The toponyms Higher and Lower he was received by the great khan favourable conditions for the de- Garkhun (in Yevlakh), Bozalganli Mengu (1251-1260) which allowed velopment of animal husbandry, in- (in Tovuz), Damgali (in Aghdara), him to strengthen his power. cluding horse-breeding here: horses 44 www.irs-az.com Dolanlar (in Khojavand), Gurgan (in considerable part of Turkey, start- Fizuli), Ganlikand (in Kalbajar), Tatar ing approximately from Sivas to (in Gubadli), Tatarli (in Shamkir) and Karabagh (surprisingly, Karabagh Khachindorbatli (in Aghdam) are is not included) in the mythical linked to them.
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