Swapo, DTA release constitutions - Inside Bringing Africa South SUSPECTS ESCAPE Three armed and dangerous men shoot policeman and flee south power their police escort. In the process the second policeman in the back, subsequently confirmed the getaway. UNDER MYSTERIOUS and BY GWEN LISTER inexplicable circumstances, three one policeman, reportedly Constable and headed towards Windhoek in the However, it is inexplicable why the men awaiting trial on charges R. van Wyk, was shot by one of the the other policeman and the police green Nissan. police did not earlier release a bulle­ ranging from murder to illegal fi ve men, who then drove off in a weapons with them. Journalists in Windhoek learned tin requesting the public to watch out possession of explosives yesterday southerly direction in both the police Later on, they reportedly aban­ of the escape·ofthe three shortly after for the five, since they have been escaped from police custody. vehicle and the green Nissan, taking doned the police vehicle, locked up 17hOO yesterday evening, and police described as "armed and danger­ With the assistance of two uniden­ ous", and why they did not voluntar­ tified men, West Gennan citizen, ily release the infonnation to the Horst Klenz, and South Africans Darryl press. Stopforth and Leonard Veenendal, Police also failed to release the overpowered their police guards about registration number of the green 10 kilometres from Otjiwarongo, and Nissan, although at least one of the fled in a green Nissan Langley in a two policemen guarding the three southerly direction. accused, must have made a note of The three, described by police as the numberplates. "armed and dangerous", also shot Last night on the SW ABC televi­ one of the policeman, who was in the sion news at 20hOO, scant detail on Otjiwarongo hospital reportedly in a the incident was given to the pUblic, stable athough critical condition late who were warned to be on the look­ last night. out for the men, but photographs of Klenz, S topforth and Veenendal the three were not televised. were in police custody and awaiting Police failed to infonn Untag of the trial for an attack on the Untag of­ getaway of the three men. Untag and fices in Outjo on August 10 this year, the SW A Police jointly investigated when one security guard was killed. the attack on the UN premises in Yesterday the three had appeared Outjo, and yesterday evening Untag in court in Windhoek, and were being officials themselves were trying to escorted to Otjiwarongo by two pO­ contact the police to establish the licemen. At about 14h30, and about details of the escape, which appears 10 kilometres from Otjiw arongo, the to have .been planned. men allegedly told the two police­ In a brief statement last night, UN man that they wanted to relieve them­ Special Representative, Mr Martti selves. THE ENORMOUS popularity of the Swapo president, Mr Sam Nujoma, is becoming more and more Ahtisaari, said Untag had followed The police vehicle obligingly evident. When he visited the CDM building yesterday at the invitation of CDM, a huge crowd thc case of the three accused very stopped, whereupon two men, driv­ congregated outside the building and traffic in Bulow Street almost came to a standstill. Mr Nujoma closely, and that he hoped the SW A ing a green Nissan Langley, helped CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 the three accused killers to over- was accompanied by Swapo's Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Mr Tbeo-Ben Gurirab. I VERED lao Kashile, Ngenokesho Lilongeni, with the registration number SBA being held at Oshakati. BY TYAPPA NAMUTEWA AND NAMPA Simeon Kamati, Paulus Uusiku and 5832. Metusalem was discribed by the Rauna Lucas, all believed to be DTA Haufiku was found with an unli­ people of Omungwelume as "the A POLICE liaison officer, Warrant Officer Leon Rust, last night activists. cenced Beretta pistol number 2674 most criminal ex-Koevoet soldier who confirmed that Swapol members on several occassions discovered The policemen discovered six OZ. have carried out many acts of ban­ dangerous weapons in the north. handgrenades at Sakaria's house, and On the same day and at the same ditry along the Namibia/Angola It was also reported from the north devices and lwo empty magazine three more at Lilongeni's. place, police arrested two ex-Koevoet borders". He was allegedly involved that several people are being held by con tainers. At Kamati's house they found three members who have allegedly com­ in the murder of a Swapo supporter, police in connection with the recent The same day the police proceeded handgrenades, while four others were mitted several crimes. Shiti shaHamukwaya, and his wife, violence in the north, which claimed to the Omungwelume area, raiding retrieved from the bags of three ex­ The two, Lasarus Metusalem and Maria, in October this year. many innocent lives. the houses of Lucia Sakaria, Ndine- Koevoet men in Frans Haufiku's car his friend Shilongo Phillipus, are now When approached for comment, Warrant Officer Rust con finned that Nampa reported yesterday that the . South West Africa Police last Wednes­ several weapons - including AK-47 day conducted sweeping search op­ rifles and Tokarev pistols -have been erations at Amunghambya and Sfate proce.eds against unionist and editor discovered by the police in different Omungwelume in the north, discov­ police searches. ering hand grenades, ammunition, GWEN Lister, editor of The Namibian, and Barnabus Tjizu, gelleral secretary of the Metal and Allied To a question of how many people pistols and assault rifles. Namibian Workers Union (Manwu) will appear in the regional court on Thursday at 09hOO, facing were arrested in connection with According to Nampa, the raid was charges under Section 27(b) of the Police Act. The third accused in the case, Anton Lubowski, was unlawful possession of weapons, he said he could not say unless the r ;­ carried out after a series of DTA­ assassinated on September 12 this year. Koevoet-inspired violence in north­ porter phoned him this morning at ern Namibia in which Swapo mem­ The charges relate to publication try . Mr Estienne Pretorius, had ordered his office. Warrant Officer Rust was bers and supporters were attacked. of a photo caption in The Namibian It is also surprising that the state that the two men be prosecuted for on sick leave yester.day"and the re­ At Amunghamb) .\ , a traditional concerning the shooting of a Swawek has decided to pur;ue relatively minor the death of two civilians, but Mr porter phoned him at his home. Kocvoet location near Okatana, more worker in Katutura in 1987. The stale charges againsl LI,ter and Tjizu, Louis Pienaar subsequently granted He could also not remember how than 30 houses were raided and the has decided to press ahead with charges particularly in vie .... of the recent them an amnesty. It is also doubtful many weapons were discovered Uv following items were discovered: 2 against the two, despite an offici al amnesty granted by the Administra­ whether convicted Koevoet killer, to date, but said' 'we have a lot of 500 rolmds of ammunition; 20maga­ request by attorney Dirk Conradie of tor-General to Koevoct members Leon Dirk CaJitz, will return to N,unibia to them". zine cases for FN and R-4 automatic J.P. Karuiahe and Associates, acting Lotz and Stefan Bouwer, who faced serve ten y..:ars of imprisonment for When he ~ asked where the people riDes; one detonating cord; six (smoke for Listcr,todropthecharges in view charges of murder for the death of" murder, and it is almost certain he, could ohtain thesl weapons, he said, and lire) handgrcnades; two signal of recent developments in the eoun- two civilians. "The Attorney-General, too, will be gran led an amnesty. "I think they got it during the war." --------~~---------------------- 2 Tuesday December 5 1989 THE NAMIBIAN number of complex new dimensions to superpower summit YOUR DAlLY GmDE TO EVENTS WORLD-WIDE SOVIET president Mikhail Gorbachev must lead his Warsaw Pact - will be a non-communist. PROBLEMS WITH alliance into a new era of cooperation with the West - or risk being Mazowiecki, a leader of the inde­ left behind and alone. pendent Solidarity labour movement suppressed with Soviet support in PENETRATING As he and the U.S. president George first summit meeting, Gorbachev 1981, was elected in August to head Bush parted after two days of summit declared himself "encouraged and East Europe's fIrst non-communist talks, Gorbachev headed home for a inspired" by the changes that have govemment in four decades. meeting with Warsaw Pact allies that swept hard-line communists from And so on the eve of the Pact MANILA'S REBELS are far more independent-minded than power in Poland, East Germany, summit in Moscow, the leadership of when the alliance last convened in Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria. The East Germany, at the heart of the ARMY rebels perched on top of apartment blocks in Manila's July. changes, he said, showed "the de­ strategic alliance, was wrenched by business district on Monday fought off attacking government The Pact nations have become less sires of these peoples to enoble their its second spasm of recent weeks as forces with grenades and bazookas in fierce street battles. communist and less of a bloc, pre­ societies, to make them more demo­ Communist Party leader Egon Krenz The sound of heavy gunfire and the Locsin building were knocked senting Gorbachev with the challenge cratic and humanitarian and to open and the party's entire top echelon expfosions echoed across the Makati out by rebel fire, witnesses said. of leading the transition he recog­ them up to the rest of the world" .
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