March 25, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 6019 TRIBUTE TO CONTOOCOOK VALLEY ety held a conference for more than 500 certification with safety certification modi- REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Detroit Public School children on the fications during regular overhauls. However, urgent operational commitments sometimes ∑ Mr. SMITH of New Hampshire. Mr. subject of teen pregnancy. In addition to its public service endeavors, the So- dictate that some items of the full safety President, I rise today to pay tribute certification package be deferred until a sub- to Contoocook Valley Regional High ciety encourages excellence in health sequent overhaul in order to reduce the time School for winning the regional com- care by offering Continuing Medical spent in overhaul, thus shortening off-line petition of the Second Annual Ocean Education credits to its members and time and increasing operational availability. Sciences Bowl. I commend them for by joining with the Michigan State In these cases, a minimum package of sub- their accomplishment. Medical Society and the American marine safety work items is authorized The regional competition included Medical Association to promote issues which provides enhanced safety but results in certification for unrestricted operations teams from fifteen other schools in of importance to the medical commu- nity at large. to a depth shallower than the designed test New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine. depth.’’ According to an April 5, 1968 con- Their final match, which was held at Mr. President, the Wayne County fidential memorandum, the Navy did not ex- the University of New Hampshire, was Medical Society has been a valued pect the Scorpion to be fully certified under played against high school students member of the Metro Detroit commu- SUBSAFE until 1974, six years after she was from Bridgeton Maine. It was a close nity since 1849. I invite my colleagues lost. call and Contoocook Valley won by the to join me in thanking the members of On February 1, 1967, the Scorpion entered narrow margin of two points! the Society for their commitment, and the Norfolk yard and began her ‘‘Reduced Contoocook Valley’s team consists of in wishing them continued success as Availability’’ overhaul. By the time she sailed out on October 6, she had received the five students. The team members are they address the health needs of the ∑ cheapest submarine overhaul in United Amber Carter, Megan Cahill, Sonja 21st century. States Navy history. Originally scheduled Fritz, Cissy Courtemanche, and Emily f for more extensive reconditioning, the Scor- Dark. Jon Manley, science teacher at SUBMISS: PART III pion was further hurt by manpower and ma- the Contoocook Valley, is the coach for terial shortages in the yard because of the ∑ the team. Mr. MOYNIHAN. Mr. President, overhaul of the U.S.S. Skate (SSN 578), Nor- The students train very hard every today I wish to have printed in the folk’s first of a nuclear submarine. This ret- year for this competition. This is the RECORD the final portion of Mark A. rofit had gobbled up both workmen and re- Bradley’s award winning article on the sources at an unprecedented rate. This second year in a row that Contoocook meant that a submarine tender—a mainte- Valley Regional High School has won disappearance of the U.S.S. Scorpion. I have had the previous two parts of this nance ship—and the Scorpion’s own crew had this competition. They will soon be to perform most of the work normally done traveling to Washington, D.C. to com- article printed in the last two by yard workers. She received little more pete in the nationals. RECORDS. I would like to applaud Mr. than the emergency repairs required to get As a former high school teacher, I ap- Bradley once more for his outstanding her back to sea and the refueling of her reac- preciate the hard work the students achievements, and thank him for serv- tor. Out of the $3.2 million spent on her dur- and the coach have dedicated to this ing as a loyal and valued member of ing these eight months, $2.3 million went team effort. I look forward to their my staff. into refueling and altering her nuclear reac- The material follows: tor. A standard submarine overhaul of this visit to Washington and wish them the era lasted almost two years and cost over $20 best of luck. It is an honor to represent SUBMISS: THE MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF THE million. them in the United States Senate.∑ U.S.S. ‘‘SCORPION’’ (SSN 589), PART III When the Scorpion left Norfolk on Feb- f (By Mark A. Bradley) ruary 15, 1968, on her Mediterranean deploy- Such dire predictions prompted Admiral ment she was a last minute replacement for RECOGNITION OF THE WAYNE David McDonald, then Chief of Naval Oper- the U.S.S. Sea Wolf (SSN 575), which had col- COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY ations, to follow Admiral Schade’s request lided with another vessel in Boston Harbor. ∑ Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, I rise and approve the development and testing of During her last deployment, the Scorpion had today to pay tribute to the Wayne the experimental ‘‘Planned or Reduced 109 work orders still unfilled—one was for a County Medical Society, which is cele- Availability’’ overhaul concept in the sub- new trash disposal unit latch—and she still marine fleet. In a June 17, 1966, message to lacked a working emergency blow system brating its sesquicentennial anniver- the commanders of both the Navy’s Atlantic and decentralized emergency sea water shut- sary on April 14, 1999. The Wayne Coun- and Pacific fleets, he wrote that in response off valves. She also suffered from chronic ty Medical Society has been an impor- to ‘‘concerns about [the] percent [of] SSN problems in her hydraulics. This system op- tant part of the Metro Detroit commu- off-line time due to length of shipyard over- erated both her stern and sail planes, wing- nity for the past 150 years. hauls, [I have] requested NAVSHIPS develop like structures that controlled her move- The Wayne County Medical Society [a] program to test ‘Planned Availability’ ment. This problem came to the forefront in was formed in 1849 with 50 physicians, concept with U.S.S. Scorpion (SSN 589) and early and mid-November 1967 during the who committed themselves to pro- U.S.S. Tinosa (SSN 606). On July 20, 1966, he Scorpion test voyage to Puerto Rico and the officially approved the Scorpion’s participa- U.S. Virgin Islands as she began violently to viding the best quality medical care to tion in this program which aimed at pro- corkscrew in the water. Although she was the people of Wayne County. The Soci- viding the service’s submarines with shorter put back in dry dock, this problem remained ety has been engaged in many impor- and cheaper but more frequent overhauls be- unsolved. On February 16, 1968, she lost over tant public health campaigns through- tween missions. An undated and unsigned 1,500 gallons of oil from her conning tower as out its history. One of the most nota- confidential memorandum entitled ‘‘Sub- she sailed out of Hampton Roads toward the ble examples was the Society’s massive marine Safety Program Status Report’’ sum- Mediterranean. By that time, she was called polio immunization drive of 1964, led by marizes what lay behind the creation of this ‘‘U.S.S. Scrapiron’’ by many of her crew. Dr. Francis P. Rhoades, which vir- new concept: ‘‘The deferral of SUBSAFE cer- On May 23, 1993, the Houston Chronicle tification work during certain submarine published an article that highlighted these tually eliminated the disease from the overhauls was necessitated by the need to re- mechanical problems. The article quoted City of Detroit. duce submarine off-line time by minimizing from letters mailed home from doomed crew Today, the 4,200 members of the the time spent in overhaul and to achieve a members who complained about these defi- Wayne County Medical Society work more timely delivery of submarines under ciencies. In one of these, Machinist’s Mate together to provide free health care construction by making more of the indus- Second Class David Burton Stone wrote that services for people in need. The Society trial capacity available to new construc- the crew had repaired, replaced or jury- maintains a free medical and dental tion.’’ rigged every piece of the Scorpion equipment. clinic in Detroit, where needy children Admiral Moorer, who succeeded Admiral Commander Slattery also was worried about receive physical exams, health edu- McDonald as CNO, expanded upon what he her mechanical reliability. On March 23, 1968, hoped this new plan would accomplish in a he drafted an emergency request for repairs cation and dental treatment. The Soci- September 6, 1967, letter to Congressman that warned, among other things, that ‘‘the ety also sponsors an annual Christmas William Bates. In that letter, he stated that hull was in a very poor state of preserva- party for children in foster care. In ‘‘it is the policy of the Navy to provide sub- tion’’—the Scorpion had been forced to under- 1998, the Wayne County Medical Soci- marines that have been delivered without go an emergency drydocking in New London VerDate jul 14 2003 12:11 Oct 01, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00239 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\S25MR9.008 S25MR9 6020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE March 25, 1999 immediately after her reduced overhaul be- tigations that followed the Thresher’s de- that was both safe and effective. Unfortu- cause of this—and bluntly stated that mise. Lost somewhere in the murky twilight nately, the strains of competing with the So- ‘‘[d]elay of the work an additional year could among the North Koreans’ seizure of the viets in the Cold War while fighting an ac- seriously jeopardize the Scorpion material U.S.S.
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